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Mangrove zooplankton of North Queensland,Australia   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
McKinnon  A. D.  Klumpp  D. W. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,348(1-3):127-143
Food consumption, growth, fish length distributions,population sizes and habitat use of the salmonids intwo lakes in the Høylandet area were studied in1986–89. The allopatric brown trout (Salmotrutta L.) in the tarn Røyrtjønna (27 ha) fed mainlyon organisms at the lake surface , crustaceanplankton, Trichoptera and Chironomidae. Only 5% ofthe trout reached an age of 6 years and a length of25 cm. Sexual maturation started at age 3 and a lengthof 14 cm. Through mark – recapture technique thenumber of trout >10 cm was estimated to 115 ha-1.Growth, fish length frequencies and sexualmaturation of the sympatric brown trout and Arcticcharr (Salvelinus alpinus (L.)) in LakeStorgrønningen (530 ha) were not much different. TheStorgrønningen charr fed chiefly on zooplankton whichby volume represented 33% for the trout. The foodconsumption of Storgrønningen trout was at maximum inJuly with 2.06 mg food (d.w.) per g live fish and forcharr in September with 1.26 mg food. The maximumsize-independent growth rate of trout was 5.2%day-1 in late June, and for charr 4.1%day-1 in late July. Seventy percent of theirseasonal growth took place before 15 August. The charrstayed mainly deeper than 3-4 m, at water temperatures<15 °C. Brown trout stayed mainly the littoralzone and in near surface water of the pelagic. Thenumber of pelagic charr was estimated hydroacusticallyto 50 ind. ha-1. The charr spawn in thelake. Mean numbers of juvenile trout in the twolargest tributaries were 26 and 48 per 100 m2.Their annual length increment was 2.8–3.4 cm. Noindication of acidification or other human inducedimpacts were found. The lakes and their tributariesrepresent complex aquatic systems, representative forpristine oligotrophic Norwegian lowland lakes.John W. Jensen died shortly after easter in 1996  相似文献   
Cryptic coloration is found in many Orthoptera, especially in Acrididae, showing a great variety of forms. In a grasshopper assemblage in southeastern Brazil, preferences for escape places were detected; grasshoppers tended to escape to backgrounds in which they seem to be more cryptic. Coloration was measured using the Simpson diversity index, to quantify 'aspect diversity' (diversity of colours and shapes of patches along the insect's body). A weak positive correlation was found between grasshoppers' aspect diversity and diversification in use of escape places (use of many backgrounds to escape). Grasshoppers with similar colour patterns tended to use the same structures (leaves, sandy soil, stones) to escape.  相似文献   
Freshly emerged flower visitors exhibit colour preferences prior to individual experience with flowers. The understanding of innate colour preferences in flower visitors requires a detailed analysis, as, on the one hand, colour is a multiple-signal stimulus, and, on the other hand, flower visits include a sequence of behavioural reactions each of which can be driven by a preferential behaviour. Behavioural reactions, such as the distant approach, the close-range orientation, the landing, and the extension of mouthparts can be triggered by colour stimuli. The physiological limitations of spectral sensitivity, the neuro-sensory filters, and the animals' different abilities to make use of visual information such as brightness perception, wavelength-specific behaviour and colour vision shape colour preferences. Besides these receiverbased factors, there are restrictions of flower colouration due to sender-based factors such as the absorption properties of floral pigments and the dual function of flower colours triggering both innate and learned behaviour. Recordings of the spectral reflection of coloured objects, which trigger innate colour preferences, provide an objective measure of the colour stimuli. Weighting the spectral reflection of coloured objects by the spectral composition of the ambient light and the spectral sensitivity of the flower visitors' photoreceptors allows the calculation of the effective stimuli. Perceptual dimensions are known for only a few taxa of flower visitors.  相似文献   
Drugs of abuse, such as phencyclidine (PCP), methamphetamine (METH), and cocaine (COC) are known to affect several behaviors in rats, such as motor activity, stereotypy, and circling. In this study, we evaluated whether these drugs produce circling preferences in the presence or absence of unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA)-induced lesions of the caudate nucleus. Adult male CD rats were lesioned with 10 μg 6-OHDA/site. Animals were dosed with PCP (15 mg/kg, ip), its congener, (+) MK-801 (0.15 mg/kg, ip), METH (2 mg/kg, ip), COC (60 mg/kg, ip), or apomorphine (0.2 mg/kg, ip). circling preference was recorded in control and lesioned rats for 2 h before animals were sacrificed to determine monoamine levels by HPLC/EC. In control animals, administration of these drugs produced 60–70% left circling. In, lesioned animals, these drugs produced 78–90% ipsilateral (toward the lesion) circling, except apomorphine, which produced 60–80% contralateral (away from the lesion) circling. Dopamine (DA) and its metabolites 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) and homovanillic acid (HVA) concentrations significantly decreased ipsilaterally in lesioned caudate nucleus (CN) and substantia nigra (SN). However, no significant changes were observed in nucleus accumbens (NA) and olfactory tubercles (OT). These data demonstrate that drugs of abuse like PCP, its congener (+) MK-801, METH, and COC produce a greater preference to turn toward the left than the right, a finding similar to that found in human psychosis. Since 6-OHDA lesions enhanced the circling bias and depleted DA and its metabolites DOPAC and HVA, it also suggests that the dopaminergic system may be involved in the circling behavior.  相似文献   
Settlement of male great reed warblers in the breeding ground was highly asynchronous at Lake Biwa in Japan. It took over 1 month from the appearance of the first male to a saturation in number of males. In resource-defense-polygyny, males are expected to try to defend as large an area as possible in the optimal habitat. In fact, a small number of the earliest settling males divided up the breeding ground almost completely as territories among themselves and these were later reduced in size with the addition of later settlers. The reduction was not due to a seasonal decline of aggressiveness on the part of the owners but to a higher level of intrusion pressure by later arriving males. The neighbor-neighbor relationship, once established, was rather stable. Home range overlap was small and territorial contacts were few between neighbors. Territorial boundaries seem not to shift despite the addition of new males as long as the neighbors were the same. The stable relationships between neighbors are expected to help the earlier resident to maintain his large and good territories throughout the breeding season and hence polygyny is favored in this species.  相似文献   
Synopsis The interaction of fluctuating water level and the Long Point topography is discussed with regard to the formation of lake-shore lagoons and their subsequent invasion by fishes. The species composition of fish communities in these lagoons was determined by 12 collections from lagoons (23 m2 to 25 ha) which yielded 33 fish species. The relationship of the number of fish species to lagoon area was lognormal; that is, with increasing lagoon area the number of species rose rapidly at first but soon decreased sharply, probably limited by the number of species capable of surviving in the habitat. The marked effect of area on species number in small lagoons is considered in the context of a hypothetical seasonal pattern of occasional invasion and continuous extinction.A sequence of reproductive guilds was found. In beach lagoons psammophils and lithophils were dominant. In a large vegetated lagoon in the interior phytophils and speleophils were dominant. This sequence was paralleled by an increase in the proportion of guarding and nesting species in the communities. The sequence was disrupted in the small interior lagoons where adaptations for survival were more important than reproductive strategy.  相似文献   
  • 1 The population biology of Anthocharis cardamines (L.) is described and shown to vary with locality. Southern and Western populations emerge earlier than Northern ones, but Western and Northern populations occupy similar, wetter habitats and are associated primarily with Cardamine pratensis (L.). Southern populations are recorded mostly from Alliaria petiolata (Bieb.).
  • 2 Studies on egg and larval survival indicate that host plant-induced death and parasitization by a tachinid are important mortality factors. However, a key-factor analysis on one population indicates that the major determinant of population size may be the number of eggs laid by ovipositing females, itself dependent upon weather during the oviposition period. Populations in different localities do show similar trends in abundance, corroborating the effect of weather.
  • 3 Human effects on distribution and abundance are discussed, and some conservation strategies suggested.
Stone loach and bullhead were given a choice of Chironomus and Asellus prey in experiments using solitary fish and fish in company. Solitary fish ate more than fish in company. The effect of light and substratum type on feeding was investigated. Both species ate more prey items on gravel than silt when a significant difference was observed. Bullhead ate more than loach in the light on both substrata. The only experiment in which loach ate more than bullhead was on a silt substratum in the dark. It is concluded that these two species utilise different components of the available food resources in chalk streams by adopting different habitats.  相似文献   
Azuma  M. 《Hydrobiologia》1992,(1):269-276
The stomach contents were analyzed monthly for each year-class to elucidate the foraging pattern of bluegills in a small vegetated lake by the frequency occurrence and the points methods. Seasonal dietary changes of the year-classes were considered comparing the monthly fluctuations in abundance of major prey organisms. Though these bluegills are dietary generalists and opportunists like those in North America, their foraging pattern was characterized by a relatively clearer dietary shift during ontogeny and a wider food niche including piscivorous than those of bluegills with congeners in their home land. Therefore this finding provides evidence of the ecological release caused by the absence of congeners.  相似文献   
Summary Larvae of the aspen blotch miner, Phyllonorycter salicifoliella Chambers (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae), feed within leaves of three host-tree species in north-central Minnesota, USA. Far more individuals occur on Populus tremuloides than on P. balsamifera or P. grandidentata. We tested whether this pattern of host use reflected variable performance among alternative hosts by examining survivorship, sources of mortality, pupal mass, feeding efficiency, and development time of miners on each tree species. We also determined foliar water, nitrogen, condensed tannin, and phenolic glycoside content of host trees to test if host-tree chemical attributes were responsible for differences in performance. There was no significant difference in egg-to-adult survival among miners on different hosts, although dominant sources of mortality did vary. Miners on P. grandidentata suffered less parasitism and more predation than those on the other hosts, even though most parasitoid species attacked miners on all hosts. The other performance parameters varied among host species, but not in a consistent pattern. Pupal mass was greatest on P. tremuloides and P. balsamifera, the hosts with comparatively high foliar nitrogen and low phenolic glycoside concentrations. However, feeding efficiency was greatest and development time shortest for miners on P. grandidentata. Thus, pupal mass was the only index of performance maximized on P. tremuloides, the most commonly used host. Infrequent occurrence of Phyllonorycter salicifoliella on P. grandidentata results in part from phenological differences between this and the other host species. Low oviposition rates on P. balsamifera are correlated with low abundance of this host at the study site and a phenolic glycoside profile different from that of the other host species.  相似文献   
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