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Because land snails inhabiting the seashore are most likely to be carried by ocean currents or by attaching to seabirds, land snail fauna on oceanic islands include species derived from the mainland ancestors inhabiting the seashore. If habitat use of the island descendants is constrained by the ecology of the mainland ancestor, the island species that moved from the coastal habitat to the inland habitat may still be restricted to relatively exposed microhabitats with high pH, calcium carbonate‐rich substrates, and poor litter cover. We tested this hypothesis by investigating the association between environmental conditions and species diversity of seashore‐derived species of the endemic land snails on the oceanic Hahajima Island (Ogasawara Islands). Seashore‐derived species showed higher species richness on limestone outcrops than non‐limestone areas, whereas the other species showed no significant increase in species richness in limestone outcrops. There was a higher proportion of seashore‐derived species on the limestone ridges than on the soil of dolines, even in the limestone area. Accordingly, the species derived from the seashore of the mainland are restricted to microhabitats with poor vegetation cover, poor litter cover, high pH, and calcium carbonate‐rich substrates, which supports the hypothesis that the inland species on an island derived from the mainland seashore still prefer environments similar to the seashore. In addition, the seashore‐derived species on the limestone outcrop include cave‐dwellers lacking functional eyes. This suggests that the probability of colonizing a cave environment is restricted to seashore‐derived species. The findings obtained in the present study suggest that habitat use of the ancestral lineages can constrain habitat use of the descendants, even in the oceanic islands with depauperate fauna. This bias in the species composition on the limestone outcrop constrains lineages that can colonize and adapt to the inside of caves, and therefore, habitat use of the ancestral lineages affects the ability of descendant lineages to colonize novel habitats. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 102 , 686–693.  相似文献   
Threeextrinsicpolypeptides,whicharelocatedontheinnersurfaceofthylakoidmembrane,playessentialrolesinmaintainingthephotosyntheticevolutionofoxygen.Theyaregenerallyrecognizedasliablecomponentsofthephotosyntheticapparatus,andcanbereleasedbyavarietyofphysic…  相似文献   
从土壤中筛选出3株具有抑菌活性的菌株,其中1#菌株对金黄色葡萄球菌、枯草芽孢杆菌、灰霉葡萄孢菌、变异链球菌、大肠杆菌均有较强抑制作用,初步鉴定为地衣芽孢杆菌。对其性质进行考察结果表明,在30℃,pH 7.0,150 r/min的条件下,恒温振荡培养24 h,测其发酵滤液的抑菌活力约为2 000 IU/mL。该发酵滤液具有较强的热稳定性,60℃放置1 h,抑菌活性下降了29%;100℃放置30 min,抑菌活性下降了45%,放置1 h,抑菌活性下降了48%;121℃放置1 h,抑菌活性仍能保持40%。该发酵滤液抑菌作用的最适pH值为7.0,在pH 3.0时能保持71%的抑菌活性,在pH 11.0时,仍能维持67%的抑菌活性,此发酵滤液对蛋白酶K不敏感,并且蛋白酶K对该发酵滤液的抑菌活性也起一定的促进作用。  相似文献   
Proteome profiling of the inclusion body (IB) fraction of recombinant proteins produced in Escherichia coli suggested that two small heat shock proteins, IbpA and IbpB, are the major proteins associated with IBs. In this study, we demonstrate that IbpA and IbpB facilitate the production of recombinant proteins in E. coli and play important roles in protecting recombinant proteins from degradation by cytoplasmic proteases. We examined the cytosolic production, and Tat- or Sec-dependent secretion of the enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) in wild type, ibpAB(-) mutant, and ibpAB-amplified E. coli strains. Analysis of fluorescence histograms and confocal microscopic imaging revealed that over-expression of the ibpA and/or ibpB genes enhanced cytosolic EGFP production whereas knocking out the ibpAB genes enhanced secretory production. This strategy seems to be generally applicable as it was successfully employed for the enhanced cytosolic or secretory production of several other recombinant proteins in E. coli.  相似文献   
昆虫的热休克反应和热休克蛋白   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
李冰祥  蔡惠罗 《昆虫学报》1997,40(4):417-427
热休克(热激heatshock)是指短暂、迅速地向高温转换所诱导出的一种固定的应激反应。诱导该反应的温度在种与种之间有所不同。热休克反应最明显的特征是:伴随着正常蛋白质合成的抑制,一部分特殊蛋白质的诱导和表达增加,即为热休克蛋白(heatshockproteins,HSPs)。尽管热休克蛋白的合成也能被其它形式的应激反应所诱导,将它们认为是应激蛋白可能更恰当,但人们习惯上仍将这类蛋白质称为热休克蛋白。由于热休克反应和热休克蛋白是在果蝇(Drosophiliamelanogaster)中最初发现的,故在昆虫中,特别是果蝇等双翅目昆虫中研究得较深入…  相似文献   
Vascular structures in natural systems are able to provide high mass transport through high surface areas and optimized structure. Few synthetic material fabrication techniques are able to mimic the complexity of these structures while maintaining scalability. The Vaporization of a Sacrificial Component (VaSC) process is able to do so. This process uses sacrificial fibers as a template to form hollow, cylindrical microchannels embedded within a matrix. Tin (II) oxalate (SnOx) is embedded within poly(lactic) acid (PLA) fibers which facilitates the use of this process. The SnOx catalyzes the depolymerization of the PLA fibers at lower temperatures. The lactic acid monomers are gaseous at these temperatures and can be removed from the embedded matrix at temperatures that do not damage the matrix. Here we show a method for aligning these fibers using micromachined plates and a tensioning device to create complex patterns of three-dimensionally arrayed microchannels. The process allows the exploration of virtually any arrangement of fiber topologies and structures.  相似文献   
目的 通过研究烟曲霉对细胞壁合成干扰物质及棘白菌素类药物的敏感性、烟曲霉在受热应激后HOG通路成分的表达变化探讨pbs2基因在热应激和胞壁应激的双重应激中的作用.方法 烟曲霉野生株AF293和pbs2突变株在含钙荧光白(Calcofluor white,CFW),刚果红(Congo red,CR)和十二烷基硫酸钠(So...  相似文献   
沈征涛  施斌  王宝军  姜洪涛 《生态学报》2013,33(10):3011-3019
土壤有机质转化对温度变化的响应,是气候变暖与全球碳循环关系中的核心问题.掌握土壤有机质对温度变化的响应规律,对准确评价气候变暖背景下,全球土壤有机质的转化至关重要.综述了国内外大量研究成果,对基质成分、基质损耗、测试方法、微生物、水分含量等因素,对土壤有机质转化与温度关系的影响机理与影响规律以及Q10的变化规律进行了探讨.提出稳定有机质与不稳定有机质温度敏感性异同问题,应作为土壤有机质转化与温度关系中的核心问题进行深入研究.同时通过分析,提出室内短期培养是首选测试方法.分析认为微生物生长温度曲线与微生物呼吸之间不存在必然联系,而在过低和过高之间,水分含量是否会影响土壤呼吸,有待进一步试验验证.提出随着城市热岛效应这一环境问题的加剧,研究及评价更大温度区间内的城市土壤有机质对温度变化的响应规律十分重要.  相似文献   
北京市绿化树种紫玉兰的蒸腾特征及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加快的城市绿化,尤其是干旱和半干旱的温带和热带地区,对水的大量需求给未来水资源的合理利用提出了严峻挑战。了解紫玉兰蒸腾特征及环境和生物因子对蒸腾的调控有助于城市绿化树种的选择和养护。2008.5-2009.5于北京市中心教学植物园内利用热消散技术研究不同时间尺度上15年生紫玉兰(Magnolia liliflora)的耗水特征,环境因子同步监测。本研究分析了紫玉兰小时、日、月和季节尺度上的蒸腾特征。日尺度上,春夏季节紫玉兰树干液流速率呈双峰型曲线,蒸腾午休现象明显;秋季树干液流速率呈单峰型曲线,液流启动时间延后而结束时间提前;冬季树干液流速率日变化格局不明显,夜间液流速率高于白天液流速率。年内尺度上,按月份,从3月开始上升,5月达到峰值后略有下降,9月开始显著降低;按季节,春季>夏季>秋季>冬季;按物候期,从发芽到开花展叶阶段,整树耗水迅速增加,叶速生期达到最大值,休眠期整树耗水显著降低。值得注意的是:紫玉兰蒸腾午休现象明显;春季耗水型树种。一天之中总辐射和水汽压亏缺是影响紫玉兰整树耗水的主要因子;加上大气温度是日尺度和月尺度上影响紫玉兰耗水的关键因子;叶面积指数在开花展叶期是影响紫玉兰耗水的关键因子。由于城市中的适时灌溉和研究期间降水充足,土壤水分对紫玉兰的耗水几乎没有影响。  相似文献   
上海闵行区园林鸟类群落嵌套结构   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
城市中的园林绿地呈现斑块状分布,其栖息地特征与岛屿栖息地相似。2008年11月至2009年10月,对上海市闵行区内的7块城市绿地进行调查,记录雀形目鸟类的分布情况,并运用Nestedness temperature calculator软件,检验其群落结构是否符合嵌套结构。运用Arc GIS软件分析该地区的卫星图片,收集7块样地的面积、绿地盖度、水源距离和人为干扰程度等数据,结合实地调查所得到的数据,分析这一嵌套结构的形成原因和影响因素。结果显示:上海市闵行区城市绿地中的雀形目鸟类分布是显著的嵌套结构,园林面积、绿地面积和水源情况都对其嵌套结构有显著影响。但是与真正岛屿上存在的群落分布嵌套结构不同,人为干扰程度对这一结构也有非常明显的影响。基于上述结果可以看出,影响上海市园林鸟类的群落嵌套结构的主要原因是栖息地的结构和人为干扰程度。因此,建议在规划和建设城市公园和绿地时,应该偏重于面积较大,植被盖度和丰富度高,结构合理的园林,并且尽量减少人为干扰。  相似文献   
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