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and 1986. Complete resistance to challenges with Hymenolepis nana cysticercoids derived from mouse, rat and beetle in mice. International Journal for Parasitology 16: 623–628. When BALB/c and dd strains of mice were given eggs of Hymenolepis nana, they all became completely resistant not only to challenge with mouse-derived cysticercoids but also to challenges with rat-derived and beetle-derived cysticercoids. Serum IgG antibodies at 47–60 days post egg inoculation reacted strongly with these three different host-derived cysticercoids when examined by IFA test, but IgA and IgM isotypes reacted very weakly. Antibodies of infected mouse sera (IgG, IgM and IgA were examined) reacted not only with the protoscolex (scolex of the excysted juvenile) but also with the outer cyst wall. By contrast, uninfected mouse sera and immune sera prepared seven days post cysticercoid inoculation did not react at all. Antigens of both cyst wall and protoscolex appeared to be of parasite origin and not of host origin, and appeared similar in parasites from the different host species.  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯高原地区昆虫物种多样性研究   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
鄂尔多斯高原有特殊生境类型,本文研究了该地区的昆虫物种多样性变化及影响因素,得到以下结果:(1)利用巴氏罐诱法得到昆虫标本约5159号,其他无脊椎动物标本291号,鞘翅目为优势昆虫类群,其数量占昆虫标本总数的45.8%,其中拟步甲和步甲个体数量较多,占所有甲虫总数92.8%;(2)根据甲虫的物种多样性和丰富度的特点将4个调查地点分为两组:一组为以荒漠灌丛为主的杭锦旗和植被类型多样化的石灰庙,物种多样性指数,丰富度和个体数量较高;另一组为以人工植被区为主的石龙庙和新街镇,物种均匀度指数较高;(3)主成分排序(PCA)可以将该地区的甲虫群落分为人工植被区和荒漠植被区2种类型,反映降水和植被类型是决定甲虫群落组成的关键因素;(4)降水梯度对甲虫物种多样性有很大影响,物种多样性指数,均匀度指数与降水梯度呈显著的正相关关系;个体数量与降水梯度呈显著的负相关关系;物种的丰富度与降水梯度没有相关关系。以上结果表明,在鄂尔多斯高原地区,只有减少人为干扰,加强保护脆弱的原有植被,才能保护特有的昆虫种类;只有大力开展固沙造林植草,才能改善环境,提高该地区的昆虫物种多样性。  相似文献   
Maternal characteristics, social dynamics, and environmental factors can all influence reproduction and survival and shape trade‐offs that might arise between these components of fitness. Short‐lived mammals like the golden‐mantled ground squirrel (GMGS; Callospermophilus lateralis) tend to maximize effort toward current reproduction at the expense of survival but may be complicated by other aspects of the species’ life history and environment. Here, we use 25 years of data (1995–2020) collected from a population of GMGS at the Rocky Mountain Biological Research Laboratory in Gothic, Colorado, to test the effect of several maternal characteristics (e.g., age, experience, and timing of litter emergence), social context (e.g., litter sex ratio and kin density), and environmental context (e.g., date of bare ground and length of vegetative growing season) on survival of reproductive female GMGS using Cox proportional hazard models. Our results indicated that social dynamics (i.e., density) and environmental conditions (i.e., standardized first day of permanent snow cover and length of growing season) explained significant variation in annual maternal survival, while maternal characteristics did not. A higher density of related breeding females and the total number of females (both related and unrelated to the focal mother) were associated with an increase in the mortality hazard. A later standardized date of the first day of permanent snow cover and a shorter growing season both reduced the maternal mortality hazard. Together, our results suggest that factors extrinsic to the squirrels affect maternal survival and thus may also influence local population growth and dynamics in GMGS and other short‐lived, territorial mammal species.  相似文献   

In most mammals, adults produce relatively low frequency vocalizations compared to those of juveniles. This rule is not maintained however at least in four species of ground squirrels, whose juveniles call at the adult's fundamental frequency. These findings have been obtained however with separate sets of juveniles and adults and no data is available concerning the ontogeny linked to these differences. Here we analyze the acoustic structure of alarm calls of the same Yellow Spermophilus fulvus and Speckled S. suslicus ground squirrel individuals, recorded as pups and as adults after hibernation. We found the fundamental frequencies of adults within the same frequency ranges as those of pups, in spite of the significant difference in body mass. In ground squirrels, severing the relationship between body size and call frequency removes some vocal cues to age. We discuss some functional hypotheses advanced to explain manipulations with fundamental frequencies in ground squirrels and other animals, and suggest the lack of data for discussing the mechanisms of such vocal tuning.  相似文献   
The spatial arrangement of perennial vegetation is critical for ecosystem function in drylands. While much is known about how vegetation patches respond to grazing and abiotic conditions, the size dynamics of individual plants is mostly limited to theoretical studies. We measured the size distribution (mean, variance, skewness) and density of individual grasses, and grass species composition at 451 sites spanning a range of grazing intensities across three broad vegetation communities in semi-arid eastern Australia. We assessed the relative role of grazing by livestock (cattle and sheep), native (kangaroos) and introduced (rabbits) free ranging herbivores, and several environmental measures (productivity, diversity, composition and groundstorey plant cover) on the size distribution and density of individual grasses. We found mean grass size and density were more sensitive to shifts in grazing intensity and environmental conditions than size variance or the frequency of the smallest individuals (skewness), and shifts were mostly driven by site productivity and cattle and kangaroo grazing. Sheep grazing only reduced mean grass size, and rabbit grazing had no consistent effects. Importantly, we found that site productivity and species composition altered the impacts of grazing on grass density and size distribution. For example, increasing cattle grazing led to larger grasses in low productivity sites. It also led to larger, denser, more variable-sized grasses among grass species from sites with finer soil texture. Increasing kangaroo grazing led to smaller, denser individuals among grass species from sites with coarse soil texture. At high diversity sites kangaroo grazing led to denser, more homogenised grass sizes with a lower frequency of small individuals. Understanding the in situ response of individual plant sizes gives us insights into the processes driving shifts in perennial vegetation patchiness, improving our ability to predict how the spatial arrangement of ecosystems might change under global change scenarios.  相似文献   
Invasive organisms represent great threats to ecosystems and great challenges to forest management. In Europe, the black timber bark beetle (Xylosandrus germanus) is an invasive secondary pest that mostly attacks the logs of felled trees. We showed the invasion history for Europe and using many local surveys, we summarize the current distribution and other available information on X. germanus in the Czech Republic. We report that this species is distributed from the lowlands to the mountains in the Czech Republic; it is widespread in the eastern half of the country, where it is more abundant in the warmer south and southeast areas than in the cooler areas. Most (78%) of the known localities are at elevation below 400 m a.s.l. Although an ice storm greatly increased X. germanus abundance near the border with Austria, its high abundance did not result in damage to standing trees. Presence of X. germanus in the Czech Republic for over 10 years has not led to heavy tree infestation.  相似文献   
Results on application of attracticide method in the combined control of cigarette beetle, Lasioderma serricorne and tobacco moth, Ephestia elutella, infesting a tobacco processing facility are reported. Experimental devices with cross-panel stripes treated with microencapsulated permethrin at 6% (a.i.) and baited at same time with (4,6-dimethyl-7-hydroxynonan-3-one) serricornin and (Z,E)-9,12-tetradecadien-1 ol acetate (TDA) were used for 2 years (2017 and 2018) in an Italian tobacco processing facility. The experiment demonstrated that the presence of both serricornin and TDA dispensers on cross-panel striped devices had no affect on the numbers of L. serricorne and E. elutella male adults caught. After 2 years, the densities of adult males were clearly suppressed in room treated with attracticide compared to control room. Thus, the 2017–2018 experiment suggests that attracticide devices with two pheromone lures and microencapsulated permethrin at 6% (a.i.) can be effective suppression tools for managing combined pest populations of L. serricorne and E. elutella in tobacco facilities. The reduction of male infestation by L. serricorne ranged from 36% to 87%, and in E. elutella, the reduction of infestation ranged from 63% to 91%.  相似文献   
In herbivores, survival and reproduction are influenced by quality and quantity of forage, and hence, diet and foraging behavior are the foundation of an herbivore's life history strategy. Given the importance of diet to most herbivores, it is imperative that we know the species of plants they prefer, especially for herbivorous species that are at risk for extinction. However, it is often difficult to identify the diet of small herbivores because: (a) They are difficult to observe, (b) collecting stomach contents requires sacrificing animals, and (c) microhistology requires accurately identifying taxa from partially digested plant fragments and likely overemphasizes less‐digestible taxa. The northern Idaho ground squirrel (Urocitellus brunneus) is federally threatened in the United States under the Endangered Species Act. We used DNA metabarcoding techniques to identify the diet of 188 squirrels at 11 study sites from fecal samples. We identified 42 families, 126 genera, and 120 species of plants in the squirrel's diet. Our use of three gene regions was beneficial because reliance on only one gene region (e.g., only trnL) would have caused us to miss >30% of the taxa in their diet. Northern Idaho ground squirrel diet differed between spring and summer, frequency of many plants in the diet differed from their frequency within their foraging areas (evidence of selective foraging), and several plant genera in their diet were associated with survival. Our results suggest that while these squirrels are generalists (they consume a wide variety of plant species), they are also selective and do not eat plants relative to availability. Consumption of particular genera such as Perideridia may be associated with higher overwinter survival.  相似文献   
Biogenic amines such as dopamine are physiologically neuroactive substances that affect behavioral and physiological traits in invertebrates, and it has long been known that these substances affect mating behavior in insects. Caffeine is a dopamine activator and thus enhances dopamine receptor activity. However, the effects of caffeine intake on insect mating behavior have been largely unexplored. Therefore, we examined the effect of caffeine on mating behavior in the red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum. Caffeine, which activates dopamine, affected the mating behavior of T. castaneum males. Males who orally ingested caffeine courted faster than males who did not, resulting in faster mounting of females and less time to a male's external aedeagus protrusion. However, the present results showed no difference in sperm precedence measured as a P2 value between males fed caffeine and males not fed caffeine. We discuss the effects of caffeine on insect mating and the possibility that caffeine consumption may cause males to mate with more females in the laboratory.  相似文献   
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