The aim of this work is to study complex ecological models exhibiting simple dynamics. We consider large scale systems which can be decomposed into weakly coupled subsystems. Perturbation Theory is used in order to get a reduced set of differential equations governing slow time varying global variables. As examples, we study the influence of the individual behaviour of animals in competition and predator-prey models. The animals are assumed to do many activities all day long such as searching for food of different types. The degree of competition as well as the predation pressure are dependent upon these activities. Preys are more vulnerable when doing some activities during which they are very exposed to predators attacks rather than for others during which they are hidden. We study the effect of a change in the average individual behaviour of the animals on interspecific relationships. Computer simulations of the whole sets of equations are compared to simulations of the reduced sets of equations. 相似文献
Exoneura bicolor is a univoltine allodapine bee common in montane forests of southern Australia, where it exhibits a semisocial/quasisocial colony organization. Within-nest behaviour in postemergence autumn nests ofExoneura bicolor was recorded with the aim of studying behavioural specialization in pre-reproductive colonies. Ten complete colonies were transferred to purpose-built observation nests shortly before brood eclosion in late summer. Behaviour within observation nests was recorded for periods of up to 44 days after establishment, covering a period when colonies are preparing for overwintering. Dispersal of females and brood rearing do not occur at this time, although some females may become inseminated. Analyses of data using multivariate techniques indicated four distinguishable behavioural castes, designated here as Guards, Nest Absenters, Nest Modifiers and Non-recruits. This represents a higher degree of behavioural specialization than recorded to date for other allodapines. Behaviours performed by Guards and Nest Absenters are likely to involve considerable risks, but benefit the colony as a whole, so that some nestmates in prereproductive colonies exhibit altruism that frequently aids adult siblings or cousins. The males in our study were fed by females via trophallaxis and two of the males participated in nest maintenance tasks. Our results suggest that autumn colonies ofE. bicolor form well-integrated behavioural units even though brood rearing does not commence until the following spring. 相似文献
The genera Viburnum, Sambucus and Lonicera have been investigated for chromosome number and karyomorphology including Giemsa-C-banding, fluorochrome (DAPI/CMA) banding and cold treatment. Cold-induced undercontracted chromosome regions (CIRs) are found in Viburnum and Sambucus for the first time and are apparently identical with larger hc regions, shown by Giemsa C-banding. Certain narrow C-bands are not cold-sensitive. CIRs frequently react brightly CMA-positive in Viburnum and Sambucus, while DAPI fluorescence is virtually ineffective. The occurrence of CIRs within plants is possibly linked to certain nuclear characters such as large chromosomes and continuous condensation behaviour. Cold-induction has possibly also some influence on euchromatin condensation characteristics in prophasic chromosomes. Several karyological characters point to a closer relationship between Viburnum, Sambucus and Adoxa: Relatively large chromosomes, continuous condensation behaviour, reticulate to semireticulate interphase nuclei and presence of CIRs. These genera appear isolated from Lonicera and the Caprifoliaceae s.str., which differ remarkably in karyomorphology. 相似文献
Madeira is home to two species of speckled wood butterfly. Pararge xiphia is endemic and is common at mid to high altitudes, within and around the edges of the indigenous laurel forest. In 1976 P. aegeria colonized the island and anecdotal reports suggest that it may have been responsible for the loss of P. xiphia from some of its former haunts. The aims of this paper were (1) to provide comprehensive data on the distribution, habitat preferences and recent changes of range of the two species and (2) to examine territorial behaviour to see if inter-specific competition is taking place. Census results show that there are basic differences between the species in altitudinal range and habitat, but they are found together at high densities at habitat boundaries. Repetition of some of the census routes after a 4-year gap suggests that P. aegeria is expanding its range into the areas dominated by P. xiphia. Behavioural data demonstrate that the males may be competing by causing each other to expend more energy in defence of territories. Although competition may be present, it is not yet possible to establish which species is more affected and how competition may have contributed to the recent changes in the species' ranges. 相似文献
Cryptic coloration is found in many Orthoptera, especially in Acrididae, showing a great variety of forms. In a grasshopper assemblage in southeastern Brazil, preferences for escape places were detected; grasshoppers tended to escape to backgrounds in which they seem to be more cryptic. Coloration was measured using the Simpson diversity index, to quantify 'aspect diversity' (diversity of colours and shapes of patches along the insect's body). A weak positive correlation was found between grasshoppers' aspect diversity and diversification in use of escape places (use of many backgrounds to escape). Grasshoppers with similar colour patterns tended to use the same structures (leaves, sandy soil, stones) to escape. 相似文献
Short-term variations in the relative catch in each of two or three interacting pheromone traps for the pea moth,Cydia nigricana (F.), were investigated for traps aligned along the wind. The proportional catch in each trap varied widely, although the mean values accorded with previous estimates. Over consecutive short intervals during a single trapping period the proportion caught in the centre trap of a three-trap line was constant. The proportion caught in the upwind trap of two-and three-trap lines showed trends in time. These trends differed between trapping periods, but two lines of traps operated simultaneously gave similar results to each other. It is suggested that these results, which are predicted by a model based on various components of moth orientation behaviour, are caused by changes in systematic behavioural processes, not random effects. Possible mechanisms are discussed.
Variations à court terme des captures deCydia nigricana dans des pièges à phéromones en interaction
Résumé Des données antérieures concernant les interactions entre des pièges à phéromone alignés le long du vent ont été utilisées pour déduire les caractéristiques du comportement d'orientation deC. nigricana. Ces données ont été introduites dans un modèle de simulation quantitative qui prédisait que quand les captures totales sur une ligne ont été regroupées sur une période globale de piégage, la proportion capturée dans chaque piège devrait aussi avoir des valeurs moyennes semblables, mais varie plus largement que précédemment indiqué. Les simulations concernant des intervalles consécutifs beaucoup plus courts pendant la même période de piégage ont suggéré une forme spécifique de cette variation.Cette note signale des variations à court terme dans la proportion capturée au piège qui confirment ces prédictions. Nous montrons que sur des intervalles consécutifs brefs pendant une simple période de piégage, la proportion capturée dans le piège central d'une ligne de 3 pièges est contstante, bien que sa valeur change suivant les périodes de piégage. La proportion capturée dans le piège face au vent de 2 ou 3 lignes de pièges suit cette tendance dans le temps, ce qui est généralement bien représenté avec des courbes simples. Ces tendances changent suivant les périodes de piégage, mais des lignes de pièges fonctionnant simultanément fournissaient des résultats similaires. On suggère que ces résultats sont dus à des changements dans des processus comportementaux systématiques et non à des effects aléatoires. Les mécanismes possibles sont discutés.
1. 1.|The purpose of this study was to determine the threshold specific absorption rate (SAR) during exposure to 2450 MHz continuous wave (CW) microwaves that affected thermoregulatory behaviour in mice.
2. 2.|A Plexiglas shuttle box was placed inside a waveguide imposed with a temperature gradient. The temperature gradient allowed the mice to select a particular section of the shuttle box which was, presumably, related to their state of thermal comfort. Exposing the mice to 2450 MHz inside the waveguide at SARs of 0–5.3 W kg−1 for 1 h caused no significant change in their preferred ambient temperature.
3. 3.|Increasing SAR from 5.3 to 18.1 W kg−1 caused the animals to shift their position to the cooler end of the shuttle box.
4. 4.|Following termination of microwave exposure animals that had selected a cool ambient temperature returned to the warm side of the shuttle box.
5. 5.|It is concluded that for mice exposed to radiation at 2450 MHz the thermoregulatory behaviour is significantly affected at SARs of 5.3 to 9.9 W kg−1.
ABSTRACT. A new type of airflow olfactometer is described, and results given of experiments using it to measure behavioural olfactory responses of hymenopterous parasitoids. Compared with Y-tube olfactometers it shows several advantages. In its exposure chamber four separate abutting odour fields are presented so that the test insect can readily enter and re-enter them. More than one odour (or different concentrations of one odour) can be tested at the same time, thereby providing complex preference test situations. The various behavioural measures that can be assessed in the apparatus are examined and discussed. 相似文献