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Molecular tools have diverse applications in marine ecology. In microbial systems, DNA sequences of rRNA and other genes have identified a variety of novel lineages of bacteria inhabiting marine environments that have resisted traditional culture methods. However, relatively few natural populations have been characterized due to the rather labor-intensive methodologies employed. Recent technological developments such as in situ PCR and flow cytometry promise to greatly enhance the speed at which microbial taxa can be identified and enumerated in field collected water and substrate samples; such advances will allow future work to employ the spatial and temporal field sampling required to monitor the impact of natural and anthropogenic changes in the environment. This approach also holds promise for examining physiological status of field collected cells, garnering information on such elusive parameters as growth rates and the extent of nutrient limitation under natural conditions. Studies of macrobiota have similarly benefited from the use of molecular approaches to species identification. This has been particularly true with regard to distinguishing among larval forms of closely related taxa which are nearly identical morphologically. Genetic variation within species assayed by molecular tools has been useful in examining the stability of populations through time and in assessing patterns of recruitment to geographically separated populations. Enhanced understanding of these ecological problems will also require intensive spatial and temporal monitoring of both larval and adult populations. Often, the newer techniques based on DNA sequence variation have practical advantages over allozyme techniques: e.g., PCR allows assay of minute quantities of DNA that may come from ethanol preserved samples. However, when ample allozyme variation exists to address a given issue, these older techniques may be favored on a variety of criteria, including speed and cost. Hence, choice of methodology should be based on the expected efficiency of a given approach to a specific problem rather than the apparent sophistication of the method itself.  相似文献   
Final instar Persectania ewingii (Westwood) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) were fed seedling Triticum aestivum L. for 2 days to determine the approximate digestibility of the cell wall and cell content fractions. Cell wall content was estimated using a micro-analytical neutral detergent fibre technique. Approximate digestibilites of neutral detergent fibre, neutral detergent solubles and dry matter were calculated for individuals and pooled samples. P. ewingii larvae digested a small but significant proportion of the fibre ingested (13–21%), higher than that previously reported for herbivorous insects. The micro-analytical and previously used macro-analytical techniques produced similar estimates of digestibility although both techniques have inherent shortcomings, the latter requiring the pooling of samplex and the former limiting the number of replicates during chemical analysis. Differences in the amount of larval frass collected during the feeding trial (corrected for consumption) explained much of the variation in digestibility values, while there were no effects of larval mass, overall consumption and total frass produced on digestibility estimates. These results confirm that plant cell contents are the major source of nutrients to larval Lepidoptera although there is some chemical disruption of the plant cell wall.  相似文献   
Habitat fragmentation involves a reduction in the effective area available to a population and the imposition of hard patch edges. Studies seeking to measure effects of habitat fragmentation have compared populations in fragments of different size to estimate and area effect but few have examined the effect of converting open populations to closed ones (an effect of edges). To do so requires a shift in spatial scope-from comparison of individual fragments to that of fragmented versus unfragmented landscapes. Here we note that large-scale, controlled studies of habitat fragmentation have rarely been performed and are needed. In making our case we develop a simple computer simulation model based on how individual animals with home ranges are affected by the imposition of habitat edges, and use it to predict population-level responses to habitat fragmentation. We then compare predictions of the model with results from a field experiment on Peromyscus and Microtus. Our model treats the case where home ranges/territories fall entirely within or partially overlap with that of sample areas in continuous landscapes, but are restricted to areas within habitat fragments in impacted landscapes. Results of the simulations demonstrate that the imposition of hard edges can produce different population abundances for similar-sized areas in continuous and fragmented landscapes. This edge effect is disproportionately greater in small than large fragments and for species with larger than smaller home ranges. These predictions were generally supported by our field experiment. We argue that large-scale studies of habitat fragmentation are sorely needed, and that control-experiment contrasts of fragmented and unfragmented microlandscapes provide a logical starting point.  相似文献   
Abstract. The objectives of this study were to determine whether adult Mediterranean fruit flies, Ceratitis capitata Wiedeman (Diptera: Tephritidae), are capable of synthesizing lipids, and whether adult diet affects this ability.Lipid levels in females fed protein and carbohydrate or carbohydrate alone declined significantly from emergence to the fourth day of life and then rose back to teneral levels on the fifth day, before oviposition took place on the sixth day.In males fed protein and carbohydrate, lipid levels initially declined as males aged and then stabilized.In carbohydrate-fed males lipid levels declined following emergence and recovered somewhat by the sixth day.Lipid levels declined significantly when flies underwent post-emergence starvation, but after substantial feeding on the above-mentioned diets they eventually (within 6–7 days) reached teneral levels in all experimental groups.Multivariate analysis of variance revealed that differences in lipid contents are primarily related to the flies' age, which corresponds to the various sex-specific activities these flies exhibit.Average lipid investment in eggs was found to equal teneral lipid levels in females.Without lipogenic abilities, oviposition would completely deplete female lipid reserves.We conclude that adult medflies are capaple of lipid synthesis, and that this capability is modulated by individual and sex-specific activity patterns.  相似文献   
ITE Merlewood Land Classification of Great Britain   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Abstract. The Institute of Terrestrial Ecology (ITE) has classified the 1 km squares in Great Britain (GB) into thirty-two environmental strata, termed land classes, as a basis for ecological survey. The classes have been used in biogeographical studies of the distribution of individual species and species assemblages. The concept behind the technique is that there is an association between the environmental character of land and ecological parameters. The initial classification was based on a sample of squares drawn from a regular grid. The data for the 12121 km squares classified were drawn from published maps; the number of squares was limited by the available computing power. Subsequently the availability of more powerful computers and the need to improve geographical definition have led to the allocation of every 1 km square to its appropriate class. This paper has been written to summarise the principles involved in the development of the system and indicate the range of projects for which it has been used. The extension of the classification from a sample to the complete coverage of GB revealed the importance of the structure and style of data used to produce the classification. The significance of these conclusions for future work is discussed, with particular reference to automated methods of data capture.  相似文献   
This 2-yr study of gender and its relation to the sizes of pin and thrum plants in Lithospermum croceum was performed in central Michigan. The population was composed of 51-52% thrums, 42-43% pins, and ≈6% homostyles in 1988 and 1989. Pins produced more flowers and fruits than thrums, and a greater proportion of their ovaries produced more than one nutlet. However, the number of fruits produced by pins and thrums in 1988 did not differ when plant size is a covariate in ANCOVA. The number of seeds produced by plants in 1989 is also unaffected by floral morph when size is a covariate. Instead, plant size is the most important predictor of fecundity in both years. The average percent fruit sets (fruits/ovaries) of the morphs did not differ in either year. Herbivory was more common in 1988 than in 1989, but there was no difference in the frequency with which pins and thrums were attacked. Furthermore, the effect of herbivory on fecundity did not differ for the morphs. The fecundity of neither morph was limited by pollen in 1989. Apparent gender specialization was a consequence of subtle differences in the vegetative sizes of the morphs.  相似文献   
One of the most extreme freshwater habitats in Peninsular Malaysia is the peat swamp forest, with dark-coloured and highly acidic waters. Surprisingly, little is known about blackwater fishes in Peninsular Malaysia. Until 1968, only 26 fish species were known from blackwaters throughout Peninsular Malaysia, of which only one can be regarded as stenotopic. A recent intensive survey of part of the North Selangor peat swamp forest yielded 47 species, of which 14 are probably stenotopic taxa. These include four undescribed species and several new records for western Peninsular Malaysia. These discoveries are significant in that they include the family Chaudhuriidae which until 1985, was not reported from Sundaic Southeast Asia, and the rare genus Encheloclarias which had not been encountered for over 50 years. The rapid rate of destruction of the peat swamp forest owing to development, forestry and agricultural activities must be halted or slowed significantly to enable the proper zoological surveys and studies to be conducted. Conservation plans and environmental impact assessments based on inadequate sampling and knowledge of species present is acutely dangerous. There are no longer substantial undisturbed blackwater peat swamp forests left in most of Peninsular Malaysia. Conservation of the remaining blackwater biotopes is critically important if extinction of many species, here regarded as economically valuable renewable resources, is to be prevented.  相似文献   
The completion in 1986/87 of an open storm-surge barrier in the inlet and of secondary dams in the landward parts of the Oosterschelde tidal basin (SW Netherlands) has had and will continue to have a significant impact on geomorphological developments. An analysis of historic data, and of recent detailed bathymetric and morphodynamic process data, indicates that former trends have reversed. At present the Oosterschelde is a sedimentation basin with a degrading intertidal area and silting up of channels. The continuing reduction in intertidal area, the decreasing geomorphological gradients, the increasing fine sediment content of channel deposits, combined with a general reduction in hydrodynamics, imply significant ecological effects.  相似文献   
The stable isotopes 2H and 18O were used to determine the water sources of Eucalyptus camaldulensis at three sites with varying exposure to stream water, all underlain by moderately saline groundwater. Water uptake patterns were a function of the long-term availability of surface water. Trees with permanent access to a stream used some stream water at all times. However, water from soils or the water table commonly made up 50% of these trees' water. Trees beside an ephemeral stream had access to the stream 40–50% of the time (depending on the level of the stream). No more than 30% of the water they used was stream water when it was available. However, stream water use did not vary greatly whether the trees had access to the stream for 2 weeks or 10 months prior to sampling. Trees at the third site only had access to surface water during a flood. These trees did not change their uptake patterns during 2 months inundation compared with dry times, so were not utilising the low-salinity flood water. Pre-dawn leaf water potentials and leaf 13C measurements showed that the trees with permanent access to the stream experienced lower water stress and had lower water use efficiencies than trees at the least frequently flooded site. The trees beside the ephemeral stream appeared to change their water use efficiency in response to the availability of surface water; it was similar to the perennial-stream trees when stream water was available and higher at other times. Despite causing water stress, uptake of soil water and groundwater would be advantageous to E. camaldulensis in this semi-arid area, as it would provide the trees with a supply of nutrients and a reliable source of water. E. camaldulensis at the study site may not be as vulnerable to changes in stream flow and water quality as previously thought.  相似文献   
Size structure of the metazoan community in a Piedmont stream   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We characterized the size structure of virtually the entire metazoan community in a fourth order, sandybottomed Piedmont stream during late summer. Our study, the first to sample across all habitat types and sizes of metazoans in an aquatic ecosystem, indicates that at the community level, stream size spectra may be bimodal for the benthos or trimodal when fish are included. Animals spanning 10 orders of magnitude in dry mass (from gastrotrichs to fish) were quantitatively collected from nine habitat types. The bimodal benthic size spectrum was characterized by a meiofaunal component (mostly oligochaetes and micro-crustacea) and a macrobenthic component (mostly the introduced asiatic clam, Corbicula fluminea). Insects contributed little to overall standing crop. Size-specific contribution to whole-community metabolism was assessed using allometric equations for respiration, and we found a distinctly bimodal distribution across the entire metazoan size range, with peaks in the meiofaunal and benthic macrofaunal size ranges. Our bimodal benthic size spectrum is similar to that observed for marine benthos but not to other freshwater benthic systems, possibly because the entire range of habitat types and/or animal sizes were not sampled in the latter. Numerous factors may influence size spectra in stream ecosystems, including local geomorphic (habitat) conditions, water level fluctuations, species introductions, and predation processes.  相似文献   
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