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Genetically uniform burley tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) was grown under field and various controlled-environment conditions to determine whether environment influenced epicuticular alkane, fatty acid, and fatty-alcohol composition of the leaves. Quantity and quality of alkanes, fatty acids, and fatty alcohols were greatly influenced by environmental conditions. Highest light intensity did not result in the largest total long aliphatic carbon-chain production. Generally, long photoperiod and cool temperature were associated with highest long aliphatic carbon-chain production on a leaf area basis. Quantity of the individual alkane, fatty acid, or fatty alcohol classes present under the different growth conditions varied in relation to the leaf metabolic status and not leaf size.  相似文献   
The polysaccharide composition of bark from Pinus radiata, Salix fragilis, and Populus euramericana has been determined. All the barks contained lower levels of cellulose and hemicellulose than the corresponding woods; cellulose: hemicellulose ratios were also lower in the barks. Alkali extracted all of the hemicellulose-A but only half of the hemicellulose-B from P. radiata bark without prior delignification. Similar alkaline extraction removed almost all of the hemicellulose (A + B) from ryegrass leaves without delignification. With the other samples tested only a part of the hemicellulose A and B is extracted without delignification. It is suggested that the polysaccharide so extracted represents wall hemicellulose which is not linked to lignin or other wall constituents by alkali-stable links.  相似文献   
Ammonium sulfate (5 mM) had no effect on nitrate reductase activity during a 3 hr dark incubation, but the enzyme was increased 2.5-fold during a subsequent 24 hr incubation of the maize leaves in light. The enzyme activity induced by ammonium ion declined at a slower rate under non-inducing conditions than that induced by nitrate. The decline in ammonium stimulated enzyme activity in the dark was also slower than that with nitrate. Further. cycloheximide accelerated the dark inactivation of the ammonium-enzyme while it had no effect on the nitrate-enzyme. The experiments demonstrate that increase in nitrate reductase activity by ammonium ion is different from the action of nitrate action.  相似文献   
镉污染对烟草叶片超微结构及部分元素含量的影响   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:23  
采用水培试验,利用电感耦合等离子体、透射电镜、扫描电镜等技术研究了镉污染对烟草(N icotiana tabacum)叶绿素含量及叶绿素a/b值、叶下表皮气孔器密度、腺毛密度、叶片细胞超微结构和P、K、C a等元素含量的影响,以及叶片细胞、腺毛对镉污染的反应。结果表明随着营养液中镉浓度的增高,烟草叶绿素含量及叶绿素a/b值降低;叶下表皮气孔器的密度及腺毛的密度增加;叶绿体中组成基粒的类囊体层数减少、分布不均、或粘连成索状,叶绿体膜系统崩溃,内外膜均解体,类囊体消失;但烟草可通过将镉隔离于细胞壁中或排出表皮细胞或通过腺毛分泌作用来减少其毒害。随着营养液中镉浓度的增高,腺毛分泌物中S i、K、A l、C a、M g、F e的含量增加;浓度为3m g/L的镉污染可增加叶片中P、C a、M g、F e、Cu、Zn、A l元素的含量,但浓度为30m g/L的镉污染造成叶片中P、C a、M g、F e、Cu、Zn、A l元素含量的减少;镉污染可引起叶片中N a含量增加,且随着营养液中镉浓度的增高N a含量增加;镉污染造成K、M n在叶片中的含量下降,而且随着营养液中镉浓度的增高,K、M n含量下降幅度增加。  相似文献   
对荷叶中主要生理活性物质生物碱的提取条件进行了初步研究,以稀盐酸水为溶剂结合微波照射浸渍提取,获得了较优化的提取工艺,即用pH2.5 HCl、微波辅助处理2.5 min、固液比1:40、提取温度90℃、提取时间3 h,可得荷叶生物碱量172.63μg.g-1。  相似文献   
以木薯(Manihot esculenta Crantz)品种'华南7号'('South China 7')、'华南9号'('South China 9')和'华南205号'('South China 205')为研究对象,分别对种植后90、120、150、180和210 d的3个木薯品种嫩茎叶中氢氰酸、总黄酮及主要营养成分含量的变化进行了分析;在此基础上,明确供试3个品种嫩茎叶作为饲料的最佳采收期.结果表明:随种植后时间延长,3个品种嫩茎叶中的氢氰酸和总黄酮含量变化均呈波动趋势,其中,'华南7号'嫩茎叶的氢氰酸含量在种植后150和210 d显著降低(分别为347843和320507 mg·kg-1),'华南9号'嫩茎叶的氢氰酸含量在种植后150 d最低(313643 mg·kg-1),'华南205号'嫩茎叶的氢氰酸含量在种植后210 d最低(75103 mg·kg-1);'华南7号'和'华南205号'嫩茎叶的总黄酮含量在种植后120 d最高(分别为1963%和1917%),而'华南9号'嫩茎叶的总黄酮含量则在种植后210 d最高(1801%).不同生长期3个木薯品种嫩茎叶的粗蛋白质和粗灰分含量均符合相关动物饲料的标准,而总磷含量均较低.其中,'华南7号'嫩茎叶的粗蛋白质、粗脂肪、粗纤维、粗灰分和总钙含量在种植后150 d相对较高,分别为25273%、7687%、23077%、7157%和1660%,其无氮浸出物含量(26823%)相对较低;'华南9号'嫩茎叶的上述5种营养成分含量在种植后120 d相对较高,分别为28050%、6990%、21557%、8467%和1493%,其无氮浸出物含量(24723%)相对较低;'华南205号'嫩茎叶的粗蛋白质、粗脂肪和粗灰分含量在种植后120 d相对较高,分别为24273%、7080%和7633%,其粗纤维(18470%)、无氮浸出物(32037%)和总钙(1323%)含量相对较低.综合分析结果显示:'华南7号'、'华南9号'和'华南205号'嫩茎叶作为饲料的最佳采收时间分别为种植后150、120和120 d.  相似文献   
兰属、兜兰属、石斛属植物叶片的扫描电镜观察   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
对兰科植物的兰属、兜兰属及石斛属16个种折叶片及其横断面进行了扫描电镜的观察。兰属各种叶片上表皮细胞均为矩形,上表皮细胞表面具小乳突或不明显突起。石斛属及兜兰属的各个种上下表皮细胞均为多边形,但石斛属表皮细胞表面无坦无纹饰,而兜兰属花叶类上表皮细胞表面明显呈乳突状,绿叶类呈龟背状隆起。兰属及石斛属叶片叶肉组织没有栅栏组织及海绵组织的分化,而兜兰属的绿叶类叶肉不分化;花叶类叶肉有分化。  相似文献   
Abstract. Activation spectra of photochemical reactions were measured by a flash spectrophotometer in leaves having varying chlorophyll contents at different stages of greening. The increase of chlorophyll concentration up to 30 nmol cm-2 elevated the rates of photochemical reactions at all wavelengths of light used, and was found to be produced by an increase in the amounts of reaction centres. Further accumulation of chlorophyll up to 40 nmol cm-2 was associated with an increase in light-harvesting chlorophyll, an improved rate of photochemical reactions around 600 nm and at 700 nm, and self-absorption and screening effects where chlorophyll absorbed maximally (400–450 nm and around 680 nm).  相似文献   
该研究以耐热型水稻品种Nagina22和热敏型水稻品种YR343为供试材料,采用盆栽试验,设置喷施清水+常温处理(NT0)、喷施清水+穗分化期高温胁迫(HT0),以及分别喷施5、10、15、20 mmol·L-1外源海藻糖+高温胁迫(分别记为HT1、HT2、HT3、HT4)共6个处理,分析外源海藻糖对高温胁迫下穗分化期水稻叶片叶绿素含量、光合气体交换参数、抗氧化酶活性、渗透调节物质含量、活性氧含量等生理特性,以及籽粒产量及其构成因素的影响,为水稻抗热栽培和耐热品种的选育提供理论依据。结果表明:(1)在高温胁迫下水稻穗分化期,2个水稻品种叶片的叶绿素含量、光合气体交换参数及渗透调节物质含量均降低,叶片MDA和H2O2含量以及■的产生速率均上升,叶片抗氧化酶活性呈先增后降的趋势,最终显示水稻籽粒产量及其构成因素显著下降。(2)喷施外源海藻糖能显著增加高温胁迫下穗分化期水稻的每穗粒数、千粒重和结实率,从而提高籽粒产量,其中弱势粒千粒重和结实率的增幅高于强势粒,外源海藻糖最适喷施浓度为15 mmol·L-1...  相似文献   
Cd、Fe及其复合污染对烟草叶片几项生理指标的影响   总被引:73,自引:3,他引:70  
李元  王焕校  吴玉树 《生态学报》1992,12(2):147-154
本文通过盆栽和大田模拟试验,研究了Cd,Fe,Cd+Fe,Fe+Cd处理下烟草红花大金元(Nicotiana tabacurm L.)叶片的几项生理指标的变化情况。试验表明:烟草叶片叶绿素a、叶绿素b、叶绿素a+b含量均随Cd处理浓度的增加而下降,随Fe处理浓度的增加而上升。总烟碱含量随Cd处理浓度的增加(0—100ppm)而下降,Cd 150ppm时略有上升,随Fe处理浓度的增加而上升。蛋白质含量随Cd处理浓度的增加而上升,随Fe处理浓度的增加而下降。烟草的3个生理指标表明,Cd抑制Fe对生理指标的作用,Fe抑制Cd对它们的作用,Cd与Fe相互拮抗。Cd处理的烟草叶片过氧化物酶活性和细胞膜透性的测定结果表明,过氧化物酶活性和细胞膜透性均随Cd处理浓度的增加而上升。  相似文献   
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