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广西粘菌考录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈双林 《广西植物》2002,22(4):292-296
广西横跨北回归线 ,是我国生物多样性高度丰富的地区之一 ,但对这一地区的粘菌从未有过专门的研究 ,此前仅有 1 9种粘菌被记载。为了丰富对广西粘菌资源和物种多样性的认识 ,同时也作为国家热带菌物资源调查项目工作的组成部分 ,作者进行了广西粘菌的资源和分类研究。通过野外采集和基物湿室培养获得粘菌标本 2 49份 ,经鉴定、分类和对原有 1 5份广西产粘菌标本的复核 ,确定了 63个单元 ,它们分属于 6目 1 0科 2 5属 ,其中 6种目前在国内仅知分布于广西 ,另有 46种为广西首次记录。该汇录报告了广西产粘菌的已知种 ,考证标本全部保存在中国科学院微生物研究所真菌标本馆 (HMAS)。  相似文献   
湖北鳞毛蕨属植物分布新记录   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
报道了湖北鳞毛蕨属8个新记录种,所引证的标本。全部收藏于中国科学院武汉植物研究所标本馆(HIB)。  相似文献   
湖南重楼属植物小志   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过多年的调查、标本采集和分类研究,初步查明湖南产重楼属植物5种、6变种和1变型。其中有2种(凌云重楼Paris cronquistii,北重楼Paris verticillata)、3变种(滇重楼Paris polyphylla var.yunnanensis,卵叶重楼Paris delavayi var.petiolata,长药隔重楼Paris polyphylla var.pseudothibetica)和1变型(宽叶重楼Paris polyphlla var.stenophylla f.latifolia)为湖南新纪录。同时,还记录了各种、变种和变型的简要特点、分布和生境,并列出了它们的检索表。  相似文献   
Life stages of orthoclad species, Paracricotopus spinicornisn.sp., Parametriocnemus ornatocornis(Kieffer) and the immatures of Paraphaenocladius impensus albusalatusChaudhuri & Sinharay are described from India. A brief note on the ecology of the species is also given.  相似文献   
在整理和鉴定浙江薹草属植物的过程中,发现了一些地理分布的新记录.其中包括10种、1亚种,即宽叶薹草组的大舌薹草(Carex grandiligulata Kükenth.),灰帽薹草组的横纹薹草(Carex rugata Ohwi)和豌豆形薹草(Carex pisiformis Boott),胀囊薹草组的朝鲜薹草(Carex dickinsii Franch.),瘦果薹草组的宝华山薹草(Carex baohuashanica Tang et Wang ex L. K. Dai),硬毛果薹草组的疏果薹草(Carex hebecarpa C. A. Mey.),菱果薹草组的高氏薹草(Carex kaoi Tang et Wang ex S. Y. Liang)、根花薹草(Carex radiciflora Dunn)、遵义薹草(Carex zunyiensis Tang et Wang)、弯柄薹草(Carex manca Boott)和九华薹草(Carex manca Boott ssp. jiuhuaensis (S. W. Su) S. Y. Liang).  相似文献   
Mussel beds show irregular cycles of appearance, disappearance and reappearance at preferred distinct locations on intertidal flats. These cycles are documented in the depth profile by the presence of shell-rich sediments intercalated with sandy layers. Such mussel bed layers were regularly found over the past 12 years on the Swinnplate, a back-barrier tidal flat south of Spiekeroog Island, southern North Sea. They are characterised by the occurrence of sub-articulated pairs of Mytilus shells. Based on life span considerations, a period of at least 35–40 years over which mussel beds may have repeatedly established themselves is suggested. A survey in spring 2000 revealed a reduced occurrence of old, embedded beds on the Swinnplate. The present results, based on core profiles from 1992 to 2000 and amino acid age determination, show that alternations of shell layers indicative of former Mytilus beds and sediment layers provide insight into the historic development of tidal flat environments. The frequent occurrence of sub-articulated valve pairs in the shell layers documents that the embedding of the mussel beds took place soon after the death of the organisms without prior physical disturbance. Successions of historic Mytilus beds provide evidence that mussel beds are a regular, but not necessarily permanent, faunal feature of back-barrier tidal flats of the North Sea. Electronic Publication  相似文献   
云南产凤丫蕨属植物(裸子蕨科)的分类订正   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陆树刚 《广西植物》2001,21(1):37-42
订正了云南产的凤丫蕨属植物 ,承认云南产 1 3种和 2变种 ,其中 ,云南分布新记录 2种。文中处理了 1 4个新异名。属下分类群也进行了重要订正。  相似文献   
We present a reconstruction of forest history and climatic change based on 11 pollen records from eight sites, all located in the lower montane forest belt of the northern Andes in Colombia. We compared records from the Popayán area in southern Colobia, Timbio (1750 m), Genagra (1750 m) and Pitalito (1300 m) and the new Piagua (1700 m) record with the records from Lusitania (1500 m), Libano (1820 m), Pedro Palo (2000 m) and Ubaqué (2000 m) from Central Colombia. The changes of the altitudinal position of the lower/upper montane (= subandean/Andean, S/At) forest belt transition were used to estimate temperature change for the last 50 kyr. We infer a Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) temperature drop of 6°–7°C at 1700 m, and a steeper LGM lapse rate of 0.76°C/100 m compared to today (ca. 0.6°C/100 m). Around 50 uncal. kyr B.P. the temperature at 1700 m was ca. 3°C lower than today. Until 20 uncal. kyr B.P. the temperature oscillated and gradually decreased. During the LGM, temperature was down to ca. 6°–7°C lower than today. After the LGM, temperature increased and ca. 14 uncal. kyr B.P. it was 2°–3°C lower than today (S/At at ca. 1800 m, 500 m below present elevation; Susacá interstadial). An unquantified cooling (Ciega stadial) followed. During ca. 12.3–11.7 uncal. kyr B.P. the S/At shifted upslope to 2100 m indicating a temperature of 1°–2°C cooler than today (Guantiva interstadial). From 11.7–10.9 uncal. kyr B.P. the S/At was at 1800 m indicating that the temperature was ca. 3°C lower than today and wet conditions prevailed (partly coinciding with the El Abra stadial). The period 10.9–9 uncal. kyr B.P. was also cool, but drier. During 9–7.5 uncal. kyr B.P. temperature was ca. 1°C warmer relative to today (mid Holocene hypsithermal). During the last 5 kyr the presence of cultivated plants demonstates human colonization of the lower montane zone in Colombia. Received June 14, 2000 / Accepted December 19, 2000  相似文献   
贾泽峰  Klaus KALB 《菌物学报》2014,33(5):961-966
报道了文字衣属Graphis 2个新种和2个中国新记录种。新种疣体文字衣Graphis verrucata 和魏氏文字衣 G. weii分别采自四川和海南;新记录种钝盘文字衣Graphis cognata采自海南和浙江,树突文字衣G. dendrogramma采自福建。文中对新种提供了详细描述和显微结构图片。  相似文献   
邓春英  李泰辉 《菌物学报》2014,33(5):1119-1124
报道了中国小皮伞科3个新记录种:梭囊体小皮伞Marasmius fusicystidiosus,苍白小皮伞M. pellucidus,脉盖小皮伞M. phlebodiscus,基于作者所研究的标本对这3个种进行了详细的描述及绘图。  相似文献   
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