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Protein kinase C has recently attracted considerable attention because of its importance in the control of cell division, cell differentiation, and signal transduction across the cell membrane. The activity of this enzyme is altered by several lipids such as diacylglycerol, free fatty acids, lipoxins, gangliosides, and sulfatides. These lipids may interact with protein kinase C either directly or through calcium ions and produce their regulatory effect (activation or inhibition) on the activities of the enzymes phosphorylated by this kinase. These processes widen our perspective of the regulation of intercellular and intracelluular communication.Abbreviations used (PK-C) Protein kinase C - (cAMP-PK) cAMP dependent protein kinase - (DAG) diacylglycerol - (PtdSer) phosphatidylserine - (InsP 3) inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate - (PtdIns 4,5-P2) inositol 4,5 bisphosphate - (FFA) free fatty acid - (MBP) myelin basic protein - (ATP) adenosine triphosphate - (GTP) guanine triphosphate - (TPA) 12-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate - (EGF) epidermal growth factor - (PDGF) platelet derived growth factor - (NeuNAc) and N-acetylneuraminic acid  相似文献   
We sought to determine in rat striatum whether the release of neurotransmitter amino acids aspartate (Asp), glutamate (Glu) and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) were affected by local neurons. To do so, unilateral microinjections of ibotenic acid, an excitotoxin that destroys local neurons without affecting fibers of passage, were made into the striatum. Release of endogenous amino acids from lesioned and intact striatal slices were measured by HPLC one week later. The effectiveness and specificity of the lesion were confirmed by measuring the enzyme activity associated with extrinsic dopamine neurons (tyrosine hydroxylase; 111±14%), intrinsic GABA neurons (glutamic acid decarboxylase; 19±7%) and intrinsic acetylcholine neurons (choline acetyltransferase; 37±10%). Destruction of local striatal neurons markedly attenuated the release of GABA (41±12% of control) elicited by depolarization with K+ (35 mM), but did not significantly reduce the K+-evoked release of Asp (80±17%) and Glu (92±8%). However, spontaneous release of Asp and Glu was significantly greater than that observed in unlesioned tissue (159±18% and 209±27%, respectively), while the spontaneous release of GABA was not significantly reduced (75±43%). Although release of the neurotransmitter amino acids Asp, Glu and GABA were affected by the lesion, the release of the non-neurotransmitter amino acid tyrosine was unaffected. These data are consistent with the hypotheses that: 1) the predominant source of releasable stores of endogenous Asp and Glu in the striatum arises from extinsic neurons, and 2) that the spontaneous release of Asp and Glu from axon terminals in the striatum may be regulated, at least in part, by local inhibitory neurons.  相似文献   
The Na+-independent binding of [3H]-alanine to rat brain stem plus spinal cord was reinvestigated, in order to study in more detail the characteristics of previously described -alanine binding processes. Binding was absent when amino acid-free postnuclear supernatants or crude synaptic membranes were used. Experiments performed with several other Na+-free preparations showed a sole binding component, irrespective of the preparation used. Biochemical characterization of this Na+-independent binding, using frozen/thawed/washed synaptosomal-mitochodrial fractions, showed that binding reached a plateau between 7 min and 13 min, increasing thereafter. Binding was linear with fraction protein over a range of 200–415 g/ml incubation medium. Binding was completely inhibited by glycine, alanine, -aminobutyric acid, -aminoisobutyric acid, hypotaurine and strychnine, and to a lesser extent by 2,2-dimethyl--alanine, brucine and gelsemine. It was insensitive to taurine, -aminobutyric acid (GABA), 2-guanidinoethanesulfonic acid (GES), carnosine, and bicuculline methiodide. Binding was reversible, saturable (K D 20 M), and heat sensitive.  相似文献   
Summary Of the 20 protein amino acids, 16 have a methylene group at the position, and a further three bear a methine group. No aromatic, carboxamido, carboxylic carbon, or hetero atoms are attached directly to the carbon, but they are separated by this methylene or occasionally by a longern-alkylene spacer group. Therefore, the structure of the protein amino acids should rather be formulated as H2N–CH((CH2)n–R)–COOH instead of the generally accepted H2N–CH(R)–COOH. The appearance of and the role played by the spacer group are discussed in an evolutionary context. It is suggested that the spacer group appeared as a result of prebiotic selection, based on the relative abundance, racemization rate, and suitability for thermal polymerization of the protein amino acids and their homologs with various spacer group lengths. At the biotic level of evolution the requirements for ribosomal polymerization, as well as the abilities of polypeptides to maintain a stable and flexible threedimensional structure and to bind ligands are considered and are proposed to have been responsible for the possible exclusion of longer spacer groups. It is concluded that the general role of the spacer group is to ensure the uniformity of the constant regions H2N–CH(-)–COOH and the individuality of the R contact groups by spatially separating them.  相似文献   
The effects of pH (3.5-7.5) on the brain uptake of histidine by the blood-brain barrier (BBB) carriers for neutral and cationic amino acids were tested, in competition with unlabeled histidine, arginine, or phenylalanine, with the single-pass carotid injection technique. Cationic amino acid ( [14C]arginine) uptake was increasingly inhibited by unlabeled histidine as the pH of the injection solution decreased. In contrast, the inhibitory effect of unlabeled histidine on neutral amino acid ( [14C]phenylalanine) uptake decreased with decreasing pH. Brain uptake indices with varying histidine concentrations indicated that the neutral form of histidine inhibited phenylalanine uptake whereas the cationic form competed with arginine uptake. Since phenylalanine decreased [14C]histidine uptake at all pH values whereas arginine did not, it was concluded that the cationic form of histidine had an affinity for the cationic carrier, but was not transported by it. We propose that the saturable entry of histidine into brain is, under normal physiological circumstances, mediated solely by the carrier for neutral amino acids.  相似文献   
The effect of kainate on extracellular levels of amino acids in corpus striatum was investigated in vitro and in vivo, to elucidate the mechanism underlying its neurotoxicity. Kainate increased extracellular glutamate and aspartate in both striatal slices in vitro and intact striatum in vivo, as previously reported. Both in vitro and in vivo, DL-threo-3-hydroxyaspartate increased extracellular glutamate and aspartate levels (to between 150 and 200% of basal), and also enhanced their kainate-evoked release. The action of kainate in vivo was reduced by prior frontal decortication, whereas in vitro the kainate-evoked responses were only slightly reduced by tetrodotoxin, and remained above control values. These results confirm that kainate increases extracellular glutamate and aspartate, and provide evidence that this is due to synaptic release evoked by an action on receptors on glutamatergic neurone terminals. These findings may be relevant to the understanding of epilepsy.  相似文献   
Solanum mauritianum Scop, (wild tobacco) fruit is the major host of the fruit fly Dacus cacuminatus (Hering), and is a major source of food for the brown pigeon Macropygia phasianella (Temminck) in eastern Queensland. Amino acid analyses were undertaken on fruit fly infested and uninfested S. mauritianum fruits. Infested fruits contained approximately twice the level of protein and essential amino acids compared to uninfested fruit. This increase is probably due to the plant adding additional amino acids to infested tissue and the accompanying growth of bacteria established in the fruit during oviposition. The infested fruit would provide a valuable source of protein during the pigeon breeding season.  相似文献   
Cholesterol and cholesteryl ester concentrations and cholesteryl ester fatty acid substituents have been measured during the first 10 weeks of life in tissues of normal and dystrophic mice. In normal Swiss and 129ReJ(+/?) mice the concentrations of both cholesterol and cholesteryl esters remain essentially constant in liver, increase in brain and fall sharply in both thigh (mixed fiber type muscles) and chest muscles (predominantly slow oxidative muscles) over this period. In all cases the concentration of free cholesterol exceeds that of esterified cholesterol. In dystrophic mice, similar patterns are found in brain and liver. In both thigh and chest muscles, however, the developmental pattern is significantly different. After an initial decrease the concentrations of cholesterol and cholesteryl esters increase rapidly with the largest increase occurring in the concentration of cholesteryl esters which by 10 weeks of age exceeds the concentration of cholesterol in chest muscle. During the same period the pattern of esterified fatty acids changes gradually in dystrophic tissues towards an increasing ratio of unsaturated/saturated fatty acids. By 10 weeks of age this ratio is significantly higher in dystrophic tissues than normal in all tissues tested.  相似文献   
The present study examines the time dependent effects of n-6 and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on liver microsomal lipid metabolism in FVB mice fed a diet supplemented with a mixture of free fatty acids (mainly 18:3n-6 and 20:5n-3) at 25 mg/g diet. Significant changes in the fatty acid composition of total liver and microsomal lipids were observed after 7 days on the diets. Thereafter, some animals remained on the same diet while others were fed a diet supplemented with hydrogenated coconut oil (HCO). With the exception of 20:5n-3 which showed a slower recovery, establishment of the HCO pattern was rapid indicating that the diet-induced changes could be easily reversed. The unsaturation index, the cholesterol/phospholipid ratio and the microviscosity of the microsomal membranes were not affected by these dietary manipulations. Unsaturated fatty acid supplementation reduced the activity of 9 desaturase by 50%. Feeding the HCO diet to mice previously fed the EPA/GLA diet led to a progressive increase in 9 desaturase activity, reaching 80% of the day zero values after 14 days. The monoene content of hepatic total lipids reflected, in most cases, the changes in enzyme activity. This study shows that a low dose of a n-3 and n-6 free fatty acid mixture increases the quantities of members of the n-3 family, without loss of n-6 fatty acids in microsomal membranes and modifies the activity of 9 desaturase without altering the microsome physicochemical parameters.  相似文献   
The mechanism responsible for the initial steps in the anaerobic degradation of trans-cinnamate and -phenylalkane carboxylates by the purple non-sulphur photosynthetic bacterium Rhodopseudomonas palustris was investigated. Phenylacetate did not support growth and there was a marked CO2 dependence for growth on acids with greater side-chain lengths. Here, CO2 was presumably acting as a redox sink for the disposal of excess reducing equivalents. Growth on benzoate did not require the addition of exogenous CO2. Aromatic acids with an odd number of side-chain carbon atoms (3-phenylpropionate, 5-phenylvalerate, 7-phenylheptanoate) gave greater apparent molar growth yields than those with an even number of side-chain carbon atoms (4-phenylbutyrate, 6-phenylhexanoate, 8-phenyloctanoate). HPLC analysis revealed that phenylacetate accumulated and persisted in the culture medium during growth on these latter compounds. Cinnamate and benzoate transiently accumulated in the culture medium during growth on 3-phenylpropionate, and benzoate alone accumulated transiently during the course of trans-cinnamate degradation. The transient accumulation of 4-phenyl-2-butenoic acid occurred during growth on 4-phenylbutyrate, and phenylacetate accumulated to a 1:1 molar stoichiometry with the initial 4-phenylbutyrate concentration. It is proposed that the initial steps in the anaerobic degradation of trans-cinnamate and the group of acids from 3-phenylpropionate to 8-phenyloctanoate involves -oxidation of the side-chain.Abbreviation 3-PP 3-phenylpropionic acid - 4-PB 4-phenylbutyric acid - 5-PV 5-phenylvaleric acid - 6-PH 6-phenylhexanoic acid - 7-PH 7-phenylheptanoic acid - 8-PO 8-phenyloctanoic acid - 4-P2B 4-phenyl-2-butenoic acid - GC/MS Gas chromatography/Mass spectrometry - HPLC High-pressure liquid chromatography  相似文献   
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