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We observed the number of predatory mites (Phytoseiidae:Typhlodromus caudiglans) on the foliage of 20 North American species of grapes (Vitis spp) plus the domesticated EuropeanVitis vinifera, all grown in a common garden. We found relatively few phytophagous mites. The numbers of phytophagous mites were not correlated with the plant characteristics that we measured. We found approximately five times as many predatory mites as phytophagous mites and the numbers of these phytoseiid predators were not affected by the availability of prey. Similarly, numbers of phytoseiids were unaffected by plant gender and, hence, the availability of pollen, another source of food. The numbers of phytoseiids were not clustered according to the taxonomic grouping of the tested plant species. Leaf surface characteristics explained over 25% of the variance in the numbers of phytoseiids. Numbers of phytoseiids were positively associated with the density of vein hairs, the density of bristles in leaf axils, and the presence of leaf domatia. These results suggest that sheltered habitats rather than food availability may limit the numbers of phytoseiid mites on grapevines.  相似文献   
A survey of 112 species of the Caryophyllales showed the presence of flavonols in all eleven families and of C-glycosylflavonoids in nine families, being absent from the Aizoaceae and Cactaceae. 18% of the species contained both classes of compound. C-glycosylflavonoids are reported for the first time in the Amaranthaceae, Basellaceae, Didieraceae, Nyctaginaceae, Phytolaccaceae, Portulacaceae and Molluginaceae. The Caryophyllaceae contained prodominantly C-glycosylflavonoids, suggesting they are the most advanced family in the order.  相似文献   
Photosynthetically fixed 14C was analyzed in various chemical fractions from leaves and stems of cottonwood (Populus deltoides Bartr. ex. Marsh.) during dormancy induction. Dormancy was induced by 8-h photoperiods and 20/14°C temperature regimes. Within 4 weeks under short days, terminal buds were set and leaf expansion and stem elongation had stopped. 14C2 was fed to a leaf at Leaf Plastochron Index 7 for 30 min. Either after this 30 min feeding period or after a 48-h translocation period the plants were sampled, freeze-dried, extracted and analyzed for14C. 14C-fixation decreased during dormancy induction from 60% to 17% of the 3.7 MBq 14C applied at 0 week and 8 weeks, respectively. Percentage distribution of 14C in chemical fractions of source leaves reflected leaf age and translocation inhibition. In rapidly growing plants, considerable 14C was incorporated into leaf protein while most of the soluble14C-sugars were either metabolized or translocated out of the leaf. After terminal bud set, the percentage of 14C in the protein and residue fractions decreased rapidly and that in the sugar fraction increased. Percent distribution in stems closely reflected changing metabolic pathways of carbon flow as influenced by dormancy induction. For example, the 14C in structural carbohydrates decreased in 5 weeks under short days from 65 to less than 10% of the 14C recovered in the chemical fractions, thus indicating cambium inhibition. At the same time the percentage of 14C in starch and sugar increased indicating storage. Short term (after 30 min) incorporation of 14C into the protein and starch fractions of leaves changed relatively little throughout the 8-week induction period. In contrast the turnover rates of these fractions (14C present after 48 h) increased considerably after active growth of the whole plant stopped.  相似文献   
Changes occurring during aging and senescence of leaves of a submerged aquatic angiosperm ( Potamogeton pectinatus L.) were studied. Total chlorophyll and chlorophylls a and b were maximal in mature, and minimal in old leaves. The chlorophyll a to b ratio was highest in mature leaves. During senescence, the chlorophyll content and the ratio of chlorophyll a to b decreased. The content of DNA, RNA, protein and dry weight, and the activity of alkaline pyrophosphatase decreased while free amino acids, the activity of protease, RNase and acid pyrophosphatase, and the ratio of acid to alkaline pyrophosphatase activity increased during aging and senescence. Kinetin (0.23 m M ) deferred leaf senescence by delaying the loss of chlorophyll, protein, nucleic acids and dry weight, and reducing the rise in free amino acids, the activity of protease, RNase and acid pyrophosphatase and the ratio of acid to alkaline pyrophosphatase activity; while both 0.69 m M ethrel and 0.075 m M ABA hastened senescence. Kinetin pretreatment for an optimum period (12 h) followed by ethrel or ABA treatment partially erased the senescence-promoting effect of the latter. But treatments in a reverse order markedly reduced the delaying effect of kinetin on senescence.  相似文献   
Supra-optimal levels of zinc in primary leaves of Phaseolus vulgaris increased the CO2 compensation point and inhibited net photosynthesis. Leaf morphology was modified: mesophyll intercellular area, stomatal slit length and interstomatal distance were reduced, but stomatal density increased. Internal and stomatal conductances to CO2 diffusion decreased. These changes are discussed in relation to the observed effects on leaf gas exchange and to the previously reported inhibition of different photosynthetic and photorespiratory enzymes.  相似文献   
Abstract. Cyperus longus L. , which has a widespread but disjunct distribution throughout Europe and extends northwards into Britain, was found to be a C4 species based upon its Kranz leaf anatomy, low CO2 compensation point and the labelling of malate as an early product of 14CO2 fixation. The photosynthetic characteristics of C. longus are similar to many other C4 species with a high maximum rate of photosynthesis (> 1.5 mg CO2 m −2 s −1) and a relatively high temperature optimum (30–35°C), but unlike many C4 species the rate of photosynthesis does not decline rapidly below the optimum temperature and a substantial rate (0.6 mgCO2 m−2s−1)occursat 15°C. Leaf extension is very slow at 15°C and shows a curvilinear response to temperatures between 15 and 25°C. Leaves extend at a rate of almost 4 cm d−1 at 25°C.  相似文献   
Abstract. The influence of a slow stress and recovery cycle on the pattern of leaf expansion in four diverse sunflower cultivars ( Helianthus annuus L. cvs. Hysun 31, Havasupai, Hopi and Seneca) was studied in a glasshouse. Stress had no significant effect on the time of flower bud emergence and anthesis, or on final leaf number, but delayed the appearance of leaves at high insertions in all cultivars except Hysun 31.
Leaf expansion was markedly reduced as the predawn leaf water potential decreased from −0.35 to −0.60 MPa, and the predawn turgor pressure decreased from 0.3 to 0.2 MPa, and expansion ceased at a predawn leaf water potential of about −1.0 MPa, i.e. when the predawn turgor pressure reached zero.
The leaves most reduced in final size when water was withheld were those at the insertions which grew the most rapidly in unstressed plants. The maximum reduction in final leaf size of 25–35% was similar in all cultivars and was due to retardation of the rate of leaf expansion: the duration of leaf expansion was actually increased by stress. However, leaves that were initiated during stress, but emerged after rewatering, had final leaf areas at least equal to those in the unstressed plants: in the cultivar Seneca, the final size of leaves of high insertion was significantly greater in stressed than unstressed plants, whereas in the three other cultivars the final leaf sizes were similar in both treatments. All four cultivars examined adjusted osmotically to the same degree, but leaf water potentials in one, Seneca, increased more rapidly after rewatering than in the other three, and this may have contributed to the greater relative leaf size in the leaves of high insertion in this cultivar.  相似文献   
Linolenic acid-[1-14C] was converted to 12-oxo-trans-10-dodecenoic acid, via 12-oxo-cis-9-dodecenoic acid by incubation with chloroplasts of Thea sinensis leaves. Thus, it was confirmed that linolenic acid is split into a C12-oxo-acid, 12-oxo-trans-10-dodecenoic acid, and a C6-aldehyde, trans-2-hexenal, leaf aldehyde, by an enzyme system in chloroplasts of tea leaves.  相似文献   
The nematode Nothanguina phyllobia Thorne was found within large foliar galls on the perennial weed Solanum elaeagnifolium Cav. in west Texas. A two-year survey of a 6400 sq-km area in west Texas showed extensive distribution of the nematode. No hosts other than S. elaeagnifolium were observed. Densities of juvenile nematodes in the soil were high. N. phyllobia spread rapidly after small numbers of infective juveniles were applied in a foliar spray to an S. elaeagnifolium population. The host plant declined in vigor and frequently died. Artificial inoculation of an S. elaeagnifolium population with large numbers of the nematodes by broadcasting infected plant tissue resulted in high infection incidence.  相似文献   
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