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spindlin1为作者所在研究组克隆并命名的肿瘤相关新基因,之前研究表明spindlin1蛋白定位于细胞核,并有可能通过对TCF-4通路的调节参与对肿瘤细胞生长和周期的调控.为进一步探索spindlin1的作用机制,明确spindlin1结构与功能的关系,在生物信息学分析及晶体结构解析的基础上,构建系列突变表达载体,首先以spindlin1蛋白亚细胞定位为指标,观察野生型及系列突变体spindlin1蛋白的亚细胞定位,并进一步检测野生型及突变体spindlin1对TCF-4荧光素酶报告基因转录活性的调控作用,以明确spindlin1定位与功能的关键位点.结果表明:Ser14+Ser84、Ser84+Ser99、Ser14+Ser84+Ser99位点Ser到Ala的联合突变能使野生型融合蛋白在细胞核内集中分布的特性消失,成为全细胞弥散分布,而Ser14、Ser84、Ser99各位点的单独突变或Ser14+Ser99联合突变对spindlin1蛋白的细胞核内分布没有影响.与此同时,对TCF-4荧光素酶报告基因活性的分析表明,Ser14+Ser84、Ser84+Ser99、Ser14+Ser84+Ser99的联合突变使spindlin1对其活性的激活作用消失或降低.上述结果表明,Ser84是spindlin1细胞定位与功能发挥的关键位点,其作用发挥需要Ser14与Ser99的协助.  相似文献   
徐宗昌  孔英珍 《遗传》2017,39(6):512-524
纤维素合成酶蛋白(cellulose-synthase proteins, CESA)是一类质膜定位蛋白,以蛋白复合体的形式存在于质膜上合成纤维素,在细胞壁建成和植物生长发育过程中起着非常重要的作用。本研究利用CESA蛋白保守域序列PF03552检索普通烟草(Nicotiana tabacum L.)蛋白序列,并通过拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)10个CESA蛋白序列在普通烟草基因组数据库中利用TBLASTN程序进行比对,共获得21条NtCESA基因候选序列,对这些序列进行蛋白序列理化性质分析、系统进化树构建、基因结构分析、保守结构域及跨膜区分析和组织表达模式分析,并对NtCESA9和NtCESA14两个蛋白进行了亚细胞定位实验。结果表明:获得的21条NtCESA蛋白序列的理化性质相似;系统进化分析将21个NtCESA基因和10个AtCESA基因分成5个分支,每一个分支各成员之间的进化相对保守,基因结构类似,不同分支之间的基因结构差异也较小;NtCESA蛋白结构域相对保守,都含有CESA蛋白典型的N端锌指结构、C端跨膜区和DDD-QXXRW保守功能域;组织表达分析结果表明,大部分NtCESA基因在幼苗和成熟期烟草的根、叶、胚芽和愈伤组织中都有表达,同一个分支中的基因表达模式基本一致,并且NtCESA基因参与初/次生细胞壁纤维素的合成与该基因编码蛋白的跨膜区数目存在关联,表明NtCESA基因家族成员功能上的复杂性;亚细胞定位结果证实NtCESA9和NtCESA14为质膜定位蛋白。本研究为烟草CESA基因家族功能的深入研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   
Four hexokinase (LeHXK1–4) and four fructokinase (LeFRK1–4) genes were identified in tomato plants. Previous GFP fusion studies indicate that the gene product of LeHXK3 is associated with the mitochondria while that of LeHXK4 is located within plastids. In this study we found that the enzyme encoded by the fructokinase gene LeFRK3 is also located within plastids. The presence of LeFrk3 enzyme in plastids raises the question of the origin of fructose in these organelles. The other three FRKs enzymes, LeFrk1&2&4, are located in the cytosol. Unlike LeFrk1&2&4, the two additional HXKs, LeHxk1&2, share a common membrane anchor domain and are associated with the mitochondria similar to LeHxk3. The difference in the locations of the cytoplasmic FRK and HXK isozymes suggests that glucose phosphorylation is confined to defined special intracellular localizations while fructose phosphorylation is less confined.Contribution from the Agriculture Research Organization, The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel, No. 126/2006 series.  相似文献   
【目的】探究荧光蛋白标签对马疱疹病毒I型(Equine herpes virus type 1,EHV-1)gD囊膜蛋白亚细胞定位的影响。【方法】以EHV-1基因组为模板利用PCR扩增gD全基因,分别克隆至pAcGFP1-C1和p Ds Red2-N1质粒,构建p Ac-GFP-gD(GFP-gD)和p Ds-gD-Red(gD-Red)重组质粒;将GFP基因插入gD基因信号肽序列之后并克隆至PVAX-1质粒,构建PVAX-S-GFP-gD’(S-GFP-gD’)重组质粒;将Flag标签序列与gD囊膜蛋白N端序列融合后并克隆至p VAX-1表达载体,构建p VAX-Flag-gD(Flag-gD)重组质粒。将4种不同重组真核表达质粒分别转染BHK-21细胞,通过激光共聚焦显微镜对不同融合蛋白gD进行亚细胞定位。【结果】成功构建4种不同的融合蛋白gD真核表达载体;在BHK-21细胞单独表达时,不同融合蛋白gD绝大部分都定位于高尔基体,极少量定位于细胞核内。【结论】不同插入位点的荧光蛋白标签对gD囊膜蛋白亚细胞定位无明显影响,这对今后研究其它蛋白亚细胞定位提供参考。  相似文献   
BRCA1 tumor suppressor gene is found mutated in familial breast and ovarian cancer. Most cancer related mutations were found located at the RING (Really Interesting New Gene) and at the BRCT (BRca1 C-Terminal) domain. However, 20 y after its identification, the biological role of BRCA1 and which domains are more relevant for tumor suppression are still being elucidated. We previously reported that expression of BRCA1 cancer related variants in the RING and BRCT domain increases spontaneous homologous recombination in yeast indicating that BRCA1 may interact with yeast DNA repair/recombination. To finally demonstrate whether BRCA1 interacts with yeast DNA repair, we exposed yeast cells expressing BRCA1wt, the cancer-related variants C-61G and M1775R to different doses of the alkylating agent methyl methane-sulfonate (MMS) and then evaluated the effect on survival and homologous recombination. Cells expressing BRCA1 cancer variants were more sensitive to MMS and less inducible to recombination as compared to cell expressing BRCA1wt. Moreover, BRCA1-C61G and -M1775R did not change their nuclear localization form as compared to the BRCA1wt or the neutral variant R1751Q indicating a difference in the DNA damage processing. We propose a model where BRCA1 cancer variants interact with the DNA double strand break repair pathways producing DNA recombination intermediates, that maybe less repairable and decrease MMS-induced recombination and survival. Again, this study strengthens the use of yeast as model system to characterize the mechanisms leading to cancer in humans carrying the BRCA1 missense variant.  相似文献   
Using polyclonal antibodies raised against a previously cloned potato Mg2+-dependent soluble inorganic pyrophosphatase (ppa1 gene) [8], a second gene, called ppa2, could be isolated. A single locus homologous to ppa2 was mapped on potato chromosomes, unlinked to the two loci identified for ppa1. From a phylogenetic and structural point of view, the PPA1 and PPA2 polypeptides are more closely related to prokaryotic than to eukaryotic Mg2+-dependent soluble inorganic pyrophosphatases (soluble PPases). Subcellular localization by immunogold electron microscopy, using sections from leaf parenchyma cells, showed that PPA1 and PPA2 are localized to the cytosol. Based on these observations, the likely phylogenetic origin and the physiological significance of the cytosolic soluble pyrophosphatases are discussed.  相似文献   
We describe a streamlined and systematic method for cloning green fluorescent protein (GFP)-open reading frame (ORF) fusions and assessing their subcellular localization in Arabidopsis thaliana cells. The sequencing of the Arabidopsis genome has made it feasible to undertake genome-based approaches to determine the function of each protein and define its subcellular localization. This is an essential step towards full functional analysis. The approach described here allows the economical handling of hundreds of expressed plant proteins in a timely fashion. We have integrated recombinational cloning of full-length trimmed ORF clones (available from the SSP consortium) with high-efficiency transient transformation of Arabidopsis cell cultures by a hypervirulent strain of Agrobacterium. To demonstrate its utility, we have used a selection of trimmed ORFs, representing a variety of key cellular processes and have defined the localization patterns of 155 fusion proteins. These patterns have been classified into five main categories, including cytoplasmic, nuclear, nucleolar, organellar and endomembrane compartments. Several genes annotated in GenBank as unknown have been ascribed a protein localization pattern. We also demonstrate the application of flow cytometry to estimate the transformation efficiency and cell cycle phase of the GFP-positive cells. This approach can be extended to functional studies, including the precise cellular localization and the prediction of the role of unknown proteins, the confirmation of bioinformatic predictions and proteomic experiments, such as the determination of protein interactions in vivo, and therefore has numerous applications in the post-genomic analysis of protein function.  相似文献   
The qualitative distribution and quantitative estimates of nitrogenase (EC, glutamine synthetase (EC, phycoerythrin and ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (EC were studied in the cyanobacterium Nostoc residing in internal cephalodia of the tripartite lichen Nephroma arcticum L. Polyclonal antisera, raised in rabbit against the proteins, and goat anti-rabbit IgG conjugated to 10 nm gold were used as probes to detect the antigens by transmission electron microscopy. Western blot analyses demonstrated the monospecificity of the antisera. Nitrogenase was localized in heterocysts, with vegetative cells showing a label intensity comparable to the background. Distribution of the antigen within the heterocysts was uniform. Glutamine synthetase labelling was very low, but appeared to be distributed in both cell types. An intense phycoerythrin labelling was associated with the thylakoid region of the vegetative cells, whereas a much lower labelling was observed in the heterocyst. No significant differences were found between cyanobionts in younger and older cephalodia except for the nitrogenase labelling, which was higher in heterocysts of the cyanobiont in younger cephalodia. Most of the ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) label was present in vegetative cells. The Rubisco label was pronounced in the carboxysomes, whereas the label in the cytoplasm, on a unit area basis, was much lower. Heterocysts showed a label intensity similar to that of the vegetative cell cytoplasm. In Nostoc of the bipartite lichen Peltigera canina L., the Rubisco protein showed a comparable distribution pattern, but the average number of carboxysomes per vegetative cell was about 4 times higher.  相似文献   
轮状病毒形态发生时病毒性抗原的免疫胶体金标记定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈维康  夏诗茂 《病毒学报》1989,5(2):116-122
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