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生态文明建设和生态环境治理是国家治理的基本任务之一,我国已经明确提出了提升生态系统质量和稳定性的目标。然而,生态系统质量的科学概念及其状态演变的评估理论和方法却是一直困扰学术界且尚未形成广泛共识的难题。本文在梳理生态系统质量的科学概念及其状态演变研究进展基础上,借鉴物质生产的产品质量、质量管理和质量评价概念,论述了生态系统质量概念及生态学理论基础,从生态系统的自然属性-社会属性-经济属性及其相互关系,生态系统组分-结构-过程-功能-服务-功效的级联关系,系统要素-系统-环境互馈关系,以及生态系统的状态波动-数量变化-质量改变的逻辑关系等视角,讨论了生态系统质量及演变的科学内涵,进而从自然资源环境系统、典型生态系统、区域宏观生态系统、生态工程效应/功效等方面,提出了多应用目标的生态系统质量变化评估的视角和方法。  相似文献   
The history of wild and cultivated plant diversity in Uganda is reviewed, taking forest species and bananas as examples. Palynological research into past human influences on forests is reassessed. The evidence suggests that crops were first introduced into the country at about 1,000 BCE, farming communities practicing slash and burn agriculture started to significantly influence the floristic composition of forests during the 1st millennium BCE and there was a major episode of forest reduction at about 1,000 CE related to socio economic change. Bananas were probably introduced in the early centuries CE. The colonial era from 1894 saw the introduction of new concepts of land ownership and the establishment of forest reserves and agricultural stations. Forests and banana diversity are currently under threat, Uganda having a very high rate of deforestation and endemic banana varieties proving susceptible to introduced pests and diseases. It is suggested that, under these circumstances, conservationists take an opportunistic approach to field engagement, making use of favourable local conditions as they arise. Partnerships should be sought with elements of society concerned with sustainable use, provision of ecosystem services and cultural survival to widen the social base of plant conservation. International organisations involved in conservation of plant genetic resources and wild plant species should collaborate with one another to develop the conceptual basis of plant conservation, to make it more relevant to countries like Uganda.  相似文献   
The term retinitis pigmentosa (RP) indicates a heterogeneous group of genetic rare ocular diseases in which either rods or cones are prevalently damaged. RP represents the most common hereditary cause of blindness in people from 20 to 60 years old. In general, the different RP forms consist of progressive photo-receptorial neuro-degenerations, which are characterized by variable visual disabilities and considerable socio-sanitary burden. Sometimes, RP patients do not become visually impaired or legally blind until their 40-50 years of age and/or maintain a quite acceptable sight for all their life. Other individuals with RP become completely blind very early or in middle childhood. Although there is no treatment that can effectively cure RP, in some case-series the disease's progression seems to be reducible by specific preventive approaches. In the most part of RP patients, the quality of vision can be considerably increased by means of nanometer-controlled filters. In the present review, the main aspects of the routine clinical and rehabilitative managements for RP patients are described, particularly focusing on the importance of specific referral Centers to practice a real multidisciplinary governance of these dramatic diseases.  相似文献   
建立国家公园的目的之一是保护生态系统的原真性和完整性。然而, 生态系统完整性和原真性保护不仅面对交叉重叠、多头管理导致碎片化管理问题, 还要面对行政区划进一步造成的碎片化和管理分割的现实。钱江源国家公园体制试点区地跨浙江、安徽和江西三省, 存在国家公园跨界治理过程中的三大普遍问题: 跨界协同治理空间边界划定、生态保育政策及执行不统一、毗邻社区居民生计对自然资源依赖与生态保护目标的矛盾。文章借鉴法国大区公园治理经验, 依据《建立国家公园体制总体方案》精神, 提出钱江源国家公园跨界治理中必须形成一个政府主导(公园管理机构为代表), 企业、社区居民和第三方组织共同参与的多元主体协同治理组织框架, 并针对上述三个问题, 提出通过第三方组织参与方式实现跨越行政壁垒的统一保护、通过社区协议保护方式实现保护标准的统一、通过国家公园产品品牌增值体系实现保护与发展的可持续性。  相似文献   
This study aims at supporting the maintenance of representative functional habitat networks as green infrastructure for biodiversity conservation through transdisciplinary macroecological analyses of wet grassland landscapes and their stewardship systems. We chose ten north European wet grassland case study landscapes from Iceland and the Netherlands in the west to Lithuania and Belarus in the east. We combine expert experiences for 20–30 years, comparative studies made 2011–2017, and longitudinal analyses spanning >70 years. Wader, or shorebird, (Charadrii) assemblages were chosen as a focal species group. We used evidence‐based knowledge and practical experience generated in three steps. (1) Experts from 8 wet grassland landscapes in northern Europe''s west and east mapped factors linked to patterns and processes, and management and governance, in social‐ecological systems that affect states and trends of wet grasslands as green infrastructures for wader birds. (2) To understand wader conservation problems and their dynamic in wet grassland landscapes, and to identify key issues for successful conservation, we applied group modeling using causal loop diagram mapping. (3) Validation was made using the historic development in two additional wet grassland landscapes. Wader conservation was dependent on ten dynamically interacting ecological and social system factors as leverage points for management. Re‐wetting and grazing were common drivers for the ecological and social system, and long‐term economic support for securing farmers’ interest in wader bird conservation. Financial public incentives at higher levels of governance of wetland management are needed to stimulate private income loops. Systems analysis based on contrasting landscape case studies in space and over time can support (1) understanding of complex interactions in social‐ecological systems, (2) collaborative learning in individual wet grassland landscapes, and (3) formulation of priorities for conservation, management, and restoration.  相似文献   
Although the need for holistic ocean governance has been widely accepted and some implementation efforts have been undertaken, there is still a significant lack of understanding or agreement as to its content, or primary objective(s). While both principled and process-based approaches have been proposed as providing objectives or content for the holistic approach, both have flaws. In this article, an approach that combines both principle and process—the ecosystem approach—is assessed and the degree to which it can provide and does already provide such content and objective(s) is explored.  相似文献   
齐齐哈尔市中医医院在产权制度改革基础上,探索建立了以理事会为核心的公立医院法人治理结构。政府将公立医院进行股份制改造,将经营权让渡给决策层,决策层在保留重大决策权和监督功能的前提下,再让渡给医院管理层,使公立医院的规模资产不断聚和、资产效率显著提高。  相似文献   
Climate change is one of the many stressors to which humans must adapt. Environmental concerns usually combine with other factors such as poverty, ethnic strife, or poor governance to become serious enough problems to warrant strong action. Migration away from affected areas is one time‐tested response. This article proposes a migration‐oriented research agenda for industrial ecology based on an examination of migration flows and ways of thinking about them, variations across contexts, implications for infrastructure and housing, the framing of climate‐related migration, and short‐term and longer‐term fluctuations in the demand for shelter and services in high and low income countries. Elements of this agenda include understanding decentralized migration decisions, developing socio‐ecologically based solutions for migration‐related problems, and embracing an urban focus that makes infrastructures more adaptable and makes cities more resilient and equitable.  相似文献   
A reading of the puzzle novel ViennaBlood, by Adrian Mathews, is juxtaposed tothree ethnographic sketches of contemporaryethical plateaus or domains of ethicalchallenge – the challenges of informed publicconsent to new technologies, the seductions todo whatever is medically possible (sometimes atthe expense of quality of life or the `gooddeath'), and the power of money in driving thebiotechnological industries. ViennaBlood deals with precautionary germplasmmodification and chemical camouflage justifiedas protection against ethnically-targetedbiological warfare, and touches on a series oftechnologies such as new reproductivetechnologies, genetic engineering, andcryptographic attacks and defenses, as well asthe ability to evade regulatory controls. Suchtechnoscientifically informed novels are usefulas cautionary tales, in exploring thecomplexity and interaction among newtechnologies, and the phantasmagoria that helpdrive new technologies. They are not so good atthinking through institutional development: achallenge for ethnography and new socialtheory. Ethnography, like novels, can functionas checks on the mechanisms of abstraction anduniversalization that frequently bedevil thenon-anthropological, non-cross-culturally orcross-temporally comparative, social sciences.Questions are raised about new or emergentbiosocialities, forms of governance, and formsof cultural critique.  相似文献   
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