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Summary The role of tubular mastigonemes in the reversal of thrust of the anterior flagellum ofPhytophthora cinnamomi was analysed using mastigoneme-specific monoclonal antibodies and immunoflu-orescence and video microscopy. Exposure of live zoospores ofP. cinnamomi to the mastigoneme-specific Zg antibodies caused alterations in the arrangement of mastigonemes on the flagellar surface and at Zg concentrations above 0.3 /ml, mastigonemes became detached from the flagellum. As a consequence of antibody binding to the mastigonemes there were concentration-dependent perturbations in zoospore swimming behaviour and anterior flagellum beat pattern. With increasing antibody concentration zoospores swam more slowly and other parameters of their swimming pattern, such as the wavelength of the swimming helix and the frequency of rotation, were also reduced. The effects of Zg antibodies were specific at two levels: control immunoglobulins or antibodies that bound to other flagellar surface components did not have an effect on motility, and Zg antibodies did not interfere with the motility of zoospores of oomycete species to which they did not bind. The effects of antibody-induced disruption of mastigoneme arrangement strongly support previous hypotheses that tubular mastigonemes are responsible for thrust reversal by the anterior flagellum, enabling it to pull the cell through the surrounding medium.  相似文献   
Two factors, among others, influence the oviposition of Opius dissitus Muesebeck. The first was the host species, the second the plant upon which the pest host larvae develop. O. dissitus females prefer Liriomyza trifolii (Burgess) larvae over those of L. huidobrensis (Blanchard). O. dissitus females were more attracted to the larvae of L. trifolii or L. huidobrensis when these were present on courgette rather than tomato or lettuce.  相似文献   
Summary Wyeomyia smithii mosquitoes distribute their eggs across available oviposition sites (water-holding pitcher plant leaves) of varying quality. I experimentally examined responses to three components of site quality: conspecific larval density, larval density of the pitcher plant midge,Metriocnemus knabi, and pitcher size. Responses to larval treatments were complex and apparently suboptimal. Although mosquito larval performance is better in leaves with fewer conspecific and more midge larvae, females did not lay more eggs in such pitchers. Instead, more eggs were laid in experimental pitchers containing either midge or mosquito larvae, but fewer eggs in pitchers with neither or both. More eggs were laid in larger pitchers, which tend to accumulate more resources and dry out less often. Therefore, although the oviposition decisions made were suboptimal, they were better than random.  相似文献   
Social insects such as ants use trial-marking and trail-following to organize the behaviour and movement patterns of a large population. Since behaviour has to meet needs of the population in a changing environment, the type of trail networks formed must be adaptable. Both solitary foraging as well as mass migration along a system of trunk trails are behaviours essential for survival of the colony, and the population must be able to switch from one behaviour to the other, depending on conditions. Using a mathematical model for trail following we show that subtle changes in individual behaviour can give rise to dramatic differences in the behaviour of the population, including the ability to switch from solitary movement to organized group traffic. The model incorporates biological parameters associated with the organism, the trail-marker, and the population. Ordinary differential equations are formulated for the density of the trails and for the number of individuals following trails or exploring randomly. It is assumed that the followers reinforce trails by pheromone marking, and that individuals respond to the strength of the trails by becoming more efficient followers. The model is analyzed by qualitative phase-plane methods.  相似文献   
The aim of this work is to study complex ecological models exhibiting simple dynamics. We consider large scale systems which can be decomposed into weakly coupled subsystems. Perturbation Theory is used in order to get a reduced set of differential equations governing slow time varying global variables. As examples, we study the influence of the individual behaviour of animals in competition and predator-prey models. The animals are assumed to do many activities all day long such as searching for food of different types. The degree of competition as well as the predation pressure are dependent upon these activities. Preys are more vulnerable when doing some activities during which they are very exposed to predators attacks rather than for others during which they are hidden. We study the effect of a change in the average individual behaviour of the animals on interspecific relationships. Computer simulations of the whole sets of equations are compared to simulations of the reduced sets of equations.  相似文献   
The behaviour and distribution of adultCoccinella septempunctata L. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) were recorded in two plots of winter wheat infested with the cereal aphidsSitobion avenae (F.) andMetopolophium dirhodum (Walk.) (Homoptera: Aphididae). One plot was sprayed with the pyrethroid insecticide deltamethrin at a rate of 6.25 g a.i./ha and the other was left unsprayed. Single ladybird beetles were released sequentially on the ground at the centre of the sprayed and unsprayed plots and their behaviour and position in the crop canopy were recorded at 30 second intervals for a total of 15 min per beetle. Assessments, with fresh beetles, continued for four days after spray application with a total of eighty ladybird beetles observed. The 15 min period was selected to avoid lethal effects and no ladybird beetles were killed or knocked down as a result of exposure to deltamethrin residues during this period. Significant differences were found between the overall behaviour patterns ofC. septempunctata in the untreated and deltamethrin treated plots up to three days after the spray application. Ladybird beetles exposed to deltamethrin residues were observed to walk and groom significantly more frequently and to rest significantly less frequently than those in the unsprayed plot. Significant differences were also found between the observed distribution of ladybird beetles in the sprayed and unsprayed crop canopies, with higher numbers of observations towards the bottom of the crop canopy and on the ground in the deltamethrin treated plot than in the untreated plot during the first two days after deltamethrin application. Upon the foliage itself, ladybird beetles were observed significantly more frequently on the abaxial leaf surface in the deltamethrin treated crop compared with the untreated crop. The results are discussed in terms of possible evidence for the repellency of deltamethrin toC. septempunctata and also the implications for integrated pest management of changes in predator behaviour and crop distribution resulting from sub-lethal uptake of insecticides.  相似文献   
This study investigates the behavioural and neural mechanisms involved in the oviposition behaviour of the turnip root fly,Delia floralis (Fallen). Behavioural studies showed that glucosinolates modulated the oviposition behaviour of the flies on artificial leaves as well as the number of eggs laid in the soil at the base of these leaves. Electrophysiological responses to glucosinolates were obtained from type A and type D sensilla on the prothoracic and mesothoracic tarsi, as well as from the long contact sensilla on the labellum. The neural responses from these sensilla were positively correlated with the oviposition behaviour of the flies and with the number of eggs laid. Of the eleven glucosinolates tested in the behavioural and electrophysiological tests, the flies were most responsive to glucobrassicanapin, gluconapin and glucobrassicin. The type D tarsal sensilla were more responsive to the glucosinolates than either the type A tarsal sensilla or the labellar sensilla. The structure-activity investigations showed that slight modifications to the chemical composition of the glucosinolates resulted in changes in neural activity.  相似文献   
Repeated measurements of food intake made on juvenile Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus , held under different rearing conditions enabled examination of the effects of environmental manipulations on both intra– and inter–individual variations in food intake to be made. This permitted the assessment of the influences of differential food acquisition on individual growth rates and biomass gain. When charr were held in isolation individual fish showed relatively little day–to–day variability in food intake and inter–individual differences in intake were small ('base–fine' values). All fish exhibited positive rates of growth and the overall range was narrow. Nevertheless, there was a highly significant positive correlation between food intake and growth, indicating that those individuals that consumed the greatest quantities of food were also those that had the highest rates of weight gain. The rearing of charr in groups led to increases in both intra– and inter–individual variations in food intake to levels considerably above 'base–line'. This increased variability in food intake was reflected in rates of weight gain being more variable amongst the charr reared in groups, with fish that lost weight often being recorded. Manipulation of the rearing environment had marked influences upon intra–individual variability in food intake, inter–individual differences in food acquisition and rates of weight gain. High stocking densities and exposure of the fish to moderate water currents were most effective in reducing levels of variability to approach those observed under 'base–line' conditions.  相似文献   
Summary Exoneura bicolor is a univoltine allodapine bee common in montane forests of southern Australia, where it exhibits a semisocial/quasisocial colony organization. Within-nest behaviour in postemergence autumn nests ofExoneura bicolor was recorded with the aim of studying behavioural specialization in pre-reproductive colonies. Ten complete colonies were transferred to purpose-built observation nests shortly before brood eclosion in late summer. Behaviour within observation nests was recorded for periods of up to 44 days after establishment, covering a period when colonies are preparing for overwintering. Dispersal of females and brood rearing do not occur at this time, although some females may become inseminated. Analyses of data using multivariate techniques indicated four distinguishable behavioural castes, designated here as Guards, Nest Absenters, Nest Modifiers and Non-recruits. This represents a higher degree of behavioural specialization than recorded to date for other allodapines. Behaviours performed by Guards and Nest Absenters are likely to involve considerable risks, but benefit the colony as a whole, so that some nestmates in prereproductive colonies exhibit altruism that frequently aids adult siblings or cousins. The males in our study were fed by females via trophallaxis and two of the males participated in nest maintenance tasks. Our results suggest that autumn colonies ofE. bicolor form well-integrated behavioural units even though brood rearing does not commence until the following spring.  相似文献   
Summary A field study of the foraging strategy used by the ponerine ant,Hagensia havilandi is reported. They have permanent nests in the leaf litter of coastal forests.H. havilandi is a diurnal forager and collects a variety of live and dead arthropods. These predatory ants exhibit individual foraging with no cooperation in the search for or retrieval of food items. Three colonies were observed and showed similar temporal and spatial foraging patterns. The paths of individual ants were followed and the results showed that the foragers exhibit area fidelity, and return to the nest via a direct route on finding on prey item. Several foragers did not return to the nest at dusk but returned the following morning. Occasionally a limited amount of tandem recruitment was displayed.  相似文献   
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