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PurposeThe aim of the presented study was to complement existing literature on benchmarking proton dose by comparing dose calculations with experimental measurements in heterogeneous phantom. Points of interest inside and outside the target were considered to quantify the magnitude of calculation uncertainties in current and previous proton therapy practice that might especially have an impact on the dose in organs at risk (OARs).MethodsThe RayStation treatment planning system (RaySearch Laboratories), offering two dose calculation algorithms for pencil beam scanning in proton therapy, i.e., Pencil Beam (PB) and Monte Carlo (MC), was utilized. Treatment plans for a target located behind the interface of the heterogeneous tissues were generated. Dose measurements within and behind the target were performed in a water phantom with embedded slabs of various tissue equivalent materials and 24 PinPoint ionization chambers (PTW). In total 12 test configurations encompassing two different target depths, oblique beam incidence of 30 degrees and range shifter, were considered.ResultsPB and MC calculated doses agreed equally well with the measurements for all test geometries within the target, including the range shifter (mean dose differences ± 3%). Outside the target, the maximum dose difference of 9% (19%) was observed for MC (PB) for the oblique beam incidence and inserted range shifter.ConclusionThe accuracy of MC dose algorithm was superior compared to the PB algorithm, especially outside the target volumes. MC based dose calculation should therefore be preferred in treatment scenarios with heterogeneities, especially to reduce clinically relevant uncertainties for OARs.  相似文献   
PurposeThe main purpose of this work is the inter-comparison between different devices devoted to the transversal dose profile recostruction for daily QA tests in proton therapy.MethodsThe results obtained with the EBT3 radiochromic films, used as a reference, and other common quality control devices, have been compared with those obtained with a beam profiling system developed at the “Laboratori Nazionali del Sud” of Italian Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN-LNS, Catania, Italy). It consists of a plastic scintillator screen (thickness 1 mm), mounted perpendicularly to the beam axis and coupled with a highly sensitive CCD detector in a light-tight box.Results and conclusionThe tests, carried out both at the INFN-LNS and Trento Proton Therapy Center facilities, show, in general, a good agreement between the different detectors. The beam profiling system, in particular, appears to be a promising quality control device for 2-D relative dosimetry, because of its linear response in a dose rate range useful for proton therapy treatments, its high spatial resolution and its short acquisition and processing time.  相似文献   
PurposeTo evaluate the flat-panel detector quenching effect and clinical usability of a flat-panel based compact QA device for PBS daily constancy measurements.Materials & MethodThe QA device, named Sphinx Compact, is composed of a 20x20 cm2 flat-panel imager mounted on a portable frame with removable plastic modules for constancy checks of proton energy (100 MeV, 150 MeV, 200 MeV), Spread-Out-Bragg-Peak (SOBP) profile, and machine output. The potential quenching effect of the flat-panel detector was evaluated. Daily PBS QA tests of X-ray/proton isocenter coincidence, the constancy of proton spot position and sigma as well as the energy of pristine proton beam, and the flatness of SOBP proton beam through the 'transformed' profile were performed and analyzed. Furthermore, the sensitivity of detecting energy changes of pristine proton beam was also evaluated.ResultsThe quenching effect was observed at depths near the pristine peak regions. The flat-panel measured range of the distal 80% is within 0.9 mm to the defined ranges of the delivered proton beams. X-ray/proton isocenter coincidence tests demonstrated maximum mismatch of 0.3 mm between the two isocenters. The device can detect 0.1 mm change of spot position and 0.1 MeV energy changes of pristine proton beams. The measured transformed SOBP beam profile through the wedge module rendered as flat.ConclusionsEven though the flat-panel detector exhibited quenching effect at the Bragg peak region, the proton range can still be accurately measured. The device can fulfill the requirements of the daily QA tests recommended by the AAPM TG224 Report.  相似文献   
Undaria pinnatifida, the brown macroalga, is a major commercial edible seaweed, and there is increasing interest in breeding new, improved cultivars for market expansion. In this study, we attempted to establish mutagenesis in U. pinnatifida using Ar and C ion beams as mutagens to meet future demands. To screen irradiated generations for mutants, U. pinnatifida zoospores irradiated with Ar and C ion beams were cultivated in plastic Petri dishes. Some gametophytes derived from the irradiated zoospores showed growth arrest or cell death at the initial developmental stage. Although the growth inhibition and lethal effects were observed at high doses of each ion irradiation, the Ar ion irradiation had high biological effects on cell division and growth. The gametophytes that showed a reduction in cell elongation were designated as an inhibited cell elongation mutant. A comparison of the mutant induction frequencies revealed that the C ion beam showed a higher frequency than the Ar ion beam. The highest frequency was 0.83% at 12.5 Gy of the C ion beam. We determined the total number of sporophytes and embryos per female gametophyte after sporophyte induction. High‐dose irradiation with the Ar ion beam decreased the embryo and sporophyte formation, suggesting that the Ar ion beam also has exhibited high biological effects on the fertilization or embryogenesis processes or both. The developed heavy ion mutagenesis and mutant screening methods would be useful for mutation breeding and constructing specific mutant libraries in brown algae, and not only in U. pinnatifida.  相似文献   
Irradiating a tumor bed with boost dose after whole breast irradiation helps reducing the probability of local recurrence. However, the success of electron beam treatment with a small area aiming to cover a superficial lesion is a dual challenge as it requires an adequate dosimetry beside a double check for dose coverage with an estimation of various combined uncertainty of tumor location and losing lateral electron equilibrium within small field dimensions.Aim of workthis work aims to measure the electron beam fluence within different field dimensions and the deviation from measurement performed in standard square electron applicator beam flatness and symmetry, then to calculate the average range of the correction factor required to overcome the loss of lateral electron equilibrium.Material and methodthe electron beam used in this work generated from the linear accelerator model ELEKTA Precise and dosimetry system used were a pair of PTW Pin Point ion chambers for electron beam dosimetry at standard conditions and assessment of beam quality at a reference depth of measurement, with an automatic water phantom, then a Roos ion chamber was used for absolute dose measurement, and PTW 2Darray to investigate the beam fluence of four applicators 6, 10, 14 and 20 cm2 and 4 rectangular cutouts 6 × 14, 8 × 14, 6 × 17 and 8 × 17 cm2, the second part was clinical application which was performed in a precise treatment planning system and examined boost dose after whole breast irradiation.Resultsrevealed that lower energy (6MeV and 8MeV) showed the loss of lateral electron equilibrium and deviation from measurements of a standard applicator more than the high energy (15 MeV) which indicated that the treatment of superficial dose with 6MeV required higher monitor unit to allow for the loss of lateral electron equilibrium and higher margin as well.  相似文献   
Electron beam microscopy and related characterization techniques play an important role in revealing the microstructural, morphological, physical, and chemical information of halide perovskites and their impact on associated optoelectronic devices. However, electron beam irradiation usually causes damage to these beam‐sensitive materials, negatively impacting their device performance, and complicating this interpretation. In this article, the electron microscopy and spectroscopy techniques are reviewed that are crucial for the understanding of the crystallization and microstructure of halide perovskites. In addition, special attention is paid to assessing and mitigating the electron beam‐induced damage caused by these techniques. Since the halide perovskites are fragile, a protocol involving delicate control of both electron beam dose and dose rate, coupled with careful data analysis, is key to enable the acquisition of reliable structural and compositional information such as atomic‐resolution images, chemical elemental mapping and electron diffraction patterns. Limiting the electron beam dose is critical parameter enabling the characterization of various halide perovskites. Novel methods to unveil the mechanisms of device operation, including charge carrier generation, diffusion, and extraction are presented in scanning electron microscopy studies combined with electron‐beam‐induced current and cathodoluminescence mapping. Future opportunities for electron‐beam‐related characterizations of halide perovskites are also discussed.  相似文献   
Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) is a diverse 3D x-ray imaging technique that has gained significant popularity in dental radiology in the last two decades. CBCT overcomes the limitations of traditional two-dimensional dental imaging and enables accurate depiction of multiplanar details of maxillofacial bony structures and surrounding soft tissues. In this review article, we provide an updated status on dental CBCT imaging and summarise the technical features of currently used CBCT scanner models, extending to recent developments in scanner technology, clinical aspects, and regulatory perspectives on dose optimisation, dosimetry, and diagnostic reference levels. We also consider the outlook of potential techniques along with issues that should be resolved in providing clinically more effective CBCT examinations that are optimised for the benefit of the patient.  相似文献   
DNA double-strand breaks are caused by both intracellular physiological processes and environmental stress. In this study, we used laser microbeam cut (abbreviated microcut or cut), which allows specific DNA damage in the pronucleus of a fertilized egg and in individual blastomere(s) of an early embryo, to investigate the response of early embryos to DNA double-strand breaks. Line type γH2AX foci were detected in the cut region, while Chk2 phosphorylation staining was observed in the whole nuclear region of the cut pronuclei or blastomeres. Zygotes with cut male or female pronucleus showed poor developmental capability: the percentage of cleavage embryos was significantly decreased, and the embryos failed to complete further development to blastocysts. The cut blastomeres in 2-cell, 4-cell, and 8-cell embryos ceased cleavage, and they failed to incorporate into compacted morulae, but instead underwent apoptosis and cell death at the blastocyst stage; the uncut part of embryos could develop to blastocysts, with a reduced percentage or decreased cell number. When both blastomeres of the 2-cell embryos were cut by laser microbeam, cell death occurred 24 h earlier, suggesting important functions of the uncut blastomere in delaying cell death of the cut blastomere. Taken together, we conclude that microbeam-induced DNA damage in early embryos causes compromised development, and that embryos may have their own mechanisms to exclude DNA-damaged blastomeres from participating in further development.  相似文献   
To generate an industrial strain of Hansenula polymorpha capable of yielding greater levels of glutathione (GSH), wild strain H. polymorpha DL-1 cells were mutated using a nitrogen ion beam, a novel mutagen. At an energy level of 20 keV and dose of 2.13 × 1016 ions/cm2, H. polymorpha strain 28 (HP28) with a high-yield of GSH was screened. HP28 intracellular GSH levels reached 337.16 mg/L by ion beam implantation, 1.56 times greater than that of the wild type strain when the fermentation time was shortened from 48 hr to 42 hr, greatly improving efficiency and reducing the cost of industrial-scale production. The enhanced efficiency of HP28 is promising for GSH production from lignocellulosic materials. Therefore, the ion beam implantation would be a cost-effective alternative to the conventional mutation method for engineering yeast and improving its utility.  相似文献   
A method was developed to quantify the number and biomass of European eels Anguilla anguilla escaping to the ocean for breeding. The non‐intrusive method, involving a fixed‐position, high‐frequency multi‐beam sonar, permitted constant surveillance of A. anguilla movements throughout their 5 month escapement season (July to December). During this period, >1000 individuals were monitored escaping to the Atlantic Ocean from their freshwater habitat in the River Huntspill study site (Somerset, U.K.). The total length of each fish was measured using the sonar software. These measurements were then converted to an estimate of mass using a length:mass regression relationship derived from historical fyke‐net data from this site, comprising c. 500 A. anguilla length:mass measurements collected over a 10 year period. The net biomass of escapement from the study site was equivalent to c. 6 kg ha?1 year?1, lower than the present European target which would require at least 7 kg ha?1 year?1 from this habitat. These findings demonstrate the capabilities of this monitoring technique and its usefulness both as a tool to assess the compliance with conservation targets and as a tool to evaluate the success of conservation measures for elusive aquatic species such as A. anguilla.  相似文献   
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