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The fecundity, reproductive rates, and adult survival of Aphidius sonchi Marshall (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) parasitizing second and third instar nymphs of the sowthistle aphid, Hyperomyzus lactucae (L.) (Homoptera: Aphididae) were measured at six different host densities under constant laboratory conditions. At host densities of less than 50 aphids per flowering shoot per female per day, oviposition constraints resulting from the lack of hosts reduced the number of eggs laid, enhanced the extent of superparasitization and, as a result, effectively lowered the fecundity and reproductive rates of the parasites. Above this host density the parasites laid on average 220–230 eggs, but the effective fecundity and reproductive rates continued to increase with the host density. By contrast, the survivorship of the parasites seemed unaffected by host density, with an average adult life span of 4–5 days at all densities. Analysis of the data showed that the intrinsic rate of increase (rm) of the parasite varied with the host density and could reach values higher than that of the host under identical conditions. The response of rm to changes in host density and parasite sex ratio is illustrated.Overall, A. sonchi showed a typical convex functional response, to host density. However, the response showed obvious changes through the parasite's adult life and, furthermore, the rates of changes were not consistent at all host densities. The frequency distributions of parasite eggs were generally indistinguishable from random, and the number of hosts parasitized were predicted satisfactorily by the random oviposition equation.
Résumé L'étude a porté sure l'influence de 6 densités différentes d'Hyperomyzus lactucae (L.) (Homoptera: Aphididae), en conditions constantes de laboratoire, sur la fécondité, le taux de reproduction et la survie des adultes d'Aphidius sonchi Marshall (Hym. Aphidiidae, parasite des larves de 2e et 3e stades. A des densités inférieures à 50 pucerons par tige fleurie de Sonchus oleraceus L, par femelle et par jour, la limitation de la ponte due à l'absence d'hôtes a réduit le nombre d'oeufs émis, élevé le taux de superparasitisme et, en conséquence, diminué la fécondité et le taux de reproduction des parasites. Aux densités d'hôtes supérieures, les parasites ont pondu, en moyenne, 220 à 230 oeufs, mais la fécondité réelle et les taux de reproduction ont continué à augmenter avec la densité des pucerons. Par contre, la longévité des parasites n'a pas été affectée par la densité des hôtes, avec une durée moyenne de vie de 4 à 6 jours. L'analyse des données a montré que le taux d'accroissement intrinsèque (rm) du parasite a changé avec la densité des hôtes, et pourrait atteindre des valeurs supérieures à celles de l'ôte sous des conditions identiques. Les réponses de rm aux changements de densité des hôtes et au taux sexuel du parasite sont expliquées.Globalement, A. sonchi a présenté une réponse fonctionnelle convexe typique à la densité des hôtes. Cependant, cette réponse a changé au cours de la vie des images et, de plus, les taux de changement ne sont pas logiques à toutes les densités d'hôtes La fréquence de distribution des oeufs n'est généralement pas séparable d'une distribution au hasard, et le nombre d'hôtes parasites peut être prédit d'une façon satisfaisante en utilisant une équation de ponte au hasard.
K Mise  K Nakajima 《Gene》1985,36(3):363-367
A new restriction endonuclease, EcoO109, has been isolated from Escherichia coli H709c by polyethyleneimine (PEI) precipitation, DEAE-cellulose chromatography and heparin agarose chromatography. The yield was high, more than 3000 units/g of wet cells. The EcoO109 endonuclease recognizes and cleaves a nucleotide sequence of (formula: see text), in the presence of 10 mM Mg2+. The enzyme will be useful for structural analysis and molecular cloning of DNA because of the stability, high yield and easy handling of the producer strain.  相似文献   
In the Biomphalaria glabrata-Schistosoma mansoni association, variations in cercarial production, in cercarial infectivity, and in the growth of infected snails are rhythmic. These chronobiological aspects are correlated with the dynamics of the intramolluscan larval stages of the parasite during the course of the infection. Rhythmic variations in the growth kinetics of infected snails are interpreted in terms of host-parasite metabolic exchanges.  相似文献   
Attachment may be a basis for specialization in oak aphids   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
  • 1 The potential role of tarsal attachment in host selection was studied in the specialist aphids Tuberculoides annulatus Hartig and Myzocallis schreiberi Hille Ris Lambers and Stroyan.
  • 2 M.schreiberi could walk freely on its host, Quercus ilex and on Q.robur, whereas T.annulatus could walk freely on its host, Q.robur but had difficulty on Q. ilex.
  • 3 Attachment to the rough-textured leaves of Q.robur was achieved by means of the pretarsal claws, and to the smooth upper surface of individual trichomes on the lower surface of Q.ilex using flexible pretarsal empodia.
  • 4 Both behavioural and allometric differences can account for the inability of T.annulatus to grip onto Q.ilex.
  • 5 The role of attachment by phytophagous insects in host plant resistance and selection is discussed.
Synopsis The seasonal transmission ofRaphidascaris acus was studied in two small lakes on Manitoulin Island, Ontario. Dragonfly nymphs and caddisfly larvae, acting as paratenic hosts, contained second-stage larvae. Several fishes, including percids and cyprinids, were intermediate hosts with second, third, and fourth-stage larvae in the liver. Yellow perch,Perca flavescens, was the most important of these. Intensities were up to 928 and increased with length and age of the perch; prevalence was 100%. Abundance ofR. acus tended to be higher in females but was not related to condition of the perch. Second-stage larvae were acquired from invertebrates in summer and developed to the fourth stage by November. They became surrounded by fibrous capsules during the next summer but remained alive for at least another year. The longevity of larvae in the intermediate host may ensure survival of the parasite through periods of low host abundance after winterkill. Northern pike,Esox lucius, was the definitive host. Abundance ofR. acus tended to be greater in larger pike but was not related to sex or condition of the fish. The parasite was acquired in late fall. Prevalence was 100% and mean intensities were over 200 in winter and spring, declining to 64–100% and less than 15, respectively, in summer. Mature worms were present from early spring through summer. Seasonality of infection in the definitive host is not attributable to seasonal availability of larvae in perch. Instead it may be controlled by timing of predation on perch and rate of development and longevity of the parasite. Transmission to pike apparently continues in summer. Low intensity may result from low recruitment rate and rapid turnover of the parasite population.  相似文献   
The effects of truncating long-range forces on protein dynamics   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
This paper considers the effects of truncating long-range forces on protein dynamics. Six methods of truncation that we investigate as a function of cutoff criterion of the long-range potentials are (1) a shifted potential; (2) a switching function; (3) simple atom-atom truncation based on distance; (4) simple atom-atom truncation based on a list which is updated periodically (every 25 steps); (5) simple group-group truncation based on distance; and (6) simple group-group truncation based on a list which is updated periodically (every 25 steps). Based on 70 calculations of carboxymyoglobin we show that the method and distance of long range cutoff have a dramatic effect on overall protein behavior. Evaluation of the different methods is based on comparison of a simulation's rms fluctuation about the average coordinates, the rms deviation from the average coordinates of a no cutoff simulation and from the X-ray structure of the protein. The simulations in which long-range forces are truncated by a shifted potential shows large rms deviations for cutoff criteria less than 14 A, and reasonable deviations and fluctuations at this cutoff distance or larger. Simulations using a switching function are investigated by varying the range over which electrostatic interactions are switched off. Results using a short switching function that switches off the potential over a short range of distances are poor for all cutoff distances. A switching function over a 5-9 A range gives reasonable results for a distance-dependent dielectric, but not using a constant dielectric. Both the atom-atom and group-group truncation methods based on distance shows large rms deviation and fluctuation for short cutoff distances, while for cutoff distances of 11 A or greater, reasonable results are achieved. Although comparison of these to distance-based truncation methods show surprisingly larger rms deviations for the group-group truncation, contrary to simulation studies of aqueous ionic solutions. The results of atom-atom or group-group list-based simulations generally appear to be less stable than the distance-based simulations, and require more frequent velocity scaling or stronger coupling to a heat bath.  相似文献   
The construction and use of two novel transposon(Tn)-delivery vectors is described. These vectors carry Inc.W or Inc.N broad-host-range transfer functions cloned next to the narrow-host-range replicon of pBR329. The host specificities of pSLX10 and pSLX23 both complement and extend the host specificities of existing Tn delivery vectors. Plasmids pSLX10 and pSLX23 were shown to transfer at high frequency in intergeneric matings. The lux genes which are present on each vector permit the visual monitoring of transconjugants which have retained a Tn element, but are devoid of plasmid molecules. pSLX10 and pLSX23 were efficiently used to generate a range of auxotrophic mutants in various strains of Pseudomonas as well as to clone genes from Serratia liquefaciens. These vectors may have general applicability to identify and clone genes in a wide range of Gram-negative bacteria.  相似文献   
Thievery,home ranges,and nestmate recognition inEctatomma ruidum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Thievery of food items among colonies of a ponerine ant,Ectatomma ruidum was common; nonnestmates in colonies or near the colony entrances receive incoming food items and carry them to their own colony. In our study area 7 of 10 colonies were victimized by thief ants. Colonies have discrete home ranges and home range size is correlated with the number of workers in the colony. Worker ants discriminate nestmates from non-nestmates when non-nestmates are presented at colony entrances, but individuals from different colonies were not observed to engage in agonistic interactions away from nest entrances. Non-nestmates gain entrance to colonies when the entrance is unguarded. Many instances of non-nestmates being removed from colonies by residents were observed. The costs and benefits of theft under these circumstances are considered.  相似文献   
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