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The effect of a juvenile hormone analogue, S-71639, was tested on the eggs, four larval instars and adults of the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say, by topical application or after treatment of the foodplant. The last larval instar is very sensitive to S-71639. Treatment of this instar delayed the onset of pupation and prevented adult emergence. Treated animals showed severe abnormalities, but they were not immediately killed at the doses used in this study. Treatment of larvae also interfered with the photoperiodic induction of diapause. Adults, kept under diapausing conditions, started to lay eggs after treatment with S-71639. The ovicidal effect of the compound was rather weak. The implications for practical use of S-71639 in control of the Colorado potato beetle are being discussed.
Résumé L'effet d'un analogue de l'hormone juvénile, S-71639, a été testé sur les oeufs, les quatre stades larvaires et les adultes du doryphore, Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say, par application topique ou après traitement de la plante-hôte. Le dernier stade larvaire est très sensible au S-71639. Le traitement de ce stade retarde le début de la métamorphose et empêche l'émergence adulte. Les animaux traités montrent de graves anomalies, mais ne sont pas immédiatement tués par les doses utilisées dans cette étude. Le traitement des larves perturbe aussi l'induction photopériodique de la diapause. Les adultes placés dans des conditions de diapause, commencent à pondre après traitement au S-71639. L'effet ovicide de la substance est plutôt faible. Les implications pour l'utilisation pratique du S-71639 dans la lutte contre le doryphore sont discutées.
1. Differential regulation, by dexamethasone, of glucocorticoid receptor gene expression was studied in three different neuronal cultures derived from hypothalamus amygdala, and cerebral cortex. 2. Cellular glucocorticoid receptor (GR) mRNA concentration was measured by hybridization using a 32P-labeled RNA probe complementary to a 2.2-kb fragment of the glucocorticoid receptor mRNA. Changes in the amount of GR mRNA were evaluated in relation to the content of beta-actin mRNA. 3. In cells derived from either hypothalamus or cerebral cortex, we observed a complex pattern of GR mRNA concentrations which were characterized by cyclic variations of GR mRNA content during continuous treatment with dexamethasone for up to 72 hr. 4. In contrast to cells derived from the hypothalamus where a persistent 30-40% reduction in GR mRNA levels was seen for up to a least 72 hr, we observed, in cells derived from the cerebral cortex, a sustained increased (1.4-fold) of the GR mRNA at this same time interval.  相似文献   
Prolactin has a wide range of actions, including osmoregulation and the control of mammary gland development and lactation. These effects are mediated through a high-affinity cell surface receptor, which has been well characterized in a number of animal tissues. The molecular characteristics of the human receptor are unknown, however. The present studies were initiated, therefore, to determine the binding and molecular characteristics of the lactogenic receptor of human placental chorion membranes. Subcellular fractionation studies showed that the bulk of the receptor sedimented in the microsomal fraction at 45,000gav. Endogenous ligand was dissociated from the receptor with 3.5 M MgCl2 or 0.05 M acetate buffer (pH 4.8) with preservation of binding activity. The microsomal receptor bound human growth hormone (hGH), human prolactin (hPRL), ovine prolactin (oPRL), and human placental lactogen (hPL) but not non-primate growth hormones, indicating a narrow specificity for lactogenic hormones. The binding was only partially reversible in agreement with the known binding kinetics of animal lactogenic receptors. The receptor was solubilized with 45% yield from the microsomes using 16 mM 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio]-1-propane sulphonate (CHAPS) detergent-250 mM NaCl, and the binding activity was fully restored by a two-fold dilution in the binding reaction to reveal a KD of 0.8 nM for hGH and a binding capacity of 200 fmol of specifically bound hGH per mg of microsomal protein. Gel filtration chromatography indicated the minimum molecular weight of the ligand-receptor complex was approximately 60,000 daltons, and sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) of covalently cross-linked 125I-hGH-receptor complexes revealed a molecular size of 58,000 daltons. When account was taken of the contribution of the ligand, a molecular weight of 36,000 for the receptor's binding domain was obtained. These data indicate that the chorion lactogenic receptor has very similar binding and molecular characteristics to the lactogenic receptors from other mammalian species. Chorion membranes are thus a convenient source of material for the further purification and characterization of the human lactogenic receptor.  相似文献   
Exposure of fibroblasts derived from keloid tissues, desmoid and dermal tissue from individuals with Gardner's syndrome (GS) to dexamethasone resulted in the suppression of protein kinase C (PKC) activity and [3H]thymidine incorporation into DNA, and a 20-fold induction of glutamine synthetase activity. Treatment of GS and keloid fibroblasts with 0.1 microM dexamethasone for 36 h increased glucocorticoid receptor (GR) synthesis, as determined by [35S]methionine labeling and immunoprecipitation with a monoclonal antibody to the human GR. The suppression of PKC activity by dexamethasone was shown to result from a loss of protein mass as determined by immunoblotting using an antibody to PKC type III. In contrast to these results, exposure of fibroblasts isolated from normal tissues to dexamethasone did not result in the suppression PKC and [3H]thymidine incorporation, there was only a sixfold induction of glutamine synthetase, and a decrease of GR synthesis. As no primary receptor binding defect could be detected, the altered response of tumor cells to steroid-occupied receptor indicates a partial post-receptor binding defect in GS and keloid cells.  相似文献   
Summary Eels were adapted to black- or white-coloured backgrounds and the pituitary glands were prepared for light and electron microscopy. Immunocytochemical staining was used to study the distribution of the neurohypophysial melanin-concentrating hormone in the neurointermediate lobe. The hormone was located in small, elliptical, electron-opaque neurosecretory granules, measuring approximately 120×90 nm. The neurones terminated on blood vessels in the centre of the neurohypophysis and on the basement membrane separating neural and intermediate lobe tissues. The results of both light and electron immunocytochemistry and of radioimmunoassay are consistent with a higher rate of hormone release from eels adapted to white backgrounds than from those adapted to black backgrounds. In addition to this, when fish that had been adapted to white tanks were transferred to black tanks, there was an accumulation of irMCH in the gland and an increased numerical density of secretory granules at nerve terminals. These results reinforce the proposal that MCH is released during adaptation to a white background, to cause melanin concentration and to inhibit MSH release, and that its release is halted in black-adapted fish.  相似文献   
Summary By use of antisera raised against purified moultinhibiting (MIH) and crustacean hyperglycemic hormone (CHH) from Carcinus maenas, complete and distinct neurosecretory pathways for both hormones were demonstrated with the PAP and immunofluorescence technique. By double staining, employing a combination of silver-enhanced immunogold labelling and PAP, both antigens could be visualized in the same section. Immunoreactive structures were studied in Carcinus maenas, Liocarcinus puber, Cancer pagurus, Uca pugilator and Maja squinado. They were only observed in the X-organ sinus gland (SG) system of the eyestalks and consisted of MIH-positive perikarya, which were dispersed among the more numerous CHH-positive perikarya of the medulla terminalis X-organ (XO). The MIH-positive neurons form branching collateral plexuses adjacent to the XO and axons that are arranged around the CHH-positive central axon bundle of the principal XO-SG tract. In the SG, MIH-positive axon profiles and terminals, clustered around hemolymph lacunae, are distributed between the more abundant CHH-positive axon profiles and terminals. Colocalisation of MIH and CHH was never observed. The gross morphology of both neurosecretory systems was similar in all species examined, however, in U. pugilator and M. squinado immunostaining for MIH was relatively faint unless higher concentrations of antiserum were used. Possible reasons for this phenomenon as well as observed moult cycle-related differences in immunostaining are discussed.  相似文献   
We have used the chemically synthesized sequence of pre-pro-parathyroid hormone and several of its analogues to test the notion that the capacity of amphipathic peptides to aggregate in membranes and form ion-permeable channels correlates with their ability to function as signal sequences for secreted proteins. We found that pre-pro-parathyroid hormone (the signal sequence and pro-region of parathyroid hormone (M)), as well as some of its analogues, forms aggregates of monomers which are ion-permeable. The ion-permeable aggregates (2–3 monomers) formed by (M) are voltage-dependent and are more permeable for cations than for anions. The compounds which formed ion channels in bilayers also acted as potential signal sequences. We conclude that the ability of peptides to form ion-permeable pathways in bilayers may be correlated to their ability to function as signal peptides.  相似文献   
The mechanism of ‘down regulation’ of luteinizing hormone receptors was investigated in pseudopregnant rats using a modified radioimmunoassay capable of measuring endogenous tissue-bound hormone. Treatment of pseudopregnant animals with a desensitizing dose (desensitization treatment) of human chorionic gonadotropin resulted in a decrease in receptor concentration. This decrease was prevented if the animals were treated prior to the desensitization treatment with indomethacin, an inhibitor of prostaglandin biosynthesis, suggesting a role for prostaglandins in down regulation. The desensitization treatment resulted in a time-dependent decrease in subsequent responsiveness of the tissue to luteinizing hormone. Basal progesterone production rate was also decreased following desensitization. Total tissue cholesterol was found to be decreased following desensitization treatment, without any change in the ratio of free to esterified cholesterol. Mitochondrial cholesterol was significantly reduced and pregnenolone production by the mitochondria of desensitized corpora lutea was also markedly reduced. However, when cholesterol was added to the mitochondria of desensitized corpora lutea, pregnenolone production was increased, reaching values almost equal to that shown by the control mitochondria. These results show that decrease in the responsiveness following desensitization treatment is due to, besides receptor loss, decrease in tissue cholesterol, in particular mitochondrial cholesterol. The cholesterol side chain cleavage activity, although low, appears to be functionally intact; the low activity could be attributed to low levels of mitochondrial cholesterol.  相似文献   
The role of the hypothalamic tripeptide L-prolyl-L-leucyl-glycinamide (PLG) in modulating the agonist binding to bovine striatal dopamine D2 receptor was investigated using a selective high-affinity agonist, n-propylnorapomorphine (NPA). PLG caused an enhancement in [3H]NPA binding in striatal membranes in a dose-dependent manner, the maximum effect being observed at 10(-7)-10(-6) M concentration of the tripeptide. The Scatchard analysis of [3H]NPA binding to membranes preincubated with 10(-6) M PLG revealed a significant increase in the affinity of the agonist binding sites. In contrast, there was no effect of PLG on the binding pattern of the antagonist [3H]spiroperidol. The antagonist versus agonist competition curves analyzed for agonist high- and low-affinity states of the receptor displayed an increase in the population and affinity of the high-affinity form of the receptor with PLG treatment. The low-affinity sites concomitantly decreased with relatively small change in the affinity for the agonists. Almost similar results were obtained when either NPA or apomorphine was used in the competition experiments. A partial antagonistic effect of PLG on 5'-guanylylimidodiphosphate [Gpp(NH)p]-induced inhibition of high-affinity agonist binding was also observed, as the ratio of high- to low-affinity forms of the receptor was significantly higher in the PLG-treated membranes compared to the controls. Direct [3H]NPA binding experiments demonstrated that PLG attenuated the Gpp(NH)p-induced inhibition of agonist binding by increasing the EC50 of the nucleotide (concentration that inhibits 50% of the specific binding). No effect of PLG on high-affinity [3H]NPA binding, however, could be observed when the striatal membranes were preincubated with Gpp(NH)p.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Prolyl 4-hydroxylase, a key enzyme in collagen biosynthesis, catalyzes the conversion of selected prolyl residues to trans-hydroxyproline in nascent or completed pro-alpha chains of procollagen. The enzyme is a tetramer composed of two nonidentical subunits, designated alpha and beta. To compare the enzyme and its subunits from different sources, the chick embryo and human placental prolyl 4-hydroxylases were purified to homogeneity and their physicochemical and immunological properties were determined. Both enzymes were glycoproteins with estimated apparent molecular weights ranging between 400 and 600 kDa. Amino acid and carbohydrate analyses showed slight differences between the two holomeric enzymes, consistent with their deduced amino acid sequences from their respective cDNAs. Human placental prolyl 4-hydroxylase contained more tightly bound iron than the chick embryo enzyme. Immunodiffusion of the human placental enzyme with antibodies raised against the purified chick embryo prolyl 4-hydroxylase demonstrated partial identity, indicating different antigenic determinants in their tertiary structures. The enzymes could be separated by high-resolution capillary electrophoresis, indicating differential charge densities for the native chick embryo and human placental proteins. Electrophoretic studies revealed that the human prolyl 4-hydroxylase is a tetrameric enzyme containing two nonidentical subunits of about 64 and 62 kDa, in a ratio of approximately 1 to 2, designated alpha and beta, respectively. In contrast, the chick embryo alpha and beta subunit ratio was 1 to 1. Notably, the human alpha subunit was partially degraded when subjected to electrophoresis under denaturing conditions. Analogously, when the chick embryo enzyme was subjected to limited proteolysis, selective degradation of the alpha subunit was observed. Finally, only the alpha subunit was bound to Concanavalin A demonstrating that the alpha subunits of prolyl 4-hydroxylase in both species were glycosylated. Using biochemical techniques, these results demonstrated that the 4-trans-hydroxy-L-proline residues in human placental collagens are synthesized by an enzyme whose primary structure and immunological properties differ from those of the previously well-characterized chick embryo enzyme, consistent with their recently deduced primary structures from cDNA sequences.  相似文献   
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