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In the last-larval instar of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta, a switch from excretion of uric acid to storage in the fat body occurs during transition from the feeding to the wandering stage. Neuroendocrine control of this change from excretion to storage was demonstrated by neck-ligation experiments with synchronously reared larvae. Results indicate that a neurohormone is released from the head 24–30 hr before the initiation of wandering and coincident with the first release of ecdysone that initiates metamorphosis. Direct involvement of the moulting hormone was shown by the effects of multiple injections of 20-hydroxyecdysone into the abdomen of larvae that had been ligated before the release of hormone. Urate levels in the fat body were 20- to 100-fold higher from hormone-injected larvae as from saline inject controls. Topically applied juvenile hormone or methoprene reversed the 20-hydroxyecdysone-induced storage of urate. Increased levels of uric acid in the haemolymph during pupal development result from the presence of juvenile hormone, and the abrupt decrease in uric acid concentration in the haemolymph just prior to pupal ecdysis results from a decreased titre of juvenile hormone. Applications of methoprene prevented the decrease in uric acid levels in the haemolymph.  相似文献   
Immunoglobulin G (IgG) in tick haemolymph was analysed immunochemically and biochemically for its antigenicity, antibody activity and relative concentration in a soft tick, Ornithodoros moubata (Murray) sensu Walton 1962 (Acari: Argasidae). Ouchterlony immunodiffusion tests showed that haemolymph from a tick engorged on rabbit IgG (or human IgG) through an artificial membrane, reacted with anti-rabbit IgG (anti-human IgG) but not with anti-human IgG (anti-rabbit IgG). This indicates that haemolymph of the fed tick contains IgG with a similar antigen specificity to host blood IgG. IgG from tick haemolymph was demonstrated by enzyme immunoassay to have the same antibody activity as ingested IgG. The IgG concentration in tick haemolymph was measured by a quantitative single immunodiffusion test. Changes of IgG titre after a bloodmeal were correlated with IgG activity, which was low for 5 days after a bloodmeal and then suddenly increased. The IgG titre reached a maximum 7 days post-engorgement, and remained high for over 4 months during and after oviposition. 125I-labelled IgG was injected into the tick haemocoel to determine the persistence of IgG in the haemolymph. Recovery of labelled IgG was low at 1 and 3 days, and high at 5, 8 and 16 days after engorgement. The data suggest that IgG in haemolymph disappears quickly soon after engorgement possibly by degradation and/or absorption (adhesion to tissues).  相似文献   
Larvae of the sawfly Athalia rosae ruficornis Jakovlev (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae) feed on several glucosinolate-containing plants and have been shown to sequester the main glucosinolates of different hosts, namely sinalbin (p-hydroxybenzylglucosinolate) from Sinapis alba L., sinigrin (allylglucosinolate) from Brassica nigra (L.) Koch, and glucobarbarin ((S)-2-hydroxy-2-phenylethylglucosinolate) from Barbarea stricta Andrz. (Brassicaceae). These plant metabolites are stored in the haemolymph, which is readily released when larvae are attacked by predators. In a dual-choice bioassay the bio-activity of sawfly haemolymph collected from larvae reared on different host plants (S. alba, B. nigra, and B. stricta) was tested against the ant Myrmica rubra L. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). The haemolymph had a stronger deterrence effect when the corresponding sawfly larvae were reared on S. alba than when reared on B. nigra and B. stricta. Haemolymph of caterpillars of Pieris rapae L. (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) that had fed on S. alba was not deterrent to the ants. No sinalbin could be detected in their haemolymph. The glucosinolates sinalbin and sinigrin, offered in a concentration comparable to that in the sawfly haemolymph, were deterrent to the ants, but not as strongly as the corresponding haemolymph samples. This suggests, that glucosinolates are not the only compounds involved in the chemical defence of A. rosae. However, the presence of sequestered glucosinolates is already a sufficient defence towards predators such as ants, and their effectiveness is modulated by the host plant chemistry.  相似文献   
Nutritive effects of d-amino acids on the silkworm, Bombyx mori, were investigated by growth experiments using defined diets and also by analysis of free amino acids in the larval haemolymph. None of the d-forms of the usual ten essential amino acids could be utilized effectively, although d-methionine was utilized in lieu of the l-form only to a limited extent and d-histidine gave a positive but smaller effect than d-methionine. d-Proline, its l-form being semi-essential for the silkworm, was not utilized. d-Leucine, and to a lesser extent d-alanine and d-serine, were found to be somewhat toxic. Comparison of free amino acid patterns in the haemolymph of the fifth-instar larvae, which fed on diets either lacking l-forms of histidine, methionine and leucine singly or including the d-forms singly in place of these l-forms, supported the results of the growth experiments.  相似文献   
Changes in the frequency of cardiac pulsations have been monitored in the decapitated body of adult P. americana before and 5 h after the injections of [Arg(7)]-corazonin and CCAP, using newly invented touch-free, noninvasive optocardiographic methods. Relatively large dosages of these peptides (10(-6) M concentrations in the body) had no effect on the rate of the heartbeat beyond the Ringer control limits. It has been concluded, therefore, that Corazonin and CCAP, which are currently cited in the literature as "the most potent cardiostimulating peptides" in insects, have no effect on the physiological regulation of cardiac functions in the living body.  相似文献   
Two blue-pigment binding proteins, BP1 and BP2, are present in larval and pupal haemolymph of cabbage white butterfly, Pieris rapae, and fluctuate in expression during development. Both BP1 and BP2 are found in pupal haemolymph in varying proportions as well as in adult haemolymph, while only small amounts of BP2 are found in larval haemolymph. BPs are separated by 75% ammonium sulfate, and then purified effectively by ion exchange column chromatography and preparative gel electrophoresis. It was shown that BP1 and BP2 have molecular masses of 20,244 and 19,878 Da, and isoelectric points of 7.0 and 6.8, respectively. Considering their amino acid compositions and N-terminal amino acid sequences, the two proteins are almost identical except the first N-terminal amino acid. The first amino acid of BP1 is asparagine, whereas the initial residue of BP2 is aspartic acid. Anti-BP1 cross-reacts with BP2, indicating that they have immunological homogeneity. Western blotting analyses revealed that only BP1 was present in the larval tissues such as fat body, integument, muscle, and hindgut. However, BP1 was not found in midgut, Malphigian tubules, and silk gland. BP1 was also present in the protein bodies, and both cuticle and hemocoel sides of larval epidermis cells by the transmission electron microscopic observation. The information in this report will facilitate studies on the molecular biology and biological significance of insect BPs.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Many studies indicate that innate immunity in invertebrates can be modulated by a cytokine network like in vertebrates. In molluscs, the immune response is carried out by circulating haemocytes and soluble haemolymph factors. In the present study, the effects of heterologous TNFalpha (tumour necrosis factor alpha) on cell signalling and function in the haemocytes of the bivalve Mytilus galloprovincialis Lam. were investigated. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Addition of TNFalpha in the absence of haemolymph serum [in ASW (artificial sea water)] induced cellular stress, as indicated by lysosomal destabilization, and decreased phagocytosis; on the other hand, in the presence of serum, TNFalpha did not affect lysosomal stability and even stimulated phagocytosis. TNFalpha induced rapid phosphorylation of the stress-activated p38 and JNK (c-Jun N-terminal kinase) MAPKs (mitogen-activated protein kinases); both effects were persistent in ASW but transient in serum. Activation of p38 and JNKs in mediating the effects of TNFalpha was confirmed by the use of specific MAPK inhibitors. Moreover, flow cytometric analysis indicated that TNFalpha in the presence of serum induced transient phosphatidylserine exposure on the haemocyte surface, evaluated as annexin V binding; in ASW, the cytokine resulted in a stable increase in the percentage of both annexin- and propidium iodide-positive cells, indicating possible apoptotic/necrotic processes. The results indicate that TNFalpha can affect the function of bivalve haemocytes through conserved transduction pathways involving stress-activated MAPKs and suggest that the haemocyte response to the cytokine is influenced by soluble haemolymph components.  相似文献   
Serum from larvae of Lacanobia oleracea L. (Lepidoptera; Noctuidae) parasitized by Eulophus pennicornis (Hymenoptera; Eulophidae) and from normal non‐parasitized larvae is capable of agglutinating rabbit, sheep, calf, goat, chicken, horse and human erythrocytes, but not yeast. Studies with a range of inhibitory carbohydrates showed that serum lectins(s) had specificity for sugars containing galactose and for rhamnose, and for the glycosubstances fetuin and asialofetuin. Lectin activity is heat‐labile and is not dependent on calcium. Parasitism by E. pennicornis caused an increase in the agglutination titre of the serum from larvae of L. oleracea but not an increase in specific activity (titre per mg protein per ml). However, when venom from the venom gland of female wasps was injected into L. oleracea larvae, both the agglutinating activity and the specific activity of the larval serum increased. The possible causes of this increase are discussed. It is suggested that venom contains antigenic components which, when injected into the haemocoel of the L. oleracea larva, may be increasing lectin synthesis and/or release into the serum.  相似文献   
Vitellogenin in the haemolymph of Locusta migratoria was assayed by rocket immunoelectrophoresis to elucidate aspects of its regulation. In many normal adult females, vitellogenin first appeared on days 5–9, rose quickly to peak levels, and declined before a second vitellogenic cycle; in others, it appeared later and built up more slowly. The timing of first appearance of vitellogenin, and proportions of early and late-developing individuals, differed markedly in groups from the same colony assayed in different years, suggesting effects of both genetic and environmental variation. Average peak levels of vitellogenin were 25–30 mg/ml. After ovariectomy, vitellogenin appeared near the normal time and increased for several weeks to about 300 mg/ml; haemolymph volume also increased greatly, so that the total haemolymph-vitellogenin pool reached about 300 mg/individual, or 100 times the normal amount. After ovariectomy, no cyclicity of vitellogenin accumulation was apparent. These results show that the ovary is not required for stimulation of vitellogenin synthesis, and suggest that normal cycling may depend on inhibition by the mature ovary. Females treated with ethoxyprecocene on day 1 of adult life to inactivate the corpora allata did not produce vitellogenin, but were induced to do so with the juvenile hormone analogue, methoprene. After injection of 150 μg of methoprene in mineral oil, there was one day lag, then vitellogenin increased in the haemolymph to the normal peak level and declined slowly to zero during 5 weeks; after a second injection of methoprene, vitellogenin re-appeared more rapidly, with less lag, reflecting accelerated secondary hormonal stimulation of vitellogenin synthesis in the fat body. Adult males showed no detectable haemolymph vitellogenin even after injection of large doses of methoprene.  相似文献   
The range of inducible antibacterial and other associated haemolymph proteins in Manduca sexta larvae and pupae was examined by high resolution two-dimensional (2D) isoelectric focusing-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Twenty-two major inducible proteins were consistently resolved on gels of haemolymph from bacteria-injected larvae. Haemolymph from bacteria-injected pupae showed a different pattern of induced proteins. The proteins of the two stages include those which (i) are induced in both stages, (ii) those which are exclusively induced in either larvae or pupae, (iii) those which are inducible in larvae, but consititutively present in pupae, and, (iv) those which are induced in larvae, and which are present at intermediate levels but may be induced to higher levels in pupae.The antibacterial activity of the haemolymph from larvae and pupae was compared on acidpolyacrylamide gels, and the apparent Mr and pI of the inducible proteins determined. Certain of the inducible proteins appear to resemble the cecropin and attacin proteins of Hylophora cecropia.  相似文献   
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