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赵玉  陈霖波  张玉  吴志明 《生态学报》2024,44(12):5059-5069
农业低碳转型背景下,准确把握粮食种植业碳效应时空演化及碳排放公平性特征对实现地区生态正义具有重要意义。基于2000-2021年省域面板数据,采用碳排放因子法测算中国30个省区的粮食种植业碳效应,利用核密度估计方法探析时空演化,运用Dagum基尼系数法刻画并解构全国粮食种植业碳排放公平性。研究表明:(1) 从时空特征看,粮食种植业碳效应呈现波动上升的净碳汇特征,具体表现为"东强西弱,北高南低"的空间格局,且伴随明显的"马太效应"。在碳效应结构上,秸秆燃烧与玉米种植分别是粮食种植业最主要的碳源与碳汇。(2) 从演化趋势来看,全国粮食种植业碳效应的非均衡性呈扩大趋势;在三大主粮中,水稻碳效应非均衡性有所减弱,小麦与玉米碳效应非均衡性均持续上升。(3) 从碳排放公平性来看,区域间碳排放差异已成为影响公平性的最主要因素,基尼系数呈"快速上升-波动震荡-缓慢回落"特征,全国粮食种植业碳排放始终处于较公平区间,整体公平性呈改善态势;在三大主粮中,水稻碳排放公平性最低,玉米碳排放公平性最高。最后,提出了采取差异化固碳减排策略、构建低碳发展跨区协作机制、完善碳排放责任分摊机制、探索粮食碳汇交易试点等建议,以期推动我国粮食种植业实现低碳转型发展。  相似文献   
Plasma alkylresorcinols are increasingly analyzed in cohort studies to improve estimates of whole grain intake and their relationship with disease incidence. Current methods require large volumes of solvent (>10 ml/sample) and have relatively low daily sample throughput. We tested five different supported extraction methods for extracting alkylresorcinols from plasma and improved a normal-phase liquid chromatography coupled to a tandem mass spectrometer method to reduce sample analysis time. The method was validated and compared with gas chromatography–mass spectrometry analysis. Sample preparation with HybridSPE supported extraction was most effective for alkylresorcinol extraction, with recoveries of 77–82% from 100 μl of plasma. The use of 96-well plates allowed extraction of 160 samples per day. Using a 5-cm NH2 column and heptane reduced run times to 3 min. The new method had a limit of detection and limit of quantification equivalent to 1.1–1.8 nmol/L and 3.5–6.1 nmol/L plasma, respectively, for the different alkylresorcinol homologues. Accuracy was 93–105%, and intra- and inter-batch precision values were 4–18% across different plasma concentrations. This method makes it possible to quantify plasma alkylresorcinols in 100 μl of plasma at a rate of at least 160 samples per day without the need for large volumes of organic solvents.  相似文献   
高粱细胞质雄性不育系3197A(3A)在常温条件下是不育的(Figs.11&2),经热激(45℃)诱导不同程度地恢复了育性(Figs.13&4),为研究其不育机理提供了线索。热激2h后,3A中即可产生一类线粒体热激蛋白(HSPs)。其中,分子量为70kD的HSP70含量最高,也最为稳定。不过,3A中HSPs的稳定性弱于保持系3197B(3B)(Fig.2,Panels1~4)。放线菌素D抑制HSPs的合成,而氯霉素无此作用(Fig.2,Panels5&6),表明:HSPs是由核基因编码、在细胞质中合成、再跨膜转运到线粒体中的。3A幼穗经热激后,线粒体的总蛋白量猛增了2.7倍(Fig.3),达到3B的水平,育性亦变为可育的。Fig.4表明:HSP70反义链cDNA(R1)能进入到3B花药细胞中,并与靶RNA(HSC70mRNA)结合,而对照、正义链cDNA(D)链无此反应。由此、再增加一个通用保守序列的反义链cDNA(R2)、共两个探针(R1、R2),可以检测到:3A在常温下没有能力合成HSC70mRNA(Fig.5),而在热激条件下,转变为有能力(Fig.6)。启示:3A在热激条件下由不育转变为可育  相似文献   
早籼稻米垩白形成中的生理生化变化特性   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
沈波  陈能 《西北植物学报》1999,19(2):290-295
以早籼多垩白品种泸红早1号、浙733和少垩白品种中优早3号、舟优903及中籼中引85为材料,在自然高温条件下对水稻灌浆过程中胚乳内含物质(如淀粉、可溶性糖等)和酶(淀粉磷酸化酶、Q酶)活性的连续变化进行测定。结果表明,不同垩白度品种其胚乳内部物质增长的时间进程和酶活性的变化存在差异,由此造成灌浆动态明显不同,并导致垩白形成的差异。  相似文献   
Comparative analysis reveals remarkable homology between the sequences of both psbA gene nucleotides and the inferred amino acids of sorghum, a C_4 plant, and those of rice, a C_3 plant. The 5'-noncoding region of sorghum psbA gene contains the conservative promoter elements, "-35" element and "-10" element, like the prokaryote and the promoter element, TATA box, like the eukaryote. As compared with that of the rice, an extra sequence of 7 bp is found in the leader sequence of the mRNA in the former. Using an in vitro system, it has been demonstrated that protein factor exists in sorghum chloroplast protein extract which specifically binds to the 5'-noncoding region of psbA gene. Measurement of the expression of luciferase shows a 2—5 time greater reaction of the expression plasmids pALqs which contain leader region of sorghum psbA gene than that of the expression plasmids pALqr which contain leader region of rice psbA gene in E. coli.  相似文献   
以籼型常规早稻中嘉早17为材料,于盆栽条件下采用人工气候箱控温,在水稻穗分化一次枝梗原基分化期(Ⅱ)与花粉母细胞减数分裂期(Ⅵ)进行17和20 ℃的低温胁迫处理,研究不同低温对水稻枝梗、颖花分化与退化及籽粒充实的影响.结果表明: 与对照相比,不同低温处理均显著降低每穗枝梗及颖花分化数和现存数,颖花现存数降幅为7.2%~12.4%,同时增加了枝梗和颖花的退化数,影响了花粉活性、花药开裂等花器官发育,导致籽粒充实不良,以17 ℃低温胁迫效应更明显.穗分化Ⅵ期低温处理总枝梗和颖花分化数与现存数低于穗分化Ⅱ期,但二次枝梗和颖花退化数较多,颖花退化数较穗分化Ⅱ期高11.6%;穗分化Ⅱ期低温处理穗部籽粒结实率显著低于穗分化Ⅵ期,降幅达3.7%,主要与花粉粒活性、柱头花粉散落数、花药开裂系数和籽粒充实度受低温影响较大有关.另外,穗分化Ⅱ、Ⅵ两时期受17 ℃低温胁迫效应大于20 ℃.综合穗分化两时期低温胁迫效应的差异,生产中需加强相应栽培措施的调控.  相似文献   
Sequence characterization of the genomic region of sorghum yellow seed 1 shows the presence of two genes that are arranged in a head to tail orientation. The two duplicated gene copies, y1 and y2 are separated by a 9.084 kbp intergenic region, which is largely composed of highly repetitive sequences. The y1 is the functional copy, while the y2 may represent a pseudogene; there are several sequence indels and rearrangements within the putative coding region of y2. The y1 gene encodes a R2R3 type of Myb domain protein that regulates the expression of chalcone synthase, chalcone isomerase and dihydroflavonol reductase genes required for the biosynthesis of 3-deoxyflavonoids. Expression of y1 can be observed throughout the plant and it represents a combination of expression patterns produced by different alleles of the maize p1. Comparative sequence analysis within the coding regions and flanking sequences of y1, y2 and their maize and teosinte orthologs show local rearrangements and insertions that may have created modified regulatory regions. These micro-colinearity modifications possibly are responsible for differential patterns of expression in maize and sorghum floral and vegetative tissues. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that sorghum y1 and y2 sequences may have arisen by gene duplication mechanisms and represent an evolutionarily parallel event to the duplication of maize p2 and p1 genes.  相似文献   
多胞质玉米胚乳淀粉粒性状的扫描电镜观察   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
李敬玲  贾敬鸾 《遗传学报》1999,26(3):249-253
11种多胞质系玉米胚乳淀粉粒的扫描电镜观察表明:不同的细胞质对细胞核有不同程度的互作,3种甜质胞质玉米的胚乳淀粉粒多呈球形,排列紧密,存在一定的共性;4种雄性不育胞质玉米的胚乳淀粉粒多呈不规则形,除(T)Mo17外,排列疏松。这11种玉米胚乳淀粉粒的平均直径为9.78μm ̄14.69μm,通过玉米胚乳淀粉粒形态特征的观察,在玉米淀粉性状和玉米籽粒的商品价值关系上进行一定程度探索,为玉米的进一步发展  相似文献   
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