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基于抑郁症的全基因组关联分析研究(GWAS),对于获得的单核苷酸多态性位点(SNP)使用Haploreg软件进行基因注释,得到SNP注释的102个易感基因.。使用MAGMA软件对GWAS的汇总统计数据做基因水平的分析,获得了270个校正之后显著的基因,两者合并共得到320个抑郁症易感基因。通过药物数据库Drugbank获取133个抗抑郁药物靶点基因。使用EWCE包对抑郁症易感基因和抗抑郁药物靶点在三套脑组织单细胞测序数据中,分别进行神经细胞类型富集分析。结果发现大脑皮质的GABA神经元(抑制性神经元)和谷氨酸能神经元(兴奋性神经元)是抑郁症易感基因和抗抑郁药物靶点共同的神经元。这两种类型的神经细胞可能是抗抑郁药物与抑郁症易感基因相互作用的神经细胞,另外少突胶质前体细胞可能是抑郁症特有的易感神经细胞。使用Network Calculator软件构建网络并进行进行网络拓扑学参数分析。结果表明抑郁症易感基因与抗抑郁药物靶点组成了一个具有显著的相互连接的网络。本研究从单细胞层面揭示抑郁症的遗传机制,在网络层面为寻找新的抗抑郁药物靶点提供了一定的启示。  相似文献   
Breast milk is a complex liquid rich in immunological components that affect the development of the infant's immune system. Exosomes are membranous vesicles of endocytic origin that are found in various body fluids and that can mediate intercellular communication. MicroRNAs (miRNAs), a well-defined group of non-coding small RNAs, are packaged inside exosomes in human breast milk. Here, we identified 602 unique miRNAs originating from 452 miRNA precursors (pre-miRNAs) in human breast milk exosomes using deep sequencing technology. We found that, out of 87 well-characterized immune-related pre-miRNAs, 59 (67.82%) are presented and enriched in breast milk exosomes (P < 10(-16), χ(2) test). In addition, compared with exogenous synthetic miRNAs, these endogenous immune-related miRNAs are more resistant to relatively harsh conditions. It is, therefore, tempting to speculate that these exosomal miRNAs are transferred from the mother's milk to the infant via the digestive tract, and that they play a critical role in the development of the infant immune system.  相似文献   
The complete nucleotide sequence of the genome of a symbiotic bacterium Bradyrhizobium japonicum USDA110 was determined. The genome of B. japonicum was a single circular chromosome 9,105,828 bp in length with an average GC content of 64.1%. No plasmid was detected. The chromosome comprises 8317 potential protein-coding genes, one set of rRNA genes and 50 tRNA genes. Fifty-two percent of the potential protein genes showed sequence similarity to genes of known function and 30% to hypothetical genes. The remaining 18% had no apparent similarity to reported genes. Thirty-four percent of the B. japonicum genes showed significant sequence similarity to those of both Mesorhizobium loti and Sinorhizobium meliloti, while 23% were unique to this species. A presumptive symbiosis island 681 kb in length, which includes a 410-kb symbiotic region previously reported by G?ttfert et al., was identified. Six hundred fifty-five putative protein-coding genes were assigned in this region, and the functions of 301 genes, including those related to symbiotic nitrogen fixation and DNA transmission, were deduced. A total of 167 genes for transposases/104 copies of insertion sequences were identified in the genome. It was remarkable that 100 out of 167 transposase genes are located in the presumptive symbiotic island. DNA segments of 4 to 97 kb inserted into tRNA genes were found at 14 locations in the genome, which generates partial duplication of the target tRNA genes. These observations suggest plasticity of the B. japonicum genome, which is probably due to complex genome rearrangements such as horizontal transfer and insertion of various DNA elements, and to homologous recombination.  相似文献   
XAGE-1b(X antigen family member 1B)属于XAGE亚家族,是一种肿瘤 睾丸抗原(cancer/testis antigen,CTA),表达于正常人睾丸组织和多种类型的肿瘤细胞中.本实验室前期研究发现,该基因在涎腺腺样囊性癌高转移细胞系中呈高表达.为了进一步研究XAGE-1b下游调控基因,本实验采用ChIP Seq技术筛查XAGE 1b蛋白质可能存在的DNA结合片段. 结果发现,XAGE-1b下游调控基因富集于细胞分裂(cell division,P-Value=7.95e-04)、细胞周期调控(cell cycle,P-Value=5.532e-03)、及癌症相关基因(GESA/MSigDB module_11,P-Value=2.010e-06)中.同时发现,XAGE-1b下游调控多个基因的表达产物(NCBI/interactions 22827,P-Value=4.678e-06)能与原癌基因c-Myc的启动子抑制蛋白PUF60发生蛋白质相互作用,并通过qPCR进行了验证.这些研究对阐明XAGE-1b在肿瘤细胞的增殖和转移中的作用有重要意义.  相似文献   
East Lake (Lake Donghu), located in Wuhan, China, is a typical city freshwater lake that has been experiencing eutrophic conditions and algal blooming during recent years. Marine and fresh water are considered to contain a large number of viruses. However, little is known about their genetic diversity because of the limited techniques for culturing viruses. In this study, we conducted a viral metagenomic analysis using a high-throughput sequencing technique with samples collected from East Lake in Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. The libraries from four samples each generated 234,669, 71,837, 12,820, and 34,236 contigs (> 90 bp each), respectively. The genetic structure of the viral community revealed a high genetic diversity covering 23 viral families, with the majority of contigs homologous to DNA viruses, including members of Myoviridae, Podoviridae, Siphoviridae, Phycodnaviridae, and Microviridae, which infect bacteria or algae, and members of Circoviridae, which infect invertebrates and vertebrates. The highest viral genetic diversity occurred in samples collected in August, then December and June, and the least diversity in March. Most contigs have low-sequence identities with known viruses. PCR detection targeting the conserved sequences of genes (g20, psbA, psbD, and DNApol) of cyanophages further confirmed that there are novel cyanophages in the East Lake. Our viral metagenomic data provide the first preliminary understanding of the virome in one freshwater lake in China and would be helpful for novel virus discovery and the control of algal blooming in the future.  相似文献   
Lipase-producing microorganisms from a Kenyan alkaline soda lake   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lipolytic enzyme production of 150 isolated strains from samples of Lake Bogoria (Kenya) was examined. Among these, fifteen isolates were selected on the basis of their lipolytic activities and subjected to morphological and 16S rRNA gene sequencing analyses for their identification. All the microorganisms have been selected under culture conditions with pH ranges between 7-10 and temperatures of 37-55 degrees C. Most of them showed optimal growth at 37 degrees C and tolerated salinity up to 10% (w/v). Ten of the isolates were Gram-negative, nine of which were closely related to the Pseudomonas cluster and one to the Halomonas cluster sharing high similarity profile with Halomonas desiderata. The remaining Gram-positive isolates were closely related to the Bacillus cluster, and were grouped with Bacillus halodurans, Bacillus alcalophilus and Bacillus licheniformis. Four members of the Bacillus cluster and the Halomonas sp. produced lipolytic activity under alkaline conditions, while others did so at neutral pH values.  相似文献   
农田生态系统中昆虫与寄主植物的食物营养关系错综复杂,利用田间直接观察法、肠道内含物形态学分析、同位素标记等方法都难于全面解析,常造成营养关系的缺失。近年来,DNA分子追踪技术迅速发展,利用一段较短的DNA序列能有效鉴别植食性昆虫取食寄主植物的种类,为这一领域研究提供了新方法。本文全面介绍了3种DNA分子追踪技术——诊断PCR技术、克隆测序技术和下一代测序技术(next generation sequencing,NGS)。其中诊断PCR技术包括单一PCR技术和多重PCR技术,适用于目标昆虫与已知寄主植物之间的营养关系分析;克隆测序技术能够在寄主植物种类未知的前提下,解析目标昆虫完整的寄主植物种类信息;下一代测序技术实现了短时间内对混合样品的测序,加之昆虫与植物DNA条形码序列数据库大量扩增,有效地提高寄主植物的鉴别能力。诊断PCR技术和克隆测序技术已在追踪地下害虫的取食行为、植食性昆虫取食范围及其在寄主植物间的转移与选择习性等方面被广泛应用,且进展明显。综合考虑各种技术的优缺点,本文提出将DNA分子追踪技术与同位素标记等其他方法相结合的研究策略,以便系统解析农田生态系统中昆虫与寄主植物之间的营养关系。  相似文献   
果蝇程序化死亡基因5(PDCD5)同源cDNA的克隆和序列分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 为了解人类白血病细胞凋亡相关新基因 TFAR1 9(PDCD5,programmed cell death5)在不同种属间的序列同源性 ,利用 EST(expression sequence tag)拼接、RT- PCR、DNA序列测定技术及计算机分析技术 ,首次成功地进行了果蝇 PDCD5同源 c DNA编码区基因克隆和序列分析 .发现果蝇与小鼠及果蝇与人 PDCD5在核苷酸水平上分别有 57.5%和 57.1 %的同源性 ,在氨基酸水平上分别有 46.8%和 46.4%的同源性 .功能区分析发现 ,果蝇 PDCD5c DNA编码 1 33个氨基酸 ,计算机预测可能是一种核蛋白 ,含 5个可能的酪蛋白激酶 (casein kinase )磷酸化位点 ,2个可能的 PKC磷酸化位点 ,与人 PDCD5的功能区类似 .因而果蝇 PDCD5是与人 PDCD5同源的新基因 ,可能都与细胞程序化死亡相关 .  相似文献   
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