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Extirpated organisms are reintroduced into their former ranges worldwide to combat species declines and biodiversity losses. The growing field of reintroduction biology provides guiding principles for reestablishing populations, though criticisms remain regarding limited integration of initial planning, modeling frameworks, interdisciplinary collaborations, and multispecies approaches. We used an interdisciplinary, multispecies, quantitative framework to plan reintroductions of three fish species into Abrams Creek, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, USA. We first assessed the appropriateness of habitat at reintroduction sites for banded sculpin (Cottus carolinae), greenside darter (Etheostoma blennioides), and mottled sculpin (Cottus bairdii) using species distribution modeling. Next, we evaluated the relative suitability of nine potential source stock sites using population genomics, abundance estimates, and multiple‐criteria decision analysis (MCDA) based on known correlates of reintroduction success. Species distribution modeling identified mottled sculpin as a poor candidate, but banded sculpin and greenside darter as suitable candidates for reintroduction based on species‐habitat relationships and habitats available in Abrams Creek. Genotyping by sequencing revealed acceptable levels of genetic diversity at all candidate source stock sites, identified population clusters, and allowed for estimating the number of fish that should be included in translocations. Finally, MCDA highlighted priorities among candidate source stock sites that were most likely to yield successful reintroductions based on differential weightings of habitat assessment, population genomics, and the number of fish available for translocation. Our integrative approach represents a unification of multiple recent advancements in the field of reintroduction biology and highlights the benefit of shifting away from simply choosing nearby populations for translocation to an information‐based science with strong a priori planning coupled with several suggested posteriori monitoring objectives. Our framework can be applied to optimize reintroduction successes for a multitude of organisms and advances in the science of reintroduction biology by simultaneously addressing a variety of past criticisms of the field.  相似文献   
The present work was carried out to clarify the nature and origin of the yolk DNA present in vitellogenic oocytes of the lizard Podarcis sicula. Morphological and biochemical evidences indicate that it has an intrafollicular origin, from the apoptotic bodies resulting from follicle cells regression at the end of previtellogenesis. This conclusion is reinforced by the observation that the oocyte membrane, in in vitro experiments, is unpermeable to exogenous DNA. Biochemical evidences reveal that the yolk DNA has a low (200bp) molecular weight and this suggests that it is produced by the endonucleases typically involved in apoptotic DNA laddering. Indeed, immunocytochemical analyses demonstrate that follicle cells contain significant amounts of DNAse I. In immunoblots, carried out during different periods of the ovarian cycle, the enzyme shows a MW of about 33, 66 or 100 kDa thus indicating that its activity in the follicle of Podarcis is modulated by dimerization and/or binding to regulatory factors. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 59: 422-430, 2001.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to isolate and cultivate protoplasts of the green alga Ulva fasciata Delile and subsequently induce them to form a microthallus suspension for algal seed stock. The protoplasts were covered with secreted mucilage following 6 h of culture when viewed with SEM. The mucilage fused to form thick layers during day 1 of culture. Microfibrillar cell walls were deposited into the thick layers of mucilage on the 5th day of culture. An average of about 10% of the freshly isolated protoplasts began to divide at 6–14 days. These protoplasts subsequently developed varied morphologies, depending on the time of collection during the year. Protoplasts isolated from U. fasciata collected in March to June developed frond thalli or microthalli when they were cultured in low or high densities (cells/area), respectively. The microthallus suspension was cultured for more than two years at 10–40 μ mol·m− 2 ·s− 1 . Frond thalli formed when the suspension was cultivated at 100–160 μ mol·m− 2 ·s− 1 . Therefore, microthallus suspension can serve as a seed stock of U. fasciata .  相似文献   
Laboratory experiments with Pacific halibut Hippoglossus stenolepis revealed that hunger level had a significant effect on the first detection of bait, the number of baits located and attacked, the time required to locate and attack baits and handling times. In all cases, feeding motivation and efficiency increased with hunger. Light level influenced general locomotory activity and location and attacks on baits, but not detection or handling times. The effect of light was interactive with fish hunger level. Hungry fish could locate and consume baits in all light levels, ranging from daylight conditions to near darkness (10−8 µmoles photons m−2 s−1), but location, attack and handling times were all significantly elevated in low light conditions, and attack rates were significantly reduced. In the dark, only 50% of the baits were located and only 17% were attacked. Performance metrics were relatively similar among three higher light treatments (10−5, 10−3 and 10−1 µmoles photons m−2 s−1) where bait location and attack were more efficient. Active space and effective area associated with baited fishing gear will vary because hunger and light levels affect variation in bait detection, locomotion and feeding behaviour. Consequently, fishing activity and stock assessments that depend upon bait may be compromised by spatial and temporal variation in prey abundance, time of day, season, depth and other environmental variables that influence feeding motivation and efficiency.  相似文献   
Bird densities are associated with household densities   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Increasing housing density is an important component of global land transformation, with major impacts on patterns of biodiversity. However, while there have been many studies of the changes in biodiversity across rural–urban gradients, which are influenced in large part by housing densities, how biodiversity changes across the full range of regional variation in housing density remains poorly understood. Here, we explore these relationships for the richness and abundance of breeding birds across Britain. Total richness, and that of 27 urban indicator species, increased from low to moderate household densities and then declined at greater household densities. The richness of all species increased initially faster with household density than did that of the urban indicator species, but nonurban indicator species richness declined consistently after peaking at a very low housing density. Avian abundance showed a rather different pattern. Total abundance and that summed across all urban indicator species increased over a wide range of household densities, and declined only at the highest household densities. The abundance of individual urban indicator species generally exhibited a hump-shaped relationship with housing density. While there was marked intraspecific variation in the form of such relationships, almost invariably avian abundance declined at housing densities below that at which the UK government requires new developments to be built. Our data highlight the difficulties of maintaining biodiversity while minimising land take for new development. High-density housing developments are associated with declines in many of those species otherwise best able to exploit urban environments, and those components of native biodiversity with which human populations are often most familiar.  相似文献   
Digenean metacercariae of 0 year group common sole Solea solea ( n = 70) were more abundant in the embayed nursery of the Pertuis Charentais than in the Tagus estuary nursery. Macroparasite assemblages of adult sole ( n = 119) displayed only one species in common between the Bay of Biscay and the Portuguese coast continental shelves. These data highlighted the potential use of macroparasites as biological tags in various aspects of common sole ecology.  相似文献   
The boreal forest biome represents one of the most important terrestrial carbon stores, which gave reason to intensive research on carbon stock densities. However, such an analysis does not yet exist for the southernmost Eurosiberian boreal forests in Inner Asia. Most of these forests are located in the Mongolian forest‐steppe, which is largely dominated by Larix sibirica. We quantified the carbon stock density and total carbon pool of Mongolia's boreal forests and adjacent grasslands and draw conclusions on possible future change. Mean aboveground carbon stock density in the interior of L. sibirica forests was 66 Mg C ha?1, which is in the upper range of values reported from boreal forests and probably due to the comparably long growing season. The density of soil organic carbon (SOC, 108 Mg C ha?1) and total belowground carbon density (149 Mg C ha?1) are at the lower end of the range known from boreal forests, which might be the result of higher soil temperatures and a thinner permafrost layer than in the central and northern boreal forest belt. Land use effects are especially relevant at forest edges, where mean carbon stock density was 188 Mg C ha?1, compared with 215 Mg C ha?1 in the forest interior. Carbon stock density in grasslands was 144 Mg C ha?1. Analysis of satellite imagery of the highly fragmented forest area in the forest‐steppe zone showed that Mongolia's total boreal forest area is currently 73 818 km2, and 22% of this area refers to forest edges (defined as the first 30 m from the edge). The total forest carbon pool of Mongolia was estimated at ~ 1.5?1.7 Pg C, a value which is likely to decrease in future with increasing deforestation and fire frequency, and global warming.  相似文献   
The gag grouper Mycteroperca microlepis is an important component of commercial and recreational fisheries along the South Atlantic coast of the United States and in the Gulf of Mexico. Over the past two decades, this species has experienced significant declines in abundance and an increasing skew in sex ratios. Analysis of microsatellite DNA variation in this species shows mosaic patterns of population subdivision and significant departures from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in all sampling locations. Given the length of the pelagic stage (egg and larvae), the prevailing current patterns, and the migratory capabilities of the adults, it is unlikely that these observations are the result of restricted gene flow among genetically differentiated populations. The apparent structure of gag populations most likely reflects inbreeding in size-limited populations. Population declines, skewed sex ratios, and perhaps variance in female fecundity appear to have acted in concert to limited the number of individuals that contribute to a given year class. These data are reinforced by studies of other fish stocks that have experienced precipitous declines over the past two decades. Received April 13, 1998; accepted September 30, 1998.  相似文献   
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