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薇甘菊是大湄公河次区域的重要恶性入侵杂草,其种群跨境入侵扩张备受区域各国政府的高度重视和社会广泛关注。2011年以来在我国相关农业科研机构、团队和专家的科技支撑下,中国云南与周边五国科研机构成立“大湄公河次区域植物保护工作组”。本文简要介绍工作组围绕该入侵杂草在生态异质性条件下种群扩展与灾变过程的预警监测、阻截防控带建设、替代控制与选择性除草剂协同应用取得的阶段性成效,为积极主动融入国家“一带一路”倡议的实施,服务于中国云南的经济国境线、绿色国境线和生态国境线发挥建设性作用。  相似文献   
Biobanks are adopting various modes of public engagement to close the agency gap between participants and biobank builders. We propose a wiki-governance model for biobanks that harnesses Web 2.0, and which gives citizens the ability to collaborate in biobank governance and policymaking.  相似文献   
Building resilience in integrated human and nature systems or social–ecological systems (SES) is key for sustainability. Therefore, developing ways of assessing resilience is of practical as well as theoretical significance. We approached the issue by focusing on the local level and using five lagoon systems from various parts of the world for illustration. We used a framework based on four categories of factors for building resilience: (1) learning to live with change and uncertainty; (2) nurturing diversity for reorganization and renewal; (3) combining different kinds of knowledge; and (4) creating opportunity for self-organization. Under each category, the cases generated a number of items for building resilience, and potential surrogates of resilience, that is, variables through which the persistence of SES emerging through change can be assessed. The following factors were robust across all five lagoon SES cases: learning from crisis, responding to change, nurturing ecological memory, monitoring the environment, and building capacity for self-organization and conflict management.  相似文献   
现存于岭南地区的惠州西湖、潮州西湖、雷州西湖、端州(肇庆)星湖、邕州(南宁)南湖、桂州(桂林)西湖和榕杉湖等都是基于城市格局和山水尺度营造的风景园林。这些风景园林和所在州府城市的发展紧密联系,并且集中于唐宋时期生成,刘管平先生将其归纳为岭南州府园林。从公共性本身的视角出发,主要集中于管治、使用2个主要方面来考察岭南州府园林的公共性,从而揭示了在唐宋特定历史时期,岭南州府园林的4个公共性特征,并进一步指出这一类公共园林作为一种“古典公共园林”而存在。  相似文献   
Invasive alien species (IAS) constitute a major threat to global biological diversity. In order to control their spread, a detailed understanding of the factors influencing their distribution is essential. Although international trade is regarded as a major force structuring spatial patterns of IAS, the role of other social factors remains unclear. Despite studies highlighting the importance of strong governance in slowing drivers of biodiversity loss such as logging, deforestation, and agricultural intensification, no study has yet analyzed its contribution to the issue of IAS. Using estimates of governance quality and comprehensive spatiotemporal IAS data, we performed multiple linear regressions to investigate the effect of governance quality upon the distribution of species listed under “100 of the worst” IAS in 38 Eurasian countries as defined by DASIE. Our model suggested that for countries with higher GDP, stronger governance was associated with a greater number of the worst IAS; in contrast, for the lowest GDP countries under analysis, stronger governance was associated with fewer of these IAS. We elucidate how the quality of governance within a country has implications for trade, tourism, transport, legislation, and economic development, all of which influence the spread of IAS. While our findings support the common assumption that strengthening governance benefits conservation interventions in countries of smaller economy, we find that this effect is not universal. Stronger governance alone cannot adequately address the problem of IAS, and targeted action is required in relatively high‐GDP countries in order to stem the influx of IAS associated with high volumes of trade.  相似文献   
Thinking about the governance of Indigenous poverty as an economic, social and racial project, the paper offers a way of understanding the dynamics of Indigenous policy formation in Australia in the neo-liberal age as what Howard Winant first coined a racial formation. In providing this analysis, this paper sits alongside a small, but growing body of work that reveals the racialized effects of governing through poverty in the neo-liberal age.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: Urine cytology is costly because of the skilled manpower required for analysis. Inappropriate requests are a significant drain both financially and on the cytopathologist's time. The present study aimed at identifying the extent and cause of this misuse and reduce it. METHODS: An audit of urine cytology usage was undertaken using the hospital results reporting system to identify requests. Patient case notes were then obtained to gain further clinical information. Initially a 2-week period was analysed, following which departmental guidelines for requesting urine cytology were produced and circulated. The audit loop was then closed. RESULTS: Over the initial 2-week period, 117 urine cytology requests were received. Thirty-three per cent were inappropriate, either because they were from patients with benign disease or because of duplication. Following the education programme this number fell to 6%. Expenditure on unnecessary samples thus decreased from pounds 2418 to only pounds 310, giving an annual overall saving of pounds 55,000. CONCLUSION: Significant cost and time savings can be made if urine cytology is sent appropriately. Simple guidelines and staff education are the key to reducing inefficiency. Our findings have implications not just for cytopathology costs but for laboratory and radiology requests in general.  相似文献   
Recent proposals to compensate developing countries for reducing emissions from deforestation (RED) under forthcoming climate change mitigation regimes are receiving increasing attention. Here we demonstrate that if RED credits were traded on international carbon markets, even moderate decreases in deforestation rates could generate billions of Euros annually for tropical forest conservation. We also discuss the main challenges for a RED mechanism that delivers real climatic benefits. These include providing sufficient incentives while only rewarding deforestation reductions beyond business-as-usual scenarios, addressing risks arising from forest degradation and international leakage, and ensuring permanence of emission reductions. Governance may become a formidable challenge for RED because some countries with the highest RED potentials score poorly on governance indices. In addition to climate mitigation, RED funds could help achieve substantial co-benefits for biodiversity conservation and human development. However, this will probably require targeted additional support because the highest biodiversity threats and human development needs may exist in countries that have limited income potentials from RED. In conclusion, how successfully a market-based RED mechanism can contribute to climate change mitigation, conservation and development will strongly depend on accompanying measures and carefully designed incentive structures involving governments, business, as well as the conservation and development communities.  相似文献   
Some coupled land-climate models predict a dieback of Amazon forest during the twenty-first century due to climate change, but human land use in the region has already reduced the forest cover. The causation behind land use is complex, and includes economic, institutional, political and demographic factors. Pre-eminent among these factors is road building, which facilitates human access to natural resources that beget forest fragmentation. While official government road projects have received considerable attention, unofficial road building by interest groups is expanding more rapidly, especially where official roads are being paved, yielding highly fragmented forest mosaics. Effective governance of natural resources in the Amazon requires a combination of state oversight and community participation in a 'hybrid' model of governance. The MAP Initiative in the southwestern Amazon provides an example of an innovative hybrid approach to environmental governance. It embodies a polycentric structure that includes government agencies, NGOs, universities and communities in a planning process that links scientific data to public deliberations in order to mitigate the effects of new infrastructure and climate change.  相似文献   
This EFOMP Policy Statement presents an outline on hospital governance and encourages the participation of the Medical Physicist in the hospital governance. It also emphasises how essential it is for Medical Physicists to engage in their hospital's governing board's committees for the overall good of the patient.  相似文献   
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