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In the genus Oryza, interspecific hybrids are useful bridges for transferring the desired genes from wild species to cultivated rice (Oryza sativa L.). In the present study, hybrids between O. sativa (AA genome) and three Chinese wild rices, namely O. rufipogon (AA genome), O. officinalis (CC genome), and O. meyeriana (GG genome), were produced. Agricultural traits of the F1 hybrids surveyed were intermediate between their parents and appreciably resembled wild rice parents. Except for the O. sativa × O. rufipogon hybrid, the other F1 hybrids were completely sterile. Genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) was used for hybrid verification. Wild rice genomic DNAs were used as probes and cultivated rice DNA was used as a block. With the exception of O. rufipogon chromosomes, this method distinguished the other two wild rice and cultivated rice chromosomes at the stage of mitotic metaphase with different blocking ratios. The results suggest that a more distant phylogenetic relationship exists between O. meyeriana and O. sativa and that O. rufipogon and O. sativa share a high degree of sequence homology. The average mitotic chromosome length of O. officinalis and O. meyeriana was 1.25- and 1.51-fold that of O. sativa, respectively. 4',6'-Diamidino- 2-phenylindole staining showed that the chromosomes of O. officinalis and O. meyeriana harbored more heterochromatin, suggesting that the C and G genomes were amplified with repetitive sequences compared with the A genome. Although chromocenters formed by chromatin compaction were detected with wild rice-specific signals corresponding to the C and G genomes in discrete domains of the F1 hybrid interphase nuclei, the size and number of O. meyeriana chromocenters were bigger and greater than those of O. officinalis. The present results provide an important understanding of the genomic relationships and a tool for the transfer of useful genes from three native wild rice species in China to cultivars.  相似文献   


Bananas and plantains (Musa spp.) provide a staple food for many millions of people living in the humid tropics. The cultivated varieties (cultivars) are seedless parthenocarpic clones of which the origin remains unclear. Many are believed to be diploid and polyploid hybrids involving the A genome diploid M. acuminata and the B genome M. balbisiana, with the hybrid genomes consisting of a simple combination of the parental ones. Thus the genomic constitution of the diploids has been classified as AB, and that of the triploids as AAB or ABB. However, the morphology of many accessions is biased towards either the A or B phenotype and does not conform to predictions based on these genomic formulae.


On the basis of published cytotypes (mitochondrial and chloroplast genomes), we speculate here that the hybrid banana genomes are unbalanced with respect to the parental ones, and/or that inter-genome translocation chromosomes are relatively common. We hypothesize that the evolution under domestication of cultivated banana hybrids is more likely to have passed through an intermediate hybrid, which was then involved in a variety of backcrossing events. We present experimental data supporting our hypothesis and we propose a set of experimental approaches to test it, thereby indicating other possibilities for explaining some of the unbalanced genome expressions. Progress in this area would not only throw more light on the origin of one of the most important crops, but provide data of general relevance for the evolution under domestication of many other important clonal crops. At the same time, a complex origin of the cultivated banana hybrids would imply a reconsideration of current breeding strategies.  相似文献   
The reactions of the Keplerate super cluster [Mo132O372(CH3CO2)30(H2O)72]42− with a Cu(II) source and an organonitrogen donor in methanol/DMF solutions yielded a series of bimetallic organic-inorganic oxide hybrid materials, including the molecular species [Cu(phen)2MoO4] (1) and [{Cu(terpy)}2(MoO4)2] (2) and a series of materials constructed from the tetranuclear building block {Mo4O10(OMe)6}2−: the molecular [{Cu2(phen)2(O2CCH3)2 (MeOH)}Mo4O10(OMe)6] (3), [{Cu(terpy)(O2CCH3)}2Mo4O10(OMe)6] (4) and [{Cu(terpy)Cl}2Mo4O10(OMe)6] (5), the one-dimensional phases [{Cu(bpy)(HOMe)2}Mo4O10(OMe)6] (6), [{Cu(bpy)(DMF)2}Mo4O10(OMe)6] (7), [{Cu(bpa)(DMF)2}Mo4O10(OMe)6] (8), [{Cu(phen)(DMF)2}Mo4O10(OMe)6] (9) and [{CuCl(dpa)}2Mo4O10(OMe)6] (10), and the two-dimensional material [{Cu2(DMF)2(pdpa)}{Mo4O10(OMe)6}2] (11). When methanol is replaced by the tridentate alkoxide tris-methoxypropane (trisp), the {Mo2O4(trisp)2}2− cluster building block is observed for [Cu(phen)Mo2O4(trisp)2] (12), [Cu(bpa)(DMF)Mo2O4(trisp)2] (13) and [{Cu(bpy)(NO3)}2Mo2O4(trisp)2] (14).  相似文献   
Based on the presence of three types of eggs with different diameters 0.13, 0.17 and 0.2 cm, we made two crosses: F2 (♀) × diploid red crucian carp (♂), and F2 (♀) × F10 tetraploid (♂). The ploidy levels of the progeny of the two crosses were examined by chromosome counting and DNA content measurement by flow cytometer. In the offspring of the former cross, tetraploids, trip-loids, and diploid were obtained. In the progeny of the latter cross, tetraploids and triploids were observed. The production of the different ploidy level fish in the progeny of the two crosses provided a further evidence that F2 might generate triploid, diploid and haploid eggs. The presence of the male tetraploid found in F2 (♀) × diploid red crucian carp (♂) suggested that the genotype of XXXY probably existed in the tetraploid progeny. The gonadal structures of the tetraploids and triploids indicated that both female and male tetraploids were fertile and the triploids were sterile. We concluded that the formations of different ploidy level eggs from F2 were contributed by endoreduplication and fusion of germ cells.  相似文献   
Visual stimuli are detected and conveyed over a wide dynamic range of light intensities and frequency changes by specialized neurons in the vertebrate retina. Two classes of retinal neurons, photoreceptors and bipolar cells, accomplish this by using ribbon-type active zones, which enable sustained and high-throughput neurotransmitter release over long time periods. ON-type mixed bipolar cell (Mb) terminals in the goldfish retina, which depolarize to light stimuli and receive mixed rod and cone photoreceptor input, are suitable for the study of ribbon-type synapses both due to their large size (~10-12 μm diameter) and to their numerous lateral and reciprocal synaptic connections with amacrine cell dendrites. Direct access to Mb bipolar cell terminals in goldfish retinal slices with the patch-clamp technique allows the measurement of presynaptic Ca2+ currents, membrane capacitance changes, and reciprocal synaptic feedback inhibition mediated by GABAA and GABAC receptors expressed on the terminals. Presynaptic membrane capacitance measurements of exocytosis allow one to study the short-term plasticity of excitatory neurotransmitter release 14,15. In addition, short-term and long-term plasticity of inhibitory neurotransmitter release from amacrine cells can also be investigated by recordings of reciprocal feedback inhibition arriving at the Mb terminal 21. Over short periods of time (e.g. ~10 s), GABAergic reciprocal feedback inhibition from amacrine cells undergoes paired-pulse depression via GABA vesicle pool depletion 11. The synaptic dynamics of retinal microcircuits in the inner plexiform layer of the retina can thus be directly studied.The brain-slice technique was introduced more than 40 years ago but is still very useful for the investigation of the electrical properties of neurons, both at the single cell soma, single dendrite or axon, and microcircuit synaptic level 19. Tissues that are too small to be glued directly onto the slicing chamber are often first embedded in agar (or placed onto a filter paper) and then sliced 20, 23, 18, 9. In this video, we employ the pre-embedding agar technique using goldfish retina. Some of the giant bipolar cell terminals in our slices of goldfish retina are axotomized (axon-cut) during the slicing procedure. This allows us to isolate single presynaptic nerve terminal inputs, because recording from axotomized terminals excludes the signals from the soma-dendritic compartment. Alternatively, one can also record from intact Mb bipolar cells, by recording from terminals attached to axons that have not been cut during the slicing procedure. Overall, use of this experimental protocol will aid in studies of retinal synaptic physiology, microcircuit functional analysis, and synaptic transmission at ribbon synapses.  相似文献   
马铃薯杂种F1的SSR鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为选育抗黑痣病、高产优质的马铃薯新品种,选用引进品种‘大西洋’分别与‘陇薯6号’、‘陇薯7号’杂交,获得了杂种F1代,利用SSR标记技术对‘大西洋’与‘陇薯6号’的42个杂种F1、‘大西洋’与‘陇薯7号’的9个杂种F1单株进行了鉴定。从59对SSR引物中筛选出2对在亲本间存在差异、扩增稳定、条带清晰的引物S184和STM1049,用于‘大西洋’ב陇薯6号’杂种F1、‘大西洋’ב陇薯7号’杂种F1及其亲本的基因组DNA扩增。SSR带型分析显示,杂种F1的SSR带型呈双亲互补型、缺失型、父本型和母本型4类,依据带型特征鉴定出供试的51个马铃薯杂种F1单株均为真杂种,表明SSR分子标记技术用于马铃薯杂种真实性鉴定是可行的。该研究可为进一步开展马铃薯杂交后代目标性状优异株系选育提供依据。  相似文献   
Zhao P  Xu LC  Huang JW  Fu B  Yu HC  Zhang WH  Chen J  Yao JH  Ji LN 《Bioorganic chemistry》2008,36(6):278-287
Four cationic porphyrin–anthraquinone (Por–AQ) hybrids differing in lengths of flexible alkyl linkage, 5-[4-(1-N-anthraquinonon-yl)-l-oxophenyl]-10,15,20-tris(N-methylpyridinium-4-yl)porphyrin triiodide, (l = acetyl, pentanoyl, octanoyl, undecanoyl, designed as [AQATMPyP]I3, [AQPTMPyP]I3, [AQOTMPyP]I3 and [AQUTMPyP]I3, respectively, see Fig. 1), were synthesized and their interactions with DNA were investigated. The results of spectroscopic, denaturation and viscosity measurements suggest that [AQATMPyP]I3 binds to DNA through non-intercalative mode while the other three hybrids with longer links bind via bis-intercalative mode. Ethidium bromide (EB) competition experiment was carried out to determine the binding constants (Kb) of these compounds for CT DNA, and [AQPTMPyP]I3 shows the largest Kb among these hybrids. The photocleavage mechanism and wavelength-dependent cleaving abilities of these hybrids to pBR322 plasmid DNA were also comparably investigated.  相似文献   
A few individuals with intermediate morphology always appeared in the sympatric distributions of Gentiana straminea and G. siphonantha. These intermediate individuals were hypothesized to be the hybrids of two species after a careful evaluation of their morphological characteristics. To test this hypothesis, sequence comparison of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of the nuclear ribosomal and trnS (GCU)-trnG (UCC) intergenic spacer region of the chloroplast DNA from Gentiana straminea, G. siphonantha and the putative hybrids was performed. The results suggest that most intermediate individuals were the natural hybrids between G. straminea and G. siphonantha. In addition, we examined the sequence variation among the individuals of both parent species and analyzed the possibility leading to the incongruent identification in some individuals based on morphologic and molecular evidences, respectively. The intraspecific diversification of DNA fragments within both parent species and their high variability in hybrid swarms probably resulted from chloroplast genome recombination and incomplete lineage sorting during the early stages of speciation origin of the parent species. __________ Translated from Acta Botanica Yunnanica, 2007, 29 (1): 91–97 [译自:云南植物研究]  相似文献   
European oaks have been reported to emit isoprene or monoterpenes derived from recently fixed photosynthetic carbon. The emission type is plant species specific and can be used as chemo‐taxonomic marker. In the present article the isoprenoid biochemical properties of mature Quercus × turneri‘Pseudoturneri’ hybrids resulting from a crossing of a Mediterranean evergreen monoterpene‐emitting species (subgenus Sclerophyllodrys; Quercus ilex L.) and an isoprene‐emitting deciduous oak species (subgenus Lepidobalanus; Quercus robur L.) are described. Both species are compared with respect to the capacity for isoprenoid synthesis and the actual isoprenoid emission pattern of different tree‐types. The analysis showed that the oak hybrid combines properties of both parental species. Furthermore, it could be shown that the enzyme activities of isoprene synthase and monoterpene synthases are reflected in the isoprenoid emission pattern of the hybrids as well as in the observed emission rates.  相似文献   
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