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Disentangling the factors underlying the diversification of geographically variable species with a wide geographical range is essential to understanding the initial stages and drivers of the speciation process. The Amazilia Hummingbird, Amazilis amazilia, is found along the Pacific coast from northern Ecuador down to the Nazca Valley of Peru, and is currently classified as six phenotypically differentiated subspecies. We aimed to resolve the evolutionary relationships of the six subspecies, to assess the geographical pattern and extent of evolutionary divergence, and to test for introgression using both a mtDNA marker and a genome‐by‐sequencing dataset from 86 individuals from across the species range. The consensus phylogenetic tree separated the six subspecies into three distinct clades, corresponding with the Ecuador lowlands (Aamazilia dumerilii), the Ecuador highlands (Aamazilia alticola and A. amazilia azuay), and the Peruvian coast (Aamazilia leucophoea, Aamazilia amazilia, and A. amazilia caeruleigularis). However, an unresolved mtDNA network suggests that the diversification of the subspecies was recent and rapid. We found evidence of gene flow among the subspecies Aamazilia dumerilii, Aamazilia alticola, and Aamazilia leucophoea, with strong genetic isolation of the subspecies Aamazilia azuay in the isolated Yunguilla Valley of Ecuador. Finally, environmental data from each subspecies’ capture locations were concordant with the three distinct clades. Overall, our results suggest that both expansions into new habitats and geographic isolation shaped the present‐day phylogeny and range of the Aamazilia subspecies, and that Aamazilia azuay may be genetically divergent enough to be considered a separate species.  相似文献   
A study of the anthocyanins in a representative sample (34 species from 14 genera) of Polemoniaceae has shown that the pigment type in the flowers is broadly correlated with pollination ecology. Thus, hummingbird pollinated species such as Ipomopsis aggregata generally contain pelargonidin sometimes with cyanidin, while bee and beefly pollinated species (e.g. Gilia latiflora) contain mainly delphinidin. On the other hand, lepidopteran species such as Leptodactylon californicum have cyanidin or mixtures of cyanidin with delphinidin. The above three anthocyanidins occur usually as the 3-glucoside, 3,5-diglucoside, 3-(p-coumarylglucoside) and 3-(p-coumarylglucoside)-5-glucoside, although other types are occasionally found. The distribution of glycosidic types and of acylation, unlike that of the anthocyanidins, is more closely correlated with systematic position than with pollinating vectors. In autogamous species where animal pollination is absent or unimportant, anthocyanin pigmentation in the flowers retains the complexity present in related animal-pollinated taxa. Anthocyanins were also identified in hummingbird pollinated plants from two related families and pelargonidin derivatives were detected. In Fouquieria splendens (Fouquieriaceae), the glycosidic pattern was different from that in Polemoniaceae in being 3-galactoside. In Penstemon (Scrophulariaceae) a study of flower anthocyanins was consistent with Straw's hypothesis that the wasp-pollinated P. spectabilis originated by hybridization between the hummingbird-pollinated P. centranthifolius and the bee-pollinated P. grinnellii.  相似文献   
We assessed the feasibility of marking ruby-throated hummingbirds (Archilochus colubris) with radio frequency identification (RFID) tags. We trapped 27 hummingbirds at feeding stations on a 2.0-ha study site. We subcutaneously implanted each hummingbird with a 0.067-g RFID tag and released it at the capture site. We deployed RFID transceiver systems at 5 feeding stations and electronically monitored tagged hummingbird activity continuously on the study site through 3 summers. Post-release relocation rate exceeded expectations based on previous leg band recovery data, and bird activity data acquisition was consistent and reliable and required minimum labor. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
The reproductive biology of Zeyheria montana was studied through field observations of flower visitors and floral events, controlled manual pollinations, and observations of pollen tube growth and ovule penetration by fluorescence microscopy. Analysis of secretory areas of the nectar chamber was made by flower dissections and histology of serial sections. The flower lasted 6–8 days, but pollen exposure and stigma receptivity occurred only up to the end of the first and second days, respectively. Pollination was effected by several species of hummingbirds, especially Colibri serrirostris. The flowers present a rudimentary, non-functional disc, and secretion of nectar is performed by corolla-borne glandular trichomes. Only hand cross-pollinated and natural-pollinated flowers set fruits. Artificially self-pollinated and non-pollinated flowers dried off after anthesis without presenting any swelling of the ovary. Almost all the ovules in selfed and crossed pistils were penetrated 96 h after pollination. However, a delay in ovule penetration in self-pollinated pistils was verified, which indicates the occurrence of late-acting self-incompatibility.We are grateful to Fundo de Apoio ao Ensino e à Pesquisa (UNICAMP) for financial support, and Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) for the fellowship granted to the first author (this work is part of a Ph.D. thesis presented to UNICAMP, Campinas, SP, Brazil).  相似文献   
We used mtDNA sequence data to confirm that the controversial 100-year-old holotype of the Bogotá sunangel (Heliangelus zusii) represents a valid species. We demonstrate that H. zusii is genetically well differentiated from taxa previously hypothesized to have given rise to the specimen via hybridization. Phylogenetic analyses place H. zusii as sister to a clade of mid- to high-elevation Andean species currently placed in the genera Taphrolesbia and Aglaiocercus. Heliangelus zusii, presumed extinct, has never been observed in nature by biologists. We infer that the species occupied a restricted distribution between the upper tropical and temperate zones of the northern Andes and that it was most probably driven to extinction by deforestation that accompanied human population growth during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. We demonstrate the feasibility of obtaining DNA from nearly microscopic tissue samples from old hummingbird specimens and suggest that these methods could be used to resolve the taxonomy of dozens of avian taxa known only from type specimens.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Hummingbird flower mites feed and reproduce in flowers of host plants pollinated by hummingbirds, and use the nostrils and bill of the hummingbird to move from plant to plant. These mites compete with the pollinator for the nectar produced by flowers. An investigation was made of the relationship between the pattern of nectar production and the effects of hummingbird flower mites in the flowers of two sympatric species of Heliconia (Heliconiaceae). METHODS: Nectar production was sampled by carrying out two experiments: 2-hour intervals and accumulated nectar. Flowers with and without mites were used in both experiments. KEY RESULTS: Exclusion of mites increased nectar production, especially in accumulated daily production (a maximum of 49 % more nectar). Both Heliconia species had the same pattern of nectar production: a high concentration in the morning, which was progressively reduced as the day passed. This pattern of nectar production coincides with the behaviour of the pollinator, which makes more frequent visits in the morning, as observed in a previous study. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that the impact of mites on nectar availability of Heliconia is more important with regard to total volume of nectar produced irrespective of flower longevity. A high variation among individuals in nectar produced in the populations was also observed. Hummingbird flower mites strongly affect availability of nectar for hummingbirds.  相似文献   

Background and Aims

Although pollen limitation of reproduction (PL) has been widely studied, our understanding of its occurrence in tropical communities, especially for bird-pollinated plants, is underdeveloped. In addition, inclusion of both quantity and quality aspects in studies of PL are generally lacking. Within hummingbird-pollinated plants, a prediction was made for higher PL for the quality than quantity aspects and a minor effect of temporal variation because hummingbirds are constant and efficient pollen vectors but they may transfer low quality pollen.


Field hand and open pollination experiments were conducted on 21 species in a tropical montane rain forest over 2 years. The quantity (fruit set and seeds per fruit) and quality (seed weight and germination) aspects of reproduction were assessed as the response to open pollination relative to outcross hand pollination. The relationships between the effect size of quantity and quality aspects of reproduction and predictive plant features (self-incompatibility, autogamy, density and pollinator specialization level) were assessed with phylogenetic generalized linear models.

Key Results

Just over half of all the species expressed PL for one or more response variables. On average, the severity of PL was strong for one quality variable (seed germination; 0·83), but insignificant for another (seed weight; –0·03), and low to moderate for quantity variables (0·31 for seeds per fruit and 0·39 for fruit set). There was only a minor contribution of temporal variation to PL within the studied species. Common predictors of PL, i.e. phylogenetic relatedness, self-incompatibility, autogamy, plant density and pollinator specialization level, did not adequately explain variation in PL within this community.


Despite the measurable degree of PL within these hummingbird-pollinated plants, the causes of pollen quality and quantity insufficiency are not clear. Variables other than those tested may contribute to PL or causes of PL may vary among species and cannot adequately be accounted for when assessed from the within-community perspective.  相似文献   
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