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A new method based on modelling of seasonal growth increments ( G SI) in total length was found useful for assessing the date of onset of annual growth for 16 fish species in a temperate fluvial lake. Model comparisons indicated that polynomial (linear or quadratic) functions provided better fits to seasonal growth and were more likely to avoid convergence problems than alternative non-linear models. There was little evidence for differences in the date of onset of growth between years, nor among age classes within individual species. The onset of growth also was to some extent synchronized among species and was concentrated within a narrow temporal window of c. 2 weeks, between 18 May and 2 June, which corresponded to mean water temperatures between 16·1 and 17·3° C. There was no apparent relationship between date of onset and species' thermal preferenda or thermal preferences. By producing a point estimate along with appropriate 95% CI, the G SI method provides useful information on the onset of growth and the uncertainty about that estimate. The G SI analyses can contribute to a better understanding of environmental influences on the onset of growth and the length of the growing season, and of thermal thresholds for growth, including their use in calculation of degree-day metrics.  相似文献   
Structural class characterizes the overall folding type of a protein or its domain and the prediction of protein structural class has become both an important and a challenging topic in protein science. Moreover, the prediction itself can stimulate the development of novel predictors that may be straightforwardly applied to many other relational areas. In this paper, 10 frequently used sequence-derived structural and physicochemical features, which can be easily computed by the PROFEAT (Protein Features) web server, were taken as inputs of support vector machines to develop statistical learning models for predicting the protein structural class. More importantly, a strategy of merging different features, called best-first search, was developed. It was shown through the rigorous jackknife cross-validation test that the success rates by our method were significantly improved. We anticipate that the present method may also have important impacts on boosting the predictive accuracies for a series of other protein attributes, such as subcellular localization, membrane types, enzyme family and subfamily classes, among many others.  相似文献   
卢氏县大鲵种群年龄结构和性比的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对大鲵种群样本(n=252)及观察到的当年孵化的幼鲵进行测量,样本采自河南省卢氏县大鲵自然保护区。以大鲵体长、体重为指标,用重心法聚类划分出8个年龄组(不含当年孵化幼鲵)。在此基础上结合大鲵的生长发育特点,同时与人工养殖条件下的生长情况进行对照,根据样本聚类情况推断出大鲵5个个体年龄组及相应的体长和体重指标,对卢氏县大鲵20世纪90年代初的种群年龄结构和性比进行了分析,探讨了以大鲵体长和体重为生长指标、用聚类分析法划分大鲵年龄组的可能性。  相似文献   
We documented the progression and timing of the annual molt of harbor seals on Tugidak Island, Alaska, from 1997 to 1999. In all years the timing of molting differed among age-sex classes. Yearlings molted first, subadults second, adult females third, and lastly adult males. Timing of molting was nearly identical in 1997–1998, whereas in 1999 molting occurred three to six days later for all age-sex classes except yearlings. Estimated dates when peak proportions of each age-sex class were molting ranged from 2 August (yearlings) to 2 September (adult males). The number of seals hauled out was positively related to the proportion of seals in the molt and negatively related to the proportion of seals in the postmolt. Population trend estimates, based on aerial counts conducted during a narrow window within the molting period, are likely biased toward certain age-sex classes. Statistical models used to estimate trend include covariates to help account for within-year variation in seal numbers, but do not account for compositional changes that occur during molting. Population modeling may elucidate the effects of within-year population structure on trend estimates. Monitoring molting phenology at additional sites is necessary to determine the extent of geographic variation in molting.  相似文献   
Data on group composition at the end of the 1986 birth season were collected from six groups of Macaca thibetana. All adult males, the members of group A, and some conspicuous animals were recognized individually. Fourhundred survey sessions were completed. The mean group size was 38.3 (SD = 13.8, range: 28–65); the number of adult females was the best correlate of total group size. The mean adult sex ratio (F:M) across groups was 3:1 (SD = 1.9, range: 1.5–6.5:1), which significantly deviated from 1:1. Sex ratios (F:M) in newborns, juveniles, and all members did not significantly deviate from 1. The ratio of immature animals to adults was 1.5 to 1 (average of groups); that is, 60% of the population was composed of immature animals, and the population was growing.  相似文献   
Abstract To prioritize weed management activities it is necessary to predict the extent of future infestations of individual weed species. Management effort should focus on populations which are likely to spread and produce new satellite populations. Deciding which aspects of an invading population to manage, new emerging distant satellites or the existing core from which most seed originates has been the subject of much debate. We use extensive survey data to define the core and satellite populations and dispersal function of Parkinsonia aculeata in the semi‐arid rangelands of the Northern Territory of Australia. We described populations in terms of three size classes, classified on the basis of plant height (small (<0.4 m), medium (>0.4 and <2.5 m) and large (>2.5 m)). Data were recorded as a spatial point pattern and a dispersal function was derived from the distribution of the distance of each medium plant to the nearest P. aculeata neighbour that was greater than 2.5 m. All large and medium P. aculeata were classified as members of core or satellite populations. From these classifications, we tested critical assumptions of Moody and Mack's model, namely (i) the satellites form multiple disjunct foci that do not overlap; (ii) the system is homogenous and there are no abiotic or biotic restrictions to the weeds expansion enabling it to expand radially in any direction; (iii) the densities of all foci are uniform; (iv) there is no extinction through stochastic processes; and (v) there are no threshold effects. When the medium size class was considered, the population density and area occupied by the weed increased. Two satellite populations were comprised solely of medium plants, suggesting the number of satellites increased marginally from eight to 10 when data from both size classes were considered. Most individuals were part of the core population. The core population increased in density and we argue this core population is most likely to give rise to new satellites and should be managed in preference to emerging satellite populations. We suggest the invasion is behaving like a source‐sink system, where the core population is the source of most new medium plants.  相似文献   
The rapid decline of Acropora cervicornis and Acropora palmata has often been linked with coral reef deterioration in the Caribbean; yet, it remains controversial whether these species are currently recovering or still declining. In this study, the status of ten populations of A. palmata in Los Roques National Park (LRNP), Venezuela is presented. Six of these populations showed signs of recovery. Ten 80 m2 belt-transects were surveyed at each of the ten reef sites. Within belt-transects, each colony was measured (maximum diameter and height) and its status (healthy, diseased or injured) was recorded. Populations in recovery were defined by a dominance of small to medium-sized colonies in densities >1 colony per 10 m2, together with 75% undamaged colonies, a low prevalence of diseases (<10%), and a low density of predators (0.25 snails per colony). Based on allozyme analysis of seven polymorphic loci in four populations (N = 30), a moderate to high-genetic connectivity among these populations (F ST = 0.048) was found with a predominance of sexual over asexual reproduction (N* : N = 1; N go : N = 0.93–1). Both ecological and molecular data support a good prognosis for the recovery of this species in Los Roques.  相似文献   
An extraordinary collection of 22 immature skeletons from Taï National Park, Côte d'Ivoire, has provided a rare opportunity to establish the timing of dental eruption and its correlation with skeletal fusion and morphometrics in wild chimpanzees of known chronological ages. Comparison of the immature Taï chimpanzees Pan troglodytes verus with adults from the same population show that sex differences in skeletal maturation apparently appear during the Juvenile II stage, about age 8. A few skeletons from other chimpanzee field sites conform to the dental and skeletal growth in Taï chimpanzees. The tempo of wild chimpanzee growth contrasts sharply with the rate demonstrated for captive individuals. Captive chimpanzees may mature as much as 3 years earlier. The ability to link physical development with field observations of immature chimpanzees increases our understanding of their life-history stages. These data provide an improved dataset for comparing the rates of growth among chimpanzees, Homo sapiens and fossil hominids.  相似文献   
研究不同径级尺度群落系统发育多样性有助于了解不同年龄模式下物种的亲缘关系及其群落系统发育结构; 但是关于物种多度对群落系统发育结构影响的研究较少。以海南尖峰岭热带山地雨林群落为例, 首先在不同径级尺度比较物种多度加权与否分别对4个广泛采用的系统发育指数的影响, 继而利用其中2个经过标准化处理的系统发育多样性指数: 净种间亲缘关系指数(net relatedness index, NRI)和净最近种间亲缘关系指数(nearest taxon index, NTI), 结合群落的生境类型来量度不同局域生境条件下不同径级尺度木本植物系统发育关系。结果发现: (1)未考虑物种多度加权的系统发育平均成对距离(mean pairwise distance, MPD)指数比考虑物种多度加权的MPD指数显著地高估了群落整体系统发育多样性, 且这种现象在小径级尺度(1 cm≤DBH<5 cm)最为明显。因此, 在森林监测样地中对于中、小径级群落系统发育结构研究中建议考虑物种多度信息。(2) 从群落组成整体系统发育结构来看, 尖峰岭热带山地雨林在几乎所有径级尺度和生境下均倾向于系统发育发散, 且随着径级的递增发散程度趋于明显(NRI<0)。(3)从群落组成局部系统发育结构来看, 尖峰岭热带山地雨林在中、小径级倾向于系统发育聚集(NTI>0), 而在大径级(DBH≥15 cm)则倾向于系统发育发散(NTI<0)。总之, 研究群落系统发育结构时应考虑物种多度的影响以及径级尺度效应。  相似文献   
蛋白质-蛋白质相互作用是蛋白质发挥其功能的重要途径之一。作者基于相互作用蛋白质数据库、基因本体数据库和蛋白质结构分类数据库(structural classification of proteins, SCOP),结合SWISS-PROT等相关数据库中蛋白质功能注释信息,定义描述蛋白质相互作用倾向性的参数,对酿酒酵母定位于不同细胞器蛋白、部分膜蛋白,以及酿酒酵母、线虫和大肠杆菌按SCOP分类的不同结构类蛋白质之间相互作用规律进行研究。结果表明各种细胞器、膜和结构类蛋白质之间相互作用确实存在明显的偏向性。  相似文献   
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