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The effect of dantrolene on the positive inotropic effects (PIE) of three cardiotonic agents was assessed on rat and rabbit atria. Dantrolene (10?5M) had no effect on contractile tension or on the PIE to isoproterenol (10?10?10?7M) or ouabain (10?6?10?4). The dose-response curve for the PIE of anthopleurin-A (AP-A) was shifted to the right in rat and rabbit atria by dantrolene (10?4?10?6M). The maximum effect and the concentration of AP-A required for it remained the same. The results suggest that the PIE of AP-A involves intracellular translocation of calcium, unlike those of isoproterenol and ouabain which require increased transmembrane calcium flux. This conclusion is supported by the observation that the exchange and distribution of the labile calcium involved in excitation-contraction coupling was unaffected by AP-A (10?8M), by dantrolene (10?6M) or by the combination. Therefore, AP-A may produce its cardiotonic effect by a action at an intracellular site, a mechanism unlike that of isoproterenol or ouabain.  相似文献   
本文采用96微孔板法,首次对河南鼠尾草抑制酵母和大鼠小肠α-葡萄糖苷酶活性进行研究。河南鼠尾草乙酸乙酯提取物(IC50=28.73μg/mL)和正丁醇提取物(IC50=73.90μg/mL)抑制酵母α-葡萄糖苷酶活性远高于阳性对照Acarbose(IC50=1081.27μg/mL),但只有乙酸乙酯提取物(IC50=366.79μg/mL)具有抑制大鼠小肠α-葡萄糖苷酶活性,阳性对照Acarbose未检测出其IC50。结果表明,河南鼠尾草乙酸乙酯提取物和正丁醇提取物均具有较好的酵母α-葡萄糖苷酶抑制活性,但只有乙酸乙酯提取物具有良好的大鼠小肠α-葡萄糖苷酶抑制活性。  相似文献   
在甜椒(Capsicum annuum L.)中,靠近花粉中部的绒毡层自药隔产生,由较大的细胞组成,而花药外部区域的其余的绒毡层细胞较小,来自于初生壁层,前者的细胞具有大液泡和较大的细胞核,甲基绿-派罗宁和汞-溴酚蓝染色反应较后者弱,在造孢组织时期,二者液泡内都含有较大的球形的酸性磷酸酶颗粒,在以后的发育中,这种颗粒消失,在减数分裂时期,两种绒毡层的DNA,RNA和蛋白质合成活动增强,来自药隔的绒毡层积累了更多的DNA,绒毡层在解体时酸性磷本酶活性很高,两种不同的绒毡层退化过程相似,在全部发育过程中绒毡层内无淀粉粒。  相似文献   
芥蓝田主要害虫种群生态位研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2001年秋季在福州郊区对芥蓝田BrassicaalboglabraBailey害虫种群的生态位进行了初步研究,研究结果表明:蚜虫、粉虱和小菜蛾为秋季芥蓝田的优势种害虫,菜青虫、黄曲条跳甲和斑潜蝇为随从种害虫。这些主要害虫的生态位在时间、空间维度和时-空二维上存在明显分化,各种害虫对资源的竞争主要集中在对空间资源的竞争,即随着时间的推移,害虫间的竞争主要集中在对植株上可获得的产卵、取食和栖息的空间资源的竞争。  相似文献   
We have investigated the usefulness of hypocotyl (cultured on N1B2 medium) and cotyledon explants (on CR medium: Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium, 3% sucrose, 20 μm benzylaminopurine, pH 5.8) for the regeneration of shoots of the Korean radish ‘Jin Ju Dae Pyong’. The importance of ethylene (indirectly), polyamines and gelling agent were studied in both media. Although the addition of ethylene-inhibitors and silver nitrate to the culture media were beneficial towards shoot regeneration and agar-based treatments (0.8% w/v) being superior in shoot production compared to agarose treatments (0.4% w/v), both explants responded differently in culture. Hypocotyls cultured in the presence of silver nitrate or aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG) regenerated significantly (p < 0.05) more shoots compared to N1B2 medium alone; supplementation of 20 μM AVG to N1B2 medium gave optimal shoot production (40% of explants regenerating shoots). The addition of 10 μM AVG to CR medium produced maximum shoot regeneration from cotyledon explants (60% producing shoots). Plants derived from 3-month-old cultures produced greater seed weights, larger leaves and greater genetic variability (50–80% of cells having 20–40 chromosomes) compared to seed-derived (85–90% diploid) and plants from 1-month-old cultures (78–88% diploid). Our results show, that if prolonged culture of explants is avoided, a large number of phenotypically-normal plants can be produced, which in turn, could be utilized in the genetic improvement of radish.  相似文献   
Stackhousia tryonii Bailey, a rare species whichhyperaccumulates nickel and with a potential to be exploited inphytoremediation/phytomining, is difficult to propagate via seeds. This studyinvestigated the development of a micropropagation protocol for the productionof large stocks of S. tryonii. Disinfested shoot tips andnodal buds were precultured on Gamborg's (B5) basal medium toobtain aseptic shoots for the optimisation of the protocol. 6-Benzyl aminopurine(BAP) at 1.0 mg l–1 produced the highest number ofshoots per explant in B5 medium. Comparison betweenB5 and MS media showed similar responses, but with marked influenceof BAP concentration on shoot numbers. Transfer of shoots from MS(multiplication) medium to MS medium supplemented with indole-3-acetic acid(IAA) and indole-3-butyric acid (IBA), individually or in combination, indicatedthat a combination of IAA and IBA (0.75 mg l–1each) is required to produce roots on young shoots (75%) compared to IBA(15–45%) or IAA (0–10%) alone. This study demonstrated that by usingthis protocol, a high multiplication rate (up to 18 shoots per explant) could be produced within 4 weeks, andthey can be readily hardened (98% survival) in a glasshouse by transplantingthem into a potting mixture of sand and perlite (4:1).  相似文献   
Several cultivars of hybrid seed geranium (Pelargonium×hortorum Bailey), previously shown to be recalcitrant in culture, produced somatic embryos at high frequency when explants were co-cultivated with a morphogenesis promoting bacterium. This bacterium was isolated as an in vitro contaminant from cultures of geranium seedling explants and identified as belonging to the genus Bacillus and species circulans. Co-cultivation of hypocotyl explants with the bacterium promoted somatic embryo formation and improved both the frequency and quality of somatic embryos. In the cultivar Ringo Rose, the least responsive among the cultivars screened, the embryogenic response was more than four times that of axenic cultures. Nearly 70% of these embryos converted into plantlets, while the somatic embryos induced under axenic conditions developed poorly and plantlet formation was inconsistent. Among the different treatments of bacterial culture tested (autoclaved culture, culture filtrate, sonicated bacterial culture, sonication of bacterial culture followed by filtration, HPLC fractionation of crude bacterial lysate), only two HPLC fractions promoted embryogenesis to a marginal degree. Co-cultivation of the explants with bacterium during the first week of induction was crucial for obtaining high-frequency embryogenesis, indicating the role of bacterial stimuli during the induction process. Received: 23 June 1998 / Revision received: 20 August 1998 / Accepted: 27 October 1998  相似文献   
自控玻璃温室环境气象条件对甜椒叶龄和果实生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据在自控玻璃温室内甜椒试验资料和同期的环境气象资料 ,运用数理统计分析方法 ,建立了甜椒叶龄模式、果实生长和果重模式。叶龄生长符合植物生长模型 ,影响叶龄生长的主要环境气象因子在打顶前是日平均气温 13~ 2 2℃的有效积温 ,打顶后是日平均气温 13~2 5℃的有效积温。影响甜椒果实膨大的主要环境气象因子是座果后的日平均气温 16~ 2 3℃的有效积温、日照、温度日较差和CO2 浓度 ,甜椒果实膨大与环境气象因子间的关系呈对数形式。果实生长期的长短与日平均气温 14~ 2 3℃的有效积温、日照、温度日较差和CO2 浓度有关。果实的重量与日平均气温 14~ 2 3℃的有效积温、温度日较差和CO2 浓度有关。开花前 2d至开花后 3d的日平均光照小于 1 5× 10 41x ,开花后 3~ 12d日较差小于 6 5℃ ,开花前 18d至开花后 3d日平均相对湿度大于 82 %时阴果明显增多  相似文献   
Aim  Habitat and climate heterogeneity may affect patterns of species diversity from the relatively local scale of communities to the broad biogeographical scale of continents. However, the effects of heterogeneity on species diversity have not been studied as widely at intermediate scales although differences among landscapes in local climate and habitat should maintain beta-diversity.
Location  Bailey ecoregions in the USA.
Methods  Using a geographically extensive dataset on bird distribution and abundance in 35 ecoregions, we tested for the effects of habitat and climate heterogeneity on beta-diversity at two discrete spatial scales: among sample points within landscapes, and among landscapes within ecoregions.
Results  Landscape-level beta-diversity typically accounted for 50% or more of gamma-diversity and was significantly and positively related to habitat heterogeneity (elevational range within an ecoregion) and climate heterogeneity (variation in potential evapotranspiration). Contrary to predictions, point-level beta-diversity was negatively related to habitat and climate heterogeneity, perhaps because heterogeneity constrains alpha-diversity at the landscape level. The geographical spatial separation of landscapes within an ecoregion did not significantly affect beta-diversity at either scale.
Main conclusions  Our results suggest that habitat selection and adaptation to local climate may be the primary processes structuring bird diversity among landscapes within ecoregions, and that dispersal limitation has a lesser role in influencing beta-diversity among landscapes.  相似文献   
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