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Recent evidence from cooperative insect, bird and mammal societies has challenged the assumption that teaching is restricted to humans. However, little is known about the factors affecting the degree to which individuals in such societies contribute to teaching. Here, I examine variation in contributions to teaching in meerkats, where older group members teach pups to handle difficult prey. I show that investment in teaching varies with characteristics of pups, helpers, groups and ecological conditions. Although prior experience in caring for pups did not significantly influence teaching behaviour, younger helpers, which were still investing in growth, contributed less to teaching than older individuals. This suggests that, in common with other cooperative activities, contributions to teaching vary with the costs experienced by individual group members. However, in contrast to other forms of helping in meerkats, I detected no effects of nutritional state on teaching, suggesting that it carries relatively low costs. In species where individuals can potentially gain direct or indirect fitness benefits from facilitating learning in others, low costs divided among multiple group members may help tip the balance towards selection for teaching.  相似文献   
Evolutionary graph theory has been proposed as providing new fundamental rules for the evolution of co‐operation and altruism. But how do these results relate to those of inclusive fitness theory? Here, we carry out a retrospective analysis of the models for the evolution of helping on graphs of Ohtsuki et al. [Nature (2006) 441, 502] and Ohtsuki & Nowak [Proc. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. B Biol. Sci (2006) 273, 2249]. We show that it is possible to translate evolutionary graph theory models into classical kin selection models without disturbing at all the mathematics describing the net effect of selection on helping. Model analysis further demonstrates that costly helping evolves on graphs through limited dispersal and overlapping generations. These two factors are well known to promote relatedness between interacting individuals in spatially structured populations. By allowing more than one individual to live at each node of the graph and by allowing interactions to vary with the distance between nodes, our inclusive fitness model allows us to consider a wider range of biological scenarios leading to the evolution of both helping and harming behaviours on graphs.  相似文献   
In cooperative breeders, the extent to which helpers at thenest adjust their contributions in accordance with direct andindirect (kin-selected) fitness payoffs remains an open question.In a long-term study of the western bluebird, Sialia mexicana,helpers were exclusively male and helped at nests of both parents,a parent and stepparent, or a brother and unrelated female.This natural variation in the context of helping facilitatedcomparison of observational data on groups in which one typeof fitness benefit (current direct, future direct, or indirect)varied, whereas the other two were constant. Helpers reducedtheir share of provisioning as they got older, so comparisonswere restricted to groups with yearling helpers. When potentialdirect fitness benefits were identical, but relatedness wasreduced by half owing to the presence of a stepparent, yearlinghelpers failed to reduce their share of feeding trips to thenest. The potential for future direct fitness benefits via possiblemate and territory inheritance was low, and did not influencethe helper's share of provisioning in a comparison of groupswith similar relatedness and opportunities for current directfitness benefits. Even though cobreeding to gain current directfitness benefits was infrequent (17% of nests with brother-helpers),it was associated with an increase in the helper's share ofprovisioning, suggesting that a helper's feeding allocationresponds positively to increased opportunity for parentage inthe nest. The current study demonstrates a useful frameworkfor separating direct and indirect benefits with respect tohelping decisions, and indicates that western bluebird helpersadjust their feeding rates in response to the potential fordirect fitness benefits in the current nest, not indirect benefitsor future direct fitness payoffs. Although past studies of thispopulation showed that indirect benefits play a role in whetheror not helpers help, the current study indicates that they donot play a role in how frequently helpers feed at the nest.  相似文献   
In cooperative breeders, sexually mature subordinates can either queue for chances to inherit the breeding position in their natal group, or disperse to reproduce independently. The choice of one or the other option may be flexible, as when individuals respond to attractive dispersal options, or they may reflect fixed life-history trajectories. Here, we show in a permanently marked, natural population of the cooperatively breeding cichlid fish Neolamprologus pulcher that subordinate helpers reduce investment in territory defence shortly before dispersing. Such reduction of effort is not shown by subordinates who stay and inherit the breeding position. This difference suggests that subordinates ready to leave reduce their investment in the natal territory strategically in favour of future life-history perspectives. It seems to be part of a conditional choice of the dispersal tactic, as this reduction in effort appears only shortly before dispersal, whereas philopatric and dispersing helpers do not differ in defence effort earlier in life. Hence, cooperative territory defence is state-dependent and plastic rather than a consistent part of a fixed life-history trajectory.  相似文献   
Natural selection may favor two very different types of social behaviors that have costs in vital rates (fecundity and/or survival) to the actor: helping behaviors, which increase the vital rates of recipients, and harming behaviors, which reduce the vital rates of recipients. Although social evolutionary theory has mainly dealt with helping behaviors, competition for limited resources creates ecological conditions in which an actor may benefit from expressing behaviors that reduce the vital rates of neighbors. This may occur if the reduction in vital rates decreases the intensity of competition experienced by the actor or that experienced by its offspring. Here, we explore the joint evolution of neutral recognition markers and marker-based costly conditional harming whereby actors express harming, conditional on actor and recipient bearing different conspicuous markers. We do so for two complementary demographic scenarios: finite panmictic and infinite structured populations. We find that marker-based conditional harming can evolve under a large range of recombination rates and group sizes under both finite panmictic and infinite structured populations. A direct comparison with results for the evolution of marker-based conditional helping reveals that, if everything else is equal, marker-based conditional harming is often more likely to evolve than marker-based conditional helping.  相似文献   
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