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By physically modifying the abiotic environment, ecosystem engineers can have dramatic effects on the distribution and abundance of species in a community. However, ecosystem engineering can also change the selective environment and evolutionary dynamics of affected species, although this remains relatively understudied. Here, we examine the potential for an ecosystem engineer – oak trees – to affect the evolutionary dynamics of the herbaceous, understory annual, Impatiens capensis , through leaf litter deposition. Using a quantitative genetic experimental approach, we found that: (i) the presence of leaf litter significantly affected a suite of germination, growth and phenological traits in I. capensis ; (ii) I. capensis does not exhibit performance trade-offs across litter and bare soil environments in the form of negative across-environment genetic correlations; (iii) the presence or absence of leaf litter significantly alters the pattern of natural selection germination timing and hypocotyl length; and (iv) the frequency of leaf litter environments can dramatically change which combinations of hypocotyl length lead to highest mean fitness across both bare soil and leaf litter environments. More generally, our results demonstrate the potential for ecosystem engineers to alter both the ecological and the evolutionary dynamics of the species they affect.  相似文献   
A marker rescue system based on the repair of the kanamycin resistance gene nptII was constructed for use in Gram-positive bacteria and established in Bacillus subtilis 168. Marker rescue was detected in vitro using different types of donor DNA containing intact nptII. The efficiency of marker rescue using chromosomal DNA of E. coli Sure as well as plasmids pMR2 or pSR8-30 ranged from 3.8 x 10(-8) to 1.5 x 10(-9) transformants per nptII gene. Low efficiencies of ca. 10(-12) were obtained with PCR fragments of 792 bp obtained from chromosomal DNA of E. coli Sure or DNA from a transgenic potato. B. subtilis developed competence during growth in milk and chocolate milk, and marker rescue transformation was detected with frequencies of ca. 10(-6) and 10(-8), respectively, using chromosomal DNA of E. coli Sure as donor DNA. Although the copy number of nptII genes of the plant DNA exceeded that of chromosomal E. coli DNA in the marker rescue experiments, a transfer of DNA from the transgenic plant to B. subtilis was detectable neither in vitro nor in situ.  相似文献   
Decomposition of vegetal detritus is one of the most fundamental ecosystem processes. In complex landscapes, the fate of litter of terrestrial plants may depend on whether it ends up decomposing in terrestrial or aquatic conditions. However, (1) to what extent decomposition rates are controlled by environmental conditions or by detritus type, and (2) how important the composition of the detritivorous fauna is in mediating decomposition in different habitats, remain as unanswered questions. We incubated two contrasting detritus types in three distinct habitat types in Coastal Georgia, USA, to test the hypotheses that (1) the litter fauna composition depends on the habitat and the litter type available, and (2) litter mass loss (as a proxy for decomposition) depends on environmental conditions (habitat) and the litter type. We found that the abundance of most taxa of the litter fauna depends primarily on habitat. Litter type became a stronger driver for some taxa over time, but the overall faunal composition was only weakly affected by litter type. Decomposition also depends strongly on habitat, with up to ca. 80% of the initial detrital mass lost over 25 months in the marsh and forest habitats, but less than 50% lost in the creek bank habitat. Mass loss rates of oak versus pine litter differed initially but converged within habitat types within 12 months. We conclude that, although the habitat type is the principle driver of the community composition of the litter fauna, litter type is a significant driver of litter mass loss in the early stages of the decomposition process. With time, however, litter types become more and more similar, and habitat becomes the dominating factor in determining decomposition of older litter. Thus, the major driver of litter mass loss changes over time from being the litter type in the early stages to the habitat (environmental conditions) in later stages.  相似文献   
玉米C4光合叶不同部位解剖结构和光抑制特性的比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以玉米第54i全展叶(C4光合叶)为材料,分别测定基部、中部和顶部的光合速率后,将叶片置于强光(2000μmol·m^2·s^-1)下处理3h和暗中恢复3h,再测定这3个部位在处理期间的叶绿素荧光参数变化;然后分别从叶片的基部、中部和顶部取样观察显微结构和超微结构,测定叶绿素含量。结果表明,3个部位光合速率和叶绿素含量的大小依次为:中部〉顶部〉基部。基部的维管束鞘细胞叶绿体数量少,体积小,排列无规律,类囊体膜有部分垛叠;中部和顶部维管束鞘细胞叶绿体数量多,体积大,大部分围绕维管束呈离心排列,类囊体膜垛叠消失。在强光下,基部、中部和顶部均发生光抑制,但光抑制程度不同,根据严重度依次为:基部〉顶部〉中部,3个部位在暗中的光抑制恢复能力依次为:中部〉顶部〉基部。与叶基部相比,叶中部在强光下能维持较高的电子传递效率(φEo)和较低的热耗散比率(φDo)。这表明,C4光合循环是保持较高电子传递效率、减轻光抑制的重要因子。  相似文献   

Background and Aims

Plasticity in structural and functional traits related to water balance may determine plant performance and survival in ecosystems characterized by water limitation or high levels of rainfall variability, particularly in perennial herbaceous species with long generation cycles. This paper addresses whether and the extent to which several such seasonal to long-term traits respond to changes in moisture availability.


Using a novel approach that integrates ecology, physiology and anatomy, a comparison was made of lifetime functional traits in the root xylem of a long-lived perennial herb (Potentilla diversifolia, Rosaceae) growing in dry habitats with those of nearby individuals growing where soil moisture had been supplemented for 14 years. Traditional parameters such as specific leaf area (SLA) and above-ground growth were also assessed.

Key Results

Individuals from the site receiving supplemental moisture consistently showed significant responses in all considered traits related to water balance: SLA was greater by 24 %; roots developed 19 % less starch storing tissue, an indicator for drought-stress tolerance; and vessel size distributions shifted towards wider elements that collectively conducted water 54 % more efficiently – but only during the years for which moisture was supplemented. In contrast, above-ground growth parameters showed insignificant or inconsistent responses.


The phenotypic changes documented represent consistent, dynamic responses to increased moisture availability that should increase plant competitive ability. The functional plasticity of xylem anatomy quantified in this study constitutes a mechanistic basis for anticipating the differential success of plant species in response to climate variability and change, particularly where water limitation occurs.  相似文献   

Background and Aims

The contemporary relegation of conifers mainly to cold or infertile sites has been ascribed to low competitive ability, as a result of the hydraulic inefficiency of tracheids and their seedlings'' initial dependence on small foliage areas. Here it is hypothesized that, in temperate rainforests, the larger leaves of angiosperms also reduce self-shading and thus enable display of larger effective foliage areas than the numerous small leaves of conifers.


This hypothesis was tested using 3-D modelling of plant architecture and structural equation modelling to compare self-shading and light interception potential of seedlings of six conifers and 12 angiosperm trees from temperate rainforests. The ratio of displayed leaf area to plant mass (LARd) was used to indicate plant light interception potential: LARd is the product of specific leaf area, leaf mass fraction, self-shading and leaf angle.


Angiosperm seedlings self-shaded less than conifers, mainly because of differences in leaf number (more than leaf size), and on average their LARd was about twice that of conifers. Although specific leaf area was the most pervasive influence on LARd, differences in self-shading also significantly influenced LARd of large seedlings.


The ability to deploy foliage in relatively few, large leaves is advantageous in minimizing self-shading and enhancing seedling light interception potential per unit of plant biomass. This study adds significantly to evidence that vegetative traits may be at least as important as reproductive innovations in explaining the success of angiosperms in productive environments where vegetation is structured by light competition.  相似文献   
Sun Y  Zeng F  Zhang W  Qiao J 《Gene》2012,499(2):288-296
Antibiotic glycosyltransferases (AGts) attach unusual deoxy-sugars to aglycons so antibiotics can exert function. It has been reported that polyene macrolide (PEM) AGts have different evolutionary origin when compared with other polyketide AGts, and our previous analysis have suggested that they could be results of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) from eukaryotes. In this paper, we compared the structures of PEM AGts with structures of eukaryotes and other AGts, and then built models of the representative PEM AGts and GT-1 glycosyltransferases. We also constructed the Neighbor-Joining (NJ) trees based on the normalized Root Mean Square (RMS) distance, the Bayesian tree guided by structural alignments, and carried out analysis on several key conserved residues in PEM AGts. The NJ tree showed a close relationship between PEM AGts and eukaryotic glycosyltransferases, and Bayesian tree further supported their affinity with UDP-glucuronosyltransferases (UGTs). Analysis on key conserved residues showed that PEM AGts may have similar interaction mechanism such as in the formation of hydrogen bonds as eukaryotic glycosyltransferases. Using structure-based phylogenetic approaches, this study further supported that PEM AGts were the result of HGT between prokaryotes and eukaryotes.  相似文献   
Ants frequently interact with fleshy fallen diaspores (fruits or seeds) not adapted for ant‐dispersal. Such interactions are usually considered as opportunistic, but recent evidence has indicated that these ants may differ in their effects on diaspore survival and plant recruitment. We investigated if partner choices are recognizable among genera of ants and plants, and if ant and plant traits may influence such preferences in cerrado (savanna‐like vegetation) from southeast Brazil. During a 2‐yr period, 521 ant–diaspore interactions were recorded through various methods, yielding 71 ant species and 38 plant species. Exploitation of fallen diaspores was common among several ant genera, and included carnivorous, omnivorous, and fungivorous ants. Contrary to others areas around the world, where true myrmecochory (seed dispersal by ants) is common among shrubs, ants also exploited diaspores from several cerrado trees. Plant life form, diaspore size, and ant body size did not seem to explain the pattern of interactions observed. Two subsets of preferential interactions, however, segregated fungivorous ants from another group composed of carnivorous and omnivorous ants, probably influenced by the chemical composition of the plant diaspores. Omnivorous ants usually remove the fleshy portion of diaspores on spot and probably provide limited benefits to plants. Carnivorous and fungivorous ants usually remove the whole diaspore to the nest. As each of these ant groups may influence the fitness of diaspores in different ways, there are possible subtle pathways for the evolution of partner choices between ants and these non‐myrmecochorous diaspores.  相似文献   
Black shading nets are commonly used to protect agricultural crops from excessive solar radiation and wind, and for water saving. Recent studies have demonstrated that when black nets were replaced by either red, yellow, or pearl nets (ChromatiNets?) of equivalent shading capacity, it increased the fruit yield and improved the quality of bell peppers (Capsicum annuum L.) and tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum L.) (both Solanaceae). We studied the effects of these colored shading nets on the infestation by aphids [Myzus persicae (Sulzer) and Aphis gossypii Glover (both Hemiptera: Aphididae)] and whiteflies [Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae)], and the incidence of the viral diseases transmitted by these insects, for five consecutive years (2006–2010). These studies were conducted in the semi‐arid Besor region in southern Israel. The plants were grown in ‘walk‐in’ tunnels that were covered by several nets of 35% shading capacity in the range of photosynthetically active radiation. Although the shading nets permit free passage of these pests, the infestation levels of aphids and whiteflies in tunnels covered by either the yellow or pearl nets were consistently 2–3× lower than in tunnels covered by the black or red nets. In accordance with the pest results, when the incidences of Cucumber mosaic virus in pepper grown under the black or red nets ranged between 35 and 89%, they were 2–10× lower under the yellow or pearl nets. Similarly, when the incidences of necrotic Potato virus Y in tomato grown under black or red nets ranged between 42 and 50%, they were 2–3× lower under the yellow or pearl nets. Also, when the incidences of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus in tomato grown under the black or red nets ranged between 15 and 50%, but they were 2–4× lower under the yellow or pearl nets. Putative mechanisms of crop protection achieved by the yellow and pearl nets are discussed.  相似文献   
Total functional leaf area is a key factor in determining crop yield. A nonlinear mixed‐effects model was employed to estimate growth responses for individual leaves using repeated measures of lamina length ≥30 mm, in the absence of disease. Resulting growth curves make allowances for, and allow assessment of, leaf to leaf variability. The major source of variability in leaf growth was identified as differences in thermal time required to reach half final lamina length. Juvenile leaves of Vitis vinifera are susceptible to infection by the powdery mildew fungus (Erysiphe necator) which impairs leaf function. The model was used to predict unobserved final lamina length for a subset of leaves inoculated with E. necator immediately after observations ceased. The severity of infection by E. necator varies among infected leaves. A previous study identified which of the inoculated leaves developed symptoms of severe powdery mildew. Maximum severity of infection was found to occur when individual leaves were at 85.3–97.9% of predicted final lamina length.  相似文献   
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