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本文研究了FWS-DBL-1新型太阳能灭虫器在320~580、360、400、460和520 nm 5种不同波长下对吐鲁番葡萄产区害虫的诱捕效果及对天敌安全性。结果表明:在5种波长下,灭虫器诱捕昆虫的种类相似,以鞘翅目、鳞翅目、半翅目、脉翅目、双翅目、直翅目和膜翅目等为主。诱捕的主要昆虫是蜉金龟Aphodius sp.、白云斑鳃金龟Polyphylla alba vicaria Semenov、额喙丽金龟Adoretus nigriforns Steven、毛喙丽金龟Adoretus hirsutus Ohaus、绣罗夜蛾Leucanitis picta Christoph和淘赏夜蛾Catocala puerpera Giorna等。其中:灭虫器在400 nm波长下的诱捕量最多,其次是320~580 nm和360 nm波长。综合分析比较:400 nm波长对鞘翅目害虫的诱捕效果最好,360 nm波长对鳞翅目和双翅目害虫的诱捕能力最强,520 nm波长对半翅目害虫的诱捕效果最好。对天敌的安全性研究表明:FWS-DBL-1太阳能灭虫器对天敌有一定的诱捕作用,益害比为1∶4~1∶5。诱捕量较多的是步甲科和草蛉科的天敌,占天敌总诱捕量的85.82%。在这5个波长中,360 nm波长下,灭虫器对天敌的诱捕作用最小,对天敌的安全性相对较高。  相似文献   
Recent introduction of Synanthedon myopaeformis (Borkhausen) (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) into organic apple‐growing areas of Canada has stimulated research on semiochemical‐based management of this European pest. Replicated, small‐plot (0.16 ha) experiments were conducted to compare sex pheromone, 3Z,13Z‐octadecadienyl acetate (10 mg), Concord grape juice (300 ml), or their combination, as mass‐trapping lures at trap densities equivalent to 12.5, 25, 50, and 100 traps ha?1. Total numbers of male and female moths removed from test plots increased significantly with trap density in all juice‐based mass‐trapping experiments. In pheromone mass‐trapping experiments, however, total catches of males did not increase significantly as trap densities were increased and catches appeared to plateau with 25–50 traps ha?1. With pheromone‐based mass‐trapping, significantly fewer males were caught in pheromone‐baited assessment traps at the centre of each mass‐trapping plot than in identical traps in untreated plots. This reduction is indicative of significant trap interference or trap ‘shut‐down’. Increasing the density of juice‐based mass‐trapping had no effect on catches of male or female moths in juice‐baited assessment traps, indicating a short range of attraction and lack of interference between juice traps. Pheromone‐ and juice‐based mass trapping removed similar numbers of males at each trap density tested, respectively, but summed catches of males and females were greatest with juice baits. Combining pheromone and juice into a single mass‐trapping treatment (50 traps ha?1) did not significantly increase catches of males or females relative to either treatment alone. If a practical bisexual mass‐trapping system is going to be developed for S. myopaeformis, then identification of volatile kairomones in Concord grape juice may be useful.  相似文献   
The grape leafhopper Empoasca vitis (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) is regarded as a major insect pest in many European grapevine growing areas, with an increasing importance realized in recent years maybe as a result of climatic change. Both larvae and adults feed on the phloem vessels of the leaves, causing characteristic symptoms also referred to as hopperburn. Phenology of adult leafhoppers was monitored in one vineyard in three successive years and indicated that immigration of a few hibernated E. vitis individuals into vineyards might take place already quite early in the year depending on winter temperatures and starts to progress in substantial numbers right at grapevine bud burst. In addition, these monitoring studies have shown that there are several other leafhopper species occurring on grapevine plants besides E. vitis, such as the rose leafhopper Edwardsiana rosae (Homoptera: Cicadellidae). Here, we report on the development of larval instars of both leafhopper species, E. vitis and E. rosae on grapevine leaves under different temperature regimes in the laboratory. Shortest larval developmental time was observed at night temperatures of 13–15°C and day temperatures of 23–25°C, which was in agreement with predicted optimal temperatures for both species. At the temperature regime of 20°C night and 30°C day temperature, either no egg hatch was observed or early development of first‐instar larvae was not successful for both species. These results suggest that warm (18°C) nights and moderately warm (28°C) days are representing the upper thermal threshold for development of both E. vitis and E. rosae embryonic stages on grapevine leaves, questioning current assumptions of an increasing importance of E. vitis as a grapevine pest under future climate change.  相似文献   
Chilling and freezing can reduce significantly vine survival and fruit set in Vitis vinifera wine grape. To overcome such production losses, a recently identified grapevine C‐repeat binding factor (CBF) gene, VvCBF4, was overexpressed in grape vine cv. ‘Freedom’ and found to improve freezing survival and reduced freezing‐induced electrolyte leakage by up to 2 °C in non‐cold‐acclimated vines. In addition, overexpression of this transgene caused a reduced growth phenotype similar to that observed for CBF overexpression in Arabidopsis and other species. Both freezing tolerance and reduced growth phenotypes were manifested in a transgene dose‐dependent manner. To understand the mechanistic basis of VvCBF4 transgene action, one transgenic line (9–12) was genotyped using microarray‐based mRNA expression profiling. Forty‐seven and 12 genes were identified in unstressed transgenic shoots with either a >1.5‐fold increase or decrease in mRNA abundance, respectively. Comparison of mRNA changes with characterized CBF regulons in woody and herbaceous species revealed partial overlaps, suggesting that CBF‐mediated cold acclimation responses are widely conserved. Putative VvCBF4‐regulon targets included genes with functions in cell wall structure, lipid metabolism, epicuticular wax formation and stress‐responses suggesting that the observed cold tolerance and dwarf phenotypes are the result of a complex network of diverse functional determinants.  相似文献   
葡萄种质资源初级核心群的构建   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以国家果树种质郑州葡萄圃保存的867份栽培种质为材料,对47项表型性状进行了主成分分析。采用欧氏遗传距离、离差平方和法进行种质初选。采用分组和逐步聚类法,分别以15%、20%、25%和30%的比例抽样,依次获得124、170、205和252份种质。通过对初选种质的遗传多样性指数、表型保留比例的分析,检验初级核心群的构建效果。结果表明,按种质类型分组,组内采用平方根策略、15%抽样比例获得的124份初选种质的表型保留比例和遗传多样性代表性均达到96%,表明构建的初级核心群对原始种质具有很好的代表性。  相似文献   
In order to investigate the transportation and distribution of salicylic acid (SA) from root to aboveground tissues in response to high temperature, the roots of grape plant were fed with 14C-SA before high temperature treatment. Radioactivity results showed that progressive increase in SA transportation from root to aboveground as compared with the control varied exactly with the heat treatment time. Radioactivity results of leaves at different stem heights indicated that the increase in SA amount at the top and middle leaves during the early period was most significant in comparison with the bottom leaves. The up-transportation of SA from root to aboveground tissues was dependent on xylem rather than phloem. Auto-radiographs of whole grape plants strongly approved the conclusions drawn above. Root-derived SA was believed to be a fundamental source in response to aboveground high temperature.  相似文献   
The colonization pattern of Vitis vinifera L. by Burkholderia phytofirmans strain PsJN was determined using grapevine fruiting cuttings with emphasis on putative inflorescence colonization under nonsterile conditions. Two-week-old rooted plants harbouring flower bud initials, grown in nonsterile soil, were inoculated with PsJN:gfp2x. Plant colonization was subsequently monitored at various times after inoculation with plate counts and epifluorescence and/or confocal microscopy. Strain PsJN was chronologically detected on the root surfaces, in the endorhiza, inside grape inflorescence stalks, not inside preflower buds and flowers but rather as an endophyte inside young berries. Data demonstrated low endophytic populations of strain PsJN in inflorescence organs, i.e. grape stalks and immature berries with inconsistency among plants for bacterial colonization of inflorescences. Nevertheless, endophytic colonization of inflorescences by strain PsJN was substantial for some plants. Microscopic analysis revealed PsJN as a thriving endophyte in inflorescence organs after the colonization process. Strain PsJN was visualized colonizing the root surface, entering the endorhiza and spreading to grape inflorescence stalks, pedicels and then to immature berries through xylem vessels. In parallel to these observations, a natural microbial communities was also detected on and inside plants, demonstrating the colonization of grapevine by strain PsJN in the presence of other microorganisms.  相似文献   
We analysed symptoms, wood lesions and fungi associated with esca in mature organic vineyards in the Languedoc‐Roussillon region. Most previous surveys concerning esca syndrome were conducted in conventionally managed vineyards in other regions. We first found that esca may be present at a very low level in vineyards that were not treated with sodium arsenite. Affected vines displayed three types of symptoms: leaves with interveinal necrosis, wilt of entire branches and these two symptoms in combination. During the 3‐year survey, not all affected vines displayed symptoms every year and the same vine rarely displayed the same symptom or combination of symptoms in successive years. The incidence of esca appeared to be correlated with the percentage of vines that died during the survey but no correlation was found with either mortality before the survey or with the age of the vineyard. Observation of cross‐sections of a total of 210 vines with esca symptoms and isolation of fungi from the wood lesions led to similar results to those obtained in conventionally managed vineyards. Four different lesions were identified: a white rot lesion, a brown lesion in a central position, a brown lesion in a sectorial position and a scattered black spotting in healthy wood. The most frequently observed fungal species were Fomitiporia mediterranea (Fom), Phaeomoniella chlamydospora, Phaeoacremonium aleophilum and Eutypa lata. The white rot lesion caused by Fom was generally accompanied by one or more other lesions in the same vine. Similarly, Fom was generally isolated with one or several other fungi. No relationship was detected between the expression of external symptoms and any specific lesion or fungus. Our study also showed that esca and Eutypa dieback are often superimposed in our region of sampling.  相似文献   
Summary During the single culture fermentation of grape must K. thermotolerans, strain TH941, isolated in a wine-producing region in northern Greece, reached a very high cell concentration of 8.4 log (c.f.u ml−1), followed by a rapid decline of the viable cells. The yeast produced 9.6 g L-lactic acid l−1 during the growth phase, 7.58% v/v of ethanol and showed a limited degradation of L-malic acid as well as a low production of volatile acidity. In the presence of 3% v/v and 6% v/v of ethanol the K. thermotolerans isolate was able to grow. At 9% v/v of ethanol it could not grow but showed no loss of viability for 10 days.  相似文献   
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