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于2010年5-9月,在内蒙古锡林浩特市毛登牧场,调查了道路和放牧2种因素对布氏田鼠(Microtus brandti)分布与密度的影响及其随时间的动态特征.结果表明:在鼠类低密度期(<60只·hm-2)和垂直于道路方向上,随着与道路距离的增加,布氏田鼠相对密度逐渐降低;草场放牧活动使布氏田鼠密度增加.可见,道路、放牧等人类干扰影响鼠类的相对密度及其时空分布,而鼠类也对人类干扰产生了一定程度的适应.  相似文献   


To assess vegetation changes in montane fens and wet meadows and their causes over 38 years.


Wetlands, Jura Mountains (Switzerland and France).


Plots were inventoried in 1974 and re‐located in 2012 (quasi‐permanent plots) on the basis of sketches to assess changes in plant communities. The 110 plots belonged to five phytosociological alliances, two in oligotrophic fens (Caricion davallianae, Caricion fuscae) and three in wet meadows (Calthion, Molinion, Filipendulion). Changes between surveys were assessed with NMDS, and changes in species richness, Simpson diversity, species cover and frequency and the causes of these changes were evaluated by comparing ecological indicator values.


Changes in species composition varied between alliances, with a general trend towards more nutrient‐rich flora with less light at ground level. Species diversity declined, with a marked decreasing trend for the typical species of each alliance. These species were partly replaced by species belonging to nitrophilous and mesophilous grasslands. However, no trend towards drier conditions was detected in these wetlands. The largest changes, with an important colonization by nitrophilous species, occurred in the Swiss sites, where grazing was banned 25 years ago. As a result of floral shifts, many plots previously belonging to fens or wet mesotrophic meadows shifted to an alliance of the wet meadows, generally Filipendulion. Moreover, communities showed a slight trend towards more thermophilous flora.


The investigated wetlands in the Jura Mountains have suffered mainly from eutrophication due to land‐use abandonment and N deposition, with a loss of typical species. Areas with constant land use (grazing or mowing) showed less marked changes in species composition. The most important action to conserve these wetlands is to maintain or reintroduce the traditional practices of extensive mowing and livestock grazing in the wetlands, especially in areas where they were abandoned 25 years ago. This previous land‐use change was intended to improve fen conservation, but it was obviously the wrong measure for conservation purposes.  相似文献   
草地利用移动性的丧失导致生态系统退化,是草地放牧生态学领域兴起的主导性学说.在我国,草地利用移动性的丧失不仅是政策变化导致的,更是众多自然和社会因素叠加演进的结果.草地利用移动性的重建对于中国草地恢复和可持续性管理具有重要意义,但是很难通过恢复传统或季节性轮牧的途径实现.我们可以依托智能围栏、牲畜智能可穿戴设备以及草地...  相似文献   
孙世贤  卫智军  吴新宏  姜超  郭利彪 《生态学报》2016,36(23):7570-7579
种群空间格局是种群自身特性、种间相互关系及环境条件综合作用的结果。以短花针茅荒漠草原为研究对象,运用Programita软件,采用Ripley's K函数和Monte Carlo随机模拟方法,对短花针茅、无芒影子草和碱韭种群点格局及空间关联性进行了研究。结果表明:短花针茅在禁牧和过度放牧下集群分布的尺度在增加,禁牧和过度放牧两种草地利用方式下短花针茅种群的格局具有趋同的趋势;并且,随着放牧强度的增大或者是持续放牧的影响,使得随机分布尺度在逐渐的增大,短花针茅在更大的尺度上才可能为集群分布。春季重牧+夏季重牧+秋季轻牧和全年重度放牧利用下无芒隐子草在较大尺度上才表现为集群分布,并且尺度转化的临界点在放牧的影响下有增大的趋势;重度放牧下碱韭为了适应放牧干扰逐渐向集群分布方向发展,集群分布的尺度在减小以提高种群的稳定性从而抵御过度的干扰。在不同的放牧干扰强度下植物种群具有明显的响应策略,大致表现为物种的群居性在增强,物种集群分布的尺度在减小以提高种群的稳定性从而抵御过度的干扰。春季休牧+夏季重牧+秋季轻牧处理下种群斑块化的尺度较大,有利于群落的稳定,因此荒漠草原采用这种利用方法较为合理。  相似文献   
Although benthic diatoms are used to assess river water quality, there are few data on the rate at which diatom assemblages react to changes in water quality. The aim of this study was to assess the reaction time of diatoms and to discuss the changes occurring during water quality improvement on the basis of their autecological characteristics. In order to simulate this improvement, diatom-dominated biofilms grown on artificial sandstone substrata were transferred from several polluted rivers to an unpolluted river. They were sampled three times: before transfer and 1 and 2 months after transfer. The ecology and growth-forms of the taxa explained most of the changes in species composition observed during the experiment. Adnate diatoms gradually replaced motile and stalked taxa. Gomphonema parvulum, a stalked diatom positioned vertically in the biofilm, is adapted for light and space competition in high-density algal biofilms. When transferred to an unpolluted site, this growth-form is less competitive and does not tolerate the high grazing pressure. Fistulifera saprophila is a single celled motile diatom, living in organic matrices. When the artificial substrata were transferred to the unpolluted site, this particular ecological niche disappeared quickly. On the other hand, Achnanthidium minutissimum, which is considered to be cosmopolitan and an early colonizer, increased during the first month of transfer and then decreased. It was gradually replaced by A. biasolettianum, which was the taxon best suited to this pristine stream. The changes observed differed between treatments depending on the species composition and architecture of the biofilms. In particular, biofilms dominated by stalked and motile diatoms were more quickly modified than those dominated by small motile diatoms. The diatom index reflects these changes, and its values showed that about 60 days following a water quality improvement were necessary for transferred diatom assemblages to reach diatom index values similar as those at the unpolluted river.  相似文献   
亚高山竹类占据着野生大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)食物组分的99%,竹子的生命周期与大熊猫的生活史密切相关,竹子的更新和生长直接影响着大熊猫的生存与保护.为了弄清大熊猫的采食利用和人为砍伐是否促进或制约竹子的繁殖更新,应用样方法、定位观察法,连续研究了卧龙自然保护区大熊猫栖息地内野化培训大熊猫采食、人为砍伐和对照样方中拐棍竹无性系种群的更新动态.结果表明,在相同种群数量和环境条件的基础上(p>0.05),被大熊猫采食竹子的比例为67.07%,致死率29.07%;人为砍伐竹子的比例为65.67%,致死率46.68%,可见与大熊猫采食相比,砍伐更为影响拐棍竹种群的生存.从出笋数量来看,不同处理方式有利于拐棍竹无性系种群的更新(p<0.05),尤其是人为砍伐措施大大提高了竹子的出笋率,但人为砍伐样方的竹笋质量(地径和株高生长)却远低于大熊猫采食和对照样方,未能达到大熊猫觅食的选择利用标准.不同年份之间,各种处理方式下的拐棍竹出笋数量波动较大(p=0.006~0.035),并随着恢复时间的延长,逐渐趋于相似(2007,p=0 825).不同处理方式之间,拐棍竹无性系种群的年补充率,各年份均具有显著性差异(p<0.05,除2007年外),年死亡率仅2003年和2004年有明显的差异(p<0.05),2005~2007年均不显著(p>0.05).拐棍竹无性系种群的年补充率与年死亡率之间表现出年补充率﹥年死亡率的格局(p<0.05),唯有大熊猫采食样方的2004年和2005年、人为砍伐和对照样方的2005年的年死亡率略高于年补充率(p>0.05),这表明拐棍竹无性系种群对大熊猫采食和人为砍伐具有无性系整合的补偿效应.  相似文献   
高寒草甸不同生境粗喙薹草补偿生长研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
补偿生长反映了植物的耐牧性, 受采食和土壤养分资源获得性的共同影响。但何种条件易于引起植物发生超补偿是长期以来争论的问题。通过一项野外调查试验, 研究了高寒矮嵩草(Kobresia humilis)草甸3种生境(I. 畜圈, 富养, 放牧; II. 牧道, 低养, 放牧; III. 封育草地, 低养, 不放牧)中粗喙薹草(Carex scabrirostris)的补偿生长模式与机制, 以及采食率、土壤养分和水分因子对补偿生长的相对贡献。粗喙薹草补偿生长量和分株盖度、密度及高度在生境I显著高于生境II和生境III, 在生境I和生境II均发生超补偿生长, 在生境III为低补偿。分株生物量对生长器官的分配在生境I和生境II相同, 并都高于生境II; 生物量对储藏器官的分配在生境II最高, 生境III次之, 生境I最低。储藏分配与生长分配和克隆繁殖分配间, 生长分配与有性繁殖分配间均存在负偶联(trade-offs)关系。对补偿生长贡献最大的因子是相对生长率和6月份土壤有机质含量, 其次是8月份土壤氮素营养和采食率。研究结果表明, 粗喙薹草的补偿生长和生物量分配具有可塑性, 并决定着补偿生长模式随生境条件而变化。不论在富养环境或低养环境, 储藏分配高的粗喙薹草都容易发生超补偿, 富养生境条件能降低采食的负面效应, 增加植物的耐牧性。  相似文献   
放牧时,动物采食及其排泄物会影响植物的生长,但动物彩食及其排泄物的空间异质性可能会影响这咱效应.在位于我国北方典型农牧交错区的内蒙古多伦县,我们研究了模拟入牧斑块和施氧肥对植物生长的影响,实验采用模拟放牧采食斑块(观割半径分别0、10、20、40和8cm)和土壤施氮(分别为0、5、20Gn\m2)两种处理,植物地上部收获后分为绿体和立柯两部分,并分析其含氮量.结果表明,刈割降低了植物的生物量(40.5%),而施氮可增加生物量(57.8%)刈割交通规则植物生长的抑制作用在面积最水又施肥的斑块上表现更明显.土壤施氮可以促进杜物生长并且影响刈割效应.同时植物的绿-枯比阻碍施氮水平的增回而增回,因此氮会延迟植物的衰老.以上结果表明,刈割(模拟动物采食)斑块的大小会影响草原植物的生长,土壤施氮(模拟动物尿氮)可以提高草原生态系统的初级生产力,并影响刈割效应.  相似文献   
Above‐ and belowground herbivores promote plant diversity when selectively feeding on dominant plant species, but little is known about their combined effects. Using a model system, we show that neutral effects of an aboveground herbivore and positive effects of a belowground herbivore on plant diversity became profoundly negative when adding these herbivores in combination. The non‐additive effects were explained by differences in plant preference between the aboveground‐ and the belowground herbivores and their consequences for indirect interactions among plant species. Simultaneous exposure to aboveground‐ and belowground herbivores led to plant communities being dominated by a few highly abundant species. As above‐ and belowground invertebrate herbivores generally differ in their mobility and local distribution patterns, our results strongly suggest that aboveground–belowground interactions contribute to local spatial heterogeneity of diversity patterns within plant communities.  相似文献   
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