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An immunoglobulin (Ig) production stimulating factor (IPSF) for hybridomas was found in spent medium of the human B lymphoblastoid cell line, HO-323. The IPSF was purified by serial use of DEAE chromatography, ultrafiltration, gel filtration and HPLC-DEAE chromatography. Purified IPSF was estimated to be a 410 k macro molecule by gel filtration, and contained three types of isomers which were separated from each other by native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. All of the isomers were, however, assumed to have the same protein components by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.The IPSF was effective for human-human and mouse-mouse hybridomas producing IgM, but not for IgG producers in the experimental condition used here. Human-human hybridoma HF10B4, cultured in IPSF-containing medium, produced 20 times more IgM than in IPSF-free medium under serum-free conditions. The IPSF showed very little proliferation stimulating activity on HF10B4 cells.  相似文献   
The primary structure of angiogenin is 33% identical to that of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease (RNase), but the enzymatic activities of the two proteins differ markedly. Similarly, their susceptibilities to limited proteolysis differ as well. In contrast to RNase, angiogenin totally resists proteolysis by subtilisin. Indeed, among 16 proteases examined, only endoprotease Lys-C, trypsin, and pepsin are able to cleave angiogenin. Even with prolonged incubation, endoprotease Lys-C selectively cleaves the Lys-60-Asn-61 bond; the product retains full ribonucleolytic activity. Initially, trypsin also cleaves this same bond, but with time it causes extensive degradation. Pepsin, atpH 2, cleaves the Phe-9-Leu-10 bond, to give angiogenin (10–123), which displays 15% of the native activity toward ribosomal RNA (rRNA). The susceptibility to proteolysis and/or the sites of cleavage of angiogenin and bovine RNase differ markedly despite their structural homology. These differences are considered in terms of the amino acid sequences of the two proteins.  相似文献   
Summary Studies with Human x Human (HxH), Human x Mouse (HxM), and Mouse x Mouse (MxM) hybridomas have enabled us to define specific factors that affect hybridoma growth in a species-specific manner. Three transferrins and three lipophilic iron chelates have been tested for their ability to support hybridoma proliferation and antibody production. The results of these studies demonstrate that HxH hybridomas do not respond to bovine transferrin a+ concentrations up to 100 μg/ml and are approximately 100-fold less responsive to mouse transferrin than to human transferrin. HxM and MxM hybridomas respond equally to human or mouse transferrin but are 100-fold less sensitive to bovine transferrin. An antibody to the human transferrin receptor inhibited the growth-promoting activity of human or mouse transferrin on HxH hybridomas but was ineffective on HxM hybridomas. This semonstrated the functionality of the human transferrin receptor in HxH hybridomas and that human, mouse, and bovine transferrin were interacting through the mouse transferrin receptor in HxM hybridomas. HxH and HxM hybridomas respond similarly to three different iron chelates exhibiting 80 to 110% of the growth response to human transferrin. MxM hybridomas fail to respond to the iron chelates at similar concentrations, suggesting that the human genome present in the other hybridoma species confers a unique ability for utilizing iron when delivered in this form.  相似文献   
Summary The purpose of this study was to develop a nonenzymatic method of isolating adult islets using atrophied pancreata from copper-deficient rats and to analyze their morphologic characteristics and behavior in culture. This unusual model of isolation was studied because islets remain intact in the course of dietary copper deficiency while the acinar glandular component of the pancreas undergoes selective atrophy and lipomatosis. Small fragments containing islets were readily microdissected from atrophied glands and placed in culture. Within 24 h the fragments congealed into small irregular- to spherical-shaped masses within which the darker profile of islets could be distinguished. Within a period of 3 to 5 d, islet tissue began to bud from the lipocytic mass until by Day 7 spherical aggregates of intact islet tissue separated from the residual fragments. Subsequent to further in vitro treatment, these islets could be maintained as free viable spherical masses if periodically agitated, as attached stationary islets which developed monolayer growth if left undisturbed and as aggregated masses of islet tissue forming megaislets if combined in small groups. Grouped islets treated with actinomycin D and cycloheximide did not exhibit aggregation when incubated with these inhibitors. This suggests that megaislet formation was an active process requiring protein-RNA synthesis rather than passive clumping or aggregation that can accompany metabolically altered or dying islets undergoing cellular shedding and adhesion. Immunohistochemical localization demonstrated that insulin, glucagon, somatostatin, and pancreatic polypeptide-immunoreactive cell types were present within the islets derived from this technique. The cellular topography of these islets was not unlike that described by others for islets cultured from enzymatic isolation. This culture model may serve as a resource for mature, viable islets isolated without mechanical or enzymatic disaggregation which can have attenuating effects on islet function. This work was supported by a research grant from the Diabetes Research and Education Foundation.  相似文献   
Summary The endocytotic process in cultured human RPE cells was observed after 1 min, 20 min, and 2 h incubation with cationized ferritin. Within 1 min the ferritin particles were seen to attach to the cell membrane, especially between microvilli. Uncoated and coated pits could be recognized on the cell membranes, and uncoated and coated endocytotic vesicles were found in the cytoplasm after 20 min of incubation. These vesicles were surrounded by abundant microfilaments and had no visible membranes. Loss of membrane may be an initial step in the process of developing into the irregular clumps of ferritin particles found inside the plasma membrane. With time, more irregular clumps of ferritin, smaller than the particles introduced during incubation, appeared just beneath the cell membrane. Lysosomes were adjacent to the clumps of ferritin particles associated with microtobules and finally degraded these particles. The phagolysosomes containing many particles were surrounded by many microtubules. Small ferritin particles surrounded but had not entered the rough endoplasmic reticulums, and no particles were seen either around or in the Golgi apparatus. Presented at the 7th International Congress of Eye Research, Nagoya, Japan, 27 September 1986.  相似文献   
The subcellular distribution of acid carboxypeptidase was investigated in rat liver, normal human skin (CRL 1501) and lung (WI-38) fibroblasts, galactosialidosis skin fibroblasts (GM 00806) and transformed lung fibroblasts (WI-38 VA 13). Results of differential and isopycnic centrifugations and osmotic activation experiments clearly indicate that the enzyme is located in lysosomes, in agreement with observations suggesting that carboxypeptidase is the protective protein of the 'Galjaard complex' which is defective in galactosialidosis.  相似文献   
We attempted to indicate the requirements for biomedical applications of SIMS microscopy. Sample preparation methodology should preserve both the structural and the chemical integrity of the tissue. Furthermore, it is often necessary to correlate ionic and light microscope images. This implies a common methodological approach to sample preparation for both microscopes. The use of low or high mass resolution depends on the elements studied and their concentrations. To improve the acquisition and processing of images, digital imaging systems have to be designed and require both ionic and optical image superimposition. However, the images do not accurately reflect element concentration; a relative quantitative approach is possible by measuring secondary ion beam intensity. Using an internal reference element (carbon) and standard curves the results are expressed in micrograms/mg of tissue. Despite their limited lateral resolution (0.5 microns) the actual SIMS microscopes are very suitable for the resolution of biomedical problems posed by action modes and drug localization in human pathology. SIMS microscopy should provide a new tool for metabolic radiotherapy by facilitating dose evaluation. The advent of high lateral resolution SIMS imaging (less than 0.1 microns) should open up new fields in biomedical investigation.  相似文献   
A soluble Lewis blood-group gene associated -3/4-L-fucosyltransferase has been purified from human milk by a series of steps involving hydrophobic chromatography on Phenyl Sepharose 4B, ion exchange chromatography on CM-Sephadex C-50, affinity chromatography on GDP-hexanolamine Sepharose 4B and gel filtration on Sephacryl S-200. The first step separated -3-L-fucosyltransferase activity directed towardsN-acetylglucosamine in Type 2 (Gal1-4GlcNAc-R) acceptors from an -3/4-fucosyltransferase fraction acting on both Type 1 (Gal1-3GlcNAc-R) and Type 2 acceptors. Further purification of this latter fraction on CM-Sephadex and GDP-hexanolamine Sepharose gave a single peak of fucosyltransferase activity that catalysed the addition of fucose toN-acetylglucosamine in both Type 1 and Type 2 acceptors and to theO-3 position of glucose in lactose-based oligosaccharides. The enzyme preparation at this stage resembled previously described -3/4-fucosyltransferase preparations purified from human milk. However, gel filtration of this preparation on Sephacryl S-200 or Sephadex G-150 separated further amounts of -3-fucosyltransferase activity acting solely on Type 2 acceptors and left a residual -3/4-fucosyltransferase that retained strong -4 activity with the Type 1 acceptor, lacto-N-biose 1, and -3 activity with 2-fucosyllactose, but had relatively little -3 activity withN-acetyllactosamine and virtually no capacity to transfer fucose to glycoproteins withN-linked oligosaccharide chains having unsubstituted terminal Type 2 structures.  相似文献   
F A Saul  R J Poljak 《Proteins》1992,14(3):363-371
The three-dimensional structure of the human immunoglobulin fragment Fab New (IgG1, lambda) has been refined to a crystallographic R-factor of 16.9% to 2 A resolution. Rms deviations of the final model from ideal geometry are 0.014 A for bond distances and 3.03 degrees for bond angles. Refinement was based on a new X-ray data set including 28,301 reflections with F > 2.5 sigma(F) from 6.0 to 2.0 A resolution. The starting model for the refinement procedure reported here is from the Brookhaven Protein Data Bank entry 3FAB (rev. 1981). Differences between the initial and final models include modified polypeptide-chain folding in the third complementarity-determining region (CDR3) and the third framework region (FR3) of VH and in some exposed loops of CL and CH1. Amino acid sequence changes were determined at a number of positions by inspection of difference electron density maps. The incorporation of amino acid sequence changes results in an improved VH framework model for the "humanization" of monoclonal antibodies.  相似文献   
The hprt T-lymphocyte cloning assay, which detects mutations occurring in vivo in humans, has been used to examine mutants induced in patients receiving radioimmunoglobulin therapy (RIT) for cancer. Samples from 13 patients before treatment (controls) and 15 samples from 12 patients after treatment were studied for both mutant frequencies and molecular changes in the hprt mutant T-cell clones. Patients were studied up to 48 months after treatment. Post-RIT patients showed increased mutant frequencies as compared to pre-treatment values. T-cell receptor (TCR) gene analysis of mutant T-cell clones demonstrated that 84% arose independently, both pre- and post-treatment, which is the same proportion as seen in normal individuals. However, several individuals did show large sets of mutants with the same TCR gene rearrangement patterns. Molecular analysis of mutants demonstrated a greater proportion of mutations with hprt gene changes on Southern blots after RIT treatment than before (40% versus 20%). RIT increases the proportion of mutations with total rather than partial gene deletions or other gross structural changes compared to normal individuals or pre-treatment patients. These studies are defining the spectrum for radiation-induced hprt gene mutations in vivo in human T-lymphocytes.  相似文献   
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