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We present a 3D double sensitivity enhanced X-filtered homonuclear TOCSY-TOCSY experiment for the assignment of unlabeled molecules complexed to labeled protein- or nucleic acid-domains. The resulting spectrum is clean, can be measured in a reasonable amount of time and allows for increased resolution of overlapping resonances when compared to 2D methods. The 3D X-filtered TOCSY-TOCSY allows for assignment in cases where the size or the composition of the unlabeled molecule results in a high degree of overlap.  相似文献   
Occupancy as a measure of territory quality   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
摘要:【目的】结合纳米技术建立检测大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)O157︰H7高灵敏检测技术。【方法】采用化学共沉淀法制备出核心粒径约为10 nm的免疫纳米磁颗粒,柠檬酸钠还原法制备粒径约为20 nm的免疫胶体金。压电免疫传感器通过金黄色葡萄球菌蛋白A(Protein A from Staphylococcus aureus SPA)法将抗体固定于石英晶振上,两种免疫纳米颗粒借助不同的抗体连接于传感器上对检测频率信号进行放大。【结果】SPA在石英晶振上的最佳固定浓度和时间为1.2 mg/mL和40 min,抗体的最佳固定浓度和时间为1.0 mg/mL和60 min。压电免疫传感器通过两种免疫纳米颗粒的放大作用,使其对大肠杆菌O157︰H7的检测限从104 cfu/mL提高到101 cfu/mL。【结论】免疫纳米颗粒强化对压电免疫传感器的检测频率信号具有很好的放大效应,可以明显提高其检测灵敏度。  相似文献   
蜜蜂尤其是野生蜜蜂对维持生态系统功能、保证粮食安全等方面具有重要的作用。近年来, 野生蜜蜂的栖息地由于天然林减少, 而现营造的又多为纯林, 以及大面积种植单一经济林而遭到了严重破坏和片断化。已有研究表明纯林、油茶(Camellia oleifera)和橡胶树(Hevea brasiliensis)经济林中的野生蜜蜂多样性较低。现代农业中新烟碱类杀虫剂、除草剂的大规模使用, 会对蜜蜂个体发育和行为产生不利影响。城市化进程潜在影响了蜜蜂的群落, 如郊区的蜜蜂平均物种丰富度要明显高于中心商业区; 废水、废气和粉尘对蜜蜂的觅食、生长发育等都具有不利影响; CO2等温室气体导致的气候变暖影响了传粉蜜蜂与植物之间的互利共生关系, 造成时间或功能上的不匹配。综上所述, 我国的环境变化可能已导致中国野生传粉蜜蜂多样性的下降和种群的衰退。我国虽是传粉蜜蜂种质资源大国, 但缺乏种类和分布本底以及长期而有效的监测数据, 缺乏对蜜蜂多样性和种群下降机制的研究。因此亟待开展传粉蜜蜂调查、实施长期监测项目, 为之建立研究网络。并通过积累丰富的相关数据, 开展风险预测和评估, 用于管理和缓解传粉蜜蜂下降所带来的经济及非经济影响。  相似文献   
Hen Harriers Circus cyaneus are threatened across much of their range and their conservation requires appropriate habitat management. The locations of 148 Hen Harrier nests found in the Republic of Ireland during national breeding surveys in 2000 and 2005 were used to assess nest-site selection. The distribution of these nests was compared to distributions of randomly located points to investigate selection at the scale of the nest-site and landscape. The main nesting habitats selected were pre-thicket stage of first and, particularly, second rotation plantations, mostly of exotic conifers. There was no evidence that the area of post-closure plantations negatively affected Hen Harrier nest distribution. There was a positive correlation across study areas between changes in numbers of Hen Harrier nests between 2000 and 2005 and changes in the area of pre-thicket second rotation plantations over the same period. The overall effect of plantation forests on breeding Hen Harriers in Ireland therefore appears to be positive. However, this study did not consider the effects of plantation habitats on breeding success. Improved grassland was strongly avoided as a nesting habitat. Furthermore, after controlling for the influence of nesting habitat on nest location, landscapes with a high percentage cover of improved grassland were also avoided. Further agricultural intensification of grassland in areas where Hen Harriers breed is likely to have a negative impact on this species. These results are required for the development of management strategies for the conservation of this species.  相似文献   
贺兰山马鹿冬春季生境的选择   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
2007年12月~2008年1月和2008年4~5月,在贺兰山利用痕迹检验法和直接观察法对马鹿阿拉善亚种冬春季生境选择进行研究.通过在选定的15条沟段里进行调查,冬春季各测定了131个和181个样方的18种生态因子.结果表明,冬春季贺兰山马鹿在植被类型、优势乔木、灌木密度、灌木高度、灌木距离、坡向、坡位、海拔高度、距裸岩距离和隐蔽级10种生态因子上差异极显著(P < 0.001),其余生态因子无显著差异(P < 0.05),相对于冬季生境而言,马鹿春季更偏爱选择以油松和青海云杉为优势乔木的山地针叶林带,灌木密度大、高度高、距离近,半阴半阳坡的中坡位,海拔较高,距裸岩较近,隐蔽程度高的生境.典则判别系数显示冬春季马鹿在生境选择上存在一定程度的重叠,但春季马鹿的分布范围要比冬季更广一些,Wilk's λ值显示冬春季马鹿的生境选择具有较高的差异性(Wilk's λ = 0.683,x2 = 116.995,df = 13,P < 0.001).逐步判别分析表明在区分冬春季马鹿生境方面有一系列生态因子发挥作用,依照贡献值的大小依次为:乔木密度、灌木距离、坡度、海拔高度、距水源距离、距裸岩距离和隐蔽级,由这7个变量构成的方程对冬春季马鹿生境的正确区分率达到79.9%,其中对春季的误判率为22.1%,对冬季的误判率为20.6%.  相似文献   
Reproductive characteristics are important for defining taxonomic groups of filamentous Zygnematophyceae, but they have not been fully observed in the genus Zygogonium. Specimens of Z. ericetorum previously studied and used to clarify the generic concept lacked fertile material, which was obtained recently. This study illustrates for the first time, using color light microscopic and fluorescence images, a consequent conjugation stage in Z. ericetorum, including completely developed zygospores and purple cytoplasmic residue content left outside the zygospores, similar to aplanospore formation. Structures confirmed earlier reports and provided new observation informative regarding phylogenetically relevant reproductive characters of Z. ericetorum.  相似文献   
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