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Testicular development in the adult male F1 sturgeon hybrid, the bester ( Huso huso L. female x Acipenser ruthenus L. male), was examined monthly in relation to serum sex steroid levels. Spermatogenesis lasted for 1 year, with meiosis generally starting in September and spermiogenesis in November, although there was considerable variation in testicular developmental stages between fish sampled monthly. Testicular development continued, slowly, during the winter months until April. Fish did not exhibit spontaneous spermiation, and phagocytotic activity of Sertoli cells became prominent from May onwards. Androgen levels increased during Spermatogenesis and remained high throughout the pre-spermiation period. In the degeneration stage, 11-ketotestosterone concentrations declined to low levels, while testoster- one levels remained high. The serum concentration of 17,20β-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one was low throughout the reproductive cycle. Based on these results, it is suggested that the time appropriate for induction of final maturation would be from November–December to April when the testes are in the late stage of development.  相似文献   
In non-reciprocal cross-incompatibility (NRCI), the crossing of a female of a strain A with a male of a strain B results in hybrid offspring, whereas the reciprocal cross produces few or no hybrids. Only females are of hybrid origin in Hymenoptera because they arise from fertilized eggs; males arise from unfertilized (haploid) eggs. Crosses between many strains of Trichogramma deion showed some degree of NRCI. Crosses between a T. deion culture collected in Seven Pines, California (SVP) with one from Marysville, California (MRY) showed an extreme form of NRCI in which practically no female offspring was produced when MRY females were crossed with SVP males. The reciprocal cross produced a close to normal proportion of female and male offspring. Detailed studied of this cross indicated that 1) the female offspring produced in the compatible interstrain cross were not the result of parthenogenesis but were true hybrids, 2) the incompatible interstrain cross did not produce female offspring because fertilized eggs died during development, 3) the death of these eggs could not be prevented by either antibiotic or temperature treatment, 4) cytoplasmically inherited factors causing NRCI could be discounted because backcrossed females with the genome of MRY and the cytoplasm of SVP, exhibit the NRCI relationship characteristic of their genome. Therefore the NRCI between these strains appears to be caused by a modification coded for by the nuclear genes of MRY that results in incompatibility when SVP sperm fertilizes MRY eggs. In addition the level of incompatibility in crosses between the SVP females and MRY males is temperature sensitive, the higher the rearing temperature the lower the level of compatibility.  相似文献   
Patterns of life-history adaptation and reproductive isolation were investigated in the acridid grasshoppers Melanoplus sanguinipes and M. devastator, which hybridize along an altitudinal gradient in the Sierra Nevada of California. Melanoplus sanguinipes females crossed with M. devastator males produced eggs that were approximately half as viable as eggs from other crosses. Diminished viability was not attributable either to infection by Wolbachia pipientis or to failure of sperm transfer. When offered an opportunity to choose a mate, females from all populations discriminated against males of the other species, whereas in no-choice tests measuring copulation duration only females from the tails of the clines showed preferences. Melanoplus sanguinipes, found at high elevations where the growing season is short, exhibited faster egg hatch, faster larval development, smaller adult body sizes, and smaller clutch sizes than M. devastator. Melanoplus devastator, from California's Central Valley, endured a hot and dry summer in a reproductive diapause that was absent in M. sanguinipes. Clines in reproductive diapause and clutch size coincided with the region of reproductive incompatibility. Development time, body size, and hatch time also changed across the hybrid zone, but the regions of largest transitions in these traits were either difficult to locate using the limited populations studied here or were not coincident with the zone's center. A method is described for combining ecological and phylogenetic analyses to address the unknown issue of whether life-history divergence has conributed to reproductive isolation in this system.  相似文献   
Summary Cotyledonary somatic embryos ofLarix × leptoeuropaea that developed after various maturation times on media containing abscisic acid showed different frequencies of conversion into plants. Drying of these somatic embryos under high relative humidity (RH) before germination improved plantlet recovery and eliminated differences in the performance of somatic embryos matured for different times. However, dehydration of somatic embryos under 98% RH to a water content below that of zygotic embryos excised from mature seeds (0.97 and 1.36 g H2O/g dry weight, respectively) showed a strong positive correlation between longer maturation time and desiccation tolerance. Drying somatic embryos at 4° C under 59% RH for 1 wk resulted in desiccation to a water content of 0.30 g H2O/g dry weight, which was the closest to the hydration state of zygotic embryos in dried, stored seeds (0.20 g H2O/g dry weight). Under this condition, only somatic embryos matured for 5 wk germinated and produced plantlets at a relatively high frequency (73 and 41%, respectively).  相似文献   
The phenology of different genotypes and the distribution of genetic variation among flowering plants and their progeny were examined to assess the levels of assortative mating and selection in a hybrid population of Iris. This study and a previous survey of RAPD nuclear markers and chloroplast markers indicate that the population consists of parental genotypes and recombinant hybrid genotypes that are similar to the parental species (I. fulva and I. brevicaulis), although lacking intermediate genotypes. Early in the season only I. fulva genotypes produced flowers, but as flowering in these plants decreased, the hybrid genotypes and I. brevicaulis genotypes began flowering, resulting in a 24-d period of coincidental flowering. The genotypic distribution of seeds produced during the period of flowering overlap contained a high frequency of intermediate genotypes that were not present in the adult generation. The degree of effective assortative mating was examined by comparing the observed progeny genotypic distributions with expected distributions from a mixed-mating model. The model included selfing and random outcrossing to the nearest plants that had pollen-bearing flowers on the day the recipient flower was receptive. The observed genotypic distribution of progeny from plants with I. brevicaulis chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) was not significantly different from the expected distribution. For I. fulva genotypes, however, there were higher than expected frequencies in the extreme genotypic classes, although intermediate genotypes were absent, indicating that these plants were preferentially mating with similar genotypes. Compared with the extreme genotypes, a larger proportion of the intermediate seed progeny produced were aborted, indicating that intermediate genotypes have lower viability. On the basis of the observed progeny genotypes and genetic disequilibria estimates for the adults and the progeny, there appears to be a pattern of effective asymmetrical mating in this population. This asymmetry is most likely due to pollen-style interactions that reduce the fertilization ability of genetically dissimilar pollen, or preferential abortion of genetically intermediate zygotes by I. fulva-like genotypes. The lack of any apparent discrimination by I. brevicaulis-like genotypes creates a directional exchange of nuclear genetic elements that will have implications for introgression and the evolution of hybrid genotypes.  相似文献   
The Chilean annual,Microseris pygmaea, has differentiated in distinct coastal and inland series of populations after long-distance dispersal from western North America. Two plants from the most diverse biotypes were crossed, a large F2 was raised and analysed for segregation of 30 phenotypic characters. Segregation of molecular markers (47 RAPDs, 1 RFLP, 2 isozymes) was determined in a subpopulation of 45 plants which include all extremes for the phenotypic characters. 32 marker/character cosegregations were significant at the 1% level in t-tests between dominant and homozygous recessive marker genotypes. Considering linkage among markers and pleiotropy of certain marker loci, the number of independent quantitative trait loci (QTLs) is reduced to about 18. Interactions among 2 or 3 QTLs affecting one character have been characterized. The phenotypic differentiation ofM. pygmaea during its evolution from a single founder individual begins to be understood at the level of single-gene mutants.  相似文献   
New biomass crop hybrids for bioeconomic expansion require yield projections to determine their potential for strategic land use planning in the face of global challenges. Our biomass growth simulation incorporates radiation interception and conversion efficiency. Models often use leaf area to predict interception which is demanding to determine accurately, so instead we use low-cost rapid light interception measurements using a simple laboratory-made line ceptometer and relate the dynamics of canopy closure to thermal time, and to measurements of biomass. We apply the model to project the European biomass potentials of new market-ready hybrids for 2020–2030. Field measurements are easier to collect, the calibration is seasonally dynamic and reduces influence of weather variation between field sites. The model obtained is conservative, being calibrated by crops of varying establishment and varying maturity on less productive (marginal) land. This results in conservative projections of miscanthus hybrids for 2020–2030 based on 10% land use conversion of the least (productive) grassland and arable for farm diversification, which show a European potential of 80.7–89.7 Mt year−1 biomass, with potential for 1.2–1.3 EJ year−1 energy and 36.3–40.3 Mt year−1 carbon capture, with seeded Miscanthus sacchariflorus × sinensis displaying highest yield potential. Simulated biomass projections must be viewed in light of the field measurements on less productive land with high soil water deficits. We are attempting to model the results from an ambitious and novel project combining new hybrids across Europe with agronomy which has not been perfected on less productive sites. Nevertheless, at the time of energy sourcing issues, seed-propagated miscanthus hybrids for the upscaled provision of bioenergy offer an alternative source of renewable energy. If European countries provide incentives for growers to invest, seeded hybrids can improve product availability and biomass yields over the current commercial miscanthus variety.  相似文献   
1. We investigated whether Daphnia galeata × hyalina hybrids of Lake Constance and Lake Greifensee show the same pattern of life history parameters as previously reported for D. galeata × cucullata hybrids and whether such a pattern is consistent between Daphnia populations from those two lakes. 2. Hybrids in Lake Constance were intermediate in size compared with the parental species. Hybrids in Lake Greifensee were smaller than D. galeata. The intrinsic growth rate (r) of hybrids from Lake Constance was not significantly different from the faster growing parental taxon D. galeata. However, r of hybrids from Lake Greifensee was significantly lower than that of D. galeata. 3. The observed juvenile body length differences between the taxa varied with the clutch number. The first clutch juvenile lengths of the three taxa did not differ for Lake Constance. First clutch juveniles of Lake Greifensee D. galeata were smaller than hybrid first clutch juveniles. The third clutch juvenile length did not differ between taxa from Lake Greifensee, but D. galeata juveniles from Lake Constance were bigger than those of D. hyalina. 4. The life history pattern found in Lake Constance corresponds to previous findings from other studies. The hybrids in this lake combine the faster population growth of one parental species with a relatively small size. In the case of Lake Greifensee hybrids, the relatively large size of first clutch juveniles and the small size of the adults could be interpreted as dual adaptations to invertebrate and fish predation. We speculate that the lower population growth rate of the hybrids is a trade‐off for this twofold protection.  相似文献   
Two subspecies of the grasshopper Chorthippus parallelus (Orthoptera; Acrididae) meet and form a hybrid zone in the Pyrenees. Here we investigate whether the subspecies differ in the blend of cuticular hydrocarbons. Such differences may function as chemical signals, being detected via contact chemoreception and used during mate choice as in other insects. Gas chromatography shows that the subspecies have diverged in the composition of their cuticular hydrocarbons. This difference between subspecies exists over and above variation in cuticular hydrocarbons among individual populations. The majority of the difference can be attributed to the relative amounts of a small group of compounds present in the cuticle. The possible consequences of this chemical divergence for mating encounters between the subspecies are discussed.  相似文献   
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