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C1q, a collagen-like complement protein, was purified from the serum of a ddermatosparactic calf which lacks procollagen N-terminal proteinase (pN-proteinase). The specific hemolytic activity of the serum Clq from the dermatosparactic animal was identical to that of C1q from a normal calf. Gel-filtration of serum from dermatosparactic calf, on Sepharose 6B, showed the presence of C1q-antigenic material at only one position which was identical to the elution position of normal bovine C1q. No differdence, under dissociating conditions, could be seen in the size of the chains of C1q in specific immunoprecipitates isolated from the sera of dermatosparactic and normal animals, as judged by polyacrylamidegel electrophoresis (PAGE) in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). The C1q from the dermatosparactic animal showed the same N-terminal amino acid and typtic-digest peptide pattern on HPLC as C1q from the normal calf. These results strongly suggest that pN-proteinase is not involved in the extracellular processing of C1q.  相似文献   
Chromium is an essential trace element and is associated with some biological pathways, especially with glucose tolerance. For these reasons, we decided to determine the concentration of chromium in two sets of Brazilian medicinal plants. The first group consisted of plants that are considered as antidiabetic, whereas the second included plants that do not have this therapeutic property. The concentration of chromium was determined by flameless atomic absorption. All the plants analyzed contain chromium in the normal range for this element, but the hypoglycemic plants contain more chromium than the others (1–4 μg/g compared to 0.5–1.5 μg/g).  相似文献   
Determinants of foraging profitability in two nectarivorous butterflies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
  • 1 I studied flower selection and foraging energetics of Agraulis vanillae L. (Nymphalidae) and Phoebis sennae (Pieridae), two butterfly species common to north central Florida. I identified the major nectar resources exploited by several populations of these butterflies and, for each plant species, measured available nectar volumes and concentrations, corolla lengths, and density. I quantified foraging behaviour of each butterfly species at each nectar source (flower visitation rate and percentage of foraging time in flight), and used these data to estimate the net rate of energy intake of each butterfly species at each nectar source.
  • 2 Estimated mean energy contents of individual flowers of the eleven exploited plant species spanned three orders of magnitude, ranging between 0.015 and 9.27 joules. Mean energy content of individual flowers was strongly correlated with mean foraging profit of both butterfly species.
  • 3 Mean nectar volume strongly influenced energy content and varied widely within and among species, ranging from 0.0076 to 1.853 μ1. Nectar concentration varied between 17.1% and 40.4% sucrose-equivalents. Nectar volume was the best single predictor of foraging profitability (correlation coefficients of 0.994 and 0.984 for Phoebis and Agraulis respectively). Corolla length also strongly affected foraging profitability for both butterfly species; flower species with longer corollas were generally more profitable.
  • 4 Flower density and nectar concentration showed weak or nonsignificant associations with foraging profitability.
  • 5 The usefulness and limitations of these floral characteristics as bases for foraging selectivity, and the selective pressures foraging butterflies might place on the visited plants are discussed.
Six Argentinian wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars grown in nutrient solutions in controlled environment were compared for their nitrate uptake rates on a root dry weight basis. Up to 3-fold differences were observed among the cultivars at 16, 20 and 24 days from germination, either when measured by depletion from the nutrient solution in short-term experiments, or by total N accumulation in the tissue during 8 days.
No differences in total N concentration in root or shoots were found among cultivars. Although the different cultivars showed significant differences in shoot/root ratio and nitrate reductase activity (EC in the roots, none of these parameters was correlated with the nitrate uptake rate. However, nitrate uptake was found to be positively correlated (r = 0.99) with the shoot relative growth rate of the cultivars. The three cultivars with the highest nitrate uptake rates and relative growth rates showed a positive correlation between root nitrate concentration and uptake. However, this correlation was not found in the cultivars with the lowest growth and uptake rates.
Our results indicate that the difference in nitrate uptake rate among these cultivars may only be a consequence of their differences in growth rate, and it is suggested that at least two mechanisms regulate nitrate uptake, one working when plant demand is low and another when plant demand is high.  相似文献   
Summary Quantitative electron microprobe analysis was employed to compare the effects of aldosterone and ADH on the intracellular electrolyte concentrations in the toad urinary bladder epithelium. The measurements were performed on thin freeze-dried cryosections utilizing energy dispersive x-ray microanalysis. After aldosterone, a statistically significant increase in the intracellular Na concentration was detectable in 8 out of 9 experiments. The mean Na concentration of granular cells increased from 8.9±1.3 to 13.2±2.2 mmol/kg wet wt. A significantly larger Na increase was observed after an equivalent stimulation of transepithelial Na transport by ADH. On average, the Na concentration in granular cells increased from 12.0±2.3 to 31.4±9.3 mmol/kg wet wt (5 experiments). We conclude from these results that aldosterone, in addition to its stimulatory effect on the apical Na influx, also exerts a stimulatory effect on the Na pump. Based on a significant reduction in the Cl concentration of granular cells, we discuss the possibility that the stimulation of the pump is mediated by an aldosterone-induced alkalinization.Similar though less pronounced concentration changes were observed in basal cells, suggesting that this cell type also participates in transepithelial Na transport. Measurements in mitochondria-rich cells provided no consistent results.  相似文献   
The energy status of mammalian cells is a finely regulated phenomenon. This is especially true in cardiac muscle cells in which energy requirements are high and the system must provide rapid turnover of the adenine nucleotides and instant response to changes in energetic demands. We have examined the acute response of the rat myocardium to ventricular pacing up to 2.5 times the resting heart rate. The purpose of this study was to determine at what level of pacing the normal energy status could be maintained and at what point it was compromised. Myocardial energy charge (EC = (ATP + 0.5 ADP)/(ATP + ADP + AMP)) was maintained at 1, 1.5 and 2 times the resting heart rate but declined significantly at 2.5 times. In contrast, phosphorylation potential (PP = ATP/ADP1 × Pi) was drastically altered in hearts paced at 1.5, 2 and 2.5 times the resting rate. Tissue lactate increased and glycogen decreased in a linear fashion as pacing rate increased, indicating that the metabolic challenge was proportional to the pacing rate. EC seems to reflect the overall status of the cell and its ability to maintain a dynamic equilibrium. PP may reflect the immediate and necessary driving force for mitochondrial respiration in times of increased demand. These data suggest that the myocardium may meet the increased energy demands of acute ventricular pacing by shifting the molar ratio of ATP to ADP times Pi in favour of driving phosphorylation.  相似文献   
Summary A pot experiment with lettuce involving three N forms each at six application levels, showed that lettuce can be grown satisfactorily with a very low nitrate content when supplied with ammonium sulphate and a nitrification inhibitor. For plants growing on nitrate N, the optimum midrib sap nitrate concentration as maturity approached was about 1400 mg/1 NO3-N. Large losses of mineral N were observed from the peat medium, even in the absence of plants. A relationship is presented which would enable a lettuce grower to estimate whole-shoot nitrate concentration from a quick test of midrib sapi.e. NO3-N (mg/kg in fresh shoot) =0.14×NO3-N (mg/l in sap). Tipburn was worst at intermediate levels of applied N, and was less serious with pure ammonium nutrition than with nitrate.  相似文献   
Human blood was sheared between rotating polyethylene disks and plasma hemoglobin measured at intervals to produce kinetic hemolysis curves (KHC), plotted as free hemoglobin concentration vs time. The KHC produced by blood samples incubated in the presence of penicillin, streptomycin, gentamicin, and amikacin lie always below those for control samples, indicating a reduction in hemolysis; this reduction was greater as the drug concentration was increased. Explanations in terms of alterations in red cell structure were sought by several characterization tests of amikacin-loaded blood samples. Drug-localization studies demonstrated that significant fractions of the total dosage were associated with the red-cell membrane. Resistive pulse spectroscopy was used to show how amikacin affected cell size, deformability, and osmotic fragility; results were sensitive to storage age of the blood. In all cases, the effect of shearing was to reduce cell size, deformability, and osmotic fragility. Mechanisms for hemolytic protection by drugs are proposed.  相似文献   
During exposure to soft water, acidified to pH 4.0, the haemolymph concentrations of Na+, K+, and Cl decreased whereas the Ca2+ concentration fluctuated in Astacus astacus. The haemocyte content of K+ decreased from 9% to 2% of the total haemolymph K+ content after exposure to pH 3.7 for 3 days. Within 14 days, 250 µg Al3+ l–1, as Al2(SO4)3 at pH 5.0, reduced the haemolymph Na+ content in Astacus astacus and Pacifastacus leniusculus, however, the effects were less pronounced than earlier reported for fish. Disturbed ion regulation, mainly depending on low pH, is thought to contribute to the absence of these species in acid waters.  相似文献   
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