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Abstract: Understanding the link between habitat use and components of fitness can yield useful insight into the environmental conditions necessary for population maintenance and can help promote effective habitat management. This information is especially important for species that are in decline or otherwise of conservation concern. Populations of brown-headed nuthatches (Sitta pusilla), an obligate cavity nester, have declined throughout their range, primarily due to extensive habitat loss and degradation. To help guide habitat management for this species, we identified habitat features associated with variation in the number of offspring fledged within 2 populations in southern Florida, USA. The most important predictor of productivity was the date on which a nest attempt began, with earlier nests producing more fledglings. The number of large pine (Pinus elliottii var. densa) snags and, to a lesser extent, the number of small pine trees surrounding a nest site were positively associated with productivity. We recommend that land managers in southern Florida focus on providing abundant large pine snags because doing so will increase productivity and also may increase nest-site availability and the percentage of individuals that breed each year. Prescribed burning may be an effective way to increase the abundance of large pine snags; however, land managers should exercise caution when doing so because of the trade-off between snag recruitment and snag consumption that accompanies the use of fire. We lack the data required to predict the fire-return interval that optimizes this trade-off, but until these data are available we recommend increasing the spatial heterogeneity in fire-return interval and lengthening the fire-return interval in some areas to 5-6 years.  相似文献   
Abstract: Studies of space use and habitat selection of endangered species are useful for identifying factors that influence fitness of individuals and viability of populations. However, there is a lack of published information regarding these behaviors for the federally threatened Louisiana black bear (Ursus americanus luteolus). We documented space use and habitat selection for 28 female black bears in 2 subpopulations of the Tensas River Basin population in northeast Louisiana, USA. The Tensas subpopulation inhabits a relatively large (>300-km2) contiguous area of bottomland hardwood forest, whereas the Deltic subpopulation exists mainly in 2 small (<7-km2) forested patches surrounded by an agricultural matrix. Females on Deltic maintained smaller seasonal and annual home ranges than females on Tensas (all P < 0.04), except for females with cubs during spring. On Tensas, females with cubs maintained smaller home ranges than females without cubs during spring (P = 0.01), but we did not detect this difference on Deltic or in other seasons. Females on Tensas and Deltic exhibited differences in habitat selection when establishing home ranges and within home ranges (P < 0.001). Deltic females selected mature bottomland hardwood forests and avoided agricultural habitats at both spatial scales. Tensas females selected a mixture of swamps, mature and regenerating forests, and exhibited variation in selection across scale, season, and reproductive status. We suggest that differences in space use and habitat selection between Tensas and Deltic are at least partially due to habitat differences at the landscape (i.e., amount of forested habitat) and patch (i.e., food availability) scales. Our results contribute to the understanding of factors that influence space use and habitat selection by black bears and provide specific information on habitat types selected by Louisiana black bears to agencies involved in habitat protection and restoration for this threatened subspecies.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Little information on foraging habitats of sympatric species of skunks in Texas, USA, is available. We compared 11 western spotted skunks (Spilogale gracilis) and 10 striped skunks (Mephitis mephitis) using radiotelemetry data to assess habitat use during foraging at broad levels of selection in a fragmented habitat. Western spotted skunks used areas with more large mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa) trees than did striped skunks and randomly selected points. Striped skunk habitat use was not different from randomly chosen locations. Contrary to previous research, both species appear to avoid agricultural habitat. A habitat management plan may be difficult to implement for striped skunks in Texas because they did not favor any available habitat. Conservation of western spotted skunks in west-central Texas should focus on areas with older mesquite trees, areas that are now often brush controlled for management of livestock.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT We recorded telemetry locations from 1,129 radiotagged turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo intermedia) on 4 study areas in the Texas Panhandle and southwestern Kansas, USA, from 2000 to 2004. Analyses of telemetry locations indicated both sexes selected riparian vegetative zones. Females did not select grazed or nongrazed pastures for daily movements. However, females did select nongrazed pastures for nest sites on 2 study areas and males selected for grazed pastures at one study area during the breeding season. We compared nest sites (n = 351) to random sites using logistic regression, which indicated height of visual obstruction, percent canopy cover, and percent bare ground provided the highest predictive power (P ≤ 0.003) for characteristics describing nest-site selection. Nest-site vegetative characteristics between vegetative zones differed primarily in composition: upland zone nest sites had more (P ≤ 0.001) shrubs and riparian zone nest sites had more (P ≤ 0.001) grass. There were no differences in measured nest site vegetative characteristics between pasture types, but there were differences between available nesting cover in grazed and nongrazed pastures. Random plots in grazed pastures had less grass cover (P ≤ 0.001) and more bare ground (P = 0.002). Because of cattle impacts on average grass height and availability, grazing would likely have the highest impact on nesting in riparian zones due to turkey use of grass as nesting cover. An appropriate grazing plan to promote Rio Grande turkey nesting habitat would include grazing upland zones in the spring, when it likely has little impact on nesting-site selection, and grazing riparian zones following breeding season completion. Grazing at light to moderate intensities with periods of rest did not affect male turkey pasture use and may have continued to maintain open areas used by male turkeys for displaying purposes.  相似文献   
Abstract: Tree squirrels are one of the most familiar mammals found in urban areas and are considered both desirable around homes and, conversely, a pest. We examined fox squirrel (Sciurus niger) habitat use in inner city and suburban areas using radiotelemetry. We estimated habitat selection ratios at differing scales by season and fox squirrel activity. Telemetry data suggests that during periods of inactivity radiocollared fox squirrels (n = 82) selected 1) areas with greater tree canopy, 2) live oaks (Quercus fusiromis and Q. virginiana), and 3) trees with larger diameters and canopies. When inactive during the winter and spring, fox squirrels also preferred, within their core areas, to use the inside of buildings, and during periods of activity in the autumn and spring, fox squirrels preferred grassy areas. During periods of activity, fox squirrels avoided using pavement but did not exclude it from their core-area movements. Fox squirrels' ability to use buildings and to tolerate pavement in core-area movements make vast areas of the urban environment available to fox squirrels. In evaluating habitat variables that increased fox squirrel activity in urban areas, we found the number of large and medium trees, amount of pavement and grassy areas, canopy cover, number of oaks, and the area covered by buildings were all important factors in predicting fox squirrel activity in an urban environment. Our data suggests urban planners, animal damage control officials, wildlife managers, and landscapers who want to control urban fox squirrel populations through habitat manipulation should consider the reduction of oaks trees, a reduction of the canopy cover, and restricting the access of fox squirrels to buildings. Alternatively, home owners and squirrel enthusiasts hoping to bolster fox squirrel populations in urban areas should consider increasing the number of large mast—bearing trees and canopy cover and providing nest boxes.  相似文献   
Abstract: Because of significant declines in mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) populations across New Mexico, USA, we investigated survival of fawns in north-central New Mexico, USA. We captured 19 fawns, 34 fawns, and 47 fawns in 2002, 2003, and 2004, respectively, and used fawn morphological measurements, habitat characteristics, and adult female (hereafter “female”) condition to model preweaning fawn survival. Survival was 0.0, 0.12, 0.52 for 2002, 2003, and 2004, respectively, and was related to birth mass (χ12 = 9.5, P = 0.002), birth date (χ12= 8.4, P = 0.004), litter size (χ22 = 9.4, P = 0.009), female body fat (χ12 = 40.9, P < 0.001), annual precipitation (χ12 = 35.0, P < 0.001), summer precipitation (χ12= 37.5, P < 0.001), and winter precipitation (χ12 = 32.0, P < 0.001). Total ingesta-free body fat of females (β = 3.01, SE = 0.75; odds ratio = 20.19, 95% CI = 4.64-87.91) and birth mass of fawns (β = 1.188, SE = 0.428; odds ratio = 3.38, 95% CI = 1.42-7.59) were the best predictors of survival of individual fawns, although few of the logistic models differed in model selection criteria. Fawn survival in north-central New Mexico was driven by an interaction of total and seasonal precipitation and its effect on plant production, consequential effects on female nutrition, and ultimately, fawn birth attributes. Habitat conditions were so poor throughout north-central New Mexico during 2002 and 2003 (and likely during other drought yr) that, based upon birth attributes, few fawns could have survived regardless of proximate causes of mortality. In 2004, precipitation enhanced security cover, maternal body condition, birth attributes and, thus, survival of fawns. However, more habitat enhancements are needed to improve the nutritional quality of mule deer habitats in north-central New Mexico and further enhance maternal and fawn condition to recover mule deer populations in this region.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Although North American wood ducks (Aix sponsa) are well-studied throughout their range, researchers know little about demographic and environmental factors influencing survival of ducklings and broods, which is necessary information for population management. We studied radiomarked female and duckling wood ducks that used nest boxes and palustrine wetlands at Noxubee National Wildlife Refuge (NNWR) in Mississippi, USA, in 1996–1999, and riverine wetlands of the Tennessee-Tombigbee Rivers and Waterway (TTRW) system in Alabama in 1998–1999. We estimated survival of ducklings and broods and evaluated potentially important predictors of duckling survival, including age and body mass of brood-rearing females, hatch date of ducklings, duckling mass, brood size at nest departure, inter-day travel distance by ducklings, site and habitat use, and daily minimum air temperature and precipitation. At NNWR, survival of 300 radiomarked ducklings ranged from 0.15 (95% CI = 0.04-0.27) to 0.24 (95% CI = 0.13-0.38) and was 0.21 (95% CI = 0.15-0.28) for 1996–1999. Our overall estimate of brood survival was 0.64 (n = 91; 95% CI = 0.54-0.73). At TTRW, survival of 129 radiomarked ducklings was 0.29 in 1998 (95% CI = 0.20-0.41) and 1999 (95% CI = 0.13-0.45) and was 0.29 (95% CI = 0.20-0.40) for 1998–1999. Our overall estimate of brood survival was 0.71 (n = 38; 95% CI = 0.56-0.85). At NNWR, models that included all predictor variables best explained variation in duckling survival. Akaike weight (wi) for the best model was 0.81, suggesting it was superior to other models (<0.01 < wi < 0.18). We detected 4 competing models for duckling survival at TTRW. Inter-day distance traveled by ducklings was important as this variable appeared in all 4 models; duckling survival was positively related to this variable. Patterns of habitat-related survival were similar at both study areas. Ducklings in broods that used scrub-shrub habitats disjunct from wetlands containing aggregations of nest boxes had greater survival probabilities than birds remaining in wetlands with such nest structures. Managers may increase local wood duck recruitment by promoting availability of suitable brood habitats (e.g., scrub-shrub wetlands) without aggregations of nest boxes that may attract predators and by dispersing nest boxes amid or adjacent to these habitats. We did not determine an optimal density of nest boxes relative to local or regional population goals, which remains important research and conservation needs.  相似文献   
弄岗黑叶猴的日活动类型和活动时间分配   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
2005年10月-2006年9月,用瞬时扫描法对广西弄岗自然保护区内的一群黑叶猴(Trachypithecusfran oisi)的日活动节律和活动时间分配进行研究。结果表明:黑叶猴日活动中出现2个觅食高峰和1个休息高峰。觅食高峰分别出现在7:00-9:00和16:00-18:00;休息高峰出现在10:00-14:00。黑叶猴日活动节律表现出明显的季节性变化,表现为旱季上午的觅食高峰被推迟了1h,且觅食时间长于雨季;旱季下午的觅食活动提前1h结束。猴群在雨季较早进入休息高峰,而且中午休息时很少有移动或零星觅食。研究期间,猴群用于休息的时间平均占日活动时间分配的51.99%,移动占20.25%,觅食占18.61%,理毛占7.61%,玩耍占1.20%,其它行为(包括打斗、交配等)仅占0.14%。活动时间分配有明显的季节性差异,主要表现为:与雨季相比,黑叶猴在旱季花费更多的时间用于觅食和移动,而相应地减少用于休息的时间。活动时间分配在不同年龄和性别的个体之间也存在显著差异,表现为成年个体花费更多的时间用于休息和觅食,未成年个体则花费更多的时间用于移动和玩耍;雌性个体比雄性个体花费更多的时间用于理毛。  相似文献   
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