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Twenty samples were taken from the inner or outer surfaces of stone monuments of six historic Scottish buildings and ruins. Biofilms developing on mineral substrates were analysed by in situ scanning electron microscopy and cultivation. Various methods were used to characterize the isolates including automated ribotyping, RAPD and sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene for bacteria, and stereomicroscopy and sequencing of the Internal Transcribed Spacers (ITS) for fungi. Most samples contained microbes between 10(5) and 10(7)cfug(-1) substrate. Actinobacteria belonging to the genus Streptomyces (17 samples/5 monuments) or Arthrobacter (12/3) and Pseudomonas (9/3) were frequently detected. Most streptomycetes were in terms of their 16S rRNA gene sequence most closely related to S. microflavus (10/3) or to the undescribed species S. "vulgaris" (8/3). Indoor and outdoor biofilms exhibited significant differences in their microbiota, as shown by both microscopy and isolation studies. Pigmented coccoid Arthrobacter species were typical for the outdoor samples, whereas Pseudomonas species were common in the indoor samples. Based on the low phylogenetic relationship to a known species (type strain), potential novel pigmented bacterial species belonging to the genera Arthrobacter, Brevundimonas, Cryseobacterium, Deinococcus and Dyadobacter were detected from the outdoor samples and to Pseudomonas from the indoor samples. Hyaline fungal species of Acremonium (10/4) mainly occurred in indoor samples, whereas pigmented species of Cladosporium (8/3), Penicillium (6/3) and Phialophora (6/2) were found outdoors. Using in situ microscopy diatom algae were also detected.  相似文献   
Female Tabanus nigrovittatus were field collected and used in laboratory experimentation to explore physiological and behavioral factors that affect engorgement. Previous studies showed sulfakinins act as feeding satiety factors in insects. This study demonstrates that sulfakinins have differing effects on engorgement that is dependent on the feeding technique used in the laboratory. The satiety effect of sulfakinin on flies engorging using the blood-soaked Kimwipe® feeding technique is not in agreement with previous experiments using an alternate feeding technique with artificial membranes. This study is the first to demonstrate that the temperature of blood is a significant factor for engorgement in this species. Also, the percentage of flies engorging is significantly different depending on the feeding technique used.  相似文献   
Understanding the evolutionary potential of morphological evolution is still a major problem in evolutionary biology. In this study, we tried to quantify the amount of variation of different traits among species of a Drosophila clade reared under standard conditions. Nineteen different traits have been measured on nine species of the same clade, the Neotropical saltans group of Drosophila. Measured traits can be distributed into five categories: size‐traits (wing and thorax), shape indices (ratios among the size traits), number of sternopleural bristles on the thorax, number of abdominal bristles on successive sternites, and dorsal pigmentation of abdomen. All species are of medium size with a generally dark pigmentation. A remarkable feature is the presence of numerous bristles on the 6th sternite of the males, while this segment is bare in other Drosophila species. A multivariate analysis revealed that it was possible to discriminate all the investigated species by using the complete set of measured traits. For each trait, phenotypic variability was investigated at the within‐ and between‐species levels. As a rule, the interspecific coefficient of variation (CV) was much greater than the within species CV, and it is proposed to call it realized evolvability. All possible correlations were calculated between traits across species, providing many unexpected results. Size traits were highly correlated among them, but not correlated with shape indices. Abdominal traits (bristles and pigmentation) were correlated, but often in opposite directions, with thoracic shape indices. Tergite pigmentation was negatively correlated with bristle number on sternite. For the moment, most of the correlations cannot be explained by developmental processes or parallel selective pressures. Nonetheless, mapping the evolution of the two characters on a molecular phylogeny of the studied species revealed two opposite phylogenetic trends for abdominal pigmentation and setation, respectively. Our data suggest a need for similar studies in other well‐defined Drosophila clades.  相似文献   
Species composition and distribution of large intestinal ciliates were investigated in the feces from 15 Turk rahvan horses, living in the vicinity of Izmir, Turkey. Twenty-two ciliate genera consisting of 36 species were identified. This is the first report on intestinal ciliates in Turk rahvan horses and no previously unknown species were observed. The mean number of ciliates was 14.2 ± 13.9 × 104 cells ml−1 of feces and the mean number of ciliate species per host was 9.9 ± 7.1. No ciliates were observed in 2 horses. Bundleia and Blepharocorys were considered to be the major genera since these ciliates were constantly found in high proportions. In contrast, Paraisotricha, Didesmis and Gassovskiella were only observed at low frequencies. The ciliates found in this survey had almost the same characteristics as those described in previous reports, suggesting that there was no significant geographic variation in the intestinal ciliate fauna of equids.  相似文献   
Rising levels of ultraviolet radiation (UVR) secondary to ozone depletion are an issue of concern for public health. Skin cancers and intraepidermal dysplasia are increasingly observed in individuals that undergo chronic or excessive sun exposure. Such alterations of skin integrity and function are well established for humans and laboratory animals, but remain unexplored for mammalian wildlife. However, effects are unlikely to be negligible, particularly for species such as whales, whose anatomical or life-history traits force them to experience continuous sun exposure. We conducted photographic and histological surveys of three seasonally sympatric whale species to investigate sunburn and photoprotection. We find that lesions commonly associated with acute severe sun damage in humans are widespread and that individuals with fewer melanocytes have more lesions and less apoptotic cells. This suggests that the pathways used to limit and resolve UVR-induced damage in humans are shared by whales and that darker pigmentation is advantageous to them. Furthermore, lesions increased significantly in time, as would be expected under increasing UV irradiance. Apoptosis and melanocyte proliferation mirror this trend, suggesting that whales are capable of quick photoprotective responses. We conclude that the thinning ozone layer may pose a risk to the health of whales and other vulnerable wildlife.  相似文献   
Colour polymorphism in vertebrates is usually under genetic control and may be associated with variation in physiological traits. The melanocortin 1 receptor (Mc1r) has been involved repeatedly in melanin-based pigmentation but it was thought to have few other physiological effects. However, recent pharmacological studies suggest that MC1R could regulate the aspects of immunity. We investigated whether variation at Mc1r underpins plumage colouration in the Eleonora's falcon. We also examined whether nestlings of the different morphs differed in their inflammatory response induced by phytohemagglutinin (PHA). Variation in colouration was due to a deletion of four amino acids at the Mc1r gene. Cellular immune response was morph specific. In males, but not in females, dark nestling mounted a lower PHA response than pale ones. Although correlative, our results raise the neglected possibility that MC1R has pleiotropic effects, suggesting a potential role of immune capacity and pathogen pressure on the maintenance of colour polymorphism in this species.  相似文献   
The morphological origin of the dark and pink‐orange areas in the skin of the venomous lizard Heloderma suspectum is not known. Histology and electron microscopy show that dark‐grey areas of the skin derived from dermal chromatophores localized in specific areas present underneath the epidermis. A dynamic chromatophoric unit in the dermis is absent. In the darkest areas of the skin, the accumulation of melanosomes in cells of the beta‐layer contributes to increase the black intensity. In the orange‐pink areas, the superficial dermis contains xantophores storing numerous carotenoid vesicles, rare or absent lamellated pterinosomes and a variable number of melanosomes. These xanto‐melanophores predominate over the remaining chromatophores and form a continuous stratum underneath the epidermis. Beneath this lipoid‐rich stratum, iridophores are infrequent and do not form a continuous layer in the dermis. In the paler areas of the skin, melanophores are sparse in both superficial and deeper part of the dermis where irregularly oriented bundles of collagen fibrils are present. The prevalent xanto‐melanophores localized in the pink‐orange areas of the skin contribute to an effective sunlight protection in desert conditions in addition to the darker regions occupied by melanophores.  相似文献   
We compared the genetic diversity and distance among six German draught horse breeds to wild (Przewalski's Horse), primitive (Icelandic Horse, Sorraia Horse, Exmoor Pony) or riding horse breeds (Hanoverian Warmblood, Arabian) by means of genotypic information from 30 microsatellite loci. The draught horse breeds included the South German Coldblood, Rhenish German Draught Horse, Mecklenburg Coldblood, Saxon Thuringa Coldblood, Black Forest Horse and Schleswig Draught Horse. Despite large differences in population sizes, the average observed heterozygosity (H(o)) differed little among the heavy horse breeds (0.64-0.71), but was considerably lower than in the Hanoverian Warmblood or Icelandic Horse population. The mean number of alleles (N(A)) decreased more markedly with declining population sizes of German draught horse breeds (5.2-6.3) but did not reach the values of Hanoverian Warmblood (N(A) = 6.7). The coefficient of differentiation among the heavy horse breeds showed 11.6% of the diversity between the heavy horse breeds, as opposed to 21.2% between the other horse populations. The differentiation test revealed highly significant genetic differences among all draught horse breeds except the Mecklenburg and Saxon Thuringa Coldbloods. The Schleswig Draught Horse was the most distinct draught horse breed. In conclusion, the study demonstrated a clear distinction among the German draught horse breeds and even among breeds with a very short history of divergence like Rhenish German Draught Horse and its East German subpopulations Mecklenburg and Saxon Thuringa Coldblood.  相似文献   
Eleven Phaffia rhodozyma strains were assayed for their ability to utilize 99 compounds as single carbon source. Some of them showed modified coloration compared to colonies of the same strain grown on glucose medium.  相似文献   
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