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The planting of sand‐binding vegetation in the Shapotou region at the southeastern edge of the Tengger Desert began in 1956. Over the past 46 years, it has not only insured the smooth operation of the Baotou–Lanzhou railway in the sand dune section but has also played an important role in the restoration of the local eco‐environment; therefore, it is viewed as a successful model for desertification control and ecological restoration along the transport line in the arid desert region of China. Long‐term monitoring and focused research show that within 4–5 years of establishment of sand‐binding vegetation, the physical surface structure of the sand dunes stabilized, and inorganic soil crusts formed by atmospheric dust gradually turned into microbiotic crusts. Among the organisms comprising these crusts are cryptogams such as desert algae and mosses. In the 46 years since establishing sand‐binding vegetation, some 24 algal species occurred in the crusts. However, only five moss species were identified, which was fewer than the species number in the crust of naturally fixed sand dunes. Other results of the planting were that near‐surface wind velocity in the 46‐year‐old vegetation area was reduced by 54.2% compared with that in the moving sand area; soil organic matter increased from 0.06% in moving sand dunes to 1.34% in the 46‐year‐old vegetation area; the main nutrients N, P, K, etc., in the desert ecosystem increased; soil physicochemical properties improved; and soil‐forming processes occurred in the dune surface layer. Overall, establishment of sand‐binding vegetation significantly impacted soil water cycles, creating favorable conditions for colonization by many herbaceous species. These herbaceous species, in turn, facilitated the colonization and persistence of birds, insects, soil animals, and desert animals. Forty‐six years later, some 28 bird species and 50 insect species were identified in the vegetated dune field. Thus, establishment of a relatively simple community of sand‐binding species led to the transformation of the relatively barren dune environment into a desert ecosystem with complex structure, composition, and function. This restoration effort shows the potential for short‐term manipulation of environmental variables (i.e., plant cover via artificial vegetation establishment) to begin the long‐term process of ecological restoration, particularly in arid climates, and demonstrates several techniques that can be used to scientifically monitor progress in large‐scale restoration projects.  相似文献   
Temperature treatment during ovarian recrudescence influenced temporal changes in plasma testosterone (T) and oestradiol-17β (E2). In fish exposed to 8 and 12° C early in the cycle the peaks of both T and E2 were delayed by 4 weeks in comparison with those of fish held at 4° C throughout the experiment. These differences were accompanied by corresponding shifts in the timing of ovulation.  相似文献   
srs-1, a new floral organ identity gene in rice, was mapped using RAPD and RFLP markers. Firstly, the cross was made between "ZhaiYeQing 8" (ZYQ8, indica) and split rice spikelet (SRS, japonica) mutant. The ratio of wild-type individuals and mutant plants in F2 population is 3:1, which indicates that the mutant characteristics are controlled by single recessive gene, srs-1. Consequently, BSA method was adopted and 520 random 10-mer primers were used to screen polymorphic bands between two bulks. Six primers could amplify polymorphic bands, of which S465 generates the most stable RAPD patterns. Then, S465 that cosegregates in F2 population has been converted into an RFLP marker successfully. Furthermore, srs-1 gene was mapped on chromosome 3 using DH mapping population. The effect of srs-1 gene results in the mutant of split rice spikelet. The mutant has longer and softer palea/lemma than those of wild-type, and two small palea/lemma-like organs between palea and lemma. In addition, there is a flower with three stamens and carpel in the axil of lemma. Thus, there are nine stamens and two carpels in the spikelet of mutant. srs-1 gene may belong to homeotic gene of class A according to the mutant characteristics and ABC model.  相似文献   
Abstract Sublethal viral infections can cause changes in the body size and demography of insect vectors, with important consequences for population dynamics and the probability that individual mosquitoes will transmit disease. This study examined the effects of covert (sublethal) infection by Invertebrate iridescent virus 6 (IIV‐6) on the demography of female Aedes aegypti and the relationship between key life history parameters in covertly infected female insects compared with healthy (control) insects or non‐infected mosquitoes that had survived exposure to virus inoculum without becoming infected. Of the female mosquitoes that emerged following exposure to virus inoculum and were offered blood meals, 29% (43/150) proved positive for covert IIV‐6 infection. The net reproductive rate (R0) of covertly infected females was 50% lower for infected females compared to control mosquitoes, whereas non‐infected exposed females had an R0 approximately 15% lower than that of controls. Reproduction caused a significant decrease of about 13 days in mosquito longevity compared to females that did not reproduce (P < 0.001). Infected females lived 5–8 days less than non‐infected exposed females or controls, respectively (P = 0.028). Infected females and non‐infected exposed females both had significantly shorter wings than control insects (P < 0.001). There was a significant positive correlation between wing length and longevity in covertly infected female mosquitoes but not in control or non‐infected exposed mosquitoes. Longer lived females produced more eggs in all treatments. There were no significant correlations between body size and fecundity or the production of offspring. There was also no correlation between fecundity and fertility, suggesting that sperm inactivation was a more likely cause of decreased fertility in older mosquitoes than sperm depletion. We conclude that covert infection by iridescent virus is likely to reduce the vectorial capacity of this mosquito.  相似文献   
Carbon dioxide transport in African lungfish Protopterus aethiopicus blood conformed to the typical vertebrate scheme, implying a crucial and rate-limiting role of erythrocyte Cl/HCO3 exchange. The rate coefficient for unidirectional Cl efflux via the anion exchanger ( k , s−1) increased with temperature in African lungfish, but values were well below those reported in other species. The erythrocytes of African lungfish were, however, very large (mean cellular volume = 6940 µm3), and the ratio of cell water volume to membrane surface area was high ( V w A m−1 = 1·89). Hence, the apparent Cl permeability ( P Cl =  kV w A m−1, µm s−1) was close to that in other vertebrates. The plot of ln P Cl against the inverse absolute temperature was left-shifted in the tropical African lungfish compared to the temperate rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss , which supports the idea that P Cl is similar among animals when compared at their preferred temperatures. Also, Q 10 for anion exchange calculated from P Cl values in African lungfish was 2·0, supporting the idea that the temperature sensitivity of erythrocyte anion exchange matches the temperature sensitivity of CO2 production and transport in ectothermic vertebrates.  相似文献   
Edge creation has a pronounced influence on the understory vegetation, but the effects of edges on seedling species recruitment are still poorly understood. In Central Amazonia, 9–19 years after fragmentation, we recorded species richness and net seedling recruitment rate in 1 ha blocks exposed to none, one, or multiple edges within forest fragments. One‐hectare blocks were located in the center (no edge), the edge (one edge), the corners (two edges) of 10 and 100 ha fragments, and in a 1 ha fragment (four edges). In 1991, we counted all tree seedlings 5–100 cm tall found within permanent 1 m2 plots located within the 1 ha blocks. In May 1993, we manually removed all seedlings that were smaller than 1 m tall from the permanent plots. Six years and five months later (October 1999), all new seedlings recruited into the plots were counted and classified into distinct morphospecies. Species richness of recruited seedlings, scaled by total seedling density, declined from the center to the edge, the corner blocks, and then to the 1 ha fragment. Overall, the four‐edged, 1 ha fragment had the poorest species richness and the non‐edged 100 ha central block the highest. The total number of recruited individuals was 40 percent less than that previously present, with the 100 ha corner having the lowest recruitment. Pairwise comparisons showed that species similarity was related to edge number for the 100 and 1 ha fragments. Species rank/abundance curves showed that a subset of species was common in all blocks within the fragments, and that the 100 ha center held more rare species than any other 1 ha block. This study demonstrated that, in a given fragment patch, the number of tree seedling species recruited varied inversely with the number of edges.  相似文献   
Fourier transform infrared transmission spectroscopy is presented as a technique with great potential for the study of aqueous membrane preparations. The methodology of sample preparation, spectra recording and data reduction is outlined. Spectral parameters are derived from FT-IR difference spectra which provide an extremely sensitive means to monitor the temperature-dependent behavior of individual vibrational modes in model and natural membranes.  相似文献   
1. An experiment conducted in streamside channels was used to document the regrowth of grazed periphyton. Our objective was to determine the relative importance of current velocity, grazing duration, and grazer type in shaping the trajectory of algal and periphytic regrowth. 2. The grazing mayflies Baetis bicaudatus and Epeorus longimanus were used alone and in combination to create three grazing treatments at slow, medium and fast current (2–5, 15–20 and 30–40 cm s?1, respectively). Duration treatments consisted of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 days of grazing. Chlorophyll a and ash‐free dry mass (AFDM) accumulation on grazed tiles was measured (as periphytic AFDM and chlorophyll a, respectively) at 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 days following the removal of grazers. 3. Chlorophyll a and AFDM was best predicted by interactions between current velocity, grazing duration and regrowth time. 4. The two grazer species did not differ in their effect on Chlorophyll a and AFDM during the period of periphytic regrowth that followed grazing. 5. Longer grazing duration reduced periphytic biomass, but also accelerated algal regrowth, and this growth enhancement was more pronounced at slower current velocities. 6. Data from this study suggest that herbivory can have important historical effects on periphytic accrual.  相似文献   
While foliar nitrogen (N) content of host plants depends on environmental conditions, N content of herbivorous insects may remain relatively constant due to homeostasis. However, it is unknown to what extent insects can maintain their body elemental composition against natural variation in host plant quality. The present study examined the performance and N content of a willow leaf beetle, Plagiodera versicolora Laicharting (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), when fed leaves of host willow, Salix eriocarpa Franchet et Savatier (Salicaceae), with varying nutritional status. Water content, toughness, and N content of willow leaves varied seasonally, and they affected performance of the leaf beetle. The leaf beetle achieved high performance when fed young leaves. On the other hand, the N content of the leaf beetle changed little, and it was independent of that of willow leaves, indicating strong N homeostasis of the leaf beetle. We discussed the function of N homeostasis in herbivorous insects in tritrophic level interactions.  相似文献   
Gymnodinium catenatum Graham is an unarmored, cyst‐forming dinoflagellate species responsible for outbreaks of paralytic shellfish poisoning. The nuclear development of the cells during the sexual cycle and the effect of different nitrate and phosphate external levels on sexual stages were studied. Nuclear fusion of gametes occurred before or at the same time as cytoplasmic fusion. During this process, either both nuclei migrated to a central area in the sulcal region, or only one of them migrated to the other nucleus. The motile and longitudinally biflagellated zygote presented a large, pear‐shaped nucleus, and either divided or encysted. Planozygotes and germlings underwent similar division processes, which suggested an uncoordinated meiosis in both encysting and non‐encysting zygotes. Encystment in culture was greater under low nitrate and phosphate limitation (L/15) than when only one or neither of these nutrients were added (L‐N, L‐P, and ‐N‐P). However, planozygotes individually monitored achieved the maximum encystment (40%) in a medium with no phosphate or nitrate added (‐N‐P), while most of them divided (70%–90%) in replete (L1) or half‐replete (L‐N and L‐P) media. Low levels of nitrate in the medium of cyst formation promoted a deficient development of the cyst wall. On the other hand, low phosphate levels in the medium of germination prevented both planozygote and germling division and lowered the final germination frequencies of cysts. The minimum dormancy, with an average value of 13.7±5.5 days, was not affected by any of the nutritional conditions studied.  相似文献   
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