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大鼠脑突触质膜糖皮质激素受体样抗原的免疫电镜研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
傅红  王福安 《生理学报》1993,45(2):186-189
本文利用ABC金标记法(受体-抗受体中的单克隆抗体-生物素化马抗鼠IgG-金标链霉亲和素),首次在电镜下观察到大鼠脑突触质膜的外表面存在有糖皮质激素受体样抗原,为神经细胞膜上可能存在有糖皮质激素受体提供了形态学依据。  相似文献   
秋冬季叶施N、Fe提高假俭草草坪抗寒性研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在过渡性气候地区的假俭草草坪,宜在最低气温为12℃时(11月中、下旬)叶施Fe,最佳施用浓度为:单施Fe为0.6L/m2,N+Fe为4g/m2 N+0.6L/m2Fe。秋冬季叶施Fe、N+Fe可提高草体内抗寒指标性物质的含量,叶施0.6L/m2 Fe或4g/m2 N+0.6L/m2 Fe,可使草坪草体内脯氨酸、可溶性糖类含量及过氧化氢酶的活性分别提高25%、310%、180%和41%、182%、160%。叶施N+Fe处理的效果比单独施Fe的效果更好,施后草坪枯黄期比对照组推迟6~8d,半致死温度降低3~4℃。  相似文献   
A salt‐tolerant esterase, designated H9Est, was identified from a metagenomic library of the Karuola glacier. H9Est gene comprised 1071 bp and encoded a polypeptide of 357 amino acids with a molecular mass of 40 kDa. Sequence analysis revealed that H9Est belonged to the family IV of bacterial lypolitic enzyme. H9Est was overexpressed in Escherichia coli and the purified enzyme showed hydrolytic activity towards p‐nitrophenyl esters with carbon chain from 2 to 8. The optimal esterase activity was at 40°C and pH 8.0 and the enzyme retained its activity towards some miscible organic solvents such as polyethylene glycol. A three‐dimensional model of H9Est revealed that S200, D294, and H324 formed the H9Est catalytic triad. Circular Dichroism spectra and molecular dynamic simulation indicated that the esterase had a wide denaturation temperature range and flexible loops that would be beneficial for H9Est performance at low temperatures while retaining heat‐resistant features. © 2015 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 31:890–899, 2015  相似文献   
气候变暖对东北三省春玉米严重低温冷害及种植布局的影响   总被引:30,自引:1,他引:30  
赵俊芳  杨晓光  刘志娟 《生态学报》2009,29(12):6544-6551
以我国对气候变化较为敏感的东北三省为例,利用1961~2007年78个气象站的资料,结合玉米生长季温度距平冷害指标,分析了气候变暖对东北三省春玉米严重低温冷害及种植布局的影响.结果表明:(1)气候变暖背景下,从20世纪60年代到21世纪初,东北三省各地区春玉米严重冷害受害程度总体表现为减少趋势,但由于不同地方温度波动幅度较大,区域性的严重冷害发生频率也随之加大;就平均发生频率空间分布而言,1961~2007年严重冷害的平均发生频率表现为东北部高于西南部,最大值出现在黑龙江北部(38%),最低值在辽宁南部(4%).(2)气候变暖背景下,不同熟性玉米品种可种植界线明显北移东延,早熟品种逐渐被中、晚熟品种取代,中、晚熟品种可种植面积不断扩大.(3)随着不同熟性玉米品种种植区域北移东延,严重低温冷害出现频率明显增加,种植风险也在增大.  相似文献   
Effects of multiple substrates on oxygen uptake and superoxide production by mitochondria isolated from the pericarp tissue of green bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) were studied. Mitochondria isolated from peppers stored at 4 °C for 5 and 6 days had higher rates of oxygen uptake and were less sensitive to cyanide than mitochondria isolated from freshly harvested peppers. Succinate enhanced state 2 and state 4 rates of oxygen uptake with exogenous NADH in the absence of cytochrome path inhibitors, but not state 3 rates by mitochondria isolated from either freshly harvested or cold-stored bell peppers. The sensitivity of NADH oxidation to cyanide was reduced by both malate and succinate in mitochondria from cold-stored bell peppers, whereas only succinate was effective in mitochondria from freshly harvested peppers.Mitochondria isolated from both freshly harvested peppers and those stored at 4 °C for 5 and 6 days produced superoxide in the absence of exogenous substrates. Superoxide production by mitochondria from freshly harvested bell peppers increased when the mitochondria were supplied with malate, succinate or NADH, but only NADH enhanced superoxide production by mitochondria from cold-stored peppers. Both succinate and malate reduced the production of superoxide by mitochondria isolated from cold-stored bell peppers. Succinate and malate as second substrates also reduced the production of superoxide with NADH by mitochondria from both freshly harvested and cold-stored bell peppers. Malonate, a competitive inhibitor of succinate dehydrogenase, was inhibitory to oxygen uptake and to superoxide production.Mitochondria isolated from cold-stored bell peppers converted succinate to pyruvate at 25 °C at considerably higher rates than those of mitochondria from freshly harvested bell peppers. Since pyruvate has been shown to activate the alternative oxidase and the presence of pyruvate is essential for continued alternative oxidase activity, we suggest that pyruvate limits superoxide production by enhancing the flow of electrons through the alternative path. A direct scavenging of superoxide by succinate, malate and pyruvate, however, cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   
Plasma lipoproteins (VLDL, LDL, Lp[a] and HDL) function primarily in lipid transport among tissues and organs. However, cumulative evidence suggests that lipoproteins may also prevent bacterial, viral and parasitic infections and are therefore a component of innate immunity. Lipoproteins can also detoxify lipopolysaccharide and lipoteichoic acid. Infections can induce oxidation of LDL, and oxLDL in turn plays important anti‐infective roles and protects against endotoxin‐induced tissue damage. There is also evidence that apo(a) is protective against pathogens. Taken together, the evidence suggests that it might be valuable to introduce the concept that plasma lipoproteins belong in the realm of host immune response.  相似文献   
Summary The purified (H+ATPase from corn roots plasma membrane inserted spontaneously into preformed bilayer from soybean lipids. The yield of the protein insertion, as measured from its H+-pumping activity, increased as a function of lipids and protein concentrations. In optimum conditions, all the (H+)ATPase molecules were closely associated with liposomes, exhibiting a high H+-pumping activity (150,000% quenching· min–1·mg–1 protein of the probe 9-amino-6-chloro-2-methoxyacridine). The insertion was achieved within a few seconds. No latency of the (H+)ATPase hydrolytic activity was revealed when lysophosphatidylcholine was added to permeabilize the vesicles. This indicated that the (H+)ATPase molecules inserted unidirectionally, the catalytic sites being exposed outside the vesicles (inside-out orientation), and thus freely accessible to Mg-ATP. The nondelipidated (H+)ATPase could also functionally insert into bilayer from PCPEPG or PCPEPI, due to the presence of both hydrophobic defects promoted by PE, and negative phospholipids specifically required by the (H+)ATPase from corn roots. The detergent octylglucoside facilitated the delipidated (H+)ATPase reinsertion probably by promoting both a proper protein conformation and hydrophobic defects in the bilayer. Lysophosphatidylcholine facilitated the delipidated protein insertion only when hydrophobic defects were already present, and thus seemed only capable to ensure a proper protein conformation  相似文献   
2010年冬季寒冷天气对闽江口3种红树植物幼苗的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2010年10月8日-2011年2月26日,跟踪监测了闽江河口互花米草治理试验区人工种植的秋茄(Kandelia candel)、无瓣海桑(Sonneratia apetala)和拉关木(Leguncalaria racemosa)1年生幼苗叶片相溶性物质含量以及活性氧代谢等生理生化指标.结果表明:可溶性糖和脯氨酸含量均随气温的逐步降低而增加,秋茄可溶性糖含量最高,拉关木脯氨酸含量最高;整个监测期无瓣海桑和拉关木幼苗叶片超氧阴离子(O2)产生速率显著高于秋茄(P<0.01),而超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化物酶(POD)活性显著低于秋茄(P<0.01);3种植物叶片丙二醛(MDA)含量及电解质渗透率均随着气温的降低而增加,其中无瓣海桑和拉关木MDA含量及电解质渗透率与日最低气温为显著和极显著的负相关关系.2010年冬季持续寒冷天气对闽江河口湿地1年生土著种秋茄幼苗无破坏,对引进种无瓣海桑和拉关木造成了严重的低温胁迫并使幼苗基本全部死亡.  相似文献   
植物抗冷分子生物学研究进展(综述)   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
温度是植物生长的必要条件,然而低温却是限制作物生产的重要因素,为此,各国政府及研究部门一直都把植物低温适应性问题作为一个重要的研究课题.按照低温的不同程度,植物的低温伤害可分为冷害(chilling injury;零上低温对植物的伤害)和冻害(freezing injury;零下低温对植物的伤害)两大类。早期关于植物冷害机理和抗冷机理的研究,是从比较冷敏感(chilling-sensitive)植物和抗冷(chilling-insensitive)植物或比较未经冷驯化的植物(non-cold-ac…  相似文献   
水稻幼苗活力性状的低温反应数量性状基因座检测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以籼粳交“密阳23/吉冷1号”的F2:3代200个家系作为作图群体,在12℃冷水胁迫下,进行苗高、苗鲜重和苗干重等水稻幼苗活力性状的低温反应鉴定,并利用由SSR标记构建的分子连锁图谱为基础,对冷水胁迫下苗高、苗鲜重和苗干重以及它们的低温反应指数进行了数量性状基因座(QTLs)检测。研究结果表明,低温胁迫下上述幼苗活力性状在F3家系群中均表现为接近正态的连续分布,表现为由多基因控制的数量性状;在第1、2、7、8和12染色体上,检测到与幼苗活力性状的低温反应相关的QTL共12个,对表型变异的贡献率范围为5.2%-17.9%,其中位于第2染色体RM262-RM263区间和第12染色体RM270-RM17区间的与低温下苗高相关的qCSH2和qCSH12,以及位于第12染色体RM19-RM270区间和第1染色体RM129-RM9区间的分别控制低温下苗干重及其低温反应指数的qSDW12和qCSDW1对表型变异的贡献率较大,分别为16.6%、17.9%、15.9%和16.2%。其增效等位基因均来自吉冷1号,前两者均表现为加性效应,后两者分别表现为显性和超显性。  相似文献   
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