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The fluorescence of the voltage sensitive dye, diS-C3-(5), has been analyzed by means of synchronous excitation spectroscopy. Using this rather rare fluorescence technique we have been able to distinguish between the slightly shifted spectra of diS-C3-(5) fluorescence from cells and from the supernatant. It has been found that diS-C3-(5) fluorescence in the supernatant can be selectively monitored at exc = 630 nm and em= 650 nm, while the cell associated fluorescence can be observed at exc= 690 nm and em = 710 nm. A modified theory for the diSC3-(5) fluorescence response to the membrane potential is presented, according to which a linear relationship exists between the logarithmic increment of the dye fluorescence intensity in the supernatant, In I/I°, and the underlying change in the plasma membrane potential, p=pp. The theory has been tested on human myeloid leukemia cells (line ML-1) in which membrane potential changes were induced by valinomycin clamping in various K+ gradients. It has been demonstrated that the membrane potential change, p,can be measured on an absolute scale. Offprint requests to: J. Plasek  相似文献   
Summary Adult rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were injected intraperitoneally with capsaicin, substance P, serotonin, or a control of saline vehicle or bovine serum albumin (0.5 g/g body weight). Fish were sacrificed 30 min and 1,2 and 4 h post-injection, the gut was dissected out, and a small section of the upper intestine was processed for electron microscopy. A significant proportion of eosinophilic granule cells (EGCs) of the intestine were in close association with non-myelinated neuronal bundles in all fish (4 fish per treatment and time period), but there was no significant difference between treatment or time, suggesting that the association was unaffected by these factors. Close examination of EGC ultrastructure showed that fish treated with capsaicin and substance P exhibited limited degranulation of the EGCs in the stratum compactum and extensive crinophagic-like degranulation in the lamina propria. Cells of the lamina propria contained characteristic multivesicular-like bodies. The degranulation was reminiscent of both mast cell degranulation and endocrine cell crinophagy. EGCs of fish treated with serotonin or a control were unaffected, suggesting that the serotoninergic neurons, believed to be involved in gut motility, were not responsible for degranulation. It is apparent that EGCs of the trout intestine may be under nervous control, as has been demonstrated previously for mammalian mast cells.  相似文献   
Guanidinoethanesulfonic acid (GES) is known to induce convulsive seizures when administered intracisternally to rabbits and cats. The effects of GES on behavior, electroencephalographic recording and brain monoamine levels were examined in mice. When GES (900 nmol) was intraventricularly injected into mice, focal clonic movements of the face, vibrissae and ears together with twitching of the limbs were observed 0.5–1 min after the injection. Hypersensitivity was observed up to 7 min after the injection, after which the mice behaved normally. GES also induced sporadic spike discharges on electrocorticogram. The levels of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) of the GES-injected mice were lower than those of the saline-injected mice in the hippocampus, diencephalon, pons-medulla oblongata and cerebellum 5 min after the injection. No changes in the norepinephrine or dopamine levels were found after the GES injection. The level of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid increased in the striatum and cerebellum 5 min after the GES injection. These results suggest that GES-induced convulsive activities enhance the serotonergic neuroactivity in order to suppress the convulsions.  相似文献   
Isolation and Identification of α-(γ-Aminobutyryl)-Hypusine   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
A new dipeptide, alpha-(gamma-aminobutyryl)-hypusine, was identified in bovine brain. This compound was isolated from trichloroacetic acid-soluble fraction of bovine brain with five steps of ion-exchange chromatography. Its structure was postulated by routine chemical analyses and determined by synthesis. The amount of the compound isolated from 1.2 kg of bovine brain was 870 nmol.  相似文献   
Summary We report the successful mutagenesis of Azospirillum brasilense 29710 Rif Sm with transposon Tn5. The narrow host-range plasmid pGS9 (p15A replicon), which possesses broad host-range N-type transfer genes, was used as the suicide vehicle to deliver Tn5 in Azospirillum. Out of 900 colonies tested, 0.8% proved to be auxotrophic. One mutant altered in indoleacetic acid (auxin) biosynthesis was isolated and, in addition, three mutants completely defective in nitrogen fixation (nif) were obtained. All the mutants tested contained a single copy of Tn5 integrated randomly in the genome. The Tn5-mutagenized EcoRI fragments were cloned from the three Nif- mutants. Physical analysis of cloned DNA showed that Tn5 was present on a different EcoRI fragment in each case, ranging in size from 15–17 kb. The nitrogenase structural genes (nifHDK) in A. brasilense 29710 Rif Sm were localized on a 6.7 kb EcoRI fragment. We found that Tn5 is not inserted in the nifHDK genes in the Nif- mutants reported here. Site-directed mutagenesis using the cloned, Tn5-containing DNA from mutant Nif27(pMS188), produced a large number of Nif- transconjugants of the A. brasilense 29710 Rif wild-type strain, showing the linkage between Tn5 insertion and the Nif- phenotype. This is the first time that transposon-mutagenized auxotrophic, Nif- and other mutants have been available for genetic analysis in Azospirillum. This should greatly facilitate the cloning and mapping of genes involved in nitrogen fixation as well as in many other phenotypic characteristics of Azospirillum.  相似文献   
Summary A 6.7 kb HindIII fragment from the Sym-plasmid of strain NGR234 was found to code a nodD-like gene flanked by two loci which were required for siratro host range. Transfer of the 6.7 kb fragment from NGR234 to R. trifolii strain ANU843 conferred extended host range ability to this strain on siratro plants but not to other plants normally nodulated by strain NGR234. Tn5 mutagenesis of the 6.7 kb fragment showed that insertions located into loci flanking the nodD-like gene abolished the extended host range phenotype. A hybridization probe spanning one of the host specificity loci was shown to hybridize to three specific bands in the NGR234 genome. Complementation and DNA hybridization data showed that the nodD-like gene of strain NGR234 was functionally similar to that in R. trifolii. The introduction to R. trifolii of the 6.7 kb HindIII fragment containing Tn5 insertions located in the nodD-like gene did not abolish the ability to extend the host range of R. trifolii to siratro plants. However, transfer of the 6.7 kb HindIII to R. trifolii derivatives containing Tn5 insertions into either nodA, B or C or other R. trifolii nod genes failed to confer siratro nodulation to these recipients. Reconstruction experiments showed that the 6.7 kb fragment from strain NGR234 and the 14 kb nodulation region of R. trifolii could induce the nodulation of siratro plants when introduced together into Sym-plasmid-cured Rhizobium strains.  相似文献   
Abstract Using ligand binding techniques, we studied α-adrenergic receptors in brains obtained at autopsy from seven histologically normal controls and seven patients with histopathologically verified Alzheimer-type dementia (ATD). Binding of the α-adrenergic antagonists [3H]prazosin and [3H]yohimbine to membranes of human brains exhibited characteristics compatible with α1- and α2-adrenergic receptors, respectively. Binding of both ligands was saturable and reversible, with dissociation constants of 0.15 nM for [3H]prazosin and 5.5 nM for [3H]yohimbine. [3H]Prazosin binding was highest in the hippocampus and frontal cortex and lowest in the caudate and putamen in the control brains. [3H]Yohimbine binding was highest in the nucleus basalis of Meynert (NbM) and frontal cortex and lowest in the caudate and cerebellar hemisphere in the control brains. Compared with values for the controls, [3H]prazosin binding sites were significantly reduced in number in the hippocampus and cerebellar hemisphere, and [3H]yohimbine binding sites were significantly reduced in number in the NbM in the ATD brains. These results suggest that α1 and α2-adrenergic receptors are present in the human brain and that there are significant changes in numbers of both receptors in selected regions in patients with ATD.  相似文献   
The effects of tryptophan administration on neurochemical estimates of synthesis [5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) accumulation following administration of a decarboxylase inhibitor], storage [5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) concentrations], and metabolism [5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) concentrations] of 5-HT in selected regions of the hypothalamus were determined using HPLC coupled to an electrochemical detector. Tryptophan methyl ester HCl (30-300 mg/kg i.p.) produced a dose-dependent increase in the rate of 5-HTP accumulation throughout the hypothalamus but had no effect on the rate of accumulation of 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine. Peak 5-HTP levels were attained by 30 min following administration of tryptophan (100 mg/kg i.p.) and were maintained for an additional 60 min. Tryptophan also produced concomitant dose-dependent increases in 5-HT and 5-HIAA concentrations in these same regions without changes in the 5-HIAA/5-HT ratio. These results indicate that exogenous tryptophan administration selectively increases the synthesis, storage, and metabolism of 5-HT in the hypothalamus without altering the synthesis of catecholamines. Inhibition of 5-HT uptake with chlorimipramine or fluoxetine produced modest (10-40%) reductions in 5-HIAA concentrations throughout the hypothalamus, revealing that only a minor portion of 5-HIAA is derived from released and recaptured 5-HT, whereas the major portion of this metabolite reflects intraneuronal metabolism of unreleased 5-HT. In both chlorimipramine- and fluoxetine-treated rats, 5-HIAA concentrations were significantly increased by tryptophan administration, indicating that the increase in synthesis of 5-HT following precursor loading is accompanied by an increase in the intraneuronal metabolism of 5-HT.  相似文献   
[3H]Piflutixol binding to rat striatal membrane preparations identifies both D-1 and D-2 sites. We used [3H]piflutixol to characterise those binding sites present in 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulfonate (CHAPS)-solubilised rat striatal preparations. The specific binding of [3H]piflutixol, as defined using cis-flupenthixol, to CHAPS-solubilised rat striatal tissue was saturable and of high affinity. Specific [3H]piflutixol binding to the solubilised preparations was displaced stereoselectively by the isomers of butaclamol and to an equal extent by both cis-flupenthixol and (+/-)-sulpiride. A positive correlation was found between the capacity of a range of drugs to displace [3H]piflutixol binding and the displacement of [3H]spiperone to the same preparations. The Bmax of [3H]piflutixol binding was not different from that of [3H]spiperone binding to the same preparation. These studies suggest that, in contrast to specific binding of membrane preparations, the specific binding of [3H]piflutixol to CHAPS-solubilised preparations involves mainly D-2 sites. Specific [3H]piflutixol binding, in contrast to [3H]spiperone binding, showed only slow dissociation from soluble preparations. The binding of [3H]piflutixol to CHAPS-solubilised preparations was retained during passage through a gel filtration column. This prelabelling of solubilised striatal preparations using [3H]piflutixol may aid in the purification of CHAPS-solubilised rat striatal D-2 sites.  相似文献   
[3H]Strychnine binding to rat pons + medulla membranes was used as a measure of glycine receptors or glycine receptor-coupled chloride channels in vitro. A series of compounds structurally related to 4,5,6,7-tetrahydroisoxazolo[5,4-c]pyridin-3-ol (THIP), which previously were shown to antagonize glycine responses in cat spinal cord, inhibited [3H]strychnine binding in micromolar concentrations. The most potent of these glycine antagonists, 5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-4H-isoxazolo[3,4-d]azepin-3-ol (iso-THAZ), was also the most potent inhibitor of [3H]strychnine binding, with a Ki of 1,400 nM. The Ki value for strychnine was 7.0 nM, whereas the Ki value for the mixed gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)/glycine antagonist 3 alpha-hydroxy-16-imino-5 beta-17-aza-androstan-11-one (RU 5135) was only 4.6 nM. Sodium chloride (1,000 mM) enhanced the affinity of strychnine, brucine, isostrychnine, and the nonselective GABA antagonist pitrazepin for [3H]strychnine binding sites, whereas the affinities of glycine, beta-alanine, and taurine were reduced. These sodium chloride shifts, however, were not predictive of antagonist or agonist properties, since the sodium chloride shift for the glycine antagonist iso-THAZ and of the other THIP-related antagonists were similar to those of the glycine-like agonists. The various sodium chloride shifts show that different groups of ligands bind to glycine receptor sites in different ways.  相似文献   
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