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The development of the epidermal layer of roots of Zea is traced from the quiescent centre to the zone where root hairs develop. In the zone of cell division a three layered coat forms on the outside of the epidermal cells consisting of the outer epidermal walls, overlaid by a two-layered pellicle composed of a thick fibrillar inner layer of polysaccharide, and a thin fibrillar outer layer of protein. The epidermal cells divide several times in the same longitudinal file but rarely across a radius to give a new longitudinal file. Thus, the radial walls become much thicker than all but the original transverse walls, and packets of up to 32 daughter cells derived from a single initial may be distinguished. The pellicle develops during these divisions as a continuum over the outer walls of the daughter cells. It is proposed that the pellicle provides a stiffening to the forward end of the root which permits it to penetrate soil without bending. Support for this hypothesis is shown by the Zea mays mutant Ageotropic in which the pellicle is absent, the epidermal surface is disorganized, and which grows crookedly through soil. In the zone of extension growth of normal roots of two Zea species the pellicle thins and disappears. Circumferential strips of the pellicle were peeled off the young epidermal cells and could be stretched to twice their length. This deformation is partly the result of the pellicle stretching and breaking above the attachments of the radial walls. After normal thinning of the pellicle, detachment of the radial walls at their outer ends produces a corrugated surface in the proximal zone of the root tips. In dicotyledons (e.g., soybean), there is no similar pellicle, but a stiff root tip is produced by a long multi-layered root cap, the proximal portion of which covers the elongating epidermal surface.  相似文献   
Tight junctions (TJs) are cell-to-cell contacts made of strands, which appear as ridges on P faces and complementary furrows on E faces on freeze fracture replicas. Evidences and opinions on whether these strands are composed of either membrane-bound proteins or lipid micelles are somewhat varied. In the present work we alter the lipid composition of Madin-Darby canine kidney monolayers using a novel approach, while studying (i) their transepithelial electrical resistance, a parameter that depends on the degree of sealing of the TJs; (ii) the apical-to-basolateral flux of 4 kD fluorescent dextran (JDEX), that reflects the permeability of the intercellular spaces; (iii) the ability of TJs to restrict apical-to-basolateral diffusion of membrane lipids; and (iv) the pattern of distribution of endogenous and transfected occludin, the sole membrane protein presently known to form part of the TJs. We show that changing the total composition of phospholipids, sphingolipids, cholesterol and the content of fatty acids, does not alter TER nor the structure of the strands. Interestingly, enrichment with linoleic acid increases the JDEX by 631%. The fact that this increase is not reflected in a decrease of TER, suggests that junctional strands do not act as simple resistive elements but may contain mobile translocating mechanisms. Received: 7 November 1997/Revised: 20 March 1998  相似文献   
Therapeutic angiogenesis for peripheral artery disease (PAD), achieved by gene and cell therapy, has recently raised a great deal of hope for patients who cannot undergo standard revascularizing treatment. Although pre-clinical studies gave very promising data, still clinical trials of gene therapy have not provided satisfactory results. On the other hand, cell therapy approach, despite several limitations, demonstrated more beneficial effects but initial clinical studies must be constantly validated by larger randomized, multi-center, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trials. This review focuses on previous and recent gene and cell therapy studies for limb ischemia, including both experimental and clinical research, and summarizes some important papers published in this field. Moreover, it provides a short comment on combined gene and cell therapy approach on the example of heme oxygenase-1 overexpressing cells with therapeutic properties.  相似文献   
The exit of a stem cell out of quiescence into an activated state is characterized by major metabolic changes associated with increased biosynthesis of proteins and macromolecules. The regulation of this transition is poorly understood. Using muscle stem cells, or satellite cells (SCs), we found that autophagy, which catabolizes intracellular contents to maintain proteostasis and to produce energy during nutrient deprivation, was induced during SC activation. Inhibition of autophagy suppressed the increase in ATP levels and delayed SC activation, both of which could be partially rescued by exogenous pyruvate as an energy source, suggesting that autophagy may provide nutrients necessary to meet bioenergetic demands during this critical transition from quiescence to activation. We found that SIRT1, a known nutrient sensor, regulates autophagic flux in SC progeny. A deficiency of SIRT1 led to a delay in SC activation that could also be partially rescued by exogenous pyruvate. These studies suggest that autophagy, regulated by SIRT1, may play an important role during SC activation to meet the high bioenergetic demands of the activation process.  相似文献   
The Arf tumor suppressor gene product, p19Arf, regulates cell proliferation in incipient cancer cells and during embryo development. Beyond its commonly accepted p53-dependent actions, p19Arf also acts independently of p53 in both contexts. One such p53-independent effect with in vivo relevance includes its repression of Pdgfrβ, a process that is essential for vision in the mouse. We have utilized cell culture-based and mouse models to define a new role for miR-34a in this process. Ectopic expression of Arf in cultured cells enhanced the expression of several microRNAs predicted to target Pdgfrß synthesis, including the miR-34 family. Because miR-34a has been implicated as a p53-dependent effector, we investigated whether it also contributed to p53-independent effects of p19Arf. Indeed, in mouse embryo fibroblasts (MEFs) lacking p53, Arf-driven repression of Pdgfrβ and its blockade of Pdgf-B stimulated DNA synthesis were both completely interrupted by anti-microRNA against miR-34a. Ectopic miR-34a directly targeted Pdgfrβ and a plasmid reporter containing wild-type Pdgfrβ 3′UTR sequence, but not one in which the miR-34a target sequence was mutated. Although miR-34a expression has been linked to p53—a well-known effector of p19ArfArf expression and its knockdown correlated with miR-34a level in MEFs lacking p53. Finally, analysis of the mouse embryonic eye demonstrated that Arf controlled expression of miR-34a, and the related miR-34b and c, in vivo during normal mouse development. Our findings indicate that miR-34a provides an essential link between p19Arf and its p53-independent capacity to block cell proliferation driven by Pdgfrβ. This has ramifications for developmental and tumor suppressor roles of Arf.  相似文献   
Elongation growth of hypocotyl sections of Vigna unguiculata under xylem perfusion was significantly enhanced when acid was applied by acid-aerosol to an abraded hypocotyl surface in the air. The in vivo wall extensibility (φ) and the effective turgor (Pi– Y), both of which were determined by the pressure-jump method, increased during acid-induced growth as observed in IAA-induced growth. The intracellular pressure (Pi), however, decreased significantly at the beginning of acid-induced growth whereas Pi scarcely changed in IAA-induced growth. This result indicates that protons increase the effective turgor by decreasing the yield threshold as IAA does. There seems to be no essential difference between proton and auxin in the effects on the in vivo mechanical properties of the surface cell wall.  相似文献   
The occurrence of the polarized synthesis of DNA in embryogenic cell clusters of carrot on the third and fourth days after transfer to an embryogenesis-inducing medium was observed by labeling with [3H]thymidine and autoradiography. The cells that were actively synthesizing DNA were separated from cells that were not synthesizing DNA by maceration of cell clusters into individual protoplasts and centrifugation in a Percoll density gradient. [35S]Methionine-labeled proteins extracted from the two types of cell were analyzed by SDS-PAGE and fluorography. Three polypeptides (of 69, 98 and 108 kD, respectively) were found only in cells that were actively synthesizing DNA and could be candidates for markers of the polarity of DNA synthesis that is specific to embryogenesis.  相似文献   
(1) Morroniside belongs to an extensive group of natural iridorid glycosides. In the present study, using human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells, we have investigated the protective effects of this compound on modifications in endogenous reduced glutathione (GSH), intracellular oxygen species (ROS) and apoptotic death on H2O2-mediated cytoxicity. (2) Incubation of cells with morroniside led to a significant dose-dependent elevation of cellular GSH accompanied by a marked protection against H2O2-mediated toxicity. Morroniside at 1–100 μM inhibited the formation of ROS and the activation of caspase-3 and 9, and the upregulation of Bcl-2, whereas no significant change occurred in Bax levels. (3) The results indicated that the anti-oxidative and anti-apoptotic properties render this natural compound potentially protective against H2O2-induced cytotoxicity. (4) This study suggested that intracellular GSH appeared to be an important factor in morroniside-mediated cytoprotection against H2O2-toxicity in SH-SY5Y cells.  相似文献   
Particulate drug formulations are considered to be a means that may improve the pharmacokinetics and biodistribution of active compounds. By using them, drug distribution is determined solely by the properties of the carrier. The surface properties of such supramolecular aggregates determine how they will interact with various biological structures. Among others, surface electrostatic charge and surface grafted polymers are considered to be among the major factors affecting its interaction with proteins and cells. In this article, we present experimental evidence that properly selected surface electrostatic charge and grafted polymers can alter the association of liposomes with colon cancer cells. The dependence of the adsorption of liposomes onto the cell surface on the quantity and length of surface grafted polymers for a certain surface charge density exhibits a distinct maximum. For example, when liposomes were formed with 20 mol% of DOTAP, PE-PEG350 increased liposome adsorption by up to 6 mol%. This adsorption maximum depends on both polymer length and charge type. Results presented in this article show that the interaction of liposomes with colon cancer cells can be tuned by a proper combination of liposome surface electrostatics and surface grafted polymers.  相似文献   
The flow properties of soybean protein–lipid–water suspension systems and coagulated gels were related to a protein–lipid interaction. For powdered soybean lecithin-added soybean protein suspension systems and their heat-induced gels, the yield stress (σy) and the consistency index (K) increased with increasing amounts of added lipid, but the flow behavior index (n) and the thixotropy index (TI) decreased. On the other hand, there were only small changes in the magnitudes of the thixotropic parameters and the viscometric parameters (σy, K and n) after adding soybean oil at various concentrations to soybean protein dispersions. These facts suggested that the formation of a protein–phospholipid complex increased the effective particle size, and that the intermolecular entanglements and linkages among the protein molecules or among the protein-phospholipid complexes were weakened by the addition of polar lipids. The thixotropy index defined in this study is available for characterizing the stress decay that occurs within soybean protein dispersions and heat-induced gels as they are sheared.  相似文献   
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