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A species of Daphnia, Daphnia curvirostris Eylmann, found in high mountain lakes and ponds in central Japan is described. Although there were some differences in the shape of the male rostrum and the chromosome number between European populations as described by Johnson (1952) and Trentini (1980), and Japanese ones collected from high mountain waters, Japanese specimens had many characteristics similar to the taxon D. curvirostris of Europe.  相似文献   
实验分为低压组(低压舱7,000米)与常压组(吸入7.6%低氧混合气),每组受试者各为12名,有7名参加了两组实验。每组各有4名平均经15分23秒发生了意识模糊或丧失(通称意识障碍)。障碍者的肺泡氧分压为29.9±0.8mmHg。障碍发生前,呈现严重无力,觉醒度降低,反应迟钝,脑波特征是高幅6波(100-300μV)占优势。障碍发生时,高幅δ波丧失节律,幅度衰减,波型不规则,额枕失同步;呼吸循环代偿功能增强程度明显高于障碍前。本工作对于预测和评价人体急性缺氧引起的意识障碍有意义。  相似文献   
利用南京地区夏季炎热的自然条件,连续两年在高温季节(7—8月)进行实验。第一年(系列Ⅰ)的实验动物为四头装置瘤胃瘘管的空怀母水牛,研究高温初期(27.5~33.4℃)和持续高温期(28.0~35℃)对水牛瘤胃消化代谢的影响。第二年实验(系列Ⅱ)利用三头装置瘤胃瘘管的海仔母水牛重复高温(26~35.3℃)实验。 夏季高温期间,实验水牛的呼吸率、瘤胃温度和直肠温度升高,采食量减少,饮水量增加,瘤胃液流速减缓。高温初期出现瘤胃代谢升高[总挥发性脂肪酸(TVFA)和氨氮(NH_3-N)浓度及乙酸/丙酸(A/P)比率升高]。但在持续高温情况下,水牛的采食和瘤胃代谢均明显抑制。采取瘤胃内降温措施(投入冰袋)或冷水淋浴,均能迅速降低呼吸率、直肠和瘤胃温度,恢复采食和反刍,并缓解瘤胃代谢的抑制。提示动物机体参与调节瘤胃代谢的变化,并为改善水牛夏季的饲养管理提供生理学依据。  相似文献   
本实验选择对低温比较敏感的骨骼肌组织作为实验对象。将19只大鼠随机分成3组,其右后肢经冷冻处理使组织温度分别达 5℃、0℃及-5℃,于复温后不同时间测定骨骼肌中四种高能磷酸化合物AMP,ADP、ATP及CP的含量。结果表明,大鼠骨骼肌组织中高能磷酸化合物含量随冷冻时组织最低温度的下降而不同程度的减少,并且具有明显的时相过程。复温后即刻至4小时下降迅速,4~12小时三组值较为接近,其后随时间延长而明显分离。 5℃组恢复得早而且明显,0℃组恢复程度次于 5℃组,-5℃组含量下降最明显而且几乎不恢复。提示:低温使骨骼肌组织能量的产生和贮存过程受到影响。  相似文献   
Addition of 15L-hydroperoxy-5,8,11,13-eicosatetraenoic acid (15-HPETE) to human leukocytes led to the formation of a novel series of compounds containing four conjugated double bonds. The yield of tetraenes was increased approx. 100-fold when ionophore A23187 (5 μM) was added simultaneously with 15-HPETE. The structure of the major tetraene was established by physical methods as well as by chemical degradation and found to be 5,6,15L-trihydroxy-7,9,11,13-eicosatetraenoic acid.  相似文献   
The metabolism of N-methyl substituted 7H-dibenzo[c,g]carbazole (N-Me DBC) was investigated in vitro using liver microsomes from 3-methylcholanthrene (MC)-, benzo[c]carbazole (BC) and Arochlor-pretreated mice and rats. N-Me DBC is a potent sarcomatogen devoid of hepatotoxicity and liver carcinogenic activity. The ethyl acetate-extractable metabolites were separated by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and most of them were identified by proton magnetic resonance (PMR), mass spectrometry (MS) and comparison with synthetically prepared specimens. Mouse and rat microsomes gave rise to the same metabolites. The major metabolites were 5-OH-N-Me DBC (50%), N-hydroxymethyl (HMe) DBC (25-30%) and 3-OH-N-Me DBC (10%). Addition of 1,1,1-trichloropropene-2,3-oxide (TCPO) to the standard incubation medium permitted the identification of two dihydrodiols among the minor metabolites. No metabolite of DBC was observed after incubation of N-Me DBC, or its major metabolite N-HMe DBC, with either mouse or rat microsomes, but the possibility of a slight demethylation cannot be totally excluded. The lack of biotransformation at the nitrogen atom site may explain the lack of hepatotoxicity and liver carcinogenic activity of N-Me DBC. The modulation of metabolism by epoxide hydrolase, cytosol and glutathione was also investigated. The results are discussed in the light of data previously obtained with hepatotoxic and hepatocarcinogenic DBC.  相似文献   
Multiple conformations of amino acid residues in ribonuclease A   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The highly refined 1.26 A structure (R = 0.15) of phosphate-free bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A was modeled with 13 residues having discrete multiple conformations of side chains. These residues are widely distributed over the protein surface, but only one of them, Lys 61, is involved in crystal packing interactions. The discrete conformers have no unusual torsion angles, and their interactions with the solvent and with other atoms of the protein are similar to those residues modeled with a single conformation. For three of the residues--Val 43, Asp 83, and Arg 85--two correlated conformations are found. The observed multiple conformations on the protein surfaces will be of significance in analyzing structure-function relationships and in performing protein engineering.  相似文献   
Covalently bound intermediates of enniatin B synthesis could be isolated from enniatin synthetase by treatment with performic acid. By comparison with products of mild alkaline cleavage of authentic enniatin B they could be identified as the dipeptide D-2-hydroxyisovaleryl-N-methylvaline and the corresponding tetrapeptide. Synthesis of enniatins apparently proceeds via condensation of dipeptides. This was confirmed by the use of the substrate analogue isovaleric acid, which has shown to be a strong inhibitor for enniatin synthesis by formation of N-isovaleryl-N-methyl valine.  相似文献   
Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), some of which are potent carcinogens, are common environmental pollutants. The transport processes for these hydrophobic compounds into cells and between intracellular membranes are diverse and are not well understood. A common mechanism of transport is by spontaneous desorption and transfer through the aqueous phase. From the partitioning parameters, we have inferred that the rate limiting step involves solvation of the transfer species in the interfacial water at the phospholipid surface. Transfer of 10 PAH (pyrene, 3,4-benzophenanthrene, triphenylene, chrysene, 1,2-benzanthracene, 1,1'-binaphthyl, 9-phenylanthracene, 2,2'-binaphthyl, m-tetraphenyl and 1,3,5-triphenylbenzene) out of phosphatidylcholine vesicles has been examined. Our results show that the molecular volume of the PAH is a rate-determining factor. Moreover, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) data confirms the hypothesis that the rate of transfer is correlated with the size of the molecule and with the partitioning of the molecule between a polar and hydrocarbon phase. The kinetics and characteristics of the spontaneous transfer of carcinogens are likely to have a major impact on the competitive processes of PAH metabolism within cells.  相似文献   
The metabolism of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) carcinogen benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) was studied using microsomes prepared from the skin of the mouse and rat. Topical application of the polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) Aroclor 1254 or the PAH 3-methylcholanthrene (3-MC) to the skin of the C57BL/6N and DBA/2N mouse and the Sprague-Dawley rat caused statistically significant enhancement of cutaneous microsomal aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase (AHH) activity in each animal. PCB was a more potent inducer of the enzyme than was 3-MC. BaP metabolism by skin microsomes from the same animals was assessed using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The skin of untreated animals metabolized BaP into 9,10-, 7,8- and 4,5-dihydrodiols, phenols and quinones. Skin application of PCB caused greater than 16–18-fold enhancement of BaP metabolism in the C57BL/6N mouse and the rat and 2–5-fold enhancement in the DBA/2N mouse. Skin application of 3-MC enhanced BaP metabolism 2–8-fold in the C57BL/6N mouse and 5–10-fold in the rat and had no effect in the DBA/2N mouse. The formation of procarcinogenic metabolite BaP-7, 8-diol was greatly enhanced (4–12-fold) by treatment with the PCB and 3-MC in the tumor susceptible C57BL/6N mouse and in the tumor-resistant neonatal Sprague-Dawley rat. In contrast, the formation of BaP-7,8-diol was either slightly enhanced (2-fold) or unaffected by treatment with the PCB or 3-MC in the tumor-resistant DBA/2N mouse. Our data indicate that neither the patterns of metabolism nor the amount of BaP-7,8-diol formation in the skin are reliable predictors of tumor susceptibility to the PAH in rodent skin.  相似文献   
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