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生态创新的内涵、分类体系与研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
董颖  石磊 《生态学报》2010,30(9):2465-2474
我国正处于从"中国制造"向"中国创造"转变的关键时期,生态创新对于我国经济增长模式的生态化转型和综合国家竞争力的提升具有重要的意义。在回顾生态创新发展历程的基础上辨析了生态创新的概念内涵,指出双重外部性、技术推动与市场拉动效应的特殊性、以及环境管治的推/拉效应是生态创新不同于一般创新的特性。接着,分微观、中观和宏观尺度建构了生态创新的等级体系并阐述了主要研究领域和范式。然后,评述了企业、行业和国家3个尺度上的生态创新进展,指出企业生态创新研究最为活跃,而行业和区域层面的研究相对滞后。最后,分析了当前生态创新研究存在的问题,并指出我国如果在企业生态创新、国家生态竞争战略、经济发展模式生态化转型和生态创新管治等战略问题上左右摇摆甚至处理不当,很可能将失去在生态创新"第六轮工业革命"崛起的机会。  相似文献   
This paper discusses mathematical models of expressing severity of injury and probability of survival following trauma and their use in establishing clinical governance of a trauma system. There are five sections: (i) Historical overview of scoring systems—anatomical, physiological and combined systems and the advantages and disadvantages of each. (ii) Definitions used in official statistics—definitions of ‘killed in action’ and other categories and the importance of casualty reporting rates and comparison across conflicts and nationalities. (iii) Current scoring systems and clinical governance—clinical governance of the trauma system in the Defence Medical Services (DMS) by using trauma scoring models to analyse injury and clinical patterns. (iv) Unexpected outcomes—unexpected outcomes focus clinical governance tools. Unexpected survivors signify good practice to be promulgated. Unexpected deaths pick up areas of weakness to be addressed. Seventy-five clinically validated unexpected survivors were identified over 2 years during contemporary combat operations. (v) Future developments—can the trauma scoring methods be improved? Trauma scoring systems use linear approaches and have significant weaknesses. Trauma and its treatment is a complex system. Nonlinear methods need to be investigated to determine whether these will produce a better approach to the analysis of the survival from major trauma.  相似文献   
This article analyzes the policy choices and programmatic elements of extended producer responsibility (EPR) as implemented in the United States and Canada. The article traces the historical development of EPR in each country and defines common features of EPR in each nation. The U.S. states and the Canadian provinces have assumed the primary role, rather than the federal governments, for enacting producer responsibility requirements in their respective countries. However, the paths taken demonstrate several fundamental differences, including the prevalence of individual versus collective responsibility and the financing mechanisms implemented for EPR. Given the deepening experience with EPR and the breadth of its application to a widening array of products in the United States, the Canadian model for EPR is starting to receive more examination from policy makers in the United States, indicating that the policy and programmatic differences between the two nations may eventually be narrowing. The comparative policy analysis is illustrated through the lens of EPR regulatory efforts for waste electronics, with particular profiles of the programs in the State of Minnesota and Province of Ontario. Both approaches broadly reflect many of the policy considerations and governance and programmatic themes that dominate EPR programs in each country. Finally, the article offers recommendations for collaborative work between the United States and Canada to explore consistency between programs and other complementary strategies to support producer responsibility activities.  相似文献   
为了弄清什么是公立医院的管理体制,公立医院管理体制改革的对象是什么等问题,通过系统阅读和整理若干文献, 认为:公立医院管理体制改革不是简单的“管办分开”,其本身并非改革的目的,而只是完善公立医院管理体制的手段;也不等于单纯地建立医院管理理事会。改革我国公立医院陈旧落后的管理体制就是要做到:在公立医院的外部治理上,转变政府职能,实现政府的宏观规划监管职能与微观经营管理职能分开,让医院获得经营管理的自主权;在公立医院的内部治理上,建立以医院管理理事会为核心的法人治理结构,在公立医院拥有充分自主权的前提下,实现公立医院的决策权、执行权与监督权的独立与相互制衡。  相似文献   
县级公立医院改革是我国医药卫生体制改革的“重心”。绩效型行政化和治理型市场化是破除管制型市场化的两大改革模式。从基本观点和制度安排两个角度对绩效型行政化和治理型市场化两大改革模式进行比较,并提出推进治理型市场化改革模式的主要思路。  相似文献   
This editorial article aims to highlight advances in artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in five areas: Collaborative AI, Multimodal AI, Human-Centered AI, Equitable AI, and Ethical and Value-based AI in order to cope with future complex socioeconomic and public health issues.  相似文献   
马程伟  文超祥  李燕 《生态学报》2024,44(12):5102-5115
海岸带长期承受陆海生态风险的交互扰动,基于陆海统筹的系统性治理是提升其生态韧性的重要途径。海岸带生态管治条块分割的问题突出,生态系统具有相对独立性的海湾,作为陆海统筹的实施单元,为海岸带生态韧性测度与规划提供了新视角。在梳理海湾生态要素构成的基础上,分析陆海生态灾害诱因及其作用方式,进而厘清海湾生态系统的韧性响应机制。在陆海统筹目标下构建了海湾生态韧性测评指标体系,并以厦门湾为空间单元展开实例研究,采用相关模型剖析厦门湾陆域-海域生态韧性的耦合协调特征及演进驱动因子;聚焦厦门湾生态韧性薄弱之处,从构筑生态安全格局、分级整治韧性空间、联动管控韧性要素、建构跨界协同机制4个维度提出陆海统筹治理策略,以促进厦门湾生态系统可持续发展。该研究的理论建构及实践总结可为其他海湾单元生态文明建设提供参考。  相似文献   
王晓圆  谭荣 《生态学报》2024,44(14):6130-6141
生态产品价值实现是生态文明建设的重大理论和现实命题,建立健全生态产品价值实现治理体系对于生态文明建设具有重大意义。近年来各地生态产品价值实现机制试点实践已经表明,生态产品价值实现治理具有复杂性,根据治理对象社会经济属性一一匹配治理模式,在政府与市场之间线性地寻求治理方案的传统治理逻辑已经无法有效应对其复杂性。以复杂系统视角重新审视生态产品价值实现治理,深刻把握生态产品价值实现治理体系的复杂结构,才是应对生态产品价值实现治理复杂性的治理之道。基于此,以丽水为案例,引入行动情景网络分析方法,通过识别丽水市生态产品价值实现治理体系建设的两个演进阶段,定性分析了一个完善、有效、可持续的生态产品价值实现治理体系的复杂结构。结果表明:丽水生态产品价值实现治理体系建设经历了以生态产品数量质量提升为前提、生态产业化为重点到以生态产品价值核算为切入点、生态产品市场化改革为重心的生态产品价值实现治理转型,两阶段的关键行动者均为丽水政府,但政府治理方式发生了从管理型到服务型的转变,更多市场主体和社会主体参与其中、制度规则不断完善、调节服务类生态产品经济价值得到显化。  相似文献   
The development of the science and practice of restoration ecology in Argentina can be divided into three periods. The first was 1992–2004, characterized by isolated restoration efforts, mostly in arid and dry ecosystems, and engaging specific people in the academic, agro‐technological, and private sectors as partially required by national regulations, but also inspired by the 1992 Earth Summit, the 1994 Amendments of the Constitutional Law, and environmental guidelines from investment entities. The second period of 2005–2010 showed significantly greater involvement in international networking and conference contributions. The current period from 2011‐present has witnessed rapid advances and national integration. The country's network Red de Restauración Ecológica de Argentina (REA) was founded in 2012, with seven subnational nodes. In 2014, the 2nd REA symposium was held to determine priority areas for restoration and to generate a National Plan. Public agencies, NGOs and volunteer groups are now actively engaged stakeholders. In 2013 Argentina became a founder member of SIACRE (Sociedad Ibero‐Americana y del Caribe para la Restauración Ecológica) and is organizing SIACRE's 4th international conference (April 2015; Buenos Aires). Restoration ecology in Argentina is ascendant because of long‐term efforts related to strengthening democracy, people initiatives, and strong support from SIACRE, SER (Society for Ecological Restoration), SER‐Europe, and the national networks of Colombia, Brazil, Mexico, and Chile. Moreover, Argentina is now the first country to have updated its Civil Code by integrating the environment as a “legal good,” which reinforces the citizens' rights to demand the implementation of degradation prevention and/or ecosystem restoration measures.  相似文献   
In 2009, a group of practitioners took action to restore 175 miles of riparian habitat impaired by invasive plants along the Dolores River in southwestern Colorado and eastern Utah. Recognizing the magnitude of ecological, jurisdictional, and management challenges associated with this large‐scale initiative, this group of managers built trust and relationships with key partners to foster collaboration across boundaries and cultivate consensus of a variety of perspectives and forms of knowledge. What emerged was a network of individuals, organizations, and agencies dedicated to restoring the Dolores River riparian corridor while sharing information and learning from one another. This public–private collaboration, called the Dolores River Restoration Partnership (DRRP), has been successful in creating a process by which financial, technical, and human resources are shared across boundaries to restore a riparian corridor. Specifically, the DRRP developed effective planning documents, a responsive governance structure, monitoring protocols, and a shared mindset for extracting lessons learned that have been instrumental in making progress toward its shared restoration goals and addressing a wide variety of restoration challenges. The tools developed by the partnership and lessons learned from their utility are outlined in this case study as a means to inform other collaborative restoration efforts.  相似文献   
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