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The use and utility of EMG biofeedback with chronic schizophrenic patients   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study examined the efficacy of muscle relaxation training via electromyographic (EMG) biofeedback from the frontalis and forearm extensor muscles of schizophrenic inpatients. Thirty chronically hospitalized patients were randomly assigned to one of three conditions: EMG biofeedback from the forearm extensor and frontalis muscles, progressive relaxation, and a control group. Treatment consisted of one session of orientation and baseline, and six sessions of training. The results indicated that the schizophrenic patients receiving EMG training had significantly lower EMG recordings than the progressive relaxation group, which, in turn, was significantly lower than the control group. Analyses of covariance on the Tension-Anxiety scale from the Profile of Mood States revealed no significant effects, while finger-tapping rates were significantly improved only for the arm receiving feedback training in the EMG group. On the Nurses Observation Scale for Inpatient Evaluation the biofeedback group significantly improved on the Social Competence and Social Interest factors.We would like to express our appreciation for the contributions the following people made to this project: Drs. Barry Smith, Robert Steele, Agnes Hartfield, Jeffrey Barth, Althea Wagman, and the late Harold Weiner; Earl Downs and the participating staff at Springfield State Hospital Center; and Robert Kline and Michael Kelley, who performed the data analyses. This research was supported in part by a grant from the Computer Science Center at the University of Maryland.  相似文献   
Agonists modulation of Mg2+-dependent adenylate cyclase activity has been studied in guinea-pig superior cervical ganglion crude membrane preparations. In the absence of receptors ligands, Mg2+ stimulates the enzyme in a concentration-dependent manner. The dose-activation curve shows heterogeneity and two components with higher and lower apparent affinity states, are extrapolated. In the presence ofD-Ala2-met-enkephalinamide only one component is present and the apparent affinity of the ganglionic adenylate cyclase system for the divalent cation as well as Vmax are inhibited. On the contrary, prostaglandin E2 increases affinity and Vmax values of the lower and, to a lesser extent, of the higher Km component. When the two drugs are tested in combination, not only the inhibitory effect of the opiate is overcome, but a large increase of the apparent affinities and Vmax values for both components is obtained, suggesting the involvement of the Mg2+-regulated subunits of the adenylate cyclase system in the supra-additive stimulation mechanism of the enzyme.  相似文献   
[3H]Glutamate uptake into astrocytes in primary culture was potently inhibited by the aspartate analoguesl- andd-aspartic acid,Dl-threo--hydroxy-aspartic acid,l-aspartic acid--hydroxymate (IC50's: 136, 259, 168, and 560 M, respectively) and by -Dl-methylene-aspartate, a suicide inhibitor of asparate aminotransferase (IC50: 524 M), and by the endogenous sulphur-containing amino acidl-cysteinesulfinic acid (IC50: 114 M). [3H]Glutamate uptake was not significantly affected by either N-methyl-d-aspartate orDl-homocysteine thiolactone. These results demonstrate that other excitatory amino acids including aspartate andl-cysteinesulfinic acid (but excludingl-homocysteic acid) interact with the glutamate transport system of astrocytes. Inhibition of glutamate uptake may significantly increase the level of neuronal excitability.  相似文献   
A series of amphiphilic polymethylenecarboxymaleimides has been synthesized for use as sulfhydryl reagents applicable to membrane proteins. Physical properties of the compounds which are relevant to their proposed mode of action have been determined. By comparing rates of reaction in aqueous and aprotic solvents, the compounds have been shown to react exclusively with the thiolate ion. The effects of the reagents on three membrane-associated proteins are reported, and in two cases a comparative study has been made of the effects on the proteins in the absence of membranes. A mechanism is proposed whereby the reagents are anchored at the lipid/water interface by the negatively charged carboxyl group, thus siting the reactive maleimide in a plane whose depth is defined by the length of the reagent. Supporting evidence for this model is provided by the inability of the reagents to traverse membranes, and variation of their inhibitory potency with chain length when the proteins are embedded in the membrane, but not when extracted into solution. As examples of general use of the reagents to probe sulfhydryl groups in membrane proteins, the reagents have been used to (a) determine the depths in the membrane at which two populations of sulfhydryl groups occur in the mitochondrial phosphate transporter; (b) locate a single sulfhydryl associated with the active site ofD--hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase in the inner mitochondrial membrane; (c) examine sulfhydryl groups in theD-3-glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase associated with the human red blood cell membrane.  相似文献   
Using data for 27 Texas counties from 1978-1987, it is shown that the incidence rates of suicide, homicide, and rape are significantly higher in counties whose drinking water supplies contain little or no lithium than in counties with water lithium levels ranging from 70-170 micrograms/L; the differences remain statistically significant (p less than 0.01) after corrections for population density. The corresponding associations with the incidence rates of robbery, burglary, and theft were statistically significant with p less than 0.05. These results suggest that lithium has moderating effects on suicidal and violent criminal behavior at levels that may be encountered in municipal water supplies. Comparisons of drinking water lithium levels, in the respective Texas counties, with the incidences of arrests for possession of opium, cocaine, and their derivatives (morphine, heroin, and codeine) from 1981-1986 also produced statistically significant inverse associations, whereas no significant or consistent associations were observed with the reported arrest rates for possession of marijuana, driving under the influence of alcohol, and drunkenness. These results suggest that lithium at low dosage levels has a generally beneficial effect on human behavior, which may be associated with the functions of lithium as a nutritionally-essential trace element. Subject to confirmation by controlled experiments with high-risk populations, increasing the human lithium intakes by supplementation, or the lithiation of drinking water is suggested as a possible means of crime, suicide, and drug-dependency reduction at the individual and community level.  相似文献   

Two nuclear techniques, Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis (EDXRF) and Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA), were used to analyze aerosol samples collected in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. Na, Cl, Mn, V, Al, Sm, Mo, W, La, As, Br, Sb, K, Ba, Se, Th, Cr, Rb, Ca, Fe, Ce, and Sc were determined by INAA, and Al, Si, P, S, Cl, K, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, As, Se, Br, Rb, Sr, Hg, and Pb were determined by EDXRF. A preliminary identification of the main source of the atmospheric aerosol was performed based on enrichment factor and correlation coefficient calculations.

A method is described for the determination of mercury in human blood serum and packed blood cells employing neutron activation analysis. Great attention was devoted to the collection and manipulation of the samples. The accuracy and precision of the method were tested by analyzing biological reference materials and by comparing the concentrations measured in a number of serum samples to those obtained by another, independent technique (cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometry) in the same samples. The article reports the levels measured in blood serum and packed blood cells samples from 15 adult volunteers, as well as the figures determined in a “second-generation” biological reference material (freeze-dried human serum), prepared and conditioned at the University of Ghent.  相似文献   

The use of nuclear analytical techniques for environmental studies in South America is selectively reviewed since the time of earlier works of Lattes with cosmic rays until the recent applications of the PIXE (particle-induced X-ray emission) technique to study air pollution problems in large cities, such as São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. The studies on natural radioactivity and fallout from nuclear weapons in South America are briefly examined.

Multivariate statistical analysis has been applied to time series measurements of aerosol elemental composition from PIXE analysis of filter samples, and principal components have been resolved that represent distinct particle types in an external mixture in the atmosphere. In this study, it is argued that a combination of chemical and statistical analyses of the data may be more powerful in determining chemical species in atmospheric aerosols than studies that employ mainly direct chemical analysis of chemical species in unresolved mixtures of aerosol particle samples. Sulfur is generally associated with mineral dust elements. It is reasoned that the association may represent sulfuric acid coatings on particles that can lead to mineral dissolution and solubilization of significant amounts of aluminum, iron, and other metals. Upon wet or dry deposition to the surface, the fluxes of these metals in biologically-available form may be sufficient to affect primary productivity in the world ocean and cause ecological damage in lakes. As a consequence, the fluxes of biogenic trace gases to the atmosphere may be changed, possibly leading to changes in the tropospheric concentration of ozone. The inputs to lakes of soluble aluminum, which is toxic to fish, may be partly by deposition directly from the atmosphere, thus not limited to leaching of soils by acid deposition. Human inhalation of soluble aluminum and other solulilized mineral metals may account, in part, for the observed geographic pattern of deaths attributed to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) that show high rates in cities of the Western US and the southeast region, but low in most of the midwest and northeast.  相似文献   
Two new facilities for in vivo activation analysis of patients have been designed, developed, and constructed at Toronto General Hospital. One of these is for the determination of body calcium for the diagnosis of osteoporosis and other diseases associated with bone loss. The other is for the measurement of total body nitrogen for the determination of protein status. These facilities replace old university facilities and take into account the comfort and management of patients. In addition, in the case of the calcium facility, the precision of the measurements has been improved because of larger detector volume and increased neutron source strength. Both the facilities are now in routine hospital clinical use.  相似文献   
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