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Experience in aggressive contests often affects behaviour during, and the outcome of, later contests. This review discusses evidence for, variations in, and consequences of such effects. Generally, prior winning experiences increase, and prior losing experiences decrease, the probability of winning in later contests, reflecting modifications of expected fighting ability. We examine differences in the methodologies used to study experience effects, and the relative importance and persistence of winning and losing experiences within and across taxa. We review the voluminous, but somewhat disconnected, literature on the neuroendocrine mechanisms that mediate experience effects. Most studies focus on only one of a number of possible mechanisms without providing a comprehensive view of how these mechanisms are integrated into overt behaviour. More carefully controlled work on the mechanisms underlying experience effects is needed before firm conclusions can be drawn.Behavioural changes during contests that relate to prior experience fall into two general categories. Losing experiences decrease willingness to engage in a contest while winning experiences increase willingness to escalate a contest. As expected from the sequential assessment model of contest behaviour, experiences become less important to outcomes of contests that escalate to physical fighting.A limited number of studies indicate that integration of multiple experiences can influence current contest behaviour. Details of multiple experience integration for any species are virtually unknown. We propose a simple additive model for this integration of multiple experiences into an individual's expected fighting ability. The model accounts for different magnitudes of experience effects and the possible decline in experience effects over time.Predicting contest outcomes based on prior experiences requires an algorithm that translates experience differences into contest outcomes. We propose two general types of model, one based solely on individual differences in integrated multiple experiences and the other based on the probability contests reach the escalated phase. The difference models include four algorithms reflecting possible decision rules that convert the perceived fighting abilities of two rivals into their probabilities of winning. The second type of algorithm focuses on how experience influences the probability that a subsequent contest will escalate and the fact that escalated contests may not be influenced by prior experience. Neither type of algorithm has been systematically investigated.Finally, we review models for the formation of dominance hierarchies that assume that prior experience influences contest outcome. Numerous models have reached varied conclusions depending on which factors examined in this review are included. We know relatively little about the importance of and variation in experience effects in nature and how they influence the dynamics of aggressive interactions in social groups and random assemblages of individuals. Researchers should be very active in this area in the next decade. The role of experience must be integrated with other influences on contest outcome, such as prior residency, to arrive at a more complete picture of variations in contest outcomes. We expect that this integrated view will be important in understanding other types of interactions between individuals, such as mating and predator-prey interactions, that also are affected significantly by prior experiences.  相似文献   
本文在中立竞技场中通过两两互作确定四川短尾鼩(Anourosorex squamipes)同性个体间的社会等级,并在此基础上利用其尿液,研究不同社会等级个体的自我或非自我识别能力及模式、尿液气味的行为响应机制,以及社会等级识别能力。结果表明:(1)四川短尾鼩优势个体表现攻击行为较多,从属个体防御行为较多,优势个体的标记行为显著高于从属个体;攻击行为表现为同等级雄性高于同等级雌性,且雌性间的攻击强度低于雄性;(2)从属个体和优势个体分别对自身尿液气味和非自身尿液气味存在明显偏好差异;不同性别、等级个体自我识别模式差异不明显,不同社会等级个体对于自身识别模式和非自身尿液的行为反应模式均不同。不同社会等级个体具有自我识别能力且能力不同;(3)四川短尾鼩能够识别不同社会等级个体的尿液气味,雌性对雄性尿液更感兴趣,雄性对优势雄性尿液选择回避;雄性对其他个体的访问时间与嗅舔频次均显著高于雌性,雌雄个体在识别不同社会等级的尿液气味时存在性二型。  相似文献   

Annual survival by age, sex and population size and structure were estimated for bellbirds (Anthornis melanura) from a banding study undertaken on 66 ha Aorangi Island, the Poor Knights Islands, during the period 1978–86. The most parsimonious model showed that survival varied little with age and between years, and survival of males was significantly greater than that of females. Recapture probabilities of males and females were similar, but did vary with age and among years. There was a greater proportion of adult males than adult females and sub‐adult males and females in the population, and among adults the male bias in the population was greater during the breeding season than at other times of the year. The high density of bellbirds on the Poor Knights and larger size of males may explain the reduced survival of females relative to that of males.  相似文献   
Invasive plant species succeed because they are able to propagate and disperse into unoccupied habitat, outcompete and suppress other plant species or use a combination of these two strategies. Ecosystems are often invaded by multiple species and it is important to determine which species are likely to dominate plant communities through competition and which species will succeed by other means. We assessed frequency and abundance of 65 invasive species over 1700 km of riparian zone in the Burdekin catchment of North Queensland, Australia and established a dominance hierarchy for those species. The cover of every invasive and one native shrub known to have increased in abundance in historical times, was surveyed in quadrats as part of a nested hierarchical design consisting of 8030 quadrats, within 803 transects, within 90 sites. Total species cover and species frequency were derived from the results of this survey. We estimated the pairwise interactions between individual species and used a non‐parametric David Score to rank species and construct a competition hierarchy of invasive species at the quadrat and transect levels. Species frequency and cover were highly correlated (r2 = 0.81). The competition hierarchy of species at the quadrat level was moderately related to species cover, but poorly related to species frequency (r2 = 0.24 and 0.02). The competition rank of many species, including Urochloa mosambicensis and Parthenium hysterophorus, changed markedly with scale when assessed at the quadrat and transect levels. This suggests different processes influenced their competitive success at different scales. This technique enabled us to explore and accept the hypothesis that abundant species are often the most competitive. However, some exceptions were identified in this study and these species may in time become more abundant in the catchment.  相似文献   
Abstract. We examined spatial distributions and plant sizes along a transect through a natural population of a winter annual, Myosotis micrantha. A size hierarchy existed, as indicated by high values of Gini coefficients of inequality for plant mass and correlated measures. Plants with no immediate conspecific neighbors were larger than plants with one or more near neighbors, suggesting that competition from near neighbors depressed plant size. However, there was strong positive spatial autocorrelation in plant size: large plants were associated with large neighbors and small ones with small neighbors. Plant size was also positively correlated with the combined biomass of near neighbors. The population formed a two-phase mosaic of patches of relatively large plants alternating with patches of smaller plants. The data suggest that individual plants compete with conspecifics, but the effects of competition are symmetrical. The most likely explanations for this spatially structured size hierarchy are variation in plant density, patchy distribution of resources, or a combination of the two.  相似文献   
Concepts and methods of ecological engineering   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Ecological engineering was defined as the practice of joining the economy of society to the environment symbiotically by fitting technological design with ecological self design. The boundary of ecological engineering systems includes the ecosystems that self organize to fit with technology, whereas environmental engineering designs normally stop at the end of the pipe. For example, the coastal marsh wildlife sanctuary at Port Aransas, Texas, developed when municipal wastewaters were released on bare sands. The energy hierarchy concept provides principles for planning spatial and temporal organization that can be sustained. Techniques of ecological engineering are given with examples that include maintaining biodiversity with multiple seeding, experimental mesocosms, enclosed systems with people like Biosphere 2, wetland filtration of heavy metals, overgrowth and climax ecosystems, longitudinal succession, exotics, domestication of ecosystems, closing material cycles, and controlling water with vegetation reflectance.  相似文献   
Variation in male mating success is often related to rank differences. Males who are unable to monopolize oestrous females alone may engage in coalitions, thus enhancing their mating success. While studies on chimpanzees and dolphins suggest that coalitions are independent of kinship, information from female philopatric species shows the importance of kin support, especially from mothers, on the reproductive success of females. Therefore, one might expect a similar effect on sons in male philopatric species. We evaluate mating success determinants in male bonobos using data from nine male individuals from a wild population. Results reveal a steep, linear male dominance hierarchy and a positive correlation between dominance status and mating success. In addition to rank, the presence of mothers enhances the mating success of sons and reduces the proportion of matings by the highest ranking male. Mothers and sons have high association rates and mothers provide agonistic aid to sons in conflicts with other males. As bonobos are male-philopatric and adult females occupy high dominance status, maternal support extends into adulthood and females have the leverage to intervene in male conflicts. The absence of female support to unrelated males suggests that mothers gain indirect fitness benefits by supporting their sons.  相似文献   
Vertical gradients of leaf nitrogen (N) per unit leaf area (NLA) are viewed as plastic responses that optimize N utilization with respect to carbon assimilation. However, it has been shown that plant species, sowing density and N availability affect the steepness of the NLA gradient relative to the photon flux density (PFD) gradient. This paper tests the hypothesis that such variation is related to the N status of the plant. The N status was analysed using the concept of the critical N concentration (Ncrit) in which shoot N per unit dry mass (NSM) decreases with shoot mass, and a negative deviation of actual NSM from Ncrit indicates N shortage in the plant. The hypothesis was tested with contrasting grassland species Medicago sativa, Dactylis glomerata and Taraxacum officinale by varying PFD and N availability, plant density and hierarchical positions of individuals within stands. Combinations of all treatments showed a general negative correlation between the N allocation coefficient (i.e. the slope of the NLA-PFD relationship) and NSM for all three species. Thus, NLA, relative to PFD, gradients became steeper with increasing shoot mass and increasing N shortage in the plant. These data are consistent with the view that internal N availability is an important factor in modifying the NLA gradient.  相似文献   
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