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Instantaneous rates of (soil + root) respiration were measured periodically during grain filling in sunflower crops that were i) irrigated at weekly intervals and ii) subjected to water stress for the last 25 days of the 40-day grain filling period. Daily (soil + root) respiration was calculated using instantaneous respiration rates, an empirically determined temperature response function, and diurnal records of soil temperature. Daily soil respiration was estimated using empirically determined functions linking soil respiration to soil temperature and water content. Between anthesis and maturity, daily root respiration of the irrigated crop dropped by about one half from ca. 1.8 g C m-2 d-1, exhibiting a strong association with daily crop gross photosynthesis. Water stress brought about a rapid decrease in root respiration, which fell to about 0.1 g C m-2 d-1 at maturity. Root respiration during grain filling was 46 and 30 g C m-2 for irrigated and stressed crops, respectively.  相似文献   
谷蠹生态学特性的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
谷蠹Rhyzoperthadominica(F.)生态学特性的试验结果表明,温度、湿度、粮食含水量对其各发育历期影响非常显著;食物影响不显著。  相似文献   
In short-season soybean production areas, low soil temperature is the major factor limiting plant growth and yield. The decreases in soybean yield at low temperatures are mainly due to nitrogen limitation. Genistein, the most effective plant-to-bacterium signal in the soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) nitrogen fixation symbiosis, was used to pretreat Bradyrhizobium japonicum. We have previously reported that this increased soybean nodulation and nitrogen fixation in growth chamber studies. Two field experiments were conducted on two adjacent sites in 1994 to determine whether the incubation of B. japonicum with genistein, prior to application as an inoculant, or genistein, without B. japonicum, applied onto seeds in the furrow at the time of planting, increased soybean grain yield and protein yield in short season areas. The results of these experiments indicated that genistein-preincubated bradyrhizobia increased the grain yield and protein yield of AC Bravor, the later maturing of the two cultivars tested. Genistein without B. japonicum, applied onto seeds in the furrow at the time of planting also increased both grain and protein yield by stimulation of native soil B. japonicum. Interactions existed between genistein application and soybean cultivars, and indicated that the cultivar with the greatest yield potential responded more to genistein addition.  相似文献   
In 1990 and 1991 grain samples of spring barley were obtained from plots in which fungal diseases were controlled until ear emergence using fungicide sprays, and from comparable plots which had received no fungicide applications. The grain was stored at 10oC, and tested for germination at intervals during storage. Grain from plots treated with fungicide consistently exhibited more dormancy than grain from untreated plots. In 1992, grain development was monitored from anthesis to harvest-ripeness in treated and untreated plots of cvs Blenheim, Camargue and Tyne. In cvs Blenheim and Camargue, grains in fungicide-treated plots had a greater dry weight at harvest-ripeness, and dehydrated later in development than grains in untreated plots. Neither of these differences was observed in cv. Tyne. Possible interpretations of the effects of fungicide treatment of the parent plant on the physiology of the grain are discussed.  相似文献   
大血藤科植物的分类学研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
作者对大血藤科植物的花性、叶片内部结构形态、花粉形态、染色体核型及过氧化物酶和脂酶同工酶进行了比较研究,结果表明:1)大血藤科植物外形上的两性花,其雄蕊的形态退化、花药始终不开裂,为功能上的雌花,因此其花为单性,同株,同序或异序;12)首次指出大血藤属植物的染色体数为2n=2x=22,属小型染色体,与木通科植物2n=2x=32、30、28的染色体数明显不同,支持Stapf(1926)将其从木通科分出另立为科的观点;3)单叶和复叶可出现于同一植株上,而且在叶片内部结构、花粉形态、染色体核型、过氧化物酶及脂酶同工酶等性状上,大血藤与单叶血滕间均无实质性的差异,因此将单叶血藤归并于大血藤中。  相似文献   
氮肥和底墒对小麦籽粒灌浆过程的调节效应分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以氮肥和底墒为决策变量,采用最优二次D饱和设计,用Logistic方程拟合各水肥处理的籽粒充实过程,并推导出一系列次级参数,分别建立了小麦籽粒灌浆强度与持续时间参数的数学模型。结果表明:生长在氮肥或底墒逆境条件下的小麦受精子房的生长潜势(Co)较大,并随逆境条件的改善而降低;千粒重(Yo)与灌浆快增期(T)的长短、最大灌浆速率(R_(max))和平均灌浆速率(R)无明显相关性,却与起始生长势、灌浆系数(T·R_(max))高度正相关,并且千粒重与灌浆系数的相关性明显大于千粒重与起始生长势的相关性;氮肥和底墒对籽粒灌浆特性具有显著的调节作用。同时还阐述了调节这些参数的水肥栽培途径。  相似文献   
The role of fructan metabolism in the assimilate relations of the grain of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was investigated by determination of the dry matter and fructan content of grain components at short intervals during grain filling. During the initial phase of rapid expansion, most of the assimilates entering the grain were partitioned to the outer pericarp. A large fraction of these assimilates were used for the synthesis of fructan. Dry matter deposition and fructan synthesis in the outer pericarp ceased at about 5d after anthesis. At the same time, the endosperm and the inner pericarp and testa started to accumulate dry matter at a fast rate. This was also associated with significant fructan synthesis in the latter tissues. The outer pericarp lost about 45% of its former maximum dry weight between 9 and 19 d after anthesis. This loss was due almost entirely to the near complete disappearance of water-soluble carbohydrates, most of which was fructan. The inner pericarp and testa accumulated dry matter until about mid-grain filling. The fructan contents of the inner pericarp and testa and the endosperm decreased slowly towards the end of grain filling. Most of the fructans in the inner pericarp and testa and the endosperm had a low molecular weight, whereas higher molecular weight fructans predominated in the outer pericarp. The embryo did not contain fructan. The presence of low molecular weight fructans in the endosperm cavity at mid-grain filling was confirmed. It is suggested that fructan synthesis is closely linked to growth-related water deposition in the different tissues of the wheat grain and serves to sequester the surplus of imported sucrose.  相似文献   
A tree-ring densitometric transect from Alaska to Labrador   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We describe a recently completed network of densitometric tree-ring time series representing various aspects of tree-growth for up to 200 years at 69 sites spread across the northern North American conifer zone from Yukon to Labrador. Duplicate cores, from 12 to 15 trees per site, provide time series for a suite of growth parameters including earlywood (spring), latewood (summer) and total (annual) ring widths and mean earlywood, mean latewood, minimum and maximum ring density. These data form the basis for extensive analyses of intra- and inter-site parameter comparisons and regional climate/tree-growth comparisons. Five large-scale regional chronologies do not suggest that any anomalous growth increases have occurred in recent decades, at least on these regional scales, despite the observed changes in atmospheric composition and climate.  相似文献   
The effect of simulated rainfall frequency on the pathogenicity of Pratylenchus zeae and P. brachyurus was studied in four greenhouse experiments. Corn and grain sorghum were watered at different intervals during predetermined cycles to create a gradient of water-stressed plants. Each experiment included nematode and uninoculated treatments. Growth reaction of plants to different frequencies of watering was significant but was not affected by the presence of nematodes. Pratylenchus zeae numbers differed among watering regimens on corn but not on sorghum. Numbers of P. brachyurus did not differ among watering regimens on corn or sorghum. Both lesion nematode species were harmful to corn, but sorghum increased plant growth in response to P. brachyurus. It is concluded that water stress is not the only environmental factor that influences the pathogenicity of these two species on corn and sorghum.  相似文献   
Tree growth varies closely with high–frequency climate variability. Since the 1930s detrending climate data prior to comparing them with tree growth data has been shown to better capture tree growth sensitivity to climate. However, in a context of increasingly pronounced trends in climate, this practice remains surprisingly rare in dendroecology. In a review of Dendrochronologia over the 2018–2021 period, we found that less than 20 % of dendroecological studies detrended climate data prior to climate-growth analyses. With an illustrative study, we want to remind the dendroecology community that such a procedure is still, if not more than ever, rational and relevant. We investigated the effects of detrending climate data on climate–growth relationships across North America over the 1951–2000 period. We used a network of 2536 tree individual ring-width series from the Canadian and Western US forest inventories. We compared correlations between tree growth and seasonal climate data (Tmin, Tmax, Prec) both raw and detrended. Detrending approaches included a linear regression, 30-yr and 100-yr cubic smoothing splines. Our results indicate that on average the detrending of climate data increased climate–growth correlations. In addition, we observed that strong trends in climate data translated to higher variability in inferred correlations based on raw vs. detrended climate data. We provide further evidence that our results hold true for the entire spectrum of dendroecological studies using either mean site chronologies and correlations coefficients, or individual tree time series within a mixed-effects model framework where regression coefficients are used more commonly. We show that even without a change in correlation, regression coefficients can change a lot and we tend to underestimate the true climate impact on growth in case of climate variables containing trends. This study demonstrates that treating climate and tree-ring time series “like-for-like” is a necessary procedure to reduce false negatives and positives in dendroecological studies. Concluding, we recommend using the same detrending for climate and tree growth data when tree-ring time series are detrended with splines or similar frequency-based filters.  相似文献   
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