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Experimental evaluation of the mass of food withdrawn by larvae of the Siberian moth during their development on larch, cedar pine, fir, spruce, and common pine was carried out. The obtained dependences between the masses of larvae and food withdrawn by them can be directly used to determine the withdrawn food rate of Siberian moth on each of the Siberian conifer species.  相似文献   
Historical evidence indicates that Great‐tailed Grackles colonized the Basin of Mexico from the Gulf Coast lowlands in the fifteenth century. They were probably assisted by an intentional introduction, but colonization succeeded because of anthropogenic habitat alterations over the previous two centuries. During the Colonial period, grackles withdrew from the Basin, only to recolonize it in recent decades. This withdrawal was also due probably to changes in land use, including drainage of much of the water from the Basin's lakes.  相似文献   
Little is known about the influence of genetic architecture on local adaptation. We investigated the genetic architecture of the rapid contemporary evolution of mouthparts, the flight polymorphism and life history traits in the soapberry bug Jadera haematoloma (Hemiptera) using laboratory selection. The mouthparts of these seed‐feeding bugs have adapted in 40–50 years by decreasing in length following novel natural selection induced by a host switch to the seeds of an introduced tree with smaller fruits than those of the native host vine. Laboratory selection on beak length in both an ancestral population feeding on the native host and a derived population feeding on the introduced host reveals genetic variance allowing a rapid response (heritabilities of 0.51–0.87) to selection for either longer or shorter beaks. This selection resulted in reverse evolution by restoring long beaks in the derived population and forward evolution by re‐creating short beaks in the ancestral bugs. There were strong genetic correlations (0.68–0.84) in both populations between beak lengths and the frequency of flight morphs, with short beaks associated with short wings. The results reveal a genetically interrelated set of adaptive multivariate traits including both beak length and flight morph. This suite of traits reflects host plant patchiness and seeding phenology. Weaker evidence suggests that egg mass and early egg production may be elements of the same suite. Reversible or forward evolution thus may occur in a broad set of genetically correlated multivariate traits undergoing rapid contemporary adaptation to altered local environments.  相似文献   
Pattern of movements of adult Barbus haasi in a small Mediterranean stream   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Most adult Barbus haasi , at a 1950 m-long site in Vallvidrera creek, were highly sedentary and resided within a home range <20 m (32 m2), while a small group were more mobile. On successive sampling occasions, between 52·3 and 64·9% of fish were recaptured in the same 10-m-long section in which they had previously been captured. Movements over long distances were infrequent, and only 5·6% of the fish moved >100 m. The movement pattern of the population was seasonally stable, although the mean distances were slightly greater in summer because of the medium-range movements of a few individuals. Overall, upstream and downstream movements were equally common but a significant downstream movement occurred in spring. The size of the fish did not influence the movement rate. Fish inhabiting those sections of the stream with greater depth, slower current and more cover had a lower movement rate than fish occupying shallower, exposed sections. The restricted movement of B. haasi could increase the survival of fish by increasing the probability of staying in the remaining pools during summer dry-out, and may therefore be of adaptive significance.  相似文献   
The reptile fauna of Romania comprises 23 species, out of which 12 species reach here the limit of their geographic range. We compiled and updated a national database of the reptile species occurrences from a variety of sources including our own field surveys, personal communication from specialists, museum collections and the scientific literature. The occurrence records were georeferenced and stored in a geodatabase for additional analysis of their spatial patterns. The spatial analysis revealed a biased sampling effort concentrated in various protected areas, and deficient in the vast agricultural areas of the southern part of Romania. The patterns of species richness showed a higher number of species in the warmer and drier regions, and a relatively low number of species in the rest of the country. Our database provides a starting point for further analyses, and represents a reliable tool for drafting conservation plans.  相似文献   
Augmentation of plankton production in Indian fishponds by application of manure and inorganic fertilisers was studied in laboratory experiments. The effects of the salinity of the medium were also examined.Laboratory trials were made with mustard oil cake and urea on equivalent nutrient bases in media with varying degrees of salinity (0–30 ppt at 2 ppt. intervals). It was observed that Closterium, Fragilaria, Pinnularia and Gyrosigma grew well in the higher salinity range between 24 to 30 ppt. whereas lower salinities ranging from a trace to 8 ppt. are suitable for improved production of Anabaena, Synedra, Navicula, Amphipleura, Amphora and Nitzschia. Comparatively better production of plankton was recorded with urea than with mustard oil cake.  相似文献   
The prevalence of infection of the West Australian dhufish Glaucosoma hebraicum off the lower west coast of Australia by Philometra lateolabracis was greater among females than males, which contrasts with the situation with Pagrus auratus in waters off New Zealand. Live P. lateolabracis were represented solely by females and were found only in the gonads of fish of mature size ( L 50 at first maturity = c . 300 mm) caught between December and April and thus during the spawning period of dhufish. Since the gonads were largest during that period, they, and particularly ovaries, would provide an abundant food source in the form of blood. The prevalence of the parasite (live + dead individuals) increased with host body size to reach a maximum of c . 80% in the 700–799 mm length class of females and c . 50% in the largest length class of males. During the spawning period of G hebraicum, P. lateolabracis developed from small, non-gravid females to large gravid females, representing an increase in mass of more than 200 times. The maximum length of P. lateolabracis (470 mm) in G hebraicum is the greatest yet recorded for this species. Gonadosomatic indices provided no evidence that infection by P. lateolabracis leads to a conspicuous atrophy of the ovaries, which contrasts with the situation with the gonads of some of the teleosts infected by Philometra species, and presumably reflects, in part, the small volume of the ovary occupied by P. lateolabracis (c . 3%) and the low intensity of infection (mean = 2.0, maximum = 7). Although the presence of live P. lateolabracis did not stimulate an obvious tissue response by the ovaries during the spawning period of G. hebraicum , both the dead and any live parasites that remain after spawning become encapsulated in fibrous tissue.  相似文献   
Abstract.  1. Pollen is considered to be an important dietary component for many species of flower-feeding herbivores. Its influence on oviposition site selection by the pollen beetle Meligethes aeneus , and on the development of its larvae was investigated.
2. The effects of pollen presence and absence on adult, egg, and larval incidence in the field, and on larval development in the laboratory were compared through the use of Synergy, a composite hybrid oilseed rape Brassica napus variety comprising male-fertile (with pollen) and male-sterile (without pollen) plants.
3. In the field, adult females were more abundant on male-fertile plants during flowering, and a greater proportion of male-fertile than male-sterile buds were accepted for oviposition. These data indicate a possible role of pollen in oviposition site selection by female pollen beetles.
4. The numbers of first instar larvae on the two plant lines did not differ; however, more second instars were found on male-fertile than on male-sterile flowers. This suggests a greater larval survival on male-fertile plants, possibly due to the more readily available food resources and better nutrition afforded by the presence of pollen.
5. Laboratory experiments confirmed that a diet which included pollen improved survival to adulthood and resulted in heavier pupae and adults; however, pollen was not obligatory for larval survival and development.
6. The pollen beetle, previously thought to be an obligate pollen feeder, is therefore more generalist in its requirements for development. These findings may relate to the nutritional and behavioural ecology of other flower-feeding herbivores.  相似文献   
Abstract.  1.  Myzus persicae sensu lato demonstrates considerable genetic variation in respect to adaptation to host plants. The subspecies M. persicae nicotianae shows a preference for tobacco, while M. persicae sensu stricto ( s. str. ) for other herbaceous plants. Given that winged colonisers of several aphid species play an important role in selecting host plants, here their role in the host specialisation observed in M. persicae was examined in choice and no-choice tests conducted outdoors, in performance studies, and in DC Electrical Penetration Graph (DC-EPG) studies.
2. In outdoor choice tests, 77% of spring migrants of M. persicae nicotianae chose tobacco, whereas equal proportions of M. persicae s. str. selected tobacco and pepper. In no-choice tests, spring migrants settled more quickly after alighting on host rather than on non host plants, and significantly more alate M. persicae s. str. (27%) than M. persicae nicotianae (2%) left tobacco after walking briefly on the leaf surface, whilst no significant differences were found on pepper. Cross-host transfers significantly reduced the fecundity of both summer and spring migrants of the two subspecies. Finally, the results of no-choice tests and DC-EPG studies showed that winged aphids distinguished their host through cues located on the plant surface or in subcutaneous tissues perceived prior to the initiation of feeding.
3. This study demonstrates the important role of winged colonisers in the evolution of host specialisation in M. persicae . The multifarious divergent selection that the two host forms experience, i.e. the selection against cross-migrants and their subsequent generations, is a crucial factor involved in the development and maintenance of host specialisation and promotes the parallel evolution of improved host-recognition ability.  相似文献   
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