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Gong SS  Chang Q  Ding J 《生理学报》2004,56(4):531-538
为探讨KCNQ家族钾通道在耳蜗外毛细胞和Deiters细胞的功能性表达,我们观察并记录了KCNQ家族钾通道阻滞剂利诺吡啶对豚鼠耳蜗单离外毛细胞(outer hair cells,OHCs)和Deiters细胞总钾电流的影响。采用酶孵育加机械分离法分离豚鼠耳蜗单个OHCs和Deiters细胞:运用膜片钳技术,在全细胞模式下记录正常细胞外液中8个外毛细胞和5个Deiters细胞的总钾电流,并观察100μmol/L和200μmol/L利诺吡啶对外毛细胞和Deiters细胞总钾电流的影响。结果观察到,在正常细胞外液中的单离外毛细胞,可记录到四乙基二乙胺敏感的外向性钾电流和静息膜电位附近激活的内向性钾电流(the K^ current activated at negative potential,IKa)两种钾电流,而在单离Deiters细胞中只记录到外向整流性钾电流。在细胞外液中,加入100μmol/L利诺吡啶后,OHCs中的四乙基二乙胺敏感的钾电流峰电流成分被抑制,稳态电流幅值减小,且电流的失活时问常数明显延长;在细胞外液中加入100μmol/L和200μmol/L利诺吡啶后,OHCs的内向性钾电流IKa被完全抑制;而细胞外液中利诺吡啶终浓度为200μmol/L时,Deiters细胞的外向整流性钾电流幅值无明显变化。由此我们推测,KCNQ家族钾通道存在于豚鼠耳蜗外毛细胞,其介导的钾电流是四乙基二乙胺敏感的钾电流的组成部分,并构成全部的IKn,其功能是介导细胞内K^ 外流和防止细胞过度去极化;KCNQ家族钾通道不存在于豚鼠耳蜗Dciters细胞。  相似文献   
By mediating the Ca2+ influx that triggers exocytotic fusion, Ca2+ channels play a central role in a wide range of secretory processes. Ca2+ channels consist of a complex of protein subunits, including an 1 subunit that constitutes the voltage-dependent Ca2+-selective membrane pore, and a group of auxiliary subunits, including β, γ, and 2–δ subunits, which modulate channel properties such as inactivation and channel targeting. Subtypes of Ca2+ channels are constituted by different combinations of 1 subunits (of which 10 have been identified) and auxiliary subunits, particularly β (of which 4 have been identified). Activity-secretion coupling is determined not only by the biophysical properties of the channels involved, but also by the relationship between channels and the exocytotic apparatus, which may differ between fast and slow types of secretion. Colocalization of Ca2+ channels at sites of fast release may depend on biochemical interactions between channels and exocytotic proteins. The aim of this article is to review recent work on Ca2+ channel structure and function in exocytotic secretion. We discuss Ca2+ channel involvement in selected types of secretion, including central neurotransmission, endocrine and neuroendocrine secretion, and transmission at graded potential synapses. Several different Ca2+ channel subtypes are involved in these types of secretion, and their function is likely to involve a variety of relationships with the exocytotic apparatus. Elucidating the relationship between Ca2+ channel structure and function is central to our understanding of the fundamental process of exocytotic secretion.  相似文献   
植物根毛生长发育及分子调控机理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
植物根毛是植物吸收营养的主要器官, 了解根毛的发生、发育及遗传规律, 能对植物的养分吸收研究提供有利依据。文章旨在介绍植物根毛形态发生特性、发育生长过程及分子调控机理的研究进展, 利用比较基因组学方法研究农作物根毛形态和功能, 及有目的性的对根生长发育进行调控提供参考。研究发现植物根毛发育有反馈侧向抑制(lateral inhibition with feedback)和位置决定模式(position-dependent pattern of cell differentiation)两种方式。拟南芥根表皮细胞是以位置方式决定毛或非毛细胞发育类型, 已成为研究植物细胞命运和分化的模型。目前, 已经鉴定出控制根毛发育的基因, 包括一些转录因子如MYB家族蛋白TRIPTYCHON(TRY)、CAPRICE(CPC)和basic Helix-Loop-Helix (bHLH)蛋白GLABRA3、ENHANCER OF GLABRA3(EGL3)及WD-repeat蛋白等基因。最后针对根毛研究前景提出展望。  相似文献   
墨兰的无菌播种结果发现,在不添加细胞分裂素的培养基上,种子可以发芽,但只有原球茎和根状茎产生;不可能进一步分化成苗,只有在含有不同激素成分的MS或KnudsonC培养基上,才有可能诱导芽的分化,其中以附加6-BA 0.5-1.0mg/L+NAA 0.1mg/L诱导效果最佳,在附加6-BA 2.0mg/L+NAA 0.4mg/L的MS培养基中,能加速芽的增殖,根状茎转入含有相同激素成分的液体增殖培养基中振荡培养,可大大提高芽的分化速率。添加0.5%活性炭对芽的分化有明显增效作用。在附加NAA 0.2mg/L的MS培养基中;幼苗的生根效果最佳。  相似文献   
The human body is one still frame in a very long evolutionary movie. Anthropologists focus on the last few scenes, whereas geneticists try to trace the screenplay back as far as possible. Despite their divergent time scales (millions versus billions of years), both disciplines share a reliance on a third field of study whose scope spans only a matter of days to months, depending on the organism. Embryology is crucial for understanding both the pliability of anatomy and the modularity of gene circuitry. The relevance of human embryology to anthropology is obvious. What is not so obvious is the notion that equally useful clues about human anatomy can be gleaned by studying the development of the fruit fly, an animal as different from us structurally as it is distant from us evolutionarily. The underlying kinship between ourselves and flies has only become apparent recently, thanks to revelations from the nascent field of evolutionary developmental biology, or evo‐devo. All bilaterally symmetric animals, it turns out, share a common matrix of body axes, a common lexicon of intercellular signals, and a common arsenal of genetic gadgetry that evolution has tweaked in different ways in different lineages to produce a dazzling spectrum of shapes and patterns. Anthropologists can exploit this deep commonality to search our genome more profitably for the mutations that steered us so far astray from our fellow apes.  相似文献   

We investigated the structure of the hemal node in six healthy hair goats using histological and enzyme histochemical methods. After processing, tissue sections were stained with Crossman's trichrome, Gordon-Sweet's silver and Pappenheim's panoptic stains. Alpha-naphthyl acetate esterase (ANAE) and acid phosphatase (ACP-ase) were demonstrated in frozen sections. Hemal nodes were encapsulated by connective tissue and few smooth muscle cells. Several trabeculae originated from the capsule and extended into the hemal node. A subcapsular sinus was present beneath the capsule and was continuous with the deeper sinuses. Subcapsular and deep sinuses were filled with erythrocytes. The parenchyma consisted of lymphoid follicles, diffuse interfollicular lymphocytes and irregular wide lymphoid cords. Cortical and medullary regions were not distinct. ANAE (+) and ACP-ase (+) cells were located mainly in the germinal centers of the lymphoid follicles and also were scattered equally in the interfollicular region and lymphoid cords. Monocytes, macrophages and reticular cells displayed a diffuse positive reaction, whereas localized granular positivity was observed in lymphocytes. We demonstrated that the general structure of the hair goat hemal nodes is similar to that of other ruminant species.  相似文献   
Argyrophilic nucleolar organizing region associated proteins (AgNORs) play roles in cell proliferation and a variety of diseases. We attempted to determine whether decreased NOR protein synthesis causes human hair loss. We studied 21 healthy males who suffered hair loss on the frontal/vertex portion of the head. Hair root cells from normal and hair loss sites were stained for AgNOR. One hundred nuclei per site were evaluated and the AgNOR number and NORa/TNa proportions of individual cells were determined using a computer program. The cells from normal sites had significantly higher AgNOR counts than those from hair loss sites. Also, the cells from the normal sites had significantly higher NORa/TNa than cells from the hair loss sites. In the normal sites, the cells demonstrated more NOR protein synthesis than cells in hair loss sites. Therefore, decreased NOR protein synthesis appears to be related to hair loss in humans.  相似文献   

Argyrophilic nucleolar organizing region (AgNORs) associated proteins are important for cell proliferation and various diseases. We investigated AgNOR protein synthesis in hair root cells of males and females at different ages using two-dimensional image analysis. Experiments were performed on 58 healthy male and 24 healthy female volunteers in three groups according to age and sex. Hair root cells obtained from hair follicles were stained with silver. Total AgNOR number/total nuclear number (TAN/TNN) and total AgNOR area/nuclear area (TAA/NA) for each nucleus were analyzed. The only significant difference was observed in TAA/NA values for males and females from 6 to 12 years old. We suggest that the difference is due to high NOR activity caused by increased growth hormone production in hair root cells.  相似文献   
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