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滴灌下新疆北部棉田杂草土壤种子库的时空变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以天山北坡绿洲至沙漠边缘垂直分布的3个试验点,对比分析了漫灌和1a至4、8a的不同滴灌时间的棉田,以及不同试验点和土层深度等不同空间的杂草土壤种子库变化.结果表明,滴灌对棉田杂草种子库影响大,物种数和单位面积的种子库密度的年际间波动明显.连续滴灌改变了杂草土壤种子库的结构和组成,物种数由漫灌27种下降到1a滴灌的20种,滴灌8a后下降到15种,Shannon-Wiener多样性指数达到最低,单位面积的种子密度明显降低.随着滴灌年限的增长,狗尾草、藜、龙葵、反枝苋和凹头苋等喜旱性杂草占总种子库的比例逐渐增加,为滴灌棉田的优势杂草.狗尾草、藜、灰绿藜、龙葵、马齿苋、凹头苋、刺儿菜、黄花蒿、苦苣菜、小蓬草、荠菜、小藜、扁蓄、苘麻、田旋花、野薄荷等物种时间生态位宽度和空间生态位宽度均较大,适应较好,而虎尾草、百脉根、播娘蒿、酸模叶蓼、滨藜、野胡麻等物种生存受到明显影响.受耕作方式影响,杂草种子库主要分布于耕作层,耕作层以下46~50cm种子数最少.水平分布格局分析发现,3个地点杂草种子库的物种相似性较高,滴灌与漫灌之间种子库的物种差异要大于地理位置间的差异.  相似文献   
稻茬冬小麦氮肥吸收、残留和损失特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为推进稻茬小麦氮肥合理施用,采取田间15N示踪技术研究了施氮量(0、150、225、300 kg·hm-2,分别表示为N0、N150、N225、N300)对氮肥回收、残留、损失和籽粒产量的影响。结果表明: 随施氮量增加,小麦植株不同来源氮素积累量显著增加,氮肥回收率则显著下降。基肥氮以越冬至拔节期在植株中的积累量最高,追肥氮以拔节至开花期积累量最高;成熟期各处理追肥氮在植株中的积累量均高于基肥氮,N150处理植株中土壤氮的积累量高于肥料氮,N225、N300处理呈相反趋势。随施氮量增加,成熟期0~100 cm土层氮肥残留量显著增加,肥料氮在60~100 cm土层残留比例逐渐升高。小麦全生育期氮肥损失量和损失率均随施氮量增加而增加,基肥氮损失量以播种至越冬期最高,追肥氮损失量以拔节至开花期最高。综合考虑籽粒产量,N225处理可作为稻茬小麦氮肥推荐用量,相应的籽粒产量为6735 kg·hm-2,氮肥回收率、土壤残留率和损失率分别为42.6%、34.0%和23.3%。  相似文献   
Grain weight and grain number are important crop yield determinants. DA1 and DAR1 are the ubiquitin receptors that function as the negative regulators of cell proliferation during development in Arabidopsis. An arginine to lysine mutant at amino acid site 358 could lead to the da1‐1 phenotype, which results in an increased organ size and larger seeds. In this study, the mutated ZmDA1 (Zmda1) and mutated ZmDAR1 (Zmdar1) driven by the maize ubiquitin promoter were separately introduced into maize elite inbred line DH4866. The grain yield of the transgenic plants was 15% greater than that of the wild‐type in 3 years of field trials due to improvements in the grain number, weight and starch content. Interestingly, the over‐expression of Zmda1 and Zmdar1 promoted kernel development, resulting in a more developed basal endosperm transfer cell layer (BETL) than WT and enhanced expression of starch synthase genes. This study suggests that the over‐expression of the mutated ZmDA1 or ZmDAR1 genes improves the sugar imports into the sink organ and starch synthesis in maize kernels.  相似文献   
As typical anchorage-dependent cells myocytes must balance contractility against adequate adhesion. Skeletal myotubes grown as isolated strips from myoblasts on micropatterned glass exhibited spontaneous peeling after one end of the myotube was mechanically detached. Such results indicate the development of a prestress in the cells. To assess this prestress and study the dynamic adhesion strength of single myocytes, the shear stress of fluid aspirated into a large-bore micropipette was then used to forcibly peel myotubes. The velocity at which cells peeled from the surface, V(peel), was measured as a continuously increasing function of the imposed tension, T(peel), which ranges from approximately 0 to 50 nN/ micro m. For each cell, peeling proved highly heterogeneous, with V(peel) fluctuating between 0 micro m/s ( approximately 80% of time) and approximately 10 micro m/s. Parallel studies of smooth muscle cells expressing GFP-paxillin also exhibited a discontinuous peeling in which focal adhesions fractured above sites of strong attachment (when pressure peeled using a small-bore pipette). The peeling approaches described here lend insight into the contractile-adhesion balance and can be used to study the real-time dynamics of stressed adhesions through both physical detection and the use of GFP markers; the methods should prove useful in comparing normal versus dystrophic muscle cells.  相似文献   
张自常  谷涛  李永丰  杨霞 《生态学杂志》2016,27(11):3559-3568
以‘南粳9108’(粳稻)为材料,自移栽至成熟期分别与无芒稗、西来稗和光头稗共培养,以无稗草共培为对照,观察不同种类共培稗草在不同施氮水平下(0、120、240、360 kg N·hm-2)对水稻产量形成的影响.结果表明:相同氮肥水平下,不同种稗草株高表现为西来稗>无芒稗>光头稗,生育期由长到短为无芒稗>西来稗>光头稗.随着氮肥施用量的增加,不同种稗草的生物量在240 kg N·hm-2下达到最大值,然后降低,无芒稗和西来稗的生物量均显著高于光头稗.在0 kg N·hm-2下,不同种稗草对水稻产量无显著影响;在120 kg N·hm-2下,无芒稗和光头稗处理水稻产量与无稗草处理差异不显著,但西来稗处理产量较无稗草处理显著降低;在240 kg N·hm-2下,无芒稗、西来稗和光头稗处理显著减产;在360 kg N·hm-2下,无芒稗和西来稗处理产量较无稗草处理显著降低,光头稗处理与无稗草处理差异不显著.稗草和氮肥对水稻产量形成具有明显的互作效应.120 kg N·hm-2下,西来稗处理显著降低了水稻灌浆期剑叶硝酸还原酶活性、光合速率和根系氧化力以及成熟期氮积累量和干物质量,其他稗草处理与对照差异不显著;在240和360 kg N·hm-2下,无芒稗和西来稗处理降低了水稻上述指标;在0 kg N·hm-2下,各处理的上述指标差异不显著.回归分析表明,稗草表型对水稻产量的影响由大到小的顺序为生物量、株高、生育期和分蘖数,推测稗草较大的生物量造成水稻剑叶光合速率、硝酸还原酶活性、根系氧化力、氮积累量和干物质积累量降低,影响了水稻的生长发育,造成水稻减产.  相似文献   
Richard C. Sicher   《Plant science》2008,174(6):576-582
Responses of soluble amino acids and organic acids to either ambient (36 Pa) or elevated (100 Pa) CO2 treatments were determined using barley primary leaves (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Brant). Total soluble amino acids were increased 33% by CO2 enrichment 9 days after sowing (DAS), but a decrease relative to the ambient CO2 treatment was observed with increasing leaf age. Marked declines of glutamine and asparagine were observed under CO2 enrichment, both diurnally and with advancing leaf age. Consequently, total soluble amino acids were 59% lower in the elevated compared to the ambient CO2 treatment 17 DAS. It was likely that chlorosis in response to CO2 enrichment negatively impacted soluble amino acid levels in older barley primary leaves. In contrast to the ambient CO2 treatment, glutamine and most other soluble amino acids decreased as much as 60% during the latter half of a 12 h photoperiod in primary leaves of 13-day-old seedlings grown under enhanced CO2. Malate was decreased about 9 percent by CO2 enrichment and citrate and succinate were increased by similar amounts when measured 9 and 13 DAS. Malate accumulation was also decreased about 20% by CO2 enrichment on a diurnal basis. The onset of CO2-dependent leaf yellowing had much less of an effect on organic acids than on soluble amino acids. This above results emphasized the sensitivity of N metabolism to CO2 enrichment in barley. Increased levels of citrate and succinate in response to CO2 enrichment suggested that the tricarboxylic acid cycle was upregulated in barley by CO2 enrichment. In summary, organic and amino acid levels in barley primary leaves were dynamic and were altered by age, diurnally and in response to CO2 enrichment.  相似文献   
大气降尘沉积对塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地土壤水盐运移的影响   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
利用微型蒸渗仪(MLS)对不同粒级和不同厚度大气降尘沉积条件下塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地土壤水分蒸发和盐分运移进行了模拟试验.结果表明:不同粒级和不同厚度大气降尘沉积均对研究区土壤水分蒸发和盐分运移有显著影响;在相同的沉积厚度和相同的初始含水量条件下,细粒物质(粒径<0.063 mm)沉积可促进土体蒸发、加速下层土体的干旱和盐分的表聚,而粗粒物质(粒径0.063~2 mm)沉积则抑制了土壤水分蒸发、降低了深层土壤水分的损失和盐分的表聚;研究区土壤水分蒸发抑制效率在0.20 mm粒径处出现拐点,粒径在0.063~0.20 mm时,蒸发抑制效率随粒径增大而增大,当粒径>0.20 mm时,蒸发抑制效率则随粒径增大而减小.在相同粒级和相同的初始含水量条件下,不同厚度大气降尘沉积对土壤水分蒸发具有抑制作用,且土壤水分蒸发抑制效率随着沉积厚度的增大而增大,蒸发抑制效率与沉积厚度呈对数关系;沉积厚度越大,盐分向表层积聚越困难.降尘的加入可能导致干旱荒漠区生态系统的不稳定.  相似文献   
A spectrofluorometer is described consisting of an excitation source, optics, detector and time resolving electronics. The excitation source consists of a mode-locked Ar ion laser, synchronously pumps a dye laser, followed by a frequency doubling device. The repetition frequency of the U.V. pulses (FWHM some ps) has been reduced by an extra-cavity electro-optical modulator. Provisions have been made in the optical configuration to determine both time-resolved fluorescence spectra and fluorescence anisotropy decay curves. The commercially avialable electronics have been optimized for maximum time resolution. The spectral output of the excitation source is confined between 280 and 310 nm, which encompasses the region for eliciting protein fluorescence. The performance of the complete system has been tested with single lifetime standards line p-terphenyl in cyclohexane or with N-acetyl-L-tryptophanamide in pH 7.5 buffer. Serum albumins from human and bovine sources have been employed as examples for time resolved fluorescence spectra and for the demonstration of anisotropy decay curves. Using these methods protein dynamics in the (sub)nanosecond time region can be directly explored.  相似文献   
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