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Life cycle thinking plays an important role in sustainable development in the building sector. However, the complexity of data collection and scope definition limits life cycle assessment (LCA) applications. Even if the inventory data have already been collected, tabulated, and indexed, the method is still time‐consuming, which may be discouraging for designers. This study demonstrates how the LCA of buildings can be robustly streamlined using structured underspecification of impact data combined with an effective and efficient triage of the data collection. Tests were conducted with a series of building typologies that were analyzed with a cradle‐to‐gate approach. The probabilistic triage approach was tested to identify selected activities requiring detailed specification because they contribute most to total impact, thereby reducing data gathering effort. Impacts such as global warming, acidification, eutrophication, and smog creation were assessed, and results showed that 40% to 46% of the bill of materials components represent 75% of total impacts of single‐family houses and multifamily buildings. By specifying only a prioritized subset of the bill of materials to the highest level of specificity, results proved to be reasonably accurate and obtainable with less effort.  相似文献   
The European Union (EU) is advancing steadily toward the stabilization of atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations. Various sectors are now obliged to make reductions, and new policies based on the carbon footprint are being encouraged. However, voluntary reporting of so‐called scope 3 emissions is hindering successful implementation of these policies. In this study, we present a tiered hybrid analysis to report emissions according to the ISO/TR 14069 standards and to obtain complete measures of scope 3 emissions. A process analysis for scope 1 and scope 2 emissions is complemented with a multiregional input‐output analysis for upstream scope 3 emissions. This novel approach is applied to the case study of a Spanish timber company. Its total carbon footprint in 2011 was 783,660 kilograms of carbon‐dioxide equivalent, of which 88% correspond to scope 3 emissions. These emissions are globally distributed; 71% are from European countries, followed by 8% from emerging economies (Brazil, Russia, India, Indonesia, Australia, and Turkey), 5% from China, and, finally, 16% from the rest of the world. We identify and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this novel approach, the European implementation of which could be highly effective in reducing global carbon emissions.  相似文献   
基于苦荞花期转录组数据,该研究筛选并克隆获得一个黄酮代谢相关的MYB类转录因子,并命名为FtMYB23。该基因ORF框长879bp,编码292个氨基酸;系统进化树分析显示,FtMYB23与SG5-MYB亚家族成员聚为一簇,属于典型的R2R3-MYB型转录因子。β-半乳糖苷酶滤纸分析表明,其具有转录激活活性。FtMYB23过表达转基因拟南芥株系的表型分析表明,3个阳性株系的种皮颜色均呈现出比野生型更深的褐色,其叶中原花青素含量均极显著增加(P 0.01),分别为野生型的4.68、3.5和2.8倍。qRT-PCR分析表明,转基因拟南芥中黄酮合成相关的AtCHS、AtCHI、AtF3H、AtF3′H、AtFLS、AtDFR和AtBAN等基因的表达量显著升高(P 0.05),而AtTT12的表达量极显著降低(P 0.01)。研究认为,FtMYB23作为典型的Subgroup5-MYB(SG5-MYB)激活型转录因子,通过促进黄酮合成途径早期关键酶基因的表达,从而提高原花青素的合成与积累。  相似文献   
探究香水莲花提取物(Nymphaea hybrid extract,NHE)对东莨菪碱诱导记忆障碍小鼠的学习记忆能力的影响。采用腹腔注射东莨菪碱建立记忆障碍模型,Morris水迷宫实验测定小鼠空间学习和记忆能力。水迷宫实验结束后,断头处死小鼠,进行生化指标的测定。结果表明,与模型组小鼠相比,NHE干预后,小鼠的逃避潜伏期明显缩短(P <0. 01),目标象限停留时间百分比和穿越平台次数增加(P <0. 05或P <0. 01),小鼠海马和皮质区的SOD和GSH-PX活力显著升高(P <0. 01或P <0. 05),MDA含量极显著降低(P <0. 01),ACh E活性显著降低(P <0. 01),ACh含量增加(P <0. 01或P <0. 05)。同时,免疫印迹结果表明,NHE能够改善东莨菪碱引起小鼠海马和皮质中ERK、CREB磷酸化水平和BDNF蛋白表达的减少。综上,香水莲花提取物可以提高东莨菪碱诱导的记忆障碍小鼠的学习记忆能力,具体机制涉及缓解大脑的氧化应激损伤,平衡胆碱能系统,激活ERK-CREB-BDNF信号通路。  相似文献   
Understanding hybridization and introgression between natural plant populations can give important insights into the origins of cultivated species. Recent studies suggest differences in ploidy might not create such strong reproductive barriers as once thought, and thus studies into cultivated origins should examine all co-occurring taxa, including those with contrasting ploidy levels. Here, we characterized hybridization between Chrysanthemum indicum L., Chrysanthemum vestitum (Hemsley) Ling and Chrysanthemum vestitum var. latifolium (Zhou & Chen), the most important wild species involved in the origins of cultivated chrysanthemums. We analyzed the population structure of 317 Chrysanthemum accessions based on 13 microsatellite markers and sequenced chloroplast trnL-trnF for a subset of 103 Chrysanthemum accessions. We identified three distinct genetic clusters, corresponding to the three taxa. We detected 20 hybrids between species of different ploidy levels, of which 19 were between C. indicum (4x) and C. vestitum (6x) and one was between C. indicum and C. vestitum var. latifolium (6x). Fourteen hybrids between C. indicum and C. vestitum were from one of the five study sites. Chrysanthemum vestitum and C. vestitum var. latifolium share only one chloroplast haplotype. The substantially different number of hybrids between hybridizing species was likely due to different levels of reproductive isolation coupled with environmental selection against hybrids. In addition, human activities could play a role in the different patterns of hybridization among populations.  相似文献   
Passport data for Mexico’s Guanajuato State were used to locate the sites where maize was collected in the 1940s and 1950s in an effort to document and conserve diversity. A map presenting survey points illustrates that collections have occurred repeatedly in the same locations. Observations of these locations reveal that urbanization and industrialization, not high yielding varieties, are displacing traditional varieties. Non-linear principal components analysis was used to assess associations between variables in areas where maize persists. Landraces appear to be associated with mountains and mesas, mixed cropping, little or no access to irrigation and areas classified as having low agricultural capacity; conversely, landraces have more commonly been replaced in areas of high agricultural capacity. The areas of high agriculture capacity, located in the riparian areas and plains, also have been the easiest to develop for urban and industrial use. Increasingly high rates of urbanization and development in areas of high agriculture capacity will impede the conservation of crop diversity in these areas.  相似文献   
Polymorphic di‐, tri‐ and tetranucleotide repeats were examined in Allonemobius to determine whether they could serve as useful markers in studies of sperm precedence, population genetics and hybrid zone structure. Ten microsatellite DNA loci were sufficiently polymorphic to be used for paternity tests and showed no evidence of linkage disequilibrium or deviations from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium in Allonemobius socius. Nine of 10 of these microsatellites can be amplified from three other Allonemobius species, suggesting that these markers will have widespread utility in this ground cricket genus.  相似文献   
Bisexual fertile diploid androgenetic individuals (A0) (2n=100) were formed by androgenesis. In this way, the diploid spermatozoa from male allotetraploid hybrids (AT) (4n=200) of red crucian carp (Carassius auratus red var.) (♀) × common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) (♂) were used to fertilize the UV-treated hap- loid eggs of goldfish (Carassius auratus), and living androgenetic diploid fish were developed. The A0 became sexually mature at the age of 2 years, and they fertilized with each other to form their offspring (A1). In this study, we observed the chromosomal number, gonadal structure and appearance of A1 fish. The results are as follows: (1) In A1, there were 85% tetraploids (A1-4n), 10% triploids (A1-3n) and 5% diploids (A1-2n), suggesting that diploid A0 could produce diploid gametes. It was concluded that the formation of diploid gametes generated from diploid A0 was probably related to the mechanism of pre-meiotic endoreduplication. (2) Among A1, only A1-4n possessed normal ovaries and testes. The mature males of A1-4n produced white semen. Under the electron microscope, the head of diploid sperm generated by A1-4n was bigger than that of haploid sperm generated by red crucian carp. In the testes of the A1-4n, there were many mature normal spermatozoa with a head bearing plasma mem- brane and a tail having the typical structure of "9 2" microtubules. Between the head and the tail, there were some mitochondria. The ovaries of A1-4n developed well and mainly contained II, III and IV-stage oocytes. The IV-stage oocytes were surrounded by inner and outer follicular cells. The micropyle was observed on the oolemma of follicular cells. There were abundant yolks and plenty of endoplasmic reticulum in the cytoplasm of IV-stage oocytes. Because A1-2n and A1-3n were distant crossing diploid hybrids and triploid hybrids respectively, they possessed abnormal gonads, and no mature semen and eggs were observed. (3) Compared with allotetraploids, the A1-4n fish not only had advantages such as fast growth rate and strong resistibility but also showed some new good performances such as high ratio of body width to body length, smaller heads and shorter tails. These results indicated that an- drogenesis could produce bisexual fertile tetraploids and improve the shape of allotetraploid hybrids as well, which will be of great significance in both the cell genetics research and fish breeding.  相似文献   
Nine yeast strains were isolated from spontaneous fermentations in the Alsace area of France, during the 1997, 1998 and 1999 grape harvests. Strains were characterized by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of the MET2 gene, delta-PCR, and microsatellite patterns. Karyotypes and MET2 fragments of the nine strains corresponded to mixed chromosomal bands and restriction patterns for both Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Saccharomyces bayanus var. uvarum. They also responded positively to amplification with microsatellite primers specific to both species and were demonstrated to be diploid. However, meiosis led to absolute nonviability of their spores on complete medium. All the results demonstrated that the nine yeast strains isolated were S. cerevisiaexS. bayanus var. uvarum diploid hybrids. Moreover, microsatellite DNA analysis identified strains isolated in the same cellar as potential parents belonging to S. bayanus var. uvarum and S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   
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