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杀雄剂SQ-1诱导小麦雄性不育花粉粒差异蛋白质组学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用固相pH梯度/SDS-PAGE双向凝胶电泳对经杀雄剂SQ-1处理和未处理的小麦(Triticum aestivum)成熟期花粉总蛋白质进行了分离, 银染显色, 获得了分辨率和重复性较好的双向电泳图谱. 通过PDQuest 2DE图像软件的分析, 在等电点4~7之间可识别350个以上较为清晰的蛋白质点, 其中差异表达明显的蛋白质点数为21个. 将11个差异点采用基质辅助激光解析电离飞行时间质谱进行了肽质量指纹图谱分析, 采用Mascot软件在Swiss-prot数据库查询, 鉴定出了7个蛋白质, 它们分别是液泡转化酶、动力蛋白轻链TCTEX-1、锰超氧化物歧化酶、果糖-1,6-二磷酸醛缩酶、抗坏血酸过氧化物酶、凝集素蛋白激酶和一种未知功能的蛋白. 对已知蛋白的功能进行分析, 推测杀雄剂SQ-1诱导小麦雄性不育可能与能量代谢失衡、淀粉合成受抑制、活性氧积累、细胞凋亡以及花器官发育调节基因作用失控等有关.  相似文献   
In this study, the factors affecting ferulic acid (FA) release from Brewer’s spent grain (BSG), by the crude enzyme extract of Fusarium oxysporum were investigated. In order to evaluate the importance of the multienzyme preparation on FA release, the synergistic action of feruloyl esterase (FAE, FoFaeC-12213) and xylanase (Trichoderma longibrachiatum M3) monoenzymes was studied. More than double amount of FA release (1 mg g−1 dry BSG) was observed during hydrolytic reactions by the crude enzyme extract compared to hydrolysis by the monoenzymes (0.37 mg g−1 dry BSG). The protease content of the crude extract and the inhibitory effect of FA as an end-product were also evaluated concerning their effect on FA release. The protease treatment prior to hydrolysis by monoenzymes enhanced FA release about 100%, while, for the first time in literature, FA in solution found to have a significant inhibitory effect on FAE activity and on total FA release.  相似文献   
Non destructive and mathematical approaches of modeling can be very convenient and useful for plant growth estimation. The leaf of Elaeagnus mollis was taken as the object of research. Leaf length、 leaf width、SPAD value and different combinations of these variables were developed models to predict individual leaf area, saturated fresh weight, and dry weight of Elaeagnus mollis. Ten regression equations were compared. Select fitting the best model as a predictive model in leaf area, saturated fresh weight and dry weight. The three models were as follows: individual leaf area LA=3647+0383LW+0001LWS (R=0968), saturated fresh weight SFW=-0464+0081L+000008LWS (R=0963), and dry weight DW=-0094+0032W+00001LS (R=0960). The best prediction model of LA, SFW and DW was validated with the measured value. The results showed that the predicted values and measured values were highly consistent. It could be used to predict the LA, SFW and DW of actual unknown leaves.  相似文献   
Objective: Prospective studies have suggested that substituting whole grain for refined grain products may lower the risk of overweight and obesity. Breakfast cereal intake is a major source of whole and refined grains and has also been associated with having a lower BMI. The aim of this study was to prospectively assess the association between whole and refined grain breakfast cereal intakes and risk of overweight (BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2) and weight gain. Research Methods and Procedures: We examined 17, 881 U.S. male physicians 40 to 84 years of age in 1982 who were free of cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus, and cancer at baseline and reported measures of breakfast cereal intake, weight, and height. Results: Over 8 and 13 years of follow‐up, respectively, men who consumed breakfast cereal, regardless of type, consistently weighed less than those who consumed breakfast cereals less often (p value for trend = 0.01). Whole and refined grain breakfast cereal intake was inversely associated with body weight gain over 8 years, after adjustment for age, smoking, baseline BMI, alcohol intake, physical activity, hypertension, high cholesterol, and use of multivitamins. Compared with men who rarely or never consumed breakfast cereals, those who consumed ≥1 serving/d of breakfast cereals were 22% and 12% less likely to become overweight during follow‐up periods of 8 and 13 years (relative risk, 0.78 and 0.88; 95% confidence interval, 0.67 to 0.91 and 0.76 to 1.00, respectively). Discussion: BMI and weight gain were inversely associated with intake of breakfast cereals, independently of other risk factors.  相似文献   
Dinemasporium longicapillatum sp. nov., isolated from a decaying leaf of sugar cane collected in Irabujima island, Japan, is described and illustrated. It is similar to D. strigosum and D. strigosulum in conidial length/width ratio, but differs mainly in its smaller conidia and longer conidial appendages.  相似文献   
Structure of mature pollen of Myosotis scorpioides and sporoderm development were examined using light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Pollen grains of M. scorpioides are heterocolpate with three colpori alternating with three pseudocolpi (pseudoapertures). Functional pseudoapertures take part in harmomegathy but not in pollen germination. Formation of colpori and pseudocolpi starts simultaneously. Structural difference between the aperture and pseudoaperture becomes clearly noticeable at the early free microspore stage when the endexine is initiated: at the colpori (at the area of ora) the endexine is composed of only a thin loose layer, at the pseudocolpi, the endexine is homogeneous and thick. Later, on the late free microspore stage, the difference appears in the structure of the intine: at the area of ora, the intine is three times thicker comparing with the pseudoapertures and mesocolpia. Besides zonal pseudoapertures, the triangular poroid areas are present at both poles of M. scorpioides pollen. Their structure and developmental pathway are similar to the zonal pseudoapertures. Pseudocolpi and polar pseudoapertures should be considered as the structures originated de novo specialised for harmomegathy.  相似文献   
Leaf expansion depends on both carbon and water availabilities. In cereals, most of experimental effort has focused on leaf elongation, with essentially hydraulic effects. We have tested if evaporative demand and light could have distinct effects on leaf elongation and widening, and if short‐term effects could translate into final leaf dimensions. For that, we have monitored leaf widening and elongation in a field experiment with temporary shading, and in a platform experiment with 15 min temporal resolution and contrasting evaporative demands. Leaf widening showed a strong (positive) sensitivity to whole‐plant intercepted light and no response to evaporative demand. Leaf elongation was (negatively) sensitive to evaporative demand, without effect of intercepted light per se. We have successfully tested resulting equations to predict leaf length and width in an external dataset of 15 field and six platform experiments. These effects also applied to a panel of 251 maize hybrids. Leaf length and width presented quantitative trait loci (QTLs) whose allelic effects largely differed between both dimensions but were consistent in the field and the platform, with high QTL × Environment interaction. It is therefore worthwhile to identify the genetic and environmental controls of leaf width and leaf length for prediction of plant leaf area.  相似文献   
生物体的外在形态(个体大小及异速生长)不仅是分类学的重要依据, 也是影响生物与环境相互作用的重要功能性状。昆虫体型的地理分异及其机制是昆虫生物地理学的重要基础。本文基于中国省级行政区的瓢虫体型、分布和环境因子数据, 运用相关和回归分析, 探索了中国瓢虫体型(体长、体宽与长宽比)的纬度地带性及其与环境因子的关系。为了确定营养级对瓢虫体型特征的影响, 我们对全部瓢虫、植食性瓢虫和捕食性瓢虫分别进行分析。研究结果表明: (1)瓢虫的体型大小具有显著的纬度地带性, 即纬度越高, 瓢虫的体长或体宽越大, 符合贝格曼法则。与温度相关的环境因子是导致瓢虫体型大小地理分异的主要环境因素, 因为瓢虫以成虫越冬, 体型越大则能量储存越多, 冬眠期间的耐饥力越强; (2)由于食性和食物空间分布的差异, 在各个纬度上, 植食性瓢虫体型总是大于捕食性瓢虫; 捕食性瓢虫的长宽比与纬度呈显著正相关, 即纬度越高, 瓢虫体型越狭长; 而植食性瓢虫的长宽比与纬度没有显著的相关性; 捕食性瓢虫的长宽比与年降水量呈显著负相关, 因为年降水量降低导致植被的斑块化增加, 引起捕食对象分布更为分散, 从而要求瓢虫具有更强的飞行能力, 即更大的长宽比。综上所述, 在省级尺度上, 温度和降水分别主要影响瓢虫的大小和长宽比, 其效应随营养级(食性)的变化而变化。  相似文献   
Chemical and physical treatments of barley grain increase ruminally resistant starch and can improve the rumen fermentation pattern. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effects of chemical (addition of citric acid, CA) and physical (grinding to two different particle sizes, PS) treatment of barley grain on performance, rumen fermentation, microbial protein yield in the rumen and selected blood metabolites in growing calves. In all, 28 male Holstein calves (172±5.1 kg initial BW) were used in a complete randomised design with a factorial arrangement of 2 barley grain particle sizes×2 levels of citric acid. The diets were as follows: (i) small PS (average 1200 µm) barley grain soaked in water (no CA addition); (ii) small PS barley grain soaked in a CA solution (adding 20 g CA/kg barley); (iii) large PS (average 2400 µm) barley grain soaked in water (no citric acid addition) and (iv) large PS barley grain soaked in a citric acid solution (adding 20 g CA/kg barley). Barley grain was then incorporated at 35% in a total mixed ration and fed to the calves for 11 weeks. Feeding small PS barley decreased feed intake (P=0.02) and average daily weight gain (P=0.01). The addition of CA to barley grain did not affect intake but increased weight gain (P<0.01) and improved feed to gain ratio (P=0.03). Digestibility of organic matter and NDF tended (P<0.10) to increase, whereas faecal scoring was improved (P=0.03) and the presence of undigested grain particles in faeces was reduced (P<0.01) with CA-treated barley grain. Glucose and urea concentrations were increased (P<0.01) in the blood of calves fed the CA-treated barley grain. Ruminal pH tended (P=0.08) to be decreased with more finely ground barley and was increased when barley grain was treated with CA. Total volatile fatty acid concentrations in the rumen did not differ among treatments (P>0.05). However, the molar proportion of propionate was increased (P=0.03) when barley was more finely ground, and that of acetate was increased (P=0.04) when CA was added to barley grain. The ruminal concentration of ammonia nitrogen was increased (P<0.01) and microbial nitrogen synthesis in the rumen tended to decrease by adding CA to barley. Treating barley grain with citric acid increased fibre digestibility of total mixed rations, attenuated the decrease in ruminal pH, and improved weight gain and feed efficiency in male Holstein growing calves fed a high-cereal diet (550 g cereal grain/kg diet).  相似文献   
Despite being one of the dominant groups in freshwater ecosystems, morphological and ontogenetic studies on aquatic Hemiptera have received little attention in the Oriental region. We present the ontogenetic trajectory and allometry of the widespread Oriental belostomatid species, Diplonychus rusticus (Fabricius) for the first time. We have measured nine different morphological variables throughout the growth of the bug using both field captured and laboratory reared specimens. Our results suggest that the developmental instars can be distinguished by the size variables, as seen in the Principal Component Analysis. On the basis of a CHAID (Chi-squared Automatic Interaction Detection) based regression tree, we also show that the characters – total length without head and maximum width – prove to be adequate for effective instar identification. The multivariate allometric growth pattern shows that different body parts exhibit different types of allometry. This is apparent in the allometry exhibited by forelegs and mid and hind legs, which show allometry of opposite polarities. This may be due to the different functions attributed to these body parts. Our results show that the growth pattern in D. rusticus is comparable with the New World genus Belostoma, suggesting a conserved growth pattern in the family Belostomatidae.  相似文献   
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