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三叶草体内磷通过菌丝桥向黑麦草的传递研究   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
应用5室分隔法研究了供体三叶草体内的32P通过菌丝桥向受体黑麦草的传递作用。结果表明,菌根侵染供体三叶草根系之后,根外菌丝可穿过中室到达受体植株根室而再度侵染受体黑麦草的根系,从而形成三叶草-黑麦草根系之间的菌丝桥;供体三叶草体内的32P可通过根间菌丝桥传递给受体黑麦草,32P的传递量随受体植株施磷水平的提高而降低.  相似文献   
Bighead and silver carp are well established in the Mississippi River basin following their accidental introduction in the 1980s. Referred to collectively as Asian carp, these species are filter feeders consuming phytoplankton and zooplankton. We examined diet overlap and electivity of Asian carp and three native filter feeding fishes, bigmouth buffalo, gizzard shad, and paddlefish, in backwater lakes of the Illinois and Mississippi rivers. Rotifers, Keratella spp., Brachionus spp., and Trichocerca spp., were the most common prey items consumed by Asian carp and gizzard shad, whereas crustacean zooplankton were the preferred prey of paddlefish. Bigmouth buffalo diet was broad, including both rotifers and crustacean zooplankton. Dietary overlap with Asian carp was greatest for gizzard shad followed by bigmouth buffalo, but we found little diet overlap for paddlefish. Diet similarity based on taxonomy correlated strongly with diet similarity based on size suggesting filtration efficiency influenced the overlap patterns we observed. Although rotifers were the most common prey item consumed by both bighead and silver carp, we found a negative relation between silver carp CPUE and cladoceran density. The competitive effect of Asian carp on native fishes may be forestalled because of the high productivity of Illinois and Mississippi river habitats, yet the potential for negative consequences of Asian carp in less productive ecosystems, including Lake Michigan, should not be underestimated.  相似文献   
Seven different hosts,Panicum maximum, Chrysopogon fulvis, Themeda triandra, Chloris gayana, Brachiaria brizantha, Paspalum scrobiculatum andEleusine coracana were screened in order to select a better host for mass multiplication ofGlomus fasciculatum inoculum. Of these,Chloris gayana (Rhodes grass) was found to be the best host on the basis of root colonization and spore production and of the infective propagules of the potball.  相似文献   
Competition in a natural system may be interspecific or intraspecific. In semiarid ecosystems, competition for resources between established neighboring grass species and newly recruited seedlings is very high. To examine the effects of grass species density, growing space and time of establishment on Eucalyptus victrix seedlings (interspecific competition), and the effect of density and growing space within E.victrix (intraspecific competition) we conducted an experiment under controlled conditions. We tested four hypotheses (i) E.victrix seedling growth is not affected by grass density; (ii) there is no difference in E.victrix survival and growth between early and later grass establishment; (iii) interspecific competition is not more intense than intraspecific competition in E.victrix; and (iv) growth of E.victrix seedlings is not dependent on available growing space. In a monoculture of E.victrix, seedling mortality was higher (10%) in large pots. In mixed culture pots, where E.victrix seedlings and grass seedlings were planted on the same day, E.victrix seedlings survived for up to 4weeks, but started to die after week five in the smallest pots. However, mortalities occurred in pots of all sizes when grass was established before E.victrix seedlings. Results also indicated that the resources necessary for the growth of individual E.victrix seedlings were more limiting under conditions of increased density of neighboring grass species rather than intraspecific competition. In particular, photosynthetic area of E.victrix seedlings was drastically reduced in mixed cultures. Although density, pot size and time of planting had impacts on E.victrix seedlings, the patterns of these impacts were variable.  相似文献   
有关醉马草(Achnatherum inebrians)内生真菌(Epichloë gansuensis, E. inebrians)共生体的研究, 代表了我国禾草内生真菌研究领域的重要方向, 使中国的醉马草-内生真菌与美国的苇状羊茅(Festuca arundinacea)-内生真菌(E. coenophiana)和新西兰的多年生黑麦草(Lolium perenne)-内生真菌(E. festucae var. lolii)成为禾草内生真菌国际三大研究分支。该文综述了近30年来对醉马草内生真菌共生体的系统研究, 包括: 内生真菌的分布、带菌率、检测方法、多样性, 内生真菌提高宿主的抗旱、耐寒、耐盐碱、耐重金属、抗虫、抗病等抗逆性及其机理, 共生体产生的生物碱等次生代谢物, 对草食动物的毒性, 及其在草地生态系统中的作用等。研究者实验证实了醉马草本身无毒, 只有当内生真菌与醉马草共生并产生麦角新碱和麦角酰胺等麦角类生物碱后才能导致采食醉马草家畜中毒。文章展望了醉马草内生真菌基因组学和功能分析, 利用杀菌剂杀死内生真菌进行醉马草脱毒, 利用无毒内生真菌菌株进行饲用醉马草新品种选育, 利用有毒醉马草内生真菌共生体进行抗虫防鸟的机场绿化新品种选育及生物源农药与医药开发等。  相似文献   
The host suitability of five of the most common weed species occurring in maize (Zea mays L.) fields in South Africa to Pratylenchus zeae was tested. Based on the number of nematodes per root unit, mealie crotalaria (Crotalaria sphaerocarpa) was a good host; goose grass (Eleusine indica), common pigweed (Amaranthus hybridus), and thorn apple (Datura stramonium) were moderate hosts; and khaki weed (Tagetes minuta) was a poor host. Only the root residues of khaki weed suppressed the P. zeae infestation of subsequently grown maize. When goose grass, khaki weed, and mealie crotalaria were grown in association with maize in soil infested with P. zeae, goose grass and khaki weed severely suppressed maize root development; this resulted in a low number of nematodes per maize root system and a high number of nematodes per maize root unit. Mealie crotalaria did not restrict maize root growth and did not affect nematode densities per maize root system or maize root unit. Special attention should be given to the control of mealie crotalaria, which is a good host for P. zeae, and goose grass, which, in addition to its ability to compete with maize, is also a suitable host for P. zeae.  相似文献   
Summary The spatial arrangement of tiller replacement was assessed on grazed and ungrazed tussocks of Agropyron desertorum (Fisch. ex Link) Schult. for three annual cycles. Frequency distributions of the number of replacement tillers per single progenitor were also determined. Tiller replacement was usually greater on the perimeter of tussocks than within the core, with or without grazing. Replacement was inversely related to grazing intensity, both on the perimeter and within the core of tussocks. Heights of replacement tillers on the perimeter or within the core seldom differed. Furthermore, grazing seldom affected the number of replacement tillers per progenitor. Greater tillering on the perimeter than within the core indicates that the tussocks were expanding. Apparently, grazing neither enhances tussock expansion and subsequent disintegration, nor does it necessarily lead to patches of tillers (multiple tillering per progenitor) within tussocks of A. desertorum.  相似文献   
The effects of elevated CO2 and drought on ecophysiological parameters in grassland species have been examined, but few studies have investigated the effect of competition on those parameters under climate change conditions. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of elevated CO2 and drought on the response of plant water relations, gas exchange, chlorophyll a fluorescence and aboveground biomass in four grassland species, as well as to assess whether the type of competition modulates that response. Elevated CO2 in well‐watered conditions increased aboveground biomass by augmenting CO2 assimilation. Drought reduced biomass by reducing CO2 assimilation rate via stomatal limitation and, when drought was more severe, also non‐stomatal limitation. When plants were grown under the combined conditions of elevated CO2 and drought, drought limitation observed under ambient CO2 was reduced, permitting higher CO2 assimilation and consequently reducing the observed decrease in aboveground biomass. The response to climate change was species‐specific and dependent on the type of competition. Thus, the response to elevated CO2 in well‐watered grasses was higher in monoculture than in mixture, while it was higher in mixture compared to monoculture for forbs. On the other hand, forbs were more affected than grasses by drought in monoculture, while in mixture the negative effect of drought was higher in grasses than in forbs, due to a lower capacity to acquire water and mineral nutrients. These differences in species‐level growth responses to CO2 and drought may lead to changes in the composition and biodiversity of the grassland plant community in future climate conditions.  相似文献   
Following leaf application of salicylic acid (SA), calcium chloride, hydrogen peroxide and 6-benzylaminopurine (BA), Manila grass (Zoysia matrella) plants were exposed to day/night temperature of 7/2 °C for 120 h in a growth chamber. The lower content of malondialdehyde (MDA) and H2O2 and higher activities of ascorbate peroxidase (APX), guaiacol peroxidase (POD) and catalase (CAT) during exposure to low temperature in pre-treated plants in comparison with control plants demonstrated that these compounds improved the chilling tolerance of Manila grass.  相似文献   
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