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S Soulier  P Gaye 《Biochimie》1981,63(7):619-628
The results of subcellular fractionation of sheep mammary gland membranes indicate that N-acetylgalactosaminyl polypeptide transferase and galactosyl-N-acetylgalactosaminyl transferase, which are involved in the assembly of disaccharide units of kappa-casein, are localized chiefly in Golgi membranes. The glycosyltransferase activities incorporating N-acetyl [1-14C] galactosamine and [U-14C] galactose from uridine diphosphate N-acetyl [1-14C] galactosamine and uridine diphosphate [U-14C] galactose, respectively, were measured after membrane solubilization with Triton X-100 either with unglycosylated caseinomacropeptide, or with this polypeptide containing the N-acetylgalactosamine side chain residues (desialylated and degalactosylated caseinomacropeptide). Radioactive N-acetylgalactosamine was incorporated in the unglycosylated acceptor peptide, and the glycosidic bonds in the product were alkali labile, suggesting that they were linked to the hydroxyamino acid residues. In addition radioactive N-acetylgalactosamine was released after alpha N-acetyl-D-galactosaminidase treatment of labelled caseinomacropeptide. [U-14C] galactose was incorporated in the desialylated and degalactosylated acceptor peptide. Reductive alkaline treatment of [U-14C] galactose peptide resulted in the release of a major product, the chromatographic properties of which in TLC were identical with authentic galactosyl (1 leads to 3) N-acetylgalactosaminitol. The structure of the labelled disacchariditol determined after periodate oxidation (two equivalents) by gas liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry revealed that the [U-14C] galactose was linked to position C-3 on the N-acetylgalactosaminyl-residue. The anomery of the galactose, as determined by a chemical method, indicates unambiguously a beta configuration.  相似文献   
5-Hydroxytryptamine (5-HT; 3 x 10(-8)-1 x 10(-5)M) produced a dose-dependent increase in phosphatidylinositol/polyphosphoinositide (PI) turnover in mouse cortical slices, as measured by following production of 3H-labelled inositol phosphates (IPs) in the presence of 10 mM LiCl. Analysis of individual IPs, in slices stimulated for 45 min, indicated substantial increases in inositol monophosphate (IP1; 140%) and inositol bisphosphate (IP2; 95%) contents with smaller increases in inositol trisphosphate (IP3; 51%) and inositol tetrakisphosphate (IP4; 48%) contents. The increase in IP3 level was solely in the 1,3,4-isomer. This response was inhibited by the nonselective 5-HT antagonists methysergide, metergoline, and spiperone. It was also inhibited by the selective 5-HT2 antagonists ketanserin and ritanserin but not by the 5-HT1 antagonists isapirone, (-)-propranolol, or pindolol. 5-HT-stimulated IP formation was also unaltered by atropine, prazosin, and mepyramine. Lesioning brain 5-HT neurones using 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine (5,7-DHT; 50 micrograms i.c.v.) produced a 210% (p less than 0.01) increase in the number of 5-HT2-mediated head-twitches induced by 5-methoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine (2 mg/kg). However, 5,7-DHT lesioning had no effect on 5-HT-stimulated PI turnover in these mice. Similarly, an electroconvulsive shock (90 V, 1 s) given five times over a 10-day period caused an 85% (p less than 0.01) increase in head-twitch responses but no change in 5-HT-stimulated PI turnover. Decreasing 5-HT2 function by twice-a-day injection of 5 mg/kg of zimeldine or desipramine (DMI) produced 50% (p less than 0.01) and 56% (p less than 0.01), respectively, reductions in head-twitch behaviour.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
The nature of the conversion of thyroxine (T4) to triiodothyronine (T3) and reverse triiodothyronine (rT3) was investigated in rat liver homogenate and microsomes. A 6-fold rise of T3 and 2.5-fold rise of rT3 levels determined by specific radioimmunoassays was observed over 6 h after the addition of T4. An enzymic process is suggested that converts T4 to T3 and rT3. For T3 the optimal pH is 6 and for rT3, 9.5. The converting activity for both T3 and rT3 is temperature dependent and can be suppressed by heat, H2O2, merthiolate and by 5-propyl-2-thiouracil. rT3 and to a lesser degree iodide, were able to inhibit the production of T3 in a dose related fashion. Therefore the pH dependendy, rT3 and iodide may regulate the availability of T3 or rT3 depending on the metabolic requirements of thyroid hormones.  相似文献   
Chemical and physical methods for dating skeletal remains were examined. Benzidine reaction, ultra-violet fluorescence, specific gravity and supersonic conductivity were carried out on 71 dated skeletal findings distributed over the span of the last 3,500 years. Results given by benzidine reaction and ultra-violet fluorescence basically coincide, and positive readings were obtained up to about 200–350 years. Values measured in specific gravity and supersonic conductivity testing show a parallel trend, pointing out a clear difference between samples of the three first centuries and the ones belonging to more ancient periods examined.  相似文献   
The photosynthetic membranes of Anacystis nidulans R2 were examined electrophoretically following solubilization with lithium dodecyl sulfate. Electrophoresis yielded six prominent chlorophyll-containing bands. In addition, five polypeptides were observed which possessed heme-dependent peroxidase activity, monitored by incubating gels with 3,3′,5,5′-tetramethylbenzidine plus hydrogen peroxide. One such polypeptide, at 105 kdaltons, was removed by repeated washing of the membranes. Four remaining peroxidase-active polypeptides were observed at 7.2, 13.5, 18.5 and 33 kdaltons. Further examination of these four polypeptides yielded the following results. (1) The mobility of the 33 kdalton polypeptide was altered from 29 to 33 kdaltons upon heating (70°C) during membrane solubilization. (2) All four polypeptides showed stable heme-protein associations in the presence of 8 M urea; however, in the presence of urea, alterations in protein mobility were observed for each poly-peptide and only two (at 13.5 and 33 kdaltons) showed peroxidase activity following heating (70°C) during membrane solubilization. (3) The presence of thiols during membrane solubilization at 0°C was required to observe peroxidase activity at 7.2 kdaltons. These results, when compared to known properties of isolated cytochromes, suggest that the four polypeptides characterized here correspond to the subunits of photosynthetic cytochromes. Electrophoretic assessment of maize mutants lacking cytochrome f and b6 activity supports this suggestion.  相似文献   
Xylulose-1,5-bisphosphate in preparations of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (ribulose-P2) arises from non-enzymic epimerization and inhibits the enzyme. Another inhibitor, a diketo degradation product from ribulose-P2, is also present. Both compounds simulate the substrate inhibition of ribulose-P2 carboxylase/oxygenase previously reported for ribulose-P2. Freshly prepared ribulose-P2 had little inhibitory activity. The instability of ribulose-P2 may be one reason for a high level of ribulose-P2 carboxylase in chloroplasts where the molarity of active sites exceeds that of ribulose-P2. Because the KD of the enzyme/substrate complex is ≤1 μM, all ribulose-P2 generated in situ may be stored as this complex to prevent decomposition.  相似文献   
The distribution of carbon-11-labeled L-deprenyl, an irreversible inhibitor of monoamine oxidase type B (MAO-B), was determined in the baboon brain by positron emission tomography. The irreversible blood-to-brain transfer constant (influx constant, Ki) was measured using a complete metabolite-corrected arterial plasma concentration curve. This influx constant was used as a measure of functional enzyme activity for sequential determinations of MAO-B recovery following a single high dose of unlabeled l -deprenyl. The half-life for turnover of MAO-B was thus determined to be 30 days. Using appropriate irreversible inhibitors, this procedure should be generally useful for determining enzyme turnover rates in any organ in vivo and can be applied to some human studies as well.  相似文献   
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